"Scarlet Blood Mirror!"

In mid-air, Crimson Duke Flami whispered a spell in his mouth, and the blood suddenly gathered in the central square of the City of Blood, as if it had turned into a pool of blood.

From the pool of condensed blood, Flamy clones appeared one by one.

At the same time, Flammy laughed ferociously.

"Blood Poison Dragon!"

I saw blood welling up behind him, like a waterfall, and blood-red poisonous dragons were attacking Enzo as if they were alive.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

After the brief confrontation just now, Enzo already had a preliminary understanding of the strength of Crimson Duke Flami.

"Let's use all our strength!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, using the blessing state of the power of the world will cause a great burden on the world under his command.

But under the current circumstances, if Enzo wants a quick victory, he must go all out.

Otherwise, it will definitely not be a good thing for Enzo to delay this battle for too long until the real king of the world on the 857th floor of the abyss comes.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

The power of the eighteen worlds under his command was all blessed on him. With Enzo's hand, the earth was torn apart.

Countless black vines and green branches, as if crazy, broke out of the ground and headed straight for the crimson Duke Flami.

That is the power of the forest world and the ghost wood world.

Having just conquered the four worlds that originally belonged to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, Enzo is not very proficient in using the Ghost Wood World.

But even so, when the power of the ghost wood world and the forest world are used together, they still exert more powerful power.

I saw black vines and green branches emerging from the ground, like venomous snakes, heading straight towards the crimson Duke Flami. The blood-red aura emanating from the other party's body was like an invisible flame, engulfing everything. All burned to ashes.

In mid-air, a trace of pride flashed in the eyes of Crimson Duke Flammy.

"Still not working?"

On the spot, a trace of thinking appeared on Enzo's face. Even with the power of the twin hearts of the ghost wood world and the forest world, it seemed that he still could not pose a threat to the crimson Duke Flami.

Today's Crimson Duke Flamy has absorbed the power of the ancestor of vampires.

Therefore, in this battle, he was not using his own power, but the power left undigested by the vampire ancestor.

"In that case..."

Enzo murmured to himself, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and as he whispered the syllables, a blood moon slowly appeared in the sky.

Living in the world on the 857th level of the abyss, as the demon lord, Crimson Duke Flami has an extremely powerful advantage.

Therefore, if Enzo wants to deal with him, he must use more powerful suppression.

Above the sky, the scarlet moon slowly emerged, and its strange and coquettish aura seemed to envelope the entire 857-layer world of the abyss.

At the same time, Enzo also used the power of the Heart of Dark Water.


Along with the sound of water flowing, large black raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the ground and splashing around. The black rain formed in the Heart of Dark Water was easier to break than the Bloody Red Moon. Produces a restraining effect on Crimson Duke Flamy.

"Next, let's fight!"

The corners of Enzo's lips twitched a bit. This was the first time he had fought an enemy of the same level since he obtained the world under the command of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Therefore, Enzo also wants to try to see how strong he is now.

Black rain poured down from the sky, and a gloomy look appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flami. He could naturally feel the malice that this black rain had on him.

However, what made him even more afraid was the blood moon in the sky.

"God of Blood Moon!"

Crimson Duke Flami's eyes flickered slightly. Even though he was a fifth-level demon lord who had just emerged in the 857th layer of the abyss, he also knew about the Blood Moon God.

That was a sixth-level life form.

Moreover, he is not an ordinary sixth-level lord, but an upper-level being in the sixth-level life form. Compared with it, the Night Demon King on the 857th level of the abyss is just a small role. If the two sides are truly In the confrontation, I am afraid that the Night Demon King will not be able to last ten rounds and will have no choice but to flee.

In her prime, Ms. Yue was more terrifying than the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss.

The other party not only controls the power of the Blood Moon, but can even control the power of the Styx. Although it is only part of it, it is enough to make her a legend.

"Fortunately, it's just the power of the blood moon!"

