Journey to the witch world

Chapter 972 Gluttony

The black dragon's breath swept across the earth, as if even the stones were being melted.

However, Enzo was in the dragon's breath, but he was not affected at all. With the power of the Three Realms of Flame, he already had the ability to control flames. Even though the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was so fierce, it could not cause too much harm.

The next moment, the Black Dragon Emperor Orenkaiser looked up to the sky and roared.

It was as if the entire Dead Soul Realm was plunged into endless darkness. Above the sky, there was a huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing everything below.

“Gluttony’s authority?”

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, but there was not much panic on his face when facing the attack of the Gluttony Demon.

The next moment, Enzo whispered syllables.

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and the invisible shadow spread like a tide, instantly turning the surrounding area into a field of shadow.

As the authority that Enzo initially controlled, the power of shadow is Enzo's special skill.

Therefore, when the shadow realm unfolded, the collision between darkness and shadow immediately erupted with terrifying power.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Dragon Emperor attacked fiercely.

"Steel Gate!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with luster, and as a faint blue light burst out, there was a violent shaking sound from the earth.

But he saw a steel door rising slowly from the ground.

The extremely huge steel gate is like the pinnacle product of the technological age. Just appearing there seems to separate the entire Dead Soul Realm into two worlds. The ferocious Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar hit it and suddenly There was a dull sound.


The next moment, the Steel Gate also collapsed. Even if it gathered the peak power of the sea blue world, it was still unable to resist the current Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

In this regard, Enzo's face did not change much.

On the contrary, through the confrontation with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, Enzo gained a clearer understanding of the enemy's strength.

"Is this all you have?"

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face. He was in the wizarding world and had the power of rules. If the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar only had this strength, then Enzo might not be a difficult enemy to deal with.

Immediately, Enzo took a deep breath.

"The tree world is coming!"

"Scarlet Moon!"

"The power of dark water!"

Using the power of three World Hearts at the same time has almost no pressure on Enzo today.

With a random wave of the wand, the power of the three World Hearts is released at the same time.

In an instant, a blood-red crescent moon appeared in the sky, and then, black rain poured down like a waterfall. Under the water of the black rain, plants grew rapidly on the ground, as if the realm of dead souls turned into A dark forest.

"Next, let's fight here!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Although he was in the wizarding world, if he transformed the battlefield into an area suitable for him, he could still have a high probability of winning.

At this moment, the Dead Soul Realm has been shrouded in black rain.

The plants growing crazily from the ground are as lush as a black forest, and appear stronger with the blessing of the shadow realm.

In an instant, the Dead Soul Realm has completely changed its appearance.

"The vines of shadow strangle!"

In mid-air, Enzo looked calm and slowly raised an arm. Suddenly, black vines suddenly attacked the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

In an instant, countless plants sprang up quickly.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who was in the dark forest, was suddenly entangled and bound by vines. The plants covered with thorns used sharp barbs to try to break through the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's impenetrable defense. .

However, this level is obviously not enough to break Oren Caesar's scales.


In the dark forest, Oren Caesar roared, his extremely huge wings suddenly vibrated, and the next moment he flew into the sky.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor opened his bloody mouth.

The extremely hot black dragon's breath spreads freely on the earth, and everything seems to turn into ashes wherever it goes. Fighting in the dark forest environment does not seem to have any advantages for Oren Caesar.

Therefore, he wants to destroy everything in front of him.

"Go, my minions!"

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also roared and said, "Give your life for your great emperor!"

As he spoke, the Dead Soul Realm was shaken.

From the gate of the abyss above the sky, endless demons poured out. They pushed each other crazily and trampled each other's bodies to the wizarding world. Like a group of greedy locusts, they gathered in the direction of Enzo.

And these are all the dependents of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

As the king of the 900-layer world of the abyss, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar originally had four planes as war fortresses under his command. Even though he has now surrendered to the Demon God of Gluttony, he still controls the world under his command and can summon troops at any time.

However, the portal in the abyss world is different from the portal in the wizard world.

There is an essential difference between the two. The instability of the abyss portal is destined to cost the lives that pass through the portal a heavy price every time. It is even said that most of the Black Dragon Emperor's family members died in the portal. In the process of passing through the portal.

At the same time, in mid-air.

Facing the portals that opened one after another, Enzo's face did not change much. He had already seen the methods of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

"It seems that the four planes of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar are still in his hands!"

On the spot, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. As a conqueror wizard, nothing excites Enzo more than a plane expedition.

Now, he already has fourteen planes.

But there is still a big difference between being promoted to a sixth-level wizard, but now Enzo, after experiencing the expedition to the 900th level of the abyss and the spiritual world, has many opportunities to start plane expeditions, but currently It has not been implemented yet.

Back then, Enzo and Alice teamed up to kill the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord.

The three planes under the opponent's command are now in a state of ownerlessness. Enzo has already regarded them as his own. After all the matters at hand are dealt with, he will not let them go easily. In addition, In the spiritual world, the plane coordinates contained in the two Heart of God fruits.

Five new worlds await Enzo's conquest.

And, that's not all.

"Black light world, Mayan world!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. When the Supreme Council issued a plan for a comprehensive expedition, Enzo, as a conqueror wizard, formulated a five-world expedition plan, but until the end, only three world expeditions were successful.

As for the Black Light World and the Mayan World, they ended in failure.

