Journey to the witch world

Chapter 982 Christina

"When the flames consume the abyss, you will all be reduced to ashes!"

Being imprisoned in the cage, Christina looked extremely embarrassed, but her eyes seemed to be burning with angry flames.

That unyielding will is moving.


When the Crimson Duke heard Christina's curse, his eyes flashed with blood-eating luster, and he said disapprovingly, "That's right, witch!"

"But it's a pity that no matter what the future holds, you won't be able to witness it!"

"I will devour everything about you, no matter soul or body, there will be no trace left!"

While speaking, Crimson Duke Flamy stretched out his hand again.

Invisible blood mist surged towards Christina, but the metal cage shattered into pieces in just an instant.

The next moment, Christina groaned.

As a third-level wizard, she was unable to resist the power of Crimson Duke Flami, just like a bird caught by a giant.

"Even if I die, I will not give in to you!"

Christina's eyes were red, and there seemed to be endless anger in her eyes, and her whole body was radiating an extremely hot light.

At this moment, Christina was ready to die.

All her magic power and soul origin are about to burst out. Although it may not have any impact on the Crimson Duke Flami, it is already her last light.

Above the castle, Flami had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

He seemed to enjoy this feeling, catching the prey in the palm of his hand and watching the other party struggle feebly but unable to change his fate.

The once weak Flammy had also experienced this kind of scene.

Facing the oppression of the powerful demon, he could only choose to kneel down and surrender. But now, seeing Christina's unyielding attitude made him feel a little disgusted.

"Kneel down and surrender, maybe I will give you a chance of life!" Flami said quietly.

Naturally, he couldn't let Christina go, he just wanted to play with this unyielding soul before she died.

Just like a cat catching a mouse.


Christina's eyes were bleeding, but a ferocious expression appeared on her face, and she roared, "I am a descendant of the great Supreme Wizard, and I will never surrender to the abyss!"

"Stop daydreaming, ugly bug!"

"When the light of the Flame Lord covers the abyss, you will all turn into ashes..."

Christina's roar before she died completely made Flami angry. He couldn't help but let out a scream and waved his blood-red robe.

In an instant, countless blood-red bats flew out.

Hundreds of bats surrounded Christina, as if they were choosing people to devour, waiting to eat away at Christina's flesh and blood.

"It's a pity that I can't see you for the last time."

Christina looked pale, with a trace of bitterness in her heart, and said, "I hope my soul can return to the wizarding world, Froslai!"

While speaking, Christina closed her eyes.

However, just when she gave up her resistance and was about to accept her fate, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the sky, breaking the shackles of the crimson Duke Flami.


The next moment, the black shadows flickered like light, and the blood bats summoned by the crimson Duke Flami fell from the sky one after another, exploding into clouds of blood mist.

And Christina was also taken to the top of a building.

"what happened?"

Christina's heart skipped a beat, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a figure with a mask on her face, standing in front of her.

Crows circled around the opponent.


Christina's eyes widened, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes. As one of the three deans of the Academy of Phantom Crows, she was naturally very familiar with the Academy's supreme book, Phantom Crows, Thousand Spirits, so she saw the person next to Enzo. When he was a crow, he instinctively thought that the other party was Froslai.

And deep in Christina's heart, Froslai is also the person most likely to save her.

Compared to her father, Flame Supreme, Christina and Froslai have a deeper relationship. Although the two are not yet partners, they are inseparable.

"Sorry, I'm not Froslay."

Enzo shook his head and took off the mask on his face, revealing his appearance.

A trace of doubt flashed in Christina's eyes, and she hesitated to speak. She felt that the person in front of her was familiar, but she didn't know his name.

After all, the two haven't seen each other for hundreds of years.

Since the expedition to the forest world came to an end, Enzo has been involved in the war ghost world, and at that time, Christina also went to the Central Stigma Continent to practice, so everything about Enzo has long been very blurry.

"You don't know me anymore, do you?"

Enzo smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "That's really sad."

"You are?" Christina hesitated.

"I am Enzo, a former apprentice of the Phantom Academy of Crows."

Enzo spoke softly and said, "In the battle for the coordinates of the three major organizations in the Dark Polar Region, I also fought for the coordinates of the Forest World for the academy."

"It's you!?"

Christina cried out loudly, and then she recalled in her mind that Enzo once captured the coordinates for the forest world in the coordinate battle.

The other party and Myrcella entered Crow Phantom Academy in the same batch.

In the battle for the coordinates, Enzo, who had been unknown until now, showed his astonishing strength and became a man of the hour in the academy.

"It turns out that you are already so strong."

A strange look appeared on Christina's face. She never expected that the little apprentice now had strength beyond her own.

Even to the point of crushing his own realm.

"Another wizard sent to death?"

At the same time, above the Bloody Castle, the crimson Duke Flami also noticed Enzo. He spread his arms, and his huge wings spread out. The endless crimson light seemed to cover the entire world at this moment. shrouded.

Flammy, who is also a fifth-level life form and the Crimson Duke, can naturally feel Enzo's strength.

Therefore, he did not dare to be too careless and expanded his territory, intending to use his best condition to deal with Enzo.

"Damn it!"

At this time, Christina's face changed slightly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Although you have become stronger now, there should still be a big gap between you and this demon. It's better to leave quickly."

For Christina, the Crimson Duke’s strength is terrifying.

Although she is a bloodline of the Flame Supreme and has seen many strong men in her life, the strength of Crimson Duke Flami is still among the best.

"Your Excellency Christina, please take a rest first."

Enzo's expression was calm. He was here for the Crimson Duke Flami, so naturally he couldn't leave easily.

While speaking, Enzo waved his hand.

