Journey to the witch world

Chapter 983 Blood Sacrifice

In place, Enzo's expression remained unchanged.

The chains turned into blood mist around him hit him, but his eyes flickered slightly, as if there was a ball of flame burning in his eyes.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and the blazing flames spread from the whole body. In just a moment, all the blood mist chains were burned into ashes.

Above the castle, Crimson Duke Flammy laughed ferociously.


Then, he waved his blood-red robe, and countless blood bats attacked Enzo one after another. All methods were very similar to those of the vampire clan.

"It seems that my guess was correct."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Judging from the appearance of Crimson Duke Flami, it seemed that the other party had absorbed the power left by the ancestor of the vampire, so he could survive in the Abyss 850. The seven-layer world is rising rapidly.

Immediately, Enzo also waved his sleeves.

From his black cuffs, there seemed to be another world. Countless crows rushed out like a black torrent, and fiercely clashed with the blood bats summoned by the crimson Duke Flami, making a crackling sound. .

"Blood hell!"

Crimson Duke Flammy seemed to have noticed Enzo's strength, a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and then he slammed his hands on the ground.


On the ground in the center of the City of Blood, blood surged from all directions, as if it had turned into a rushing river.

In an instant, blood-red liquid filled Enzo's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, from the blood river, a giant made entirely of blood slowly stood up and appeared in front of Enzo.

The next moment, the blood giant waved his giant hand and attacked.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and with a thought in his mind, he threw out a green seed with his hand, fell into the bloody river, and quickly took root and sprouted.

Soon, a green tree grew out of the bloody river.

In just a few seconds, the green tree had grown into a towering giant, almost occupying two streets of Blood City.

The giant tree was as tall as a tower.

On the thick main trunk, a human-like face appeared, and blood-red vines hung down from the top of the head, forming a huge umbrella.


The giant tree opened its eyes, its red eyes filled with desire for blood. Facing the blood giant not far away, it rushed forward.

In place, a trace of thinking appeared on Enzo's face.

The giant tree man is a creature created by relying on the power of the heart of the forest world. However, at the same time, the reason why it can grow is because it swallowed the power of the crimson Duke Flami. Therefore, although the giant tree is controlled by Enzo , but the desire for blood is very strong.


The two behemoths quickly impacted everything. The violent impact seemed to shake the entire Blood City. The crimson Duke Flami on top of the castle flashed a trace of scarlet in his eyes, and then suddenly opened his arms. .

He saw huge bloody wings spread directly behind him.

"The power of the ancestor of vampires!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he once again confirmed in his heart that the crimson Duke Flammy was displaying the power of the ancestor of vampires at this moment.

"Wizard, I will drain your blood!"

Flammy spread his wings and guessed that in mid-air, there seemed to be thousands of threads coming from behind him, covering the entire Blood City in an instant.

"Blood Slaughterhouse!"

Crimson Duke Flami said loudly. At the same time, the thousands of blood-red threads seemed to begin to shrink in an instant. In an instant, the entire Blood City seemed to be horribly divided, and a large number of demons transformed. Make puddles of flesh and blood.

The screams were endless.

At this time, the City of Blood has become like a hell. Enzo stood there unmoved, as if he was not affected by anything. A cold expression appeared on his face, and then his body turned into thousands of illusions. The crows flew away.

Those blood-red threads are obviously the ultimate move of Crimson Duke Flammy.

Therefore, Enzo was unwilling to resist forcefully. Using the ability of Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits to transform into thousands of crows to avoid attacks was obviously the best way.


In mid-air, countless crows gathered in one direction, eventually taking the form of Enzo, and then a flash of coldness flashed in the eyes of Crimson Duke Flami, and the blood-red threads immediately struck like gangrene attached to the bones.


In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly. Facing the frequent attacks of Crimson Duke Flami, he was no longer willing to passively defend.

"The power of fire!"

Immediately, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the power from the three realms of flames attacked the crimson Duke Flami at this moment.


The sky seemed to be torn apart, and huge fireballs, like suns, roared and hit the crimson Duke Flami.

Above the castle, Flammy laughed ferociously.

Then he waved his arms, and in the Blood City, demons turned into blood mist and exploded, then formed bloody arrows and flew towards the sky.

In an instant, all the fireballs were penetrated by bloody arrows.

"Sure enough, he is even stronger than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. After just a brief confrontation, the impression left by the crimson Duke Flami on Enzo was stronger than that of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Obviously, the other party was absorbing the power left by the ancestor of the vampire. Later, it has become very powerful.

However, today's Enzo is no longer what he used to be.

He has the power of eighteen world hearts under his command. Even in the abyss world, Enzo, as a conqueror wizard, can still exert more than 80% of his strength.

"Heart of the Forest!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth. Instead of passively defending, it was better to take the initiative. He immediately used the power of the heart of the forest world.

But I saw vines growing out of the ground.

Like countless green poisonous snakes, all the vines headed towards the crimson Duke Flami, but before they could get close to Flami, they were corroded into ashes by the bloody aura emanating from him, and then disappeared. without a trace.

In place, a hint of coldness appeared on Enzo's face.

The strength of Crimson Duke Flammy was brought to the extreme in the world of the 857th level of the abyss. The opponent absorbed the power left by the ancestor of the vampire. Although he has not been promoted to the sixth level, it does not seem to be much worse than him.

"Is this the limit of a fifth-level life form?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The strength displayed by Crimson Duke Flami at this moment was almost the strongest among the fifth levels Enzo had ever seen.

Even, a bit stronger than Wizard Calvin.

However, the opponent's state is very unstable, as if it may collapse at any time, so during the battle, Enzo can also feel Flami's deliberate suppression.