Looking at the blood moon in the sky, a trace of fear appeared on the face of the crimson Duke Flami. The most powerful means of the blood moon god was not the blood moon, but part of the power of the Styx.

The so-called River Styx is crucial to the Abyss.

That big river spans the entire abyss world, starting from the first level of the abyss to the thousand-level abyss world. The existence of the Styx symbolizes the origin of the devils. Every time the Styx rises and falls, there will be countless demon eggs. washed ashore.

And those hatched from the demon eggs are the demon clan.

"So what if you have the power of the Blood Moon God?"

In mid-air, Crimson Duke Flami suddenly snorted and said with a ferocious smile: "It's just a trivial authority. In this abyss world, I am the real ruler. As for you, you will eventually become my defeated enemy." !”

While speaking, Crimson Duke Flammy raised his arms.

In the blood-red water flowing below, blood arrows rose up, and the next moment, they were heading straight towards Enzo like a heavy rain.


Fierce sounds of breaking through the air were heard one after another, and arrows with cursed power struck from all directions, seemingly cutting off all Enzo's escape routes.

"Steel Gate!"

On the spot, Enzo's expression remained unchanged, and he whispered syllables in his mouth. Suddenly, there was a trembling sound from the earth, but in the ear-splitting roar, gates made of steel slowly rose from the ground, and then turned into protective shields. Blocking around Enzo like a shield.

The arrows formed by the condensed blood hit the steel shield fiercely.

The steel gate formed by the peak power of the aquamarine world blocked all the attacks of Crimson Duke Flami. However, the steel gate was corroded by the blood arrows, and stains appeared, as if it was on the verge of breaking.

"Death! Wizard!"

Below, the crimson Duke Flami laughed ferociously, then waved his arm, and the ball formed by blood was suddenly thrown in the direction of Enzo.


The sphere formed by the power of the blood curse exploded like a fireball the moment it touched the steel gate.

The strong corrosive power seemed to turn into a ball of blood mist.

Even the steel gate melted like ice and snow, and disappeared soon after. However, before a proud smile appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flammy, Enzo's voice struck again.

"Bone Cage!"

In mid-air, the shadow wings behind Enzo trembled slightly, and he whispered syllables in his mouth, but he saw a violent trembling sound coming from the ground.

I saw white bones protruding like thorns in the ground, heading straight towards the crimson Duke Flami like purgatory.

In an instant, thousands of bones penetrated the body!

However, this kind of injury did not cause any harm to the Crimson Duke Flami. He only laughed wantonly twice, and his broken body turned into blood flowing. Then, the Crimson Duke Frammy Lamy regrouped in another area.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

The next moment, endless flames were released from his eyes, locking on the crimson Duke Flami, and then the crimson light suddenly surged away.

In an instant, the flames burned!

Crimson Duke Flami's face changed slightly, and the endless flames devoured his body, constantly eating away at his strength.

"The rain of blood is coming!"

Crimson Duke Flami said coldly, and blood rain suddenly poured down from the sky, extinguishing the flames on his body.

However, at this time, the crimson Duke Flami frowned slightly.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Crimson Duke Flami, and he looked downwards, but could not find Isaac.

The next moment, a shadow flashed across the sky.

"Damn it!"

Crimson Duke Flami's expression changed, and he immediately felt threatened, but saw Enzo holding the Night Curse Spirit Blade, heading straight towards him.

"Trident of Blood!"

Feeling the threat of the Night Curse Spirit Blade, Crimson Duke Flami immediately raised the trident made of blood in his hand and blocked Enzo's offensive.

At the same time, the body of Crimson Duke Flamy also turned into blood.


Only the sound of rushing water was heard, and the figure of Crimson Duke Flami disappeared without a trace.

Enzo frowned slightly, with a hint of vigilance on his face.

Crimson Duke Flami's methods are obviously unpredictable, and even if Enzo wants to deal with him, it will not be easy.

