Journey to the witch world

Chapter 981 City of Blood

"The eight hundred and fifty-level world of the abyss!"

On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of sigh appeared on his face. The last time he came to the 857th layer of the abyss was decades ago.

At that time, I was only a fourth-level life form.

But now, he has entered the fifth level and is heading towards the sixth level. Such a speed of promotion is definitely the best in the history of wizard civilization.

In the sky, bloody light fell on the earth.

After the ancestor of the vampire died in this world, the entire world on the 857th floor of the abyss seemed to have plunged into deep red. Everything you could see was red, and even the earth seemed to be infected with blood. I am afraid that mortals are just stunned. Everyone will go crazy here.

However, for a fifth-level holy soul wizard like Enzo, he has seen many big scenes, and there is no psychological burden even if he comes to the abyss alone.

Immediately, Enzo walked straight ahead.

The target of his trip is Crimson Duke Flami, but he cannot directly fight with him, otherwise Crimson Duke will not be able to pose a threat to Enzo, but the real strong man on the 857th floor of the abyss, the Night Demon But not necessarily the king.

Although among the sixth-level life forms, the Night Demon King is not very powerful.

Compared with the Gluttony Demon God and Ms. Yue, the Night Demon King is a minor player. The reason why the opponent can be promoted to the sixth level is entirely dependent on the power of the Eternal Night Demon, but in any case, the opponent is a sixth-level life form. The ruler of the 857th floor of the abyss.

Just for this reason, Enzo cannot be his enemy.

However, Enzo also had his own calculations in mind. It was precisely because the Night Demon King continued to be too strong in the sixth level that he dared to come to the 857th floor of the abyss alone. Even if he really encountered the opponent, Enzo would still have Confidence can escape the whole body.

Of course, in the best case scenario, he can avoid the Night Demon King during this trip to the abyss.

"Chip, bring up the map."

Enzo gave the order in his heart and had already conducted many investigations before heading to the 857th layer of the abyss.

Therefore, Enzo knew that the territory of the Crimson Duke was there.

It was a place called the Crimson Plain. After the rise of the Crimson Duke Flami in that territory, he established the City of Blood as a symbol of his power.

In his mind, the Star Spirit quickly called up the map.

Enzo didn't hesitate much. After learning the specific location, he turned into a shadow and disappeared. In a moment, he arrived at the City of Blood.

In the distance, a huge city appeared in front of us.

Judging from the architectural style, the City of Blood is full of the atmosphere of the abyss. On the scarlet city wall, demon corpses are hanging on it. In the open space in front of the City of Blood, there are wooden stakes inserted. Every resistance The heads of the enemies of the Crimson Duke were impaled on wooden stakes.

At the city gate, teams of demons were patrolling.

Every demon who wants to enter the City of Blood must undergo strict inspection. Although the abyss world has always been known for its chaos, high-level demons are also intelligent creatures after all. They have the desire to rule. Although their management methods are different from those of the wizarding world, overall they are It is still the same thing as human beings.


Enzo chuckled, and then turned around. For the Holy Soul Wizard, changing his own form was simply a piece of cake.

In a matter of moments, Enzo had disguised himself as a shadow demon.

Then, he walked towards the City of Blood. With the wizard's ability, he entered the city smoothly and came to the interior of the City of Blood.

As far as the eye can see, there are demons walking on the streets.

The shops on both sides sell various products, but they are a bit bloody for humans. In the metal-forged cages, humanoid creatures are imprisoned, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, trembling under the gaze of the demons.

A flash of anger flashed in Enzo's eyes.

Although the wizarding civilization has conquered all the worlds, it has always regarded other races as beasts. It can be seen that Enzo still cannot suppress the anger in his heart when he sees the humans in the cage.

But soon, he calmed down.

The entire multiverse is a dark forest, and wizards can kill other races, so there seems to be nothing wrong with demons killing humans.

Everything is just the law of the jungle!

