Journey to the witch world

Chapter 976 Dragon Nest World

Looking at the black hole horizon below, Enzo couldn't help but shake his head.

If he were allowed to become the ruler of this world, he would never extract resources from the black hole world so uncontrollably. Such a method of squandering all the resources is undoubtedly an extremely wrong behavior. Only by ruling the black hole world in the most reasonable way can we give people more resources. Bring enough benefits to yourself.

This is the difference between the wizarding world and the abyss world!

Enzo took a deep breath and then started to take action. Since the black hole world was similar to the ghost wood world and the starfall world, he quickly found the heart of the plane without any resistance and successfully left his own mark on it. mark.

"The next one is the last one!"

Enzo's will returned to the wizarding world, looking at the last coordinates, the corners of his lips raised slightly, it was the last world of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Dragon's Nest World.

Immediately, Enzo hesitated and waved his hand to open the Dragon Nest World. Behind the Void Gate was a dark and dark world.

However, compared to the previous three worlds, although the Dragon Nest world is pitch black, there are some traces of biological survival.

Enzo transformed into a crow and descended on the world of Dragon Nest.

Looking around, one can see mountain peaks rising one after another, and there are countless caves on the ground, with the aura of giant dragons emanating from them.

"I see!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a look of thought appeared on his face. No wonder this place is called the Dragon's Nest World. The reason is because this is the lair of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.


Above the sky, an extremely huge black dragon flew towards Enzo. He had a huge body that was about one-fifth of the Black Dragon Emperor, and his whole body was covered with black scales.

"Fifth-level life form?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the black dragon not far away. His thoughts flashed slightly, and he discovered that the other party possessed the strength of a fifth-level life form.

Moreover, the aura is very similar to that of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

However, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was a pure-blooded black dragon, but the dragon in front of him had silvery eyes.

It looks like it should be a hybrid dragon.

"bring it on!"

The corners of Enzo's lips raised a little, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

The fifth-level dragon in front of him seems to be the most powerful creature in the Dragon Nest World. As long as Enzo can get rid of it, it will be a logical thing to seize the Dragon Nest World.

Although the giant dragon in front of him is a fifth-level life form.

But according to the data analyzed by the chip detection, it does not seem to be any threat to Enzo, not even comparable to the previous poisonous dragon Dormammu.


Just when Enzo was about to take action to kill the giant dragon in front of him, the black dragon suddenly landed on the ground in front of Enzo.

And, he turned into a human form and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Dear Lord Wizard, Karenbu surrenders to you!"

The black dragon transformed into a handsome young man, with a respectful expression on his face. He knelt down on one knee and dedicated his soul fire.


Enzo raised his eyebrows and said, "You want to surrender to me?"

"Yes, Lord Wizard."

There was a humble expression on Kalenbu's face, without the dragon's arrogance at all, and he said, "The world of Dragon Nest has been waiting for you for a long time."

"On behalf of the entire Dragon Nest world, Kalembu expresses our respect and affection to you."

Hearing Karen Bu's words, Enzo looked thoughtful.

It seems that the death of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has already spread to the Dragon Nest World. As the most powerful existence in the Dragon Nest World, Kalenbu does not want to resist pointlessly anymore, so he chooses to surrender himself, which sounds very strange. Makes sense.

"As far as I know, you should be the descendant of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, right?" Enzo asked coldly.

"Yes, Lord Wizard."

Kalembu did not retort, his face still had a respectful expression.

"I killed your father, don't you hate me?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, he looked directly at Karen Bu, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you want to pretend to surrender to me and then wait for an opportunity to take revenge?"

"That's not the case, Lord Wizard."

Kalenbu shook his head and said, "To me, Orukais is just the source of blood, but there has never been any affection between father and son."

"Besides, the wizard should also know."

A trace of complexity appeared on Kalenbu's face, and he said faintly, "Once I offer my soul fire, I will never be able to break away from your shackles."

"So, there is no betrayal at all!"

Enzo nodded slightly, with a trace of thought on his face.

Putting his own brand on Karenbu's soul will indeed mean that the other party will never be able to escape his control.

