Journey to the witch world

Chapter 973 Killing the Dragon

"In this case, the tree world is coming!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with luster, and then he whispered the syllables in his mouth, the power of the heart of the forest world being brought into full play.

In an instant, the ground trembled.

I saw a giant black tree suddenly rising into the sky from deep underground, stabbing towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar like Optimus Prime.


Oren Caesar let out a roar, but saw the giant black tree pressing against the scales on his abdomen, as if trying to pierce the Black Dragon Emperor.

However, as an ancient black dragon, Oren Caesar has extremely hard scales.

The power of the black giant tree alone was not enough to break through Oron Caesar's defense. Therefore, it only disrupted Oron Caesar's attack rhythm.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly stretched out his hand and grasped it hard with his palm. Countless black vines rushed towards the direction of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. In an instant, Oren Caesar's whole body was covered with vines. Tie down.


The bound Oren Caesar roared angrily and said, "Do you think you can deal with me with such despicable means?"

As he spoke, Oren Caesar's whole body burned with black flames.

The surrounding vines that bound his body were burned away in an instant, and the Black Dragon Emperor flapped his wings again and flew towards the sky.

"Wizard! I want this continent to be buried with you!"

The Black Dragon Emperor's wings suddenly spread out, and the huge shadow seemed to be able to cover the entire Dead Soul Realm.

The next moment, he opened his bloody mouth.

The rolling dragon's breath came out from the mouth of Oren Caesar, and the extremely hot black flames burned the land of the Dead Soul Realm crazily. Wherever it went, not only was there no grass growing, but even the rocks seemed to be melted instantly. generally.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's chest rose and fell.

"Is this going to be a bigger move?"

Enzo frowned slightly, as if he had sensed how powerful the offensive that the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar was about to unleash was.

Immediately, his eyes flashed.

"I want to see how powerful your full blow can be!"

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and then took a deep breath, only to see a steel barrier appearing on the ground.


Amidst the deafening roar, a steel barrier appeared on the ground, which seemed to divide the Dead Soul Realm into two continents.

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor roared angrily.

Like the falling black sun, the terrifying offensive struck crazily, and the rolling blazing fireballs headed straight for the steel barrier.

However, facing such an attack, a trace of calmness flashed across Enzo's face.

On top of the steel barrier, Enzo was blessed with the power of the fourteenth world. It was already his most powerful defense method. He just didn't know whether he could withstand the attack of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

In an instant, a black fireball exploded.

The terrifying power seemed to be overwhelming, spreading crazily in all directions, and the extremely hot black flames once again swept across the earth. Not only the Dead Soul Domain, but also the surrounding areas were also horribly affected.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed.

I don’t know how long it took, but the power of the Black Dragon Emperor’s all-out attack finally slowly ended. Amidst the thick smoke billowing in the sky, the Steel Gate still stood on the earth. However, after withstanding the full-power attack of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, , even the defense that gathered the power of the fourteen realms was in tatters at this moment, as if it was about to collapse.


In mid-air, the corners of Enzo's lips were slightly raised. Although the steel gate was broken, in any case, he blocked the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

However, at this moment.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who had just unleashed a full blow, felt an uncontrollable hunger rising deep in his soul. His huge body suddenly fell from the sky and rushed straight towards the Steel Gate.

Suddenly, the Black Dragon Emperor threw himself on the steel gate.


The extremely hard steel door was like tofu at this moment, completely reduced to pieces under the bite of the Black Dragon Emperor.

"Is this...the result of the power of gluttony?"

In mid-air, a trace of thoughtfulness appeared on Enzo's face. The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, after using all his strength to attack, seemed to be in a state of extreme hunger at this moment.

Everything in front of him seemed to be a target for him to devour.

No matter whether it is steel, rock, or soil, they cannot escape the devouring of the Black Dragon Emperor, but even so, they still cannot satisfy the hunger in his heart.


At this time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar suddenly entrenched himself on the earth and suddenly opened his bloody mouth.

The endless attraction seems to stir up air currents.

Everything around them involuntarily entered the Black Dragon Emperor's mouth. Countless demons who had just walked out of the Gate of the Abyss let out shrill screams, but they still could not resist the fate of being eaten by the Black Dragon Emperor, and eventually fell into his grasp. In the mouth.

After a large number of demons suddenly appeared, the Black Dragon Emperor's belly bulged.

Like a troll that gave birth to life, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's abdomen seemed extremely bloated at the moment, but soon, the bulging abdomen shriveled up, and everything that was swallowed seemed to be absorbed and digested by him.

"Death, wizard!"

Then, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar opened his bloody mouth, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and then spit out an extremely hot black dragon's breath.


The black dragon's breath attacks Enzo.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

Feeling the threat of the black dragon's breath, Enzo decisively used the ability of Phantom Crow Qianling, and his whole body transformed into countless crows, flying in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo reunited his body in the sky.

After rounds of battles, Enzo has a clear understanding of the strength of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and the chip also analyzes and calculates the opponent's combat effectiveness through data analysis.

"Next, it's my turn!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he raised the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand and swung it suddenly.

The next moment, the sky seemed to be torn apart.

A huge crack in the void opened, and with a thought in Enzo's mind, the power belonging to the aquamarine world was released in an instant.


From the extremely huge Void Gate, mechanical weapons from the Aquamarine World appeared one after another, aiming at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and bombarding him indiscriminately.

Da da da!

In the sky, thousands of fighter jets fired bullets and cannonballs at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Amidst the violent roar, the Black Dragon Emperor roared, and the strong sound waves seemed to be affected by even the mechanical weapons. The impact is average.

