Journey to the witch world

Chapter 968 Meeting

"what happened?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Wizard Green's eyes, and he murmured, "I don't know what happened, as if I was suddenly contaminated."

"By the way, I saw an evil god of the abyss!"

Suddenly, Wizard Green raised his head, and as much as he could remember the evil god of the abyss he had seen in his mind, he described it: "It was an evil god that looked like a giant dragon. Its whole body was covered with black scales, its wings were spread out, and there were black ones on it. Eyeballs!”

"It's scary and weird!"

"The black dragon evil god roared in the abyss and spread his power to the wizarding world. I just glanced at him and didn't know anything else!"

A trace of bitterness flashed in Wizard Green's eyes.

"As expected!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. After Wizard Green's description, some things seemed to be confirmed.

The being who spread the dragon scale disease was none other than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser.

However, compared to a few years ago, the form of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed to have changed, which coincided with the fact that the other party accepted the gift from the Demon God of Gluttony and his body was distorted.

In place, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

A few years ago, the demonic coalition from the 900-layer world of the abyss attacked the Ten Realm Fortress. Enzo and the Alice wizards joined forces and killed most of the abyss lords. Only the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Deep Sea Alice was seriously injured and escaped.

In order to restore his strength, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who was seriously injured, finally chose to sacrifice to the Demon God of Gluttony, one of the Seven Sins of the Abyss. He successfully obtained the other party's help. While his combat effectiveness was improved, his body also improved. Distortion occurred.

Immediately afterwards, under the order of the Gluttony Demon God, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar launched revenge on the Northern Continent.

After this series of inferences, the other party is obviously the originator of dragon scale disease.

In place, Enzo took a deep breath.

Reconfirming the origin of dragon scale disease gave him a clearer and clearer idea of ​​his next plan.

"Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!"

A coldness flashed in Enzo's eyes. Since the other party was the source of Dragon Scale Disease, he didn't seem to have many choices if he wanted to solve the crisis in the Northern Continent.

The Demon God of Gluttony is one of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss and a sixth-level being.

It is obviously very difficult for Enzo to deal with him, but as both are fifth-level life forms, Enzo will not be unable to deal with even the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Although Enzo's strength was damaged after experiencing the incident in the spiritual world.

But after such a long period of recovery, his combat effectiveness has returned to at least level nine. If fighting alone, Enzo is confident that he will never be weaker than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Now, the most important thing is to investigate clearly what changes have taken place in the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

The original Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was the strongest man in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

Now, after accepting the gift from the Demon God of Gluttony, the opponent's strength must have improved. Although Enzo is not afraid, if he can obtain more information, it will obviously be more beneficial to the battle.

You know, Enzo's biggest enemy is not the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

The Gluttony Demon is Enzo's biggest threat. If Enzo spends too much energy on dealing with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the Gluttony Demon will find an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"Thank you, Wizard Grimm."

On the spot, Enzo raised his head, looked at the Green wizard, and said softly, "Thank you very much for the information you brought me."

"I will solve the dragon scale disease issue as soon as possible."

Hearing Enzo's words, Wizard Green's face was full of excitement.

For him, getting Enzo's promise is obviously a reassurance. Even if he cannot control his alienation, he still has a glimmer of hope.

Then, Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared.

He returned to the tower in the City of Mist, planning to take a rest before heading to the 900-layer world of the abyss to look for an opportunity to kill the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Since the origin of dragon scale disease is Oren Caesar and the Demon God of Gluttony.

Then killing the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, even if the dragon scale disease cannot be completely eradicated, may be able to alleviate the situation. Enzo can even obtain a method to crack the dragon scale disease from the body of the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar.

"In three days, go to the 900-layer world of the abyss!"

In the tower, Enzo made up his mind and headed to the abyss in three days.

However, just two days later, before Enzo could go to the abyss world, the Northern Council issued an emergency call-up order to every member of the council.

"Abyss invasion?"

Feeling the recruitment order issued by the Northern Council, Enzo frowned slightly, carefully checked the information on the intelligence, and an idea suddenly flashed in his heart.

It turned out that it was not long ago.

The White Light Domain where dragon scale disease mutants first appeared in the Northern Continent suddenly opened the door to the abyss for unknown reasons. A large number of abyss demon lords appeared and wreaked havoc on the surrounding area. However, those mutants infected with dragon scale disease... They all became their pawns.

Today, dragon scale disease is no longer a secret.

Even though the Northern Council wants to control the situation, the news that spreads out still spreads throughout the Northern Continent. The mortal level may be better. As long as it relies on strong suppression, most kingdoms can be stabilized.

However, there were great differences within the Northern Parliament.

Due to the original expedition plan to the 900-layer world of the abyss, too many high-level wizards went to the 900-layer world of the abyss and disappeared without a trace. Today, the overall strength of the Northern Council has been greatly reduced, let alone a sixth-level leader. There are only a few wizards, not even fifth-level wizards.

The previous alienated dragon scale disease has caused the Northern Council to suffer a lot.

Nowadays, there is an abyss invasion in the White Light Domain, and there are several voices within the Northern Parliament. Some of them are determined to live and die with the North and fight against the invading Abyss Demon Lords with all their strength, while some think that the Northern Continent should be abandoned.

Yes, give up the northern continent!

Although this land is a basic existence for the wizards of the Northern Council, the current situation is very obvious. Under the raging dragon scale disease, the northern continent has long been riddled with holes. There are patients with dragon scale disease.

Moreover, this dragon scale disease is extremely terrifying.

Even a third-