Opposite him, a trace of nervousness flashed in Karen Bu's eyes.

Due to some special reasons, even as a fifth-level life form, he could not leave the Dragon Nest world. Therefore, when he learned the news of Enzo's arrival, his only chance was to surrender, otherwise death would be waiting for him. .

"I accept your surrender!"

After a while, Enzo spoke slowly, and at the same time put his mark on Karen Bu's soul, becoming the other party's master.

A look of pain appeared on Kalembu's face.

But then, he felt relieved, becoming Enzo's slave, although it meant losing his freedom, he saved his life.

For Karen Bu, this is undoubtedly the best ending.

Because, even without Enzo, Kalembu has no freedom at all. Since his birth, he has been forever controlled by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. The two are nominally father and son, but in fact they are also master-servant relationships.

Even the entire Dragon Nest world is like this.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, as a giant dragon that survived the ancient times, has given birth to too many offspring in the long years. After each offspring is born, they will live in the dragon nest world, unless they become a third-level life. Only then can he be qualified to go to the abyss world to fight for the Black Dragon Emperor.

The entire Dragon Nest World is the base camp of Oren Caesar.

There are too many giant dragons, dragon beasts, and even sub-dragons living here. Most of them are of the bloodline of Oren Caesar. Even if they are not directly related, they are inextricably linked to Oren Caesar.

The black dragon Karenbu is the most powerful dragon in the Dragon Nest world.

His mother was a silver dragon who was kidnapped from the universe by Oron Caesar and brought to the Dragon Nest World, where she forcibly gave birth to Kalumbu.

With the birth of Kalumbu, the silver dragon lost the meaning of its existence.

Therefore, the silver dragon who was unwilling to surrender to Oren Caesar was killed by him in a cruel way, and all the power extracted from the silver dragon was injected into the black dragon Karenbu.

Since then, Kalenbu has become an immortal fourth-level life form.

However, in the long years, in order to control Kalenbu, Oren Caesar has not allowed him to break through the fourth level. It was not until Oren Caesar was killed by Enzo that Kalenbu finally broke through that boundary and became a A fifth-level life form.

But even after breaking through the realm, Kalenbu still found it difficult to leave the world of Dragon Nest.

That was also a method arranged by the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar to control him. Therefore, Kalenbu, who was trapped in the dragon nest world, did not even have a chance to escape after learning the news of Enzo's arrival, and could only choose to ask him Surrender.

Fortunately, Enzo accepted his surrender.

For Karen Bu, there is not much difference in essence whether he is a puppet of Oren Caesar or a slave of Enzo.

"Where is the Heart of the World?"

After Enzo subdued the black dragon Karenbu, he asked directly. This was also what he cared about most after coming to the world of Dragon Nest.

"Already prepared for you."

A smile appeared on Kalenbu's face, and then he took out a Heart of the World from his arms.

This was also Kalenbu’s original plan. If Enzo accepted his surrender, then the Heart of the World would naturally be dedicated to him. However, if Enzo insisted on killing everyone, Kalenbu could also destroy the Heart of the World. , thus both lose-lose.

Enzo didn't pay attention to Karenbu's little thoughts.

The process of conquering the world of Dragon Nest was smoother than imagined. Kalumbu's surrender allowed Enzo to save a lot of worlds. Looking at the heart of the world in front of him, after checking that it was correct, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly and he left the brand. On top.

Since then, Enzo has gained the eighteenth world.

Although there is still a long way to go before reaching the sixth level, after owning eighteen worlds, Enzo's strength has been improved again, and after the four newly acquired worlds are all stabilized, Enzo will also enter new level.

"By the way, Lord Wizard."

At this time, Kalenbu suddenly said: "Although the vast majority of dragons in the Dragon Nest World are willing to surrender to you, there are still a small number of dragons who are stupidly loyal to Oren Caesar. I wonder what you plan to do with them next?" "


Enzo frowned slightly, but understood what Karenbu meant.

