Journey to the witch world

Chapter 975 Trophies

"A lot of things have happened in the past six months."

The wizard of Hillenbel sighed and said faintly, "Since the Supreme Council issued the order to launch an expedition to the abyss world, many wizards have gone to the abyss world, but in the end, most of them were involved in the spirit world for unknown reasons!"

"After this happened, even the Supreme Wizards were moved by it!"

"Then, the Supreme Council sent a special investigation team to the abyss to investigate this situation, but the result was also no news!"

After hearing the words of Wizard Hillenbel, Enzo frowned slightly and raised his head.

He is also one of those who experienced the events in the spiritual world. Although he was not involved in the spiritual world like the Calvin wizards, he also stepped into the spiritual world personally. However, in the end, with the help of wizard Alice, Escaped.

"How is the world on the 900th level of the abyss?"

After a while, Enzo asked. The original 900-layer world of the abyss was the area where the Northern Continent was responsible for the expedition. However, with the disappearance of wizards such as Calvin, the expedition plan seemed to have been shelved. But for Enzo , The Ten Realms Fortress is still in the abyss world.

Moreover, most of the indigenous gods under Enzo are also in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

"The expedition mission to the 900-layer world of the abyss has been taken over by the parliament of Xingtong Continent. It is said that the Supreme Council specially sent a sixth-level endless wizard!"

Wizard Hillenbel paused and continued.

"As far as I know, in today's 900-layer world of the abyss, the expedition mission has been basically completed. Towers symbolizing wizard civilization are almost all over the entire 900-layer world of the abyss."

"Is this so?" Enzo's heart moved.

With the action of the sixth-level endless wizard, the expedition plan to the 900-layer world of the abyss seems to have come to an end. Under such circumstances, the Ten Worlds Fortress is definitely safe and sound, which is a relief for Enzo.

"The situation here in the north is gradually improving."

Immediately afterwards, the wizard of Hillenbel pondered for a moment and spoke again: "As the abyss invasion incident and the dragon scale disease incident ended one after another, the order in the north also began to return to calm. However, this time the abyss invasion caused several areas, They were all devastated.”

"Especially the White Light Realm and the Dead Soul Realm."

"These two areas have suffered the most serious damage. It will probably take at least several thousand years to fully recover!"

A sigh appeared on the face of Wizard Hillenbel.

Although for immortal wizards, time is just a number, the two areas suffered a devastating blow from the abyss world. It is undoubtedly a very heavy loss for the North, not only these two areas. The resources have been destroyed, and it will be very troublesome for the subsequent parliament to maintain these two areas.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

There was nothing he could do in the area destroyed by the abyss. Enzo came to see the wizard of Hillenbel, mainly to learn about the information in the past six months. After learning everything he needed, he turned around and left, preparing to start his next plan.

"Next, try your best to hit the sixth level!"

Returning to the high tower in the City of Mist, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he made up his mind. Since his trip to the spirit world, he has been pursuing his own strength a lot, and now he wants to break through. Sixth level realm.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, in the spiritual world, he is like a fallen leaf drifting in the wind.

Enzo guessed that perhaps only by breaking through to the sixth level and encountering a crisis in the spiritual world would he be able to protect himself.

In the tower, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Then, he waved his hand, and the four long swords that had been sealed by him flew out. They all belonged to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and were the embodiments of the four worlds under the Black Dragon Emperor. Now they fell into Enzo's hands. Make your mark as quickly as possible.

In place, Enzo's heart moved.

In an instant, the four long swords turned into four coordinates, and the door to the void opened. Enzo looked at the leftmost door, and then put his will into it.

The next moment, Enzo's will turned into a crow and came to a strange world.

Ghost wood world!

When he was in the 900th layer of the abyss, Enzo had a confrontation with the poisonous dragon Dormammu. The opponent had the ability to control the power of the ghost wood world, but he was not the real master of the ghost wood world. Only the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar was everything. controller.

The original ghost wood world was like a forest world.

It is also a world dominated by plants. However, with the invasion of the Abyss, the nature of the Ghost Wood World began to change. It has been polluted by the power of the Abyss all the year round, causing the current Ghost Wood World to become a bit eerie.

The races living here have long been enslaved by the Black Dragon Emperor.

When the Black Dragon Emperor had not surrendered to the Gluttony Demon God, although the races in the Ghost Wood World were oppressed by the abyss, they could still survive in the cracks. But when the Black Dragon Emperor became the slave of the Gluttony Demon God, everything changed completely.

Endless hunger always breeds deep in the Black Dragon Emperor's soul.

In order to suppress this terrible feeling, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar could only continue to devour everything. In addition to the dependent races of the Abyss World, the indigenous races of the Ghost Wood World were naturally among the Black Dragon Emperor's targets.

In just a few years, almost all the indigenous races in the Ghost Wood World were eaten up by the Black Dragon Emperor.

In today's ghost wood world, the indigenous races have almost disappeared. When Enzo's will came to this world in the form of a crow, all he felt was a deathly silence.

In mid-air, Enzo looked down at the earth.

The Ghost Wood World was a plane dominated by forests, but now, this world is a desolate place. Everywhere you look is withered grass and trees, as if the whole world is withering, and you can't feel the breath of life that the world should have.

"There's still help!"

Enzo's heart moved, and he came to the depths of the ghost wood world, in an abyss-like cave, and saw the heart of the world bound by countless chains.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is the dark lord of the abyss world.

He possesses powerful force, but cannot make the heart of Ghost Wood surrender. Therefore, he can only control the world of Ghost Wood through this coercive method.

Enzo transformed into a human form and walked slowly forward.

"Come on, be my fifteenth world!"

