Journey to the witch world

Chapter 991 The Supreme Power

"long time no see!"

A sigh appeared on Enzo's face. Myrcella's appearance surprised him, but it also seemed to be a reasonable thing.

Christina is the bloodline of the Flame Supreme.

But in the wizarding world, there are almost countless wizards with the blood of the Flame Supreme. Christina is only a third-level wizard. Even if she asks the Supreme Council for help, there may not be a sixth-level wizard to respond to her.

However, Christina also has another identity.

That was Myrcella's mentor. The two had established a master-disciple relationship as early as when they were at the Phantom Academy of Crows in the Northern Continent. Therefore, after sensing Christina's signal for help, Myrcella came to Abyss 850. Seven levels of the world.

In the sky, the Flame Gate has disappeared.

A smile appeared on Myrcella's face, and then she looked at Gomora, the King of Night Demons, with a glint of eagerness flashing in her eyes.

"Hmph! Another Holy Soul Wizard?"

Gomora, the King of Night Demons, also looked at Christina and sneered, "What? Are all the endless wizards in the wizarding world dead?"

"Since you dare to come to the abyss world, don't even think about going back alive."

"You two, come on together!"

Gomora, the King of Night Demons, had an arrogant expression on his face. For him, as long as the one who came to the abyss was not a sixth-level endless wizard, he didn't have much to fear.

After all, even Christina has a level gap with him.

After hearing the words of the Night Demon King, Enzo looked at Myrcella. The confrontation with the Night Demon King just now made him understand the strength of the opponent. If he joins forces with Myrcella, the two may not be able to survive in the Abyss 850. The Seventeenth World completely killed it.

But defeating the opponent should not be a problem.

After all, although Myrcella is a fifth-level holy soul wizard, she is also a member of the Supreme Council, and her combat effectiveness may not be weaker than hers.

"No need."

Feeling Enzo's gaze in the air, Myrcela shook her head and said proudly, "You can rest aside for now, I'll meet him!"

There was full confidence in his tone.

Enzo raised his brows, then nodded, turning into a shadow and disappearing in place. Although he still doesn't know what Myrcella's strength is, since the opponent can be so favored by the Flame Supreme, then he must not be too strong. weak.

The next moment, Enzo came to a cave.

"Phantom Crow!"

He whispered the syllables in his mouth, and a black vortex immediately appeared in front of him, and the scene outside also appeared in front of him.

Leaving a phantom raven outside as an eye allows Enzo to see the entire process of Myrcella's battle with the Night Stalker King.

Although Myrcela acted confident, Enzo still planned to be cautious.

After all, if Myrcella loses to the Night Demon King Gomora and falls into danger, Enzo can rush over to support her immediately.

Then, Enzo sat cross-legged on the ground.

He raised his arm, and there was a red mark on it. The crimson Duke Flami and the Blood River were both sealed here by Enzo.

In a sense, this red mark is also equivalent to a curse.

The sealed crimson Duke Flammy tried his best to resist Enzo's seal. The other party used the rules of the abyss world to keep Enzo here.

What Enzo has to do is strengthen the seal on his arm.

Only by letting the crimson Duke Flami be completely trapped in the seal can Enzo return to the wizarding world and consider what will happen next.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

It has been hundreds of years since he embarked on the wizard's journey. Enzo has been majoring in the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits and has long been proficient in the ability of sealing. Although the crimson Duke Flami is cunning, he still has difficulty breaking free of the Thousand Phantoms seal set by Enzo. .

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Enzo began to suppress the curse in his body.

"About three hours or so."

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. According to his inference, it would take at least three hours to completely suppress the curse of Crimson Duke Flami. For Enzo, this seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. things.

However, this moment is different.

Enzo is now in the world on the 857th level of the abyss. Gomora, the King of Night Demons, is watching covetously outside. The other party will not give Enzo a chance for three hours.

Fortunately, Myrcella arrived in time.