After all, the Dragon Nest World is the home of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Although the ancient dragon is greedy and cruel, there are still some die-hard loyalists under his command. They have been brainwashed by Oren Caesar. Even though the Black Dragon Emperor has fallen, he is still unwilling to Be willing to give up your beliefs.

Therefore, some dragons in the Dragon Nest World are not willing to surrender to Enzo.

"Where are the rebels?"

Enzo asked in a deep voice.

"At present, most of the rebels have been trapped in my dungeon."

Kalenbu quickly replied, "However, since I am not the ruler of the Dragon Nest World, some dragons and dragon beasts still escaped into the abyss of the Dragon Nest World, and I have nothing to do with them." Method."

"Now, please give instructions from the wizard."

Enzo raised his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise on his face.

The black dragon Kalenbu really gave himself an unexpected surprise. Unexpectedly, the appearance of the other party not only brought him the heart of the world in Dragon Lair World, but also brought most of the rebels in Dragon Lair World to death. Imprisoned.

Such decisive action made Enzo feel good about him.

"Yes, you did well."

A smile appeared on Enzo's face, he nodded and said, "I am not the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. As long as you are loyal to me sincerely, I will never treat you badly."

"I am willing to serve the wizard."

Karenbu felt a sense of joy in his heart, and at the same time he felt lucky.

Back then, when he was controlled by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, even though Kalenbu was his son, he was no different from a slave. How he treated him depended entirely on Oren Caesar's mood. On the other hand, Enzo didn't seem to intend to do this.

In the wizarding world, there has always been a principle of equal exchange.

This is even true for loyalists. If Kalembu makes enough contributions, it is not impossible for Enzo to grant him freedom in the future.

Later, under the leadership of Karen Bu, Enzo came to the Dragon's Dungeon.

The dungeon located deep in the dragon's lair world is actually a huge cave. The invisible energy seal is like a power grid, trapping a lot of dragons inside.

In mid-air, Enzo looked around.

Soon, he discovered that most of the dragons trapped in the dungeon were not pure-blooded dragons, but existences such as sub-dragons and dragon beasts.

"Master Wizard, these are the rebels." Karen preached.

"very good."

Enzo nodded slightly, with a look of thought on his face.

It seems that the difference between pure-blood dragons, dragon beasts, and sub-dragons is still very big. There are very few stupid people in the real dragon clan, and they will not be loyal to the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar. Therefore, the rebels in the dungeon , almost no pure-blood dragon can be seen.

Strictly speaking, dragon beasts and sub-dragons are not true dragons.

Therefore, there is a huge gap between them in terms of talent and wisdom. Only such a being may be loyal to Oren Caesar.


At this time, below the dungeon, a dragon beast suddenly let out a roar, spit out a ball of fire from its mouth, and bombarded the seal above.

"Karembu, you damn traitor!"

The dragon beast's eyes flashed with anger, and he roared, "How dare you collude with the wizard, you are simply a shame to the dragon clan!"

Hearing the words of the dragon beast, Kalembu rolled his eyes.

The entire Dragon Nest world is, strictly speaking, just a prison for the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. The dragon beast thinks he is Oren Caesar's child, but he doesn't know that he is actually just a puppet, regardless of his allegiance to Oren Caesar. Caesar or Enzo, there is not much difference.

In today's Dragon Nest World, most of the giant dragons have seen this clearly.

Therefore, in the face of Enzo's arrival, they did not resist too much. Under the leadership of Kalenbu, most of the dragons accepted the present world. Only this group of stupid dragon beasts were still fighting for the dead Austrian dragons. Len Kaiser fought back against injustice.

Even some of the dragon beasts still stubbornly believe that Oron Caesar is not dead, and one day the king will return and kill all the traitors.

"Master Wizard, I wonder what you plan to do with them?" Karenbu asked.

"Kill them all."

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head, with a hint of indifference on his face, and said, "Since they can't be used by me, let them contribute their final value."

The dragon clan is full of treasures.

Whether dragon blood, dragon crystal, dragon bones and the like, they are all precious resources. Since these dragon beasts are unwilling to surrender to themselves, Enzo does not have to force them.

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