As a member of the wizard civilization, all Enzo can do is to make himself as powerful as possible, thereby raising the power of the entire civilization. Perhaps one day, the wizard civilization will become the true master of the universe, and humans can also override Above all the heavens and worlds.

After shaking his head, Enzo turned and left.

Soon, he came to an extremely huge castle. According to the description on the map, that was the territory of the Crimson Duke.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

He felt the atmosphere in the castle, but did not find the presence of the Crimson Duke. While he was wondering, the sky was suddenly blocked by darkness.

Enzo raised his head and looked at the sky.

But on the 857th floor of the abyss, in the sky, there was an extremely huge black shadow, which seemed to cover the entire Blood City.

"Ancient dragon?"

Enzo frowned slightly. The black shadow that appeared in the sky turned out to be an ancient dragon, and it had the aura of a fifth-level life form.

The ancient dragon with blood-red scales roared across the sky.

The crimson Duke Flammy, like a victorious king, sat on the back of the dragon, enjoying the cheers of the demons below.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

Seeing the boiling look of the demons in the City of Blood, Enzo speculated that perhaps the crimson Duke Flami had just experienced a war not long ago.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo issued an order in his heart, but the target was not the crimson Duke Flami, but the ancient dragon under his crotch.

Soon, the chip data came back.

"Red Devil King Gronn!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. According to the information fed back by the chip, the ancient dragon under the crotch of Crimson Duke Flami was called the Red Devil King Gron.

Same as the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar.

The Red Devil King Goron is also a giant dragon from the ancient times. The opponent has the blood of the red dragon. Due to unknown reasons, he betrayed the dragon clan and turned to the embrace of the abyss. After countless years of development, he has become the 850th Abyss. The powerful lord of the seventh world.

According to the description of the chip, the combat effectiveness of the Red Devil King Gron seems to be inferior to that of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Moreover, he is also a veteran abyss lord, but now he is being ridden by a rising star like the Crimson Duke.

"Is it so strong?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Enzo's face. The dragons have always been a proud race, and the ancient dragons are even more so. The Red Devil King Gronn was able to be ridden by the Crimson Duke. It was obviously an extremely cruel defeat. .

The Crimson Duke Flammy has only been around for a hundred years since his rise.

His strength is so powerful that he can defeat the ancient dragon so easily and make the opponent his own mount.

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts.

At this moment, the crimson Duke Flami, riding the Red Devil King Goron, was also flying in the sky, as if showing off his trophies.

After a while, the Red Devil King Gron landed slowly.

Enzo looked around and saw that the body of the Red Devil King Goron was full of torn scars. Countless chains passed through his body. The huge pupils of the dragon were shining with a luster of humiliation. For For the ancient dragon, becoming the mount of the Crimson Duke was obviously not an easy thing to accept.

However, in the abyss world, the strong are always respected.

The Crimson Duke Flami defeated the Red Devil King Gron in a head-on battle and therefore became the master of the other party.

Moreover, the Red Devil King Goron didn't even have a chance to resist.

The two sides had already signed a contract before the war began. From the beginning, the Red Devil King Gron did not take Crimson Duke Flami into his eyes at all.

It wasn't until the two actually confronted each other that the Red Devil King Gron felt extremely regretful.

Who would have thought that a demon lord who had just risen less than a hundred years ago would possess such terrifying combat power. His terrifying strength made even the ancient dragon tremble, and he finally had to lower his proud head and choose to surrender.

"Go back to your stinky lair."

Crimson Duke Flammy jumped off the dragon's back, his tone full of mockery, and said, ": Wait for the master's call at any time, Goron."

The ancient dragon was extremely humiliated, but had to obey the order.

After the ancient giant dragon Gron flew away, Crimson Duke Flami turned around, stood at the top of the castle, looked down, and said loudly.

"City of Blood, your master is back!"

"In order to welcome this wonderful moment, let a blood-red rain fall from the sky!"

While speaking, Goron laughed ferociously.

