Journey to the witch world

Chapter 992 Pyramid

"here it is?"

Enzo looked around with a trace of doubt on his face. Since the portal was opened by Myrcella, he didn't know where he was back.

"Central Stigma Continent!"

Myrcella looked at the pyramid in the distance and said: "That was a building on the Paradise Mountain in ancient times. Later, after the battle between the gods and the ancestor Ohikas, it also fell into pieces."

"A remnant from ancient times?"

Enzo's heart moved. He already knew about the matter in heaven and the ancestor Ohikas when he first joined the Phantom Academy of Crows.

In the wizarding world, anything left over from ancient times is of great value.

The pyramid standing in the desert in the distance looked a bit old and dilapidated, but the aura it exuded moved Enzo even. The runes engraved on the surface seemed to be burning, making people feel close. All will tremble.

"Who is the original owner of this pyramid?" Enzo asked with a thought.

"The Ancient Immortal God!"

Myrcella spoke softly and said, "In ancient times, the Immortal God was known as the master of flames and was the top sixth-level life form."

"It's just that after the battle at Heaven Mountain, the Incombustible God was also killed by the First Ancestor."

"The Flame Supreme Lord obtained this pyramid and practiced here, and finally surpassed the Immortal God and became a seventh-level life form!"

Myrcella said with a hint of reverence in her tone.

"Flame Supreme?"

Enzo's heart moved, and he looked at the pyramid in the distance. Unexpectedly, this was the place where the Flame Supreme once practiced.

In ancient times, there were countless gods who controlled the power of fire.

However, the most powerful existence among them, the Immortal God known as the Lord of All Fires, is the strongest in the power of fire. However, even such an existence was still defeated by Oshikas, the ancestor of the wizards, in the battle of Paradise Mountain. Killed to death.

After the Battle of Paradise Mountain, the civilization of the gods ushered in dusk.

The ancestor of the wizards, Oshikas, incarnated the rules of the world, and then handed over everything left by the gods to the wizard civilization. The Flame Supreme began to pursue his own path, and eventually gradually reached the peak, becoming a powerful existence that surpassed the Immortal God.

The pyramid in front of him gave Flame Supreme a great help on his way to the seventh level.

But now, the owner of this pyramid has become Myrcella. From this point, it can also be seen that the Flame Supreme attaches great importance to Myrcella.

"It turns out that this is the St. Mark Continent in the Central Region!"

Enzo looked around, feeling the rules of heaven and earth, and a hint of complexity appeared on his face. Although he had been on the wizard's journey for hundreds of years, and he had become a fifth-level holy soul wizard, this was the first time he came to China. Domain St. Mark Continent.

This is not only the core of the wizarding world, but also the origin of wizarding civilization.

For all wizards, St. Mark Continent is a holy land, and any official wizard is eager to come to St. Mark Continent to practice.

Because the rules here are the most suitable place for wizards to grow.

Even as a fifth-level holy soul wizard, feeling the breath of St. Mark Continent, Enzo felt a hint of enlightenment in his heart. His previous understanding of the rules seemed to have entered a deeper level, and a silver luster flashed in his eyes. .

Next to her, Myrcella had a smile on her face.

When she first came to St. Mark Continent, she had not yet reached the level of immortality. After feeling the breath of St. Mark Continent, Myrcella was really surprised. She could practice here much faster than in the Northern Continent. .

Myrcella did not disturb Enzo.

In this way, after three days and three nights, Enzo slowly opened his eyes. Just setting foot on the Stigma Continent had benefited him a lot.

"How is it? How do you feel?" Myrcella chuckled.

"very good!"

Enzo nodded, with a sigh on his face, and said, "It is indeed the holy land of wizard civilization and the seat of the Supreme Council!"

"You are now a Holy Soul Wizard!"

Myrcella smiled and said, "If you want to stay in St. Mark Continent, no one can stop you. Even if you want to join the Supreme Council, I can help."

Hearing Myrcella's words, Enzo's heart moved.