"May Myrcella last three hours!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. As long as Myrcela persists for three hours, the power of the curse in his body will be suppressed.

At that time, Enzo will no longer be bound by the power of the curse.

It will be easy for him to leave the abyss world. Even if the two holy souls join forces, they will not be able to defeat the Night Demon King, but there will not be any danger.

Three hours later.

Enzo's crisis will be completely over, and the situation will become one where you can advance and attack, and retreat and defend!

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated and suppressed the power of the curse in his body as much as possible, but his consciousness was always paying attention to the outside world.

Meanwhile, outside.

As the power of Gomora, the King of Night Demons, erupted, the outside world had plunged into darkness, but Myrcella appeared in mid-air, dazzling like a ball of sun.

"The Blazing Sun Furnace!"

In mid-air, Myrcella whispered syllables in her mouth, and her whole body emitted fiery light, as if the world was ignited in an instant.

The next moment, the world that had been shrouded in the long night once again welcomed the light.

"Damn it! How is that possible?"

Feeling the aura emanating from Myrcella, an incredible expression suddenly appeared on the face of the Night Demon King Gomora.


The Night Demon King Gomora, who was illuminated by the light, made a tingling sound on his body, and his black skin seemed to be burned.


Suddenly, the Night Demon King let out a shrill scream and fell from the air.

The corners of Myrcella's lips raised a bit, but she didn't give up. Her whole body glowed with fiery red light, and she raised her hand to condense a huge fireball.

The fireball was as hot as a furnace and had a size comparable to a hill.


Myrcella locked the target on the Night Demon King, then waved her hand and threw the fireball. The blazing light went straight towards the Night Demon King and killed her. The terrifying aura made even the sixth-level life forms feel an inexplicable fear. fear.

Immediately, Gomora, the King of Night Demons, fled in panic.

However, as if the fireball had life, it headed straight for Gomora, the King of Night Demons. Even though the other party had escaped to the edge of the 857th layer of the abyss, it was still difficult to escape the pursuit of the fireball. The moment it touched, it let out a shrill scream.

"So strong?"

In the cave, Enzo, who witnessed the confrontation between Myrcella and the Night Demon King, had a look of astonishment on his face.

It’s only been a few hundred years since we last met, and Myrcella’s strength has completely changed.

It is not the first time that a fifth-level life form challenges a sixth-level life form in the multiverse. However, as soon as Myrcella took action, it formed a form that can be called suppressive. Enzo was a little unexpected. Night Demon King Gomora seemed to have no power to fight back.

In the cave, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

He once again thought about the fateful child of the wizarding world. Myrcella, who was favored by the Flame Supreme, showed some terrifying strength. He expected that the fallen wizard king, who was known as the number one genius in the history of the wizarding world, would also It may not be that strong.


Outside, the Night Demon King was hit by the fireball, and his whole body was burned to black. However, he quickly broke away from the flames, and his black eyes flashed with anger.

"I want to tear you apart!!"

Gomora, the King of Night Demons, let out a roar, and his originally short figure suddenly became huge. In just a moment, he turned into an extremely huge monster.

"Is this the true body?"

In the cave, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Although Grammo, the king of night demons, is not a powerful existence among the sixth-level life forms, he is one of the ancient beings in the abyss anyway and has many forms. .

When fighting Enzo before, the Night Demon King did not use his true form.

Because if the body form is used, it will also be a great consumption for the Night Demon King. Therefore, the Night Demon King is not willing to use it easily unless it is a last resort. But now, after seeing the powerful strength of Myrcella , the Night Demon King also knew that he had to go all out.

Otherwise, he will have a record of being challenged for the fourth time.

In fact, Myrcella brought a strong sense of crisis to the Night Demon King, as if the opponent had the ability to kill him. This was a feeling that none of the previous three challengers had experienced.

In mid-air, Myrcella's eyes flickered.

Gomora, the King of Night Demons, fights with her own body. For her, she can feel her own power better, so Myrcella's eyes flashed with a fiery luster.