Then, the Black Dragon Emperor opened his bloody mouth.

He once again used the power of authority granted by the Demon of Gluttony, intending to devour all the incoming mechanical weapons. However, this happened to be within Enzo's plan.


In the sky, fighter jets flew towards the open blood mouth of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, as if they were committing suicide attacks.

Countless mechanical weapons fell into the mouth of the abyss.


Immediately afterwards, explosions sounded one after another, and all the mechanical weapons approaching the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar activated their self-destruction devices, bombarding them one after another. Even the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar felt a tremor.

The next moment, Enzo took action again.

"Shadow Chain!"

"Bone Cage!"

"The tree world is coming!"

The three abilities were used at the same moment. The luster in Enzo's eyes flashed. On the desolate land, countless white bone spurs drilled out of the ground one after another. At the same time, the vines also went crazy. He bound towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

In an instant, the Bone Cage appeared.

On the ground, the shadow chain seemed to turn into a huge spider web. Coupled with the surrounding bone cages and tree vines, even the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was unable to escape from the trap for a while. He could only lie on the ground and send out formations. A roaring sound.

"Wizard! Do you think you can deal with me like this?"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, even though he was trapped in the cage of bones, still roared and roared: "I am an immortal existence!"

"No one can kill me!"

Hearing the roar of the Black Dragon Emperor, Enzo remained unmoved.

As a fifth-level life form, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is indeed an immortal existence from the perspective of the multiverse. However, the other party has surrendered to the Gluttony Demon God and has been branded deep in his soul, which means that he has lost part of his immortality. ability.

What's more, Enzo didn't intend to completely kill the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

As long as his body is killed and the four worlds under the Black Dragon Emperor are captured, even if Oren Caesar can be reincarnated and rebuilt, there will not be much of a threat to Enzo. Oren Caesar, who has fallen into the realm, is not worth it at all. Mention it.

The most important thing is that if the ordinary abyss demon lord falls, the price after his death is to fall into the realm, but this is not necessarily the case for the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. If he loses the fifth level realm, he will lose his meaning to the Gluttony Demon God.

Perhaps, the Gluttony Demon God will show no mercy to the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar who has lost his value, and maybe he will directly devour him and become a part of himself.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, facing the Demon God of Gluttony, and then used the power of the Three Realms of Fire. Endless flames seemed to burst out from his eyes.

Suddenly, the sky turned fiery red.

Above the torn sky, the terrifying high temperature from the three realms of flames suddenly attacked in the direction of the Black Dragon Emperor. Such a swift and violent attack, trapped in a cage of bones, made it difficult for the Black Dragon Emperor to escape. .


Suddenly, the offensive of the three realms of flames burned the Black Dragon Emperor's body. Even though he was an ancient black dragon, Oren Caesar was still a little unbearable.

Soon, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared.


The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar kept roaring, and his huge body broke free from the shadow chains and vines in a moment.

All around, the bone cage was also destroyed like a piece of wood.

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Seeing that the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was about to escape from control, Enzo decisively used the power of the heart of the ice crystal world and released a cold storm with a wave of his hand.

In an instant, the chill hit me like crazy.

The originally devastated Dead Soul Realm was completely transformed into a frozen world at this moment, and everything in sight was frozen by the ice, including the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who seemed to turn into an ice sculpture in an instant.

However, the freeze only lasted for three seconds.


The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar suddenly shook his body. In an instant, all the ice that sealed his body was shattered. The next moment, he also let out an ear-splitting roar, and black flames were spat out from his mouth crazily.

Then, black flames surged crazily.

The dragon's breath of the ancient dragon can melt even steel and rocks in an instant. Even though the ice power used by Enzo comes from the ice crystal world, it is still unable to withstand the high temperature of this dragon's breath. Almost in a moment, everything is melted. Turn into liquid.


In mid-air, Enzo chuckled and suddenly waved his hands, and the ice water flowing on the ground suddenly turned into waves and struck towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.


The water flow seemed to turn into tornadoes, heading straight towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. The Black Dragon Emperor, who had just escaped from the restraints, was attacked again before he could fly into the sky.

At the same time, Enzo also turned into a shadow and disappeared.

The next moment, he had appeared above the Black Dragon Emperor. The mid-level artifact Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand was swung towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar as if it was about to shatter the world.

In an instant, endless light flickered.


Enzo shouted lowly. Since ordinary attacks could not pose a threat to the Black Dragon Emperor, Enzo could only try his best to try once.

Suddenly, the black blade went straight towards the dragon and slashed at it.

The power of the mid-grade artifact is brought into full play in Enzo's hands. Even though the scales of the ancient black dragon can block the attack of cannonballs, it is not that easy to block the attack of the Night Curse Spirit Blade, especially Enzo's target. Or the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the most vulnerable neck.


The Night Curse Spirit Blade carried endless curse power and slashed towards the Black Dragon Emperor. The terrifying power caused the ancient dragon's scales to shatter.


Enzo is in a state blessed by the power of the fourteenth world, and has the help of the rules of the wizarding world, condensing all his strength on this sword.

I saw a flash of light between heaven and earth.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar could not even utter a scream. The huge dragon head had been separated from the body. After falling to the ground, it made an ear-splitting roar, as if the entire Dead Soul Realm was ushered in. Trembling violently.


In mid-air, a trace of paleness appeared on Enzo's face. Even though he was in the wizarding world, the attack that he could use with all his strength was also a big drain on him. At least at this moment, the feeling of weakness came over him like a tide.

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