Joining the Supreme Council is the dream of every wizard. It is not only an identity, but also represents becoming the ruler of the wizard civilization.

"No need for the moment."

After Enzo pondered for a moment, he finally shook his head. As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, he can apply to join the Supreme Council, and with the help of Myrcella, he should not encounter too many obstacles, but for Enzo today , not yet suitable to join the Supreme Council.

The Third Age is coming to an end, a time of change.

Therefore, Enzo's greatest desire is to break through his own realm and change the identity of the chess pieces. However, if a conqueror wants to be promoted to the sixth level of endless wizard, he must continue to conquer other worlds. If Enzo joins the Supreme Council at this moment, for promotion and Doesn't make much sense.

On the contrary, joining the Supreme Council will bring a lot of responsibilities to Enzo.

That is the responsibility to lead civilization to develop upwards. Even if he is a conqueror wizard, Enzo cannot refuse. It wastes too much time and is not suitable for Enzo's goal of hitting the sixth level.

So he rejected Myrcella.


Myrcella didn't react much, nodded and said, "You are indeed not suitable to join the Supreme Council now, but if you change your mind, you can tell me at any time."

Saying that, Myrcella added, "Now that you have returned to the wizarding world, you should release Instructor Christina and the others, right?"

After hearing Myrcella's words, Enzo remembered that the wizards he had rescued in the abyss were still in their own shadow world.

"Sorry, I almost forgot."

Enzo shook his head and immediately paused the Soul Bone Wand in his hand. The shadows under his feet spread, and hundreds of wizards rushed out of the shadows.

The wizards captured by Crimson Duke Flamy were all under the immortal level.

They were originally sacrifices used by the crimson Duke Flami to satisfy his appetite. If it weren't for the special existence of Christina, they would have been eaten by now.

Therefore, after being captured by the Crimson Duke Flamy, the wizards fell into despair.

But now that they could return to the wizarding world, they suddenly felt that their lives were in danger, and several low-level wizards even knelt down in excitement.

"Still too young!"

Looking at the reactions of many wizards, Enzo shook his head. Some of these low-level wizards have even lived for less than a hundred years. With too little experience, they have not yet gotten rid of mortal thinking and have an unspeakable fear of death.

Perhaps only after reaching the immortal level, these wizards will have a new understanding of life.

"came back!"

Christina walked out of the shadows, feeling the breath of the Stigmata Continent, and a trace of emotion appeared on her face.

As a bloodline of the Flame Supreme, Christina has lived in the Stigma Continent since she was a child.

Therefore, the moment she walked out of the shadow realm, she knew that she had returned to the Stigma Continent in the wizarding world.


At this time, Myrcella walked over and saluted Christina respectfully. Although the strength gap between the two parties had changed, Myrcella still maintained respect for Christina.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

A complex look appeared on Christina's face. The last time she saw Myrcella was hundreds of years ago.

Ever since Myrcella became the disciple of the Flame Supreme, the relationship between Christina and her master and apprentice has been in name only, because even if she is also a third-level wizard, Myrcella can kill Christina in one move. Later, Myrcella even stepped on it. After entering the immortal level, there is a huge gap in strength between her and Christina.

As a mentor, Christina could no longer teach Myrcella at all.

"Is this the temple left behind by the Immortal God?"

Then, Christina looked at the pyramid emitting blazing light in the distance, with emotion in her eyes.

"When I was young, I heard my father mention it."

A trace of nostalgia appeared on Christina's face, and she said faintly: "In the ancient times, the Immortal God was known as the Lord of All Fires. He was a god who exerted the power of fire to the extreme. Between his strength and the God King, there was only one It’s just a thin line.”

"Later, the ancestor killed him!"

"This temple also fell into the hands of my father. He used the flame as his path and became one of the five supreme beings!"

Looking at the pyramid in the distance, Christina looked complicated.

"Teacher, what are your plans next?" At this time, Myrcella suddenly asked.

"Not sure yet."

Christina hesitated and said with a wry smile: "I went to the abyss world before, originally intending to seek a breakthrough through fighting."

