Journey to the witch world

Chapter 974 Half a Year Later

Looking at the severed dragon's head, the corners of Enzo's lips raised a little.

"Now, what other methods do you have?"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Although the Black Dragon Emperor's head had been severed, he knew it very well in his heart.

Just this level of attack may not be enough to kill it completely.


Sure enough, the black dragon emperor's severed head seemed to be on fire, and black flames flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon's body turned into black mist and disappeared.

Enzo frowned slightly, a trace of spirit flashing across his face.

The next moment, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had completely disappeared, replaced by a man wearing black armor.

Obviously, this is another form of the Black Dragon Emperor.

"It seems that the power in your body is no longer enough to restore your true body?" Enzo looked at the black-armored man opposite, with a trace of thinking on his face.

"Even if I don't use my true body, I can still kill you."

Oren Caesar's face was as gloomy as water. It was obvious that after his head was severed, his condition was no longer as strong as before.

But even so, Oren Caesar was still unwilling to admit defeat.

When he chose to become a follower of the Demon God of Gluttony, in addition to gaining stronger power, the main reason was out of strong hatred.

At this moment, the biggest enemy is right in front of him, and it is naturally impossible for Oren Caesar to give up.

"Come on, fight!"

Oren Caesar waved his hands, and four long swords appeared in front of him, and said loudly: "If you can't kill me today, then you will be killed by me!"

After saying that, four long swords attacked at the same time.

Looking at the four long swords coming at them, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, but he did not choose to deal with them head-on, but used the ability of Phantom Crow Qianling to dodge.


Enzo's eyes flashed slightly as four long swords pursued him.

"It seems that this is where the authority of the four worlds under your command lies, right?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The four long swords summoned by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed to be the embodiment of the power of the four worlds under his command.

For the conqueror wizard, these four swords are equivalent to four worlds.

"So what?"

Oren Caesar seemed to see Enzo's thoughts, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and said faintly: "Wizard, do you want to get these four worlds?"

"Then I'll give it to you!"

As he spoke, Oren Caesar let out a low drink.

But he saw a dark green long sword heading straight for Enzo. The terrifying power exploded in an instant.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Enzo's expression changed. He felt the terrifying power of the dark green sword, and decisively used the ability of Phantom Crow Qianling to avoid it.

At the same time, Enzo gritted his teeth.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and saw phantom crows flying out, heading straight for the dark green flying sword, forming a sealing technique before the most terrifying power broke out.

The whirlpool transformed by the phantom crow swallowed up the dark green flying sword.

"What a madman!"

A trace of fear flashed in Enzo's eyes. At that moment, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar actually planned to use a small world to self-explode to cause harm to himself. If he hadn't possessed the sealing technique, it would have been really difficult to withstand it. .

"Bloody witchcraft!"

Seeing Enzo sealing the world under his command, a trace of resentment flashed in the Black Dragon Emperor's eyes, but then he used the same method again.

"It depends on how much your sealing technique can withstand?"

Oren Caesar let out a ferocious laugh, and then controlled the three worlds under his command again, launching a suicide attack on Enzo.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

In mid-air, Enzo's face was as gloomy as water, and he used the sealing technique to deal with Oren Caesar's world self-destruction attack. Even for him, it was a big challenge.

But at this moment, Enzo had no other choice.

Because, in the wizarding world, if the four worlds under the Black Dragon Emperor are allowed to explode, the resulting space fluctuations will inevitably cause unimaginable damage. What's more, Enzo will also lose the opportunity to expedition to those four worlds.

Therefore, even though he might suffer some injuries, Enzo could only grit his teeth and persevere.


In mid-air, using the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits sealing technique, Enzo successfully sealed all four long swords, but the power of world destruction also made Enzo's face pale as paper.

"How about it? Wizard."

Oren Caesar showed a ferocious smile and said faintly, "Isn't this a good taste? Let thousands of creatures die because of you!"

"It's over, Oren Caesar!"