The next moment, in the City of Blood, the bodies of demons exploded, and their flesh and blood turned into liquid and rose into the sky, and then turned into rain of blood and fell.

In an instant, tens of thousands of demons turned into flesh and exploded.

But those demons did not have any fault, just because the crimson Duke Flami wanted a bloody rain to witness his victory.

In place, a hint of sneer appeared on Enzo's face.

Perhaps this is the reason why the abyss world cannot stand on the same level as the wizard world. The demons born under the chaotic will of the abyss are also a group of madmen. Even though they have powerful power, they still cannot control themselves.

The desires deep within make the demons do whatever they want.

In contrast, the wizarding civilization paid more attention to development. Under this premise, the entire wizarding civilization only took three epochs to surpass the once more powerful abyss world.


In the sky, blood-red rain swayed down, and when it fell to the ground, it was shocking. However, the demons in the City of Blood seemed to be ushering in a carnival, letting out bursts of howling ghosts and wolves. The strange scene would make mortals' livers and gallbladders burst.

Enzo's face was expressionless, his eyes still staring at the crimson Duke Flami.

No matter how powerful the other party was, there still seemed to be a gap between him and himself. Therefore, when Enzo deliberately hid it, the Crimson Duke Flami did not notice at all that there was a person hidden in the City of Blood. A holy soul wizard.

"Okay, people."

Crimson Duke Flami looked at the demons in the carnival in the City of Blood, with a strange smile on his face and said.

"The power of blood will eventually fill the entire abyss world!"

"As my people, you can do whatever you want and fight to your heart's content! Let the taste of blood satisfy your desires!"

While speaking, Flami laughed wildly.

At the same time, on the road directly in front of the Crimson Duke Castle, carriages pulled by crimson magic horses slowly appeared. Above were cages with metal railings covered with sharp barbs, making the prisoners inside It was miserable.


In place, Enzo frowned slightly.

The people imprisoned in those carriages were all wizards, but I don’t know where the crimson Duke Flami captured these wizards.

"Are they all expeditioners?"

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts as he analyzed the identities of these wizards.

Today's wizarding world has officially started war with the abyss world. Therefore, if the wizarding civilization can capture demons as experimental subjects, then the demons will naturally hunt wizards.

Obviously, these wizards in front of them are all prisoners of the demons.

Perhaps most of them were members of the expeditionary force and were captured during the war, thus becoming sacrifices to the Crimson Duke Flami.

"Come, my people!"

Above the castle, Crimson Duke Flammy laughed ferociously, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab a wizard in a cage.

The next moment, a big bloody hand appeared.

"The Holy Light Shines!"

The wizard in the cage seemed to be a third-level wizard. On the way to the City of Blood, he had been tortured to the point of agony, but in the face of the threat of death, he still burst out with his final strength, and his whole body glowed with light. It turns into a shield.

However, in front of the big bloody hand, the light shield was simply too fragile.

In just an instant, the shield formed by the light shattered, and the big bloody hand grabbed the wizard and crushed him into a ball of blood.

Then, Crimson Duke Flamy opened his mouth.

The blood gathered into his mouth like a spring. Enjoying the taste of the wizard's blood, a trace of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of Crimson Duke Flami.

In the corner, Enzo was expressionless.

He hesitated in his heart whether to take action now. The City of Blood was the territory of Crimson Duke Flami, and Enzo would not have an advantage in this regard if they fought against him.

However, if no action is taken, the captured wizards will inevitably be killed.

"Wait, you damn devils!"

While Enzo was thinking, a voice suddenly came from the distance, but it was a witch who was imprisoned in a cage, making an unyielding voice.

"When the flames engulf the abyss, every one of you will be reduced to ashes!"

The witch's voice echoed in the City of Blood. Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt that the voice sounded familiar.


Enzo raised his head and saw a familiar figure. A look of surprise appeared on his face. The witch locked in the cage turned out to be one of the three deans of the Phantom Academy of Crows. As the Flame Supreme Descendants of Christina.

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