Journey to the witch world

Chapter 969 Black Dragon Emperor

"It's more than that."

At this time, Wizard Oraz spoke again, looking around, a complex luster flashed in his eyes, and said quietly.

"Do you think that the biggest threat to the northern continent today is the invasion of the abyss?"

"No! It's not."

"If there are just those invading demon lords, at worst we will try our best to repel them!"

As he spoke, Oraz took a deep breath.

"But how to solve dragon scale disease? Do you have any countermeasures?"

After hearing Oraz's words, the wizards in the council hall fell into silence.

As Oraz said, for today's northern continent, the abyss demons invading the white light domain may not be the biggest trouble. The dragon scale disease that is everywhere and spreading is the problem. A headache.

After all, although the North is now in decline, it is not an impossible task to go all out to defeat the demon coalition.

But if the threat of dragon scale disease is not exposed for a day, that will be a real big trouble.

In recent times, more and more people have been infected with dragon scale disease, including official wizards. Even the Northern Council feels helpless. If it is allowed to develop, it will inevitably cause an unimaginable bad situation.

So the Abyssal Invasion is just one of the problems.

How to solve the threat of dragon scale disease is what the Northern Council really needs to consider. Otherwise, not only will the Northern Territory be completely destroyed, but even the Northern Council members present here will be affected and even pay the price.

"The problem of dragon scale disease..."

Froslai hesitated for a moment and sighed, "The Potions Department of the Northern Parliament is already conducting research and experiments as much as possible. I believe there will be a solution in the near future."


At this time, Wizard Slia spoke again and said in a deep voice: "Don't be too pessimistic. The problem of dragon scale disease has been solved to a certain extent. After all, the medicine recently developed by the potion department has the effect of suppressing the disease." !”

After hearing Silia's words, everyone fell into silence again.

As the other party said, the potion research department of the Northern Council has indeed conducted research on dragon scale disease, but the potions developed can only suppress the effect of dragon scale disease at best. If you want to eradicate dragon scale disease, It seems to be very difficult.


Wizard Oraz sighed again, with a complex light flashing in his eyes, as if he had made a certain decision, and slowly raised his arm.

"The threat of dragon scale disease cannot be delayed!"

"If we continue to stay in the Northern Continent, I'm afraid you will be like me..."

While speaking, the sleeves on Oraz's arms fell down, revealing an arm covered with black scales, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Seeing such a scene, there was a commotion in the parliament hall.

"Dragon scale disease?"

Froslai exclaimed, a glint of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and said, "How is this possible?"

Dragon scale disease has been spreading in the north for several years.

As time goes by, although more and more people are infected with dragon scale disease, there has never been a precedent for an immortal wizard to be infected with dragon scale disease.

Therefore, the wizards in the north unanimously believe that only people below the immortal level can be infected with dragon scale disease.

"how so?"

Wizard Sliya's face was solemn, and he quickly came to Wizard Oraz. After checking, he asked, "Your Excellency, Oraz, haven't you thought of a treatment method?"

"Everything has been tried, to no avail."

Wizard Oraz said calmly, "The essence of dragon scale disease is not a disease, but a curse from a powerful being in the abyss world."

"Therefore, if you want to lift the curse of dragon scale disease, the ordinary method has no meaning at all."

"A powerful existence in the abyss world?"

Froslai murmured to himself and asked, "I wonder, Sir Oraz, do you know who this strong man of the abyss is?"

"One of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss, the Demon God of Gluttony!"

A trace of bitterness appeared on Wizard Oraz's face, and he said faintly, "I believe you all should know what kind of existence the Abyss Gluttonous Demon God is, right?"

"According to my speculation, this abyss invasion is probably also an order from the Demon God of Gluttony."

"With the current strength of the North, it is obviously a foolish dream to contend with the Demon God of Gluttony. If the Speaker is still here, maybe we still have a chance!"

As we all know, the Seven Deadly Sins Demon Gods of the Abyss are sixth-level life forms.

Therefore, if you want to fight against the Gluttony Demon, you need to be at least of the same level and about the same strength as the opponent.