Enzo's face was cold. In the brief confrontation just now, Oren Caesar used the power of the four worlds to launch a suicide attack on himself.

Even though Enzo used the power of Phantom Crow Qianling to hold it back.

But those four worlds also suffered extremely horrific damage, and countless creatures died as a result, becoming cannon fodder for the Black Dragon Emperor.

In mid-air, a trace of murderous intent flashed in Enzo's eyes.

At this moment, although he suffered some injuries, the anger in his heart also reached an uncontrollable level. After taking a deep breath, he charged towards the Black Dragon Emperor again.

Half an hour later.

When the Dead Soul Realm returned to peace again, it was already devastated.

On the desolate land, there were traces of destruction everywhere. Enzo's face was as pale as paper, with traces of blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. His body was even trembling. The soul bone wand in his hand was leaning on the ground like a crutch, and he did not let go. He fell.

In the distance, the corpse of the ancient black dragon looked like a hill.

After a difficult battle, Enzo finally won, and the Black Dragon Emperor was completely killed, not even his soul survived.

Victory was achieved, but there was not much joy on Enzo's face.

"It's quite advantageous for you."

Enzo murmured to himself, looking at the body of the Black Dragon Emperor, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes. In the confrontation just now, the opponent clearly had a chance to survive, but he chose a more determined approach, which led to his complete demise.

This time, the Black Dragon Emperor didn't even have a chance to reincarnate.

Enzo sighed in his heart, and he had some understanding of the behavior of the Black Dragon Emperor. After accepting the power of the Gluttony Demon, the other party had become a puppet of the Gluttony Demon. The ancient dragon, which had lost its freedom, had little hope for survival. desire.

So, this time comes the wizarding world.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar may have already made up his mind, even if he cannot complete his revenge, he will still make a big fuss.

On the spot, Enzo looked around.

Today's Dead Soul Realm has been completely desolated, with traces of demonic destruction everywhere. It will probably take at least several thousand years to fully recover, but the people of the Northern Council will naturally deal with these matters later.

"Next, it's time to deal with you."

Enzo murmured to himself, looking towards the sky, but saw that the abyss gates still exuded a terrifying aura.

The demon lord of the abyss invasion, the Black Dragon Emperor, has fallen.

But as long as the Gate of the Abyss remains, this invasion will not be over. Enzo must completely seal the Gate of the Abyss as soon as possible, otherwise a steady stream of demons will continue to come out of the Gate of the Abyss, causing terrible consequences to the wizarding world. threaten.

However, at this time, Enzo was unable to seal the Gate of the Abyss.

He could only contact the wizard of Hillenbel and let the members of the Northern Council handle it, while he returned to the Mist City in the Dark Territory to recuperate.

Enzo was seriously injured in the battle with the Black Dragon Emperor.

After explaining some things, Enzo returned directly to the energy pool, intending to restore himself through a deep sleep.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

When Enzo woke up from the energy pool, he fought with the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar and had recovered from the damage he had suffered.

Then, Enzo began to look at what happened in the past six months.

"Is the Abyss invasion over?"

After hearing the news that the Abyss invasion had ended, a trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face. Unexpectedly, this seemingly menacing invasion of the Abyss ended so quickly with the fall of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, which made even the Northern Council feel A hint of surprise.

Moreover, the dragon scale disease thing seems to be getting better.

With the end of the Abyss invasion not long ago, the number of patients with dragon scale disease in various parts of the north has begun to gradually decrease. Those people who have been alienated by dragon scale disease seem to have returned to normal, as if the power of the curse has suddenly become much weaker.

"Is there something wrong with the Gluttony Demon God?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The root cause of dragon scale disease lies in the Gluttony Demon God and the Black Dragon Emperor. When the two coexist, dragon scale disease will be difficult to solve.

Now, the Black Dragon Emperor has been killed by Enzo.

But the Gluttony Demon still exists. Enzo doesn't know why the Dragon Scale Disease in the North was suddenly suppressed under such circumstances. He can only speculate that it may be the Gluttony Demon in the abyss world. Something happened recently.