Especially in the black light world, Enzo's expedition plan not only failed, but even paid an extremely heavy price. The mysterious god in the black mist, Schaugnar, is still on Enzo's revenge list.

If you add the black light world and the Mayan world.

There are now as many as seven planes for Enzo to choose from, and the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar in front of him also has four planes.

"Come on, Black Dragon!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, with a strong fighting spirit on his face.


Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has roared, and the extremely hot black dragon's breath is spreading on the earth.

The dark forest created by Enzo was now completely destroyed.

But Enzo didn't care. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the blood moon in the sky, the luster in his eyes flickering slightly.

The next moment, the Scarlet Moon emitted endless red light.

Like the shadow of the Abyss of Styx, it appeared in a flash. Although it did not cause any substantial harm to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, it also formed a greater suppressive force.

"The power of the Moon Goddess?"

Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had a hint of fear in his eyes. Obviously, as the demon lord of the 900-layer world of the abyss, he had also heard of Ms. Yue.

The former Ms. Yue was a top level six powerhouse.

With his own strength, he could even fight against the three Demon Gods of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss. However, he was later wiped out because he challenged the fallen king Bushura. Now he was finally reincarnated, but he didn't know that he had fled to that corner of the abyss and hid. .

Compared to the Gluttony Demon, the Moon Goddess is also Enzo's enemy.

In the Scarlet World, Enzo ruined the Moon Goddess's plan. Therefore, the other party may hate Enzo as much as the Demon God of Gluttony. It was also the confrontation with the Moon Lady that allowed Enzo to use the Scarlet World to fight for Enzo. The media steals part of the other party's authority.

"Hmph! So what about the Moon Goddess?"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar looked up at the blood moon in the sky and roared: "Just a loser who was killed by the fallen king!"


During the roar, a dragon's breath spurted out, and the next moment, the blood-red moon that was originally hanging in the sky completely disappeared.

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly.

But then, he sighed helplessly. The authority of the Blood Moon that he controlled was only a part stolen from the Moon Goddess. Naturally, he could not exert too much power. What's more, in the spiritual world, the scarlet world was affected by Severe injuries, now extremely weak.

"The black dragon's flames are destined to devour this land!"

After successfully destroying the authority of Lady Moon in the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed even more proud and roared arrogantly.

The next moment, he suddenly flapped his wings.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar flew into the air, opened his big mouth, pointed in Enzo's direction, and spit out the dragon's breath with all his strength.

In an instant, a black storm struck.

On the spot, Enzo's face was expressionless, and he paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand. The endless shadows immediately formed a barrier, withstanding the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

At the same time, there seemed to be a trembling sound coming from the Gate of the Abyss in the sky.

The demons summoned from the abyss were like a black ocean, heading towards Enzo. But before they could get close to Enzo, black plants grew on the ground and quickly killed all the enemies. .

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

"Dead Soul Realm, it seems there is no hope!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, such a large-scale war broke out in the Dead Soul Realm, and the demons of death had almost piled up like a mountain.

Such a strong abyssal aura will inevitably completely pollute the Dead Soul Realm.

Therefore, even if Enzo kills the Black Dragon Emperor and drives out all the demons, I am afraid that the Dead Soul Realm will not be able to regain peace in a short time.

In place, Enzo took a deep breath.

As a member of the wizarding world, it may be a difficult choice for him to give up the Dead Soul Realm, but for Enzo, if you want to obtain something, you often have to pay a price. Since it is unavoidable, then continue to struggle. It doesn't make any sense either.

Immediately, Enzo launched another attack.

I saw the soul bone wand in his hand thrown towards the Black Dragon Emperor, and instantly turned into an extremely huge skull, and the flames burst into flames.


As the flaming skull attacked the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar, Enzo also opened his arms, and the wings transformed into shadows spread out.

"Night Curse Spirit Blade!"

The next moment, Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, summoned another intermediate artifact of his, and rushed towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar with the Night Curse Spirit Blade in hand.


Enzo waved the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand, and the terrifying power of the curse immediately surged toward the Black Dragon Emperor, as if turning into a black chain, binding him in place.

"The power of the abyss?"

The Black Dragon Emperor felt the aura of the Night Curse Spirit Blade and couldn't help but feel a little vigilant, and then he understood the origin of the artifact in Enzo's hand.

"Ha! It turns out to be that useless weapon."

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and the trash in his mouth was naturally the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Xitas who had fallen into Enzo's hands.

Facing the incoming curse power, the Black Dragon Emperor suddenly flapped his wings.

The powerful energy dispersed everything around him. The Black Dragon Emperor laughed ferociously and opened his bloody mouth to swallow Enzo.

"Gluttony's authority!"

Enzo's pupils shrank for a while. After feeling the threat of the Black Dragon Emperor, he immediately used the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits, and his whole body turned into thousands of crows flying around.

Then Enzo mouthed the syllables.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

A flash of red light flashed in Enzo's eyes, and the power of the Three Realms of Flame was immediately brought into full play, and then there was endless flames, as if turned into a tornado, attacking crazily in the direction of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

"Come on! If you have any means, use them to your heart's content!"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out a roar, then opened his bloody mouth and swallowed all the incoming flame tornadoes.

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly.

"The power of devouring?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. It seemed that the Black Dragon Emperor also gained the power of Gluttony after choosing to become a follower of the Demon God of Gluttony. Therefore, energy attacks did not seem to be much of a threat to him.

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