"bring it on!"

Myrcella shouted low, and the red wand in her hand burned, as if the power from the top of the universe descended on the 857th layer of the abyss.

"This breath?"

In the cave, Enzo raised his brows, and a trace of thought appeared on his face. No wonder the Supreme Council allowed Myrcella, who was suspected to be the child of destiny, to appear in the abyss world.

It turns out that the high-level artifact-level wand carries the power of the Flame Supreme.

Relying on the blessing of that magic wand, Myrcella can use the power of the Flame Supreme, even if she faces a seventh-level life form, she can escape even if she is defeated.

"Could it be that...she is really the child of destiny?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a thought appeared in his heart.

As one of the five supreme beings in the wizarding world, the Flame Supreme carries the responsibility of representing the prosperity of wizarding civilization. However, such a being devoted his heart to Myrcella, not only accepting her as a disciple, but also bestowing the high-level artifact magic wand.

All kinds of actions have proved that the Flame Supreme attaches great importance to Myrcella.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

Regardless of whether Myrcella is the Child of Destiny or a big shot like the Flame Supreme, what kind of arrangement he has is something that Enzo cannot interfere with now.

Therefore, the most important thing for Enzo now is to break through to the fifth level as soon as possible.

Perhaps only by being promoted to a sixth-level life form can Enzo have a place in the multiverse and get rid of his identity as a chess piece.

In the cave, Enzo took a deep breath.

After seeing Myrcella's strength, he no longer paid attention to the battle outside, and instead spent all his energy on suppressing the curse in his body.

Soon, several hours passed.

When Enzo opened his eyes again, the curse mark on his arm had become very faint, which meant that the crimson Duke Flami had fallen into a deep seal.

Enzo stood up with an idea in his mind.

The outside world has returned to calm, which seems to mean that the confrontation between Myrcella and the Night Demon King has come to an end, and a trace of thought appears on Enzo's face.

Then, he turned into a shadow and disappeared.

In mid-air, the corners of Myrcela's lips raised.

Her face was pale, but her eyes were full of fighting spirit. She looked around the ground below, seemingly searching for traces of the Night Demon King.

At this time, the world on the 857th level of the abyss seemed to have turned into a mess.

The battle between Myrcella and the Night Demon King devastated the earth. Countless low-level demons were affected by the battle and died. The burning flames turned into volcanoes. As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Myrcella is powerful enough to change the world's environment.

"How? How?"

Enzo appeared next to Myrcella and asked.

"Let him escape."

Myrcella shook her head, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes, and she said faintly, "What a pity, I don't have the power of Lord Flame Supreme."

"Otherwise, I can completely kill him even in the abyss world."

Hearing Myrcella's words, Enzo had a strange look on his face.

Gomora, the King of Night Demons, is the oldest existence in the abyss world. When he participated in the war between gods and demons, the wizarding civilization was not even born. Even the ancestor Oshikas may be just a mortal. Even if he challenged the Night Demon King, he failed to kill him.

However, Myrcella has such ambitions.

"Forget it, let him live a little longer."

In mid-air, Myrcella shook her head, and then said, "Anyway, when the Supreme Council conquers the abyss world, all the demons will have nowhere to hide."

Hearing Myrcella's words, Enzo's heart moved.

The news that the Third Era is coming to an end is no longer a secret in the multiverse, and the wizarding world's frequent actions are all in preparation for the plan to conquer the universe.

"How are you doing?"

At this time, Myrcella asked, "Can you leave?"

"Sure, No problem."

Enzo nodded. The power of the curse in his body had been sealed, so he was no longer bound.


Myrcella waved her hand, and the Flame Gate appeared. As long as the two of them crossed it, they could leave the abyss world and return to the wizarding world.

"Let's go."

Enzo said, and stepped into the Gate of Fire with Myrcella. The two appeared in a desert, and a huge pyramid palace appeared in the distance.

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Enzo knew that he had returned to the wizarding world.

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