Gluttony is the source of the curse.

Only if something goes wrong with him will the curse become weak, so it seems to give the North a chance to breathe.

"That's a good thing!"

Enzo breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that the problem of dragon scale disease would continue to plague the northern continent until the Supreme Council came forward to solve it. Now it seems that things have taken a turn for the better.

Immediately, Enzo left the city of fog.

In just a few minutes, Enzo arrived at the area where the Northern Parliament was located, intending to obtain more intelligence here.

"Sir Enzo?"

Arriving at the high tower where Hillenbel was, Hillenbel was in a gorgeous hall, surrounded by dozens of meticulously dressed boys and girls, playing around, making Enzo couldn't help but feel a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"I'm sorry, Sir Hillenbel."

Enzo turned away and said, "It seems I came at the wrong time."

"Haha, it's nothing."

Hillenbel was also naked and walked out of the pool. He transformed into a white robe and said, "The time for Sir Enzo to become an immortal is still too short."

"For us, there are some things that we don't need to be shy about."

Saying that, Hillenbel waved his hand, and the naked boys and girls immediately knelt down and left.

"I can't believe that Sir Enzo recovered so quickly."

Hillenbel looked at Enzo and said, "I thought that it would take at least three years for you to recover from the battle with the Black Dragon Emperor."

"I actually didn't fully recover."

Enzo shook his head and sighed, "However, there are too many things that need to be dealt with at hand, so we can only seize the time."

Hillenbel nodded slightly, a hint of understanding appearing on his face.

"By the way, Sir Hillenbel."

At this time, Enzo spoke again and asked, "What happened to the Abyss invasion? Are the subsequent consequences serious?"

Hearing Enzo's words, a trace of gratitude appeared on Hillenbel's face.

"Representing all wizards in the entire northern continent."

Hillenbel took a deep breath, suddenly stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you, Sir Enzo, for your contribution to the North."

"If you hadn't defeated the Black Dragon Emperor, I'm afraid the North would have fallen by now!"

As he said this, a hint of complexity flashed in Hillenbel's eyes.

"When I asked Lord Enzo to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor, I actually didn't have much information, but I didn't expect that you really gave me a surprise!"

There was a hint of deep gratitude in Hillenbeir's tone.

Just as the other party said, when the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the most powerful man in the 900-layer world of the abyss, came to the northern continent, all the wizards felt a terrible sense of oppression. Even Hillen, who was the acting Grand Speaker, The same goes for Bell.

However, no one expected that Enzo would defeat the Black Dragon Emperor so easily.

The victory of this battle directly led to everything that followed. The abyss was quickly repelled by the wizards, and the gates of the abyss were all sealed under the leadership of the wizard Hillenbel. Although this time the abyss invaded, It caused a lot of damage to the northern continent, but it did not shake the foundation. Everyone felt that Hillenbel's choice was correct.

"You are serious, Sir Hillenbeir."

A slight smile appeared on Enzo's face. As a member of the Northern Continent, it was his job to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

"Your Excellency Enzo may not know yet."

Hillenbel shook his head and sighed, "You are now the hero of the entire Northern Territory. If you are willing, I can give up the position of Acting Speaker at any time."

"No need to."

Enzo shook his head quickly, then changed the subject and said, "By the way, Sir Hillenbel, I think the dragon scale disease seems to have reversed after the abyss invasion. What happened?"

"Oh, you mean dragon scale disease."

A strange look appeared on Hillenbel's face, and he said, "This is not the fault of the North. As far as I know, it seems that a strong man from the Supreme Council personally went to the abyss and seriously injured the Gluttonous Demon God. Because of the opponent's weakness, this This led to the improvement of dragon scale disease.”

"Is that true?"

Enzo's heart moved, and things seemed to be as he inferred. It was precisely because the Demon of Gluttony was hit that the dragon scale disease improved. As the source, the Demon of Gluttony was no longer able to release the power of the curse to the northern continent.

What's more, another source, the Black Dragon Emperor, was also killed by Enzo.

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