The former Speaker of the Northern Parliament was a sixth-level life form.

Although in terms of strength, compared with the Demon God of Gluttony, the Great Chancellor of the North is a few points behind, but if the opponent is still there, using the local advantages of the wizarding world, it is not impossible to defeat the opponent.

However, the current situation is that the Grand Speaker has long been missing.

Even Sorcerer Calvin, who is the acting Grand Chancellor, has been lost in the spiritual world. The new acting Grand Chancellor is just a guardian holy soul wizard. Not to mention the body of the Gluttony Demon God, even if the other party's minions come, they may not have many. Odds.

Especially under the premise that dragon scale disease is rampant.

Now, according to the research of Wizard Oraz, it has been confirmed that the root cause of dragon scale disease lies in the curse of the Gluttony Demon. Therefore, if you want to relieve the dragon scale disease, you must deal with the Gluttony Demon. However, there is obviously no such thing in the northern continent today. ability.

"How do you feel? Sir Oraz?"

At this time, Froslai asked again, but his tone was a bit heavy. After all, even the wizard of all spirits was infected with dragon scale disease, which was something that no one expected.

Immediately, many congressmen began to discuss more intensely.

After witnessing the dragon scale disease on Wizard Oraz, many councilors changed their minds. After all, if even Wizard Oraz was infected with dragon scale disease, it meant that other council members were not infected either. immune ability.

In a moment, there were more and more voices giving up on the northern continent.

Even Froslai was a little hesitant. As a new member who had been promoted to immortal wizard for only a few hundred years, he still had great feelings for the Crow Phantom Academy in the Dark Territory, and he was unwilling to give up the North easily. Border mainland.

However, the current situation is such that Froslai is very powerless.

"Okay, everyone."

While everyone was having a heated discussion, Wizard Hillenbel, as the acting Grand Speaker, suddenly said in a deep voice: "The Northern Continent is our foundation and we must not give up easily."

"It's just that we have to be prepared!"

"Let's do this, Wizard Slia, you will go to the Supreme Council to seek support. As for the others, gather as many wizards as possible under your command and prepare to fight against the abyss invaders!"

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the decision of Wizard Hillenbel.

No one seemed to have thought that Hillenbel, as the acting Grand Speaker, still had no intention of backing down after seeing the horror of dragon scale disease.

"As you wish, Your Majesty the Speaker."

After hearing Hillenbel's order, Silia didn't have much objection. After a slight nod, he turned into an illusion and disappeared.

She has already set off for Stigmata Continent, preparing to seek help from the Supreme Council.


After Wizard Sliya left, Wizard Hillenbel took a deep breath, looked around, and then began to issue orders one by one.

Now that we have decided to stick to our position, we cannot let the abyss demons do whatever they want.

Under the order of the wizard of Hillenbel, the wizards in the north immediately began to strategize. A large number of wizards will be sent to the white light field to resist the invading abyss demons. As for being able to achieve that step, they can only do their best. .

Soon, this meeting finally ended with Hillenbeir's order.

As the Great Speaker of the Northern Continent, Hillenbel has absolute power. Even if everyone objects, he can still veto it with one vote. What's more, although the current abyss is menacing, it is not enough to stop everyone. Withdraw.

After the council was over, Enzo found the wizard Hillenbel.

"Are you... Mr. Enzo?"

After seeing Enzo, Hillenbel's eyes lit up. He didn't know that Enzo had returned to the wizarding world, so he quickly asked.

"Have you broken the shackles of the spiritual world?"

Wizard Hillenbel's face was full of excitement and said, "How are Wizard Calvin and the others? Now that you have come out of the spirit world, they..."

"I'm sorry, Sir Hillenbel."

Before Hillenbel finished speaking, Enzo interrupted the other party, shook his head and said, "I don't have the ability to bring Wizard Calvin and the others back."

"Even when I was in the spirit world, I didn't even see their faces."

"And the reason why I was able to leave the spirit world was mainly because of the help of another Supreme Council Wizard and the layout of a certain Supreme Wizard!"