"But who knew that it would end up in the hands of those demon lords."

"If you and Enzo hadn't appeared in time, I might have really died this time!"

Hearing Christina's words, Myrcella's heart moved.

"Is the instructor trying to reach the fourth level?"

Myrcella asked.

"Yes, I do have this idea."

Christina looked calm and said softly, "I have been trapped in the realm of a third-level wizard for thousands of years. Now, there is not much time left for me."

"Unfortunately, with my talent, it's not easy to break through!"

A rare trace of sadness flashed through Christina's eyes. As a bloodline of the Flame Supreme, she should have had a princess-like status in the wizarding world.

However, due to her talent, Christina was not taken seriously.

In the Middle Stigma Continent, among the wizards above the immortal level, almost no one would look up to Christina because she is the bloodline of the Flame Supreme. On the path of a wizard, there are insurmountable barriers between different levels.

Being an apprentice means not breaking away from the ordinary.

Only by being promoted to a formal wizard can one be called a transcendent being. Once this step is taken, the status will be significantly improved.

And advancing to the immortal realm is a new level.

In the multiverse, there are often concepts of these three levels, ordinary, extraordinary, and immortal.

With Christina's talent and the blessing of Flame Supreme's bloodline, it is almost easy to enter the extraordinary realm.

However, it is not that easy to be promoted to immortality.

In the multiverse, life forms of the fourth level and above are called immortal levels. The number is simply countless, but this does not mean that it is easy to become an immortal. On the contrary, every immortal level life form has been tempered countless times. Only successfully promoted.

And in the multiverse, there has always been such a law.

Even in a powerful race, the growth limit under normal circumstances is only a third-level life form. If you want to break through the fourth level, you still have to find an opportunity.

Just like the Titan Clan and the Dragon Clan.

These two races enjoy unique advantages in the multiverse. Every pure-blooded dragon and titan, as soon as they are born, will reach the extraordinary state. When they enter adulthood, they can reach the third level of life form, but if they want to be promoted Level 4 requires your own efforts.

Instead, it’s humans.

Although today's wizard civilization is already the most powerful existence in the multiverse, humans themselves have always been weak creatures. They have been weak since their birth. Even if they want to become extraordinary, they need to go through some ups and downs.

From this point of view, the dragons and titans are much stronger than humans.

However, the strength of human beings lies in their ability to grow, even if they start small, they eventually have the opportunity to grow into something huge.

If you want to advance from the extraordinary to the immortal level, you can only rely on yourself.

Any external help is meaningless. The accumulation of resources can only increase some probability at most, but cannot 100% promote immortality.

Therefore, if Christina wants to become immortal, she must rely on her own strength.

In this regard, the wizarding world is very fair and will not grant you special treatment just because you have noble blood.

In place, a complex look flashed in Christina's eyes.

It has been thousands of years since she embarked on the wizard's journey. Her talent was not good and she wasted a lot of time on other things. Therefore, today, Christina's life is about to come to an end, and she has only one life left at most. Just over a hundred years.

For wizards, hundreds of years pass by in a blink of an eye.

If Christina cannot seize this last opportunity and be promoted to a fourth-level life form, death will be waiting for her after all.

Christina will no longer exist in the world.

"If Teacher Christina wants to reach the fourth level, she might as well stay here."

At this time, Myrcella spoke again, looking at the pyramid, and said softly: "This pyramid is the temple of the Immortal God. Any wizard who takes the path of fire attribute can practice here with half the effort. It can be said that the entire There is no other place in the multiverse that is more suitable for you."

Christina's heart moved.

The temple left by the Immortal God is indeed a suitable place for her to practice. It is with the help of the pyramid temple that Myrcella has been promoted one after another in such a short period of time and has become the fifth-level being she is today. body.

Of course, Myrcella did not know that she relied on the temple.

Since she understood the Blazing Sun Furnace, one of the five supreme meditation methods, she has become the subordinate of the Flame Supreme, so she does not need to worry about resources at all.

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