The shadow condensed into a door, and he pushed Christina directly in, intending to face the crimson Duke Flami alone.

After all, Christina is only a third-level wizard.

Her strength is not enough to face the war between two fifth-level powerhouses. Staying here will not only not be helpful, but will also become a drag on Enzo.


Cristina was also a decisive person. Knowing that she could not help Enzo, she nodded and temporarily hid in the shadow space.

Then, in the City of Blood, Enzo and the Crimson Duke confronted each other in the air.

"Come on, wizard!"

Opposite me, the crimson Duke Flammy, with a trace of bloodthirsty flashing in his eyes, said faintly, "Let me see what you are capable of."

While speaking, Flammy waved his arms.

Blood-colored arrows condensed in the air and struck in the direction of Enzo like a heavy rain. Each bloody arrow carried a strong curse. If it was touched by a life below the immortal level, it would be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Will die.

Enzo had no expression on his face, but he still waved his hand.

However, he did not block the attack of the bloody arrows. Instead, he drove a shadow magic power to smash all the carriages on the streets of Blood City, releasing the imprisoned wizards inside. He had been exposed anyway. Naturally, there is no need to worry anymore.

Suddenly, hundreds of carriages exploded.

The wizards who were supposed to be sacrifices to the Crimson Duke were now showing their joy at surviving the disaster. However, the City of Blood was now completely controlled by the Crimson Duke. Even if they were out of control, they did not know where to escape.

After all, these wizards had already been tortured before coming to the City of Blood.

Not only has the magic power in their bodies been exhausted, but what is even more terrifying is the curse imposed on them by the Crimson Duke Flamy. As long as the Crimson Duke is still alive, even if they escape the City of Blood, they may not be able to escape death. .

"Everyone hide first."

Enzo waved his hand, and the shadow seemed to turn into darkness, covering all the wizards, and then threw them into the shadow realm.

Enzo could only deal with the confrontation with the Crimson Duke alone.

Therefore, these wizards staying here will only become a drag. Sending them into the shadow realm is the best choice.

"You want to save them?"

At this time, Crimson Duke Flami seemed to have noticed Enzo's thoughts, and a ferocious expression appeared on his face.

"It's a pity, then I will definitely kill them!"

As he spoke, a bloody scepter appeared in the hand of Crimson Duke Flami.

I saw the scepter in his hand suddenly paused, and the invisible red light spread towards the surroundings of the City of Blood, and the shadow realm seemed to have nowhere to hide.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Unfortunately, the three wizards were found by the Crimson Duke, and they turned into blood mist and exploded, with a sinister expression on Flami's face.

Opposite him, Enzo's face looked gloomy.


Crimson Duke Flami laughed wildly and mocked, "Your wizard civilization is so stupid. To you, these weak wizards are nothing more than a group of inferior creatures. Why should you feel sad about their death?"

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo immediately stopped talking, paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and the shadow realm appeared, spreading towards the entire Blood City.

Suddenly, black and red began to collide fiercely.

After all, the Abyss World is the home court of the Crimson Duke, and the City of Blood itself is the opponent's territory. With the blessing of the two powers, Enzo does not have an advantage, but he is also very skilled in controlling his own power.

As a result, the shadow realm quickly unfolds.

The Crimson Duke stood at the top of the castle, looking down at the earth like a predator. In his field of vision, the wizards who were sacrificed had been hidden by Enzo using the shadow realm, but if he insisted on It is not difficult to find it.


Suddenly, Crimson Duke Flami sneered and said faintly: "Since you want to protect those lower creatures so much, I will give you a chance."

While speaking, the crimson Duke Flami waved his bright red cloak again.

Suddenly, countless blood-condensed arrows seemed to appear in the air, and they shot towards Enzo one after another. At that terrifying speed, it seemed that even the air was being torn apart. Each bloody arrow was carrying The power of Crimson Duke Flammy.

"Twisted Barrier!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the rising energy shield turned into a twisted barrier, blocking the Crimson Duke's blood arrow offensive.

Even as a fifth-level life form, Enzo was not willing to resist the Crimson Duke's attack.

Although the blood arrows are unknown, if they are hit, they will be cursed by the crimson Duke Flami, thus losing part of their combat effectiveness.

"Quick victory!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, he was in the world on the 857th level of the abyss, and the Night Demon King might appear at any time.

Therefore, Enzo must fight quickly to ensure his own safety.

His goal of going to the 857th floor of the abyss this time was mainly for the crimson Duke Flami and the three world coordinates in his body. As for Christina and the wizards, it was an unexpected thing.

Originally, Enzo shouldn't have been exposed so quickly.

When the crimson Duke Flammy enjoys the wizard's sacrifice, he may attack again, which may have a surprising effect.

However, the appearance of Cristina made Enzo change his mind.

In any case, the other party was once an old friend of his. What's more, Christina is not only a descendant of the Flame Supreme, but also Myrcella's mentor. Enzo is both emotional and reasonable, and cannot watch the other party being betrayed by the Crimson Duke. Rami devours.

Fortunately, Enzo is also considered to be an expert and bold person.

Although Crimson Duke Flami is a powerful man who has gained fame in the Abyss World in recent times, Enzo now controls the hearts of eighteen worlds, and his power has already reached an unprecedented peak. Enzo's chances of winning in a battle between the two are obviously even higher. A lot more.

The same is true even in the abyss world.

"Blood Cage!"

On top of the castle, the crimson Duke Flami whispered syllables, and the blood-red cloak behind him danced as if it had life. There were bursts of explosions in the Blood City, but unlucky demons were seen one after another, turning into The blood mist exploded.

Then, the blood mist turned into chains and attacked Enzo.

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