Hearing Enzo's words, Hillenbel couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

"So, there is still no news from Calvin?"

Hillenbel's face looked a bit ugly. It was obvious that the acting Grand Speaker had deep feelings for Wizard Calvin and cared about him very much.

Enzo nodded slightly, but sighed in his heart.

Regarding the relationship between Hillenbel and Calvin, it is not a secret in the Northern Parliament. The two are partners. Although they are both men, they have a loyal love. Such a situation, in the wizarding world, Not a special case either.

After all, wizards of level four and above are immortals.

Over the long years, people will always make some changes. Therefore, it is normal for sexual orientation to change. Even the vast majority of immortal wizards have multiple sexual orientations, such as Enzo. Beings who are only interested in women are considered a bit of an anomaly.

"That's all."

At this time, Wizard Hillenbel shook his head, forced himself to regain his energy, and said in a deep voice: "Since there is no news about Calvin and the others, and we can't give any help, let's consider the problem at hand first. I don't know what Mr. Enzo has to say about it. What do you think of the situation in the north now?"

"Your Excellency Hillenbel, are you referring to Dragon Scale Disease or Abyss Invasion?" Enzo said solemnly.

"A little bit of both."

The wizard of Hillenbel sighed and said quietly, "Based on the current situation, if the dragon scale disease cannot be eradicated, then even if we drive away the abyssal demons that invaded the white light domain, it probably won't mean much, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

Enzo also took a deep breath and muttered: "But the top priority is that if we are not going to give up on the northern continent, then we should stabilize the situation as much as possible."

"After all, Sir Hillenbeir is also very aware of the current situation."

"The power of the dragon scale disease curse has begun to spread to the All Souls Wizard, which means that the immortal wizard is also threatened."

"In other words, no one in the north today is immune to the contamination of dragon scale disease."

"And this includes you and me!"

There was a hint of solemnity in Enzo's tone. According to the current situation, since dragon scale disease can contaminate all spirit wizards, the councilors as holy soul wizards may not be able to block the invasion of dragon scale disease.

Hearing Enzo's words, Hillenbel also fell into silence.

All spirit-level wizards are infected with dragon scale disease, which is like a sign, which means that the dragon scale disease has escalated again in the northern continent.

"We don't have the ability to solve dragon scale disease!"

But at this time, Hillenbel shook his head, with a hint of bitterness on his face, and said, "The originator of dragon scale disease is the Demon God of Gluttony, who is an abyss lord at the sixth-order life form level. For us, it is almost impossible." The overcoming presence.”

"We must eradicate the dragon scale disease first. I'm afraid only the Supreme Council can do it!"

"Not necessarily."

Enzo shook his head, but said, "The curse in the dragon scale disease is indeed the method of the Demon of Gluttony, but in order to solve the dragon scale disease, it is not necessarily necessary to destroy the Demon of Gluttony."

"As far as I know, the spreader of dragon scale disease this time is the lord of the 900th layer of the abyss, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!"

"I had a confrontation with him when we were in the 900-layer world of the abyss."

"The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is only a fifth-level life form. He sacrificed himself to the Demon God of Gluttony and became his minion. Only then did he gain the power to spread dragon scale disease."

"And the current invasion of the abyss is probably also related to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!"

"Black Dragon Emperor, Oren Caesar!"

The luster in Hillenbel's eyes flickered slightly. He had also heard of the name of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who was the strongest man in the nine hundred layers of the abyss.

"It turns out to be him!"

A trace of thought flashed in Hillenbel's eyes, but he hesitated, ": Sir Enzo, you mean that as long as we can get rid of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, we can eradicate the dragon scale disease spreading in the north?"

"You can give it a try." Enzo nodded.

"It's hard!"

Hillenbel took a deep breath, bitterness appeared on his face, and shook his head: "As far as I know, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is the strongest person in the 900-layer world of the abyss. In terms of today's Northern Continent, even if In the wizarding world, taking advantage of the rules may not necessarily kill them!"

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