Especially now, the two of them are in the 857th level of the abyss.

This is the home court of Crimson Duke Flammy. The opponent sacrificed the entire Blood City to demons, and their combat effectiveness has reached its peak.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the power of the Eighteen Realms, Enzo is not weaker than the opponent.

In the distance, blood surged on the ground.

The form of Crimson Duke Flami reappeared, with a ferocious expression on his face, and the river of blood under his feet slowly surged.

The next moment, a huge blood snake rose from under his feet.

"Go ahead and eat him!"

Crimson Duke Flami waved his hand and gave orders to the giant blood snake, which immediately pounced in the direction of Enzo.


In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly, and immediately swung the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand, slashing the head of the giant blood snake to the ground.

However, the next moment.

The huge blood snake had its head cut off, and a large amount of blood spurted out from its severed neck. Two more heads soon grew out, grinning at Enzo.

"Regeneration ability?"

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face. In the hundreds of years since he embarked on the wizard's journey, he has seen too many enemies, and countless of them have the ability to regenerate.

Therefore, the giant blood snake is not a strange existence at all to Enzo.

"I want to see how many heads you have!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he waved the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand, and the sharp blade chopped off the heads of the giant blood snakes one by one.


The huge head of the blood snake fell down, and after hitting the ground, it immediately turned into blood and sputtered in all directions, but soon, more heads grew.

In a matter of moments, the giant blood snake had grown more than a hundred heads.

The snake heads bared their teeth and spit out balls of concentrated blood, attacking in Enzo's direction.

However, in mid-air.

The shadow shield that appeared around Enzo helped him block all attacks, and the giant blood snake could not cause any harm to him at all.

For a moment, the two sides seemed to be in a bitter battle.

The attack of the giant blood snake is difficult to break through Enzo's defense, and the blood snake with unlimited growth ability seems to be unable to be killed by Enzo.

"Still not taking the bait?"

In mid-air, an imperceptible luster flashed across Enzo's eyes.

For him, it was easy to deal with the giant blood snake. The reason why he pretended to be fighting hard was just to lure the crimson Duke Flami to take the bait.

On the ground, the crimson Duke Flammy stood there.

Facing the confrontation between Blood Snake and Enzo, he seemed unmoved and stood there quietly until his body exploded.

The next moment, a shadow enveloped Enzo.

The crimson Duke Flammy, who had turned into a giant bat, spread his wings and almost enveloped the entire Blood City. His terrifying aura made people shudder.

However, Enzo was not panicked at all.

Facing the attacking crimson Duke Flammy, he turned around suddenly, swung the Night Curse Spirit Blade instantly, and the power of the curse burst out like a heavy rain.

Suddenly, a scar was scratched on the giant bat's chest.

If it were just physical damage, it would not have any impact on a being like Crimson Duke Flamy. However, the curse power contained in the Night Curse Blade made Crimson Duke Flamy scream in agony. .


Crimson Duke Flammy quickly shrank and returned to his original appearance, roaring angrily, "Wizard, how dare you plot against me!"

In mid-air, a sneer appeared on Enzo's face.

He had long realized that the crimson Duke Flami who had stayed there just now was just a clone whose purpose was to confuse him.

The real crimson Duke Flammy had already quietly come behind Enzo.

The other party suddenly attacked. He was very confident, but he didn't expect that Enzo had already noticed all this.

"Compared with my sensitivity, you are still a little behind."

Enzo's face was expressionless, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes. He raised the Night Curse Spirit Blade again, ready to kill the injured Crimson Duke.

However, at this time.

The bloody giant snake that had a fierce battle with Enzo now had hundreds of heads. The huge snake heads bared their teeth and made a piercing scream. Then they attacked Enzo crazily, seemingly trying to kill him. Enzo thought about it.


In mid-air, a sneer appeared on Enzo's face, and he faintly said: "Now, I don't have time to play with you!"

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