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts, and then he placed his hand on the Heart of the World.

The next moment, the power from the world of Senling surged towards the heart of the ghost wood world like spring water. The heart of the world, which was already extremely weak and seemed to be about to die, finally recovered a little after receiving the infusion of power at this moment. vitality.

At the same time, Enzo whispered the syllables.

"The power of dark water!"

Enzo used the power of the heart of the dark water world, and black rain fell like a waterfall in the sky outside the cave.

The withered plants were finally nourished.

The world that was about to be destroyed gradually regained its vitality with the blessing of Enzo's power. Although it is still far from its peak, this is a good start, which means that the ghost world is out of danger. Expect.

After a while, Enzo's face turned slightly pale.

Using the power of the forest world and the dark water world, although the ghost wood world was successfully cured, it was also a big loss for Enzo.

"Next, it's branding!"

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with determination. Now that the ghost world has been healed, the next step is to bear his own brand.

With Enzo's thought, the soul imprint was left on the ghost wood world.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Enzo's face, and he gained the fifteenth plane. However, this was just the beginning.

"Next, the world of falling stars!" Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

As the strongest person in the 900-layer world of the abyss, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar controls four worlds in total, namely the Ghost Wood World, the Starfall World, the Black Hole World, and the Dragon Nest World.

After taking control of the Ghost Wood World, the Starfall World became Enzo's next target.

However, compared to the desolation of the Ghost Wood World, the Starfall World is a completely silent world. When Enzo's will came to this world, he found that there was no trace of life in the Starfall World, as if it was a completely dead place. plane.

"Did they all be eaten by Oren Caesar?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face, but he quickly shook his head. The situation in the Starfall World seemed a bit special, and it was not that the lives here were eaten up by the Black Dragon Emperor.

Rather, there was no life here to begin with.

Yes, the world of Starfall has not yet given birth to life, and it seems that this plane is not suitable for ordinary life to survive.

"No water, no vegetation, no life features."

Enzo shook his head, feeling a little complicated in his heart, and sighed, "It is indeed difficult to give birth to living beings in such a world."

Then, Enzo looked around.

Through the scanning function of the star spirit, he quickly discovered the location of the heart of the world, and then went to the depths of the earth's core to leave his mark on the world of starfall.

Like the Ghost Wood World, the Starfall World has successfully become Enzo's plane.

There is no life in this world, which means that Enzo encountered no resistance at all during his conquest.

"Mineral resources are quite abundant."

Enzo nodded slightly. The environment in the Starfall World was not suitable for biological survival, but it contained a large amount of rare minerals, even more abundant than the resources in the War Ghost World.

This is obviously a good thing for Enzo.

Even if no civilized race or life is born here, Enzo can still send a large number of soldiers here through the portal to mine minerals. The resources obtained will be very abundant, which will relieve Enzo's economic pressure.

Yes, Enzo is facing financial pressure today.

Xina World, which originally had energy compound resources, has already shown signs of exhaustion after so many years of mining. Therefore, getting the resources from the Starfall World seems to be more satisfying for Enzo than the Ghost Wood World.

Later, Enzo came to the black hole world.

Although the name is a black hole world, when Enzo's will came, he discovered that this world had nothing to do with black holes. It was just that the earth was pure black in color, and when viewed from the sky, it looked like a huge black hole. .

Similar to the situation in the Ghost Wood World, most of the creatures in the Black Hole World were also devoured by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

In mid-air, Enzo sighed in his heart.

Throughout the multiverse, compared to the expedition of wizard civilization, the invasion of the abyss world often makes those indigenous planes feel more fear and hatred. The main reason is that when the demon lord of the abyss world becomes the leader of a new world After becoming a ruler, they often adopt extremely cruel methods to control the world.

Almost no indigenous plane will develop in a good direction after being invaded by the abyss world.

On the other hand, the wizard civilization has a different strategy.

First of all, although for the wizard civilization, conquering a new world will also make many changes, their purpose is for the better development of the world so that they can obtain higher benefits. They will never be like the abyss demons. Same, wreaking havoc for no reason.

Therefore, many indigenous races from other worlds may initially be extremely resistant after facing the expedition to the abyss world, but as time goes by, they gradually begin to accept it, and even actively request to become a subsidiary world of the wizard civilization.

A typical example is Enzo's Savage World.

The once wild world was a plane ruled by indigenous gods. As native creatures, barbarians served the gods with their lives and everything, but they lived a life of hunger. When Enzo launched an expedition, the barbarians initially tried their best to Resist.

But by the middle of the expedition, the mentality of the barbarians changed.

The sea blue people who were responsible for the expedition to the barbaric world brought higher technology to the barbarians, giving almost every barbarian a chance to live a better life. Although this violated the interests of the gods, for the barbarians it was a good thing.

Thus, in the later stages of the Wild World Expedition, the barbarians were no longer under the control of the native wild gods.

They began to actively contact the Hailan people and resisted the indigenous gods. Finally, with the joint efforts of the two forces, they overthrew the once brutal rule.

Today, the wild world has been completely controlled by Enzo.

As indigenous barbarians, their lives have become more and more prosperous. Although they often need to respond to Enzo's call to fight on the battlefield, they have been given the opportunity to rise. All barbarians have a belief in their hearts.

As long as you keep working hard, you will eventually get the chance to live forever.

Although no barbarian has become a fourth-level life form so far, the meaning of hope has made the barbarians accept such a rule.

In mid-air, a hint of complexity flashed in Enzo's eyes.

The world conquered by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has long been devastated, especially after the other party surrendered to the Demon God of Gluttony, and almost every day the Black Hole World offered enough food, but he did not care whether the indigenous races of the Black Hole World had such abilities.

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