"It's really not easy to fully control a power that doesn't belong to you!"

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Enzo's face. Although Crimson Duke Flami was lucky enough to obtain the power left by the vampire ancestor, that power did not belong to him after all.

Therefore, at this moment, the crimson Duke Flami has great power but cannot fully use it.

It is this situation that gives Enzo an opportunity. Otherwise, if the Crimson Duke Flammy can really exert the full strength of the ancestor of vampires, then Enzo will never have a chance to fight with him here. .


Above the castle, the crimson Duke Flammy seemed to feel Enzo's ridicule, and a ferocious expression appeared on his face, saying: "If you have anything else, just use it."

"In the abyss world, I am the real ruler!"

As he spoke, Crimson Duke Flami waved his robe, and the blood spread like a river, rushing around.


The scarlet blood turned into a variety of strange creatures, gathering towards Enzo, and the terrifying momentum was overwhelming.

However, Enzo remained calm.

As a Holy Soul Wizard with eighteen worlds, Enzo has not yet used his full strength at this time, but it is not something that Crimson Duke Flami can easily deal with.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and once again used the power of the Three Realms of Fire. The endless blazing flames were like the bursting sun's rays.

Suddenly, a billowing heat wave spread towards the surroundings.

The blood creatures attacking around him turned into ashes and disappeared. Enzo raised his head and looked at the crimson Duke Flami above the castle.

The next moment, he threw out the soul bone wand in his hand.

The wand, which was a mid-grade artifact, immediately turned into a huge skull and headed straight for the crimson Duke Flami.

At the same time, Enzo's eyes flashed with luster.

But on top of the black skull, flames were burning, and the skull, which carried the power of the three realms of fire, seemed to become more powerful.


The black skull burning with flames seemed to turn into a furnace and headed straight towards the crimson Duke Flami.

"Weapon of God?"

On the castle, Crimson Duke Flami frowned slightly, looking at the huge skull attacking not far away, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, as a fifth-level demon lord of the abyss, he also knows the power of the soul bone wand.

Faced with this level of attack, Crimson Duke Flami did not dare to be careless, so he waved his arms and a bloody tornado rolled up in front of him.

The next moment, a bloody tornado swept forward.

The collision of the two forces erupted with terrifying power, but the skull with the power of the three realms of fire seemed to be stronger.

"Damn it!"

Crimson Duke Flami's face changed slightly, and then he immediately spread his arms, spread his huge wings, and flew into the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a huge skull burning with flames bombarded the Castle of Blood, and the huge castle suddenly turned into ruins.

"Wizard, how dare you!"

Above the sky, looking at the castle that had been reduced to ruins, a furious expression appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flammy.

Enzo remained expressionless.

He completely ignored the anger of Crimson Duke Flami. The two sides were unrelenting enemies and there was no possibility of compromise.

As the newest fifth-level lord in the world on the 857th floor of the abyss.

Crimson Duke Flammy, unlike the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, has a strong background, so the three worlds he captured from the territory of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas are all his planes, so naturally they cannot be in vain. Leave it to Enzo.

On the contrary, Enzo is almost certain to win those three worlds.

The Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas was originally killed by Enzo. In Enzo's heart, those three planes should also be his spoils.

The inevitable contradiction between the two also creates unavoidable conflicts.

"Be controlled by blood!"

Crimson Duke Flami let out a wanton laugh, then suddenly opened his wings and flew towards the sky like an extremely huge bat.

Arriving at the top of the Blood City, Crimson Duke Flammy opened his arms.

The entire city was trampled under his feet, and he spent countless resources and energy to create the Abyss Demonic Array.

Suddenly, scarlet light enveloped the earth.

"This breath?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and seemed to have noticed something unusual. The crimson Duke Flami seemed to be planning to use special means to deal with him.

Immediately, a dignified look flashed in Enzo's eyes.

The next moment, there was a burst of explosions all around.

Bang bang bang!

Enzo's eyes flashed and he immediately looked around, only to see that all the natives and demons in the entire City of Blood turned into blood mist and exploded.

Just like a large-scale sacrifice, the entire city turned into a battlefield of flesh and blood.

The blood-red mist that filled the surroundings seemed to have a strong curse, which was the resentment generated by the ancestor of the vampire after his death.

"The demons in the abyss world are indeed a bunch of lunatics."

Enzo shook his head, a hint of coldness appeared on his face. The behavior of Crimson Duke Flami seemed to be to deal with him, and he had decided to sacrifice the entire Blood City.

You must know that in the world of the 857th layer of the abyss, the City of Blood is the foundation of Crimson Duke Flami.

Almost all the strong men of the dependent races under his command are in the City of Blood. Even in the battle just now, Flami did not summon them.

However, now.

The brief confrontation between Crimson Duke Flami and Enzo made him understand that the wizard in front of him was powerful and that he was at the same level as himself. Therefore, he decisively used all his power, even at the cost of the entire Blood City.

Now, all the creatures in the Blood City have exploded.

The endless blood mist has become the power controlled by Crimson Duke Flami, and he seems to be the master in this blood mist.

In place, a trace of thinking appeared on Enzo's face.

In the world of wizards, there are similar methods of sacrifice. For example, in the Scarlet World, thirteen wizards of all spirits sacrificed themselves to help Enzo increase his strength to deal with Ms. Yue, but that time But it was thirteen wizards of all spirits who volunteered.

But now, the demons in Blood City are being forcibly sacrificed.

Perhaps after these demons came to Blood City, they were cursed by Crimson Duke Flami using special means. Therefore, the entire Blood City became a special weapon for Crimson Duke Flami. It can be used at any time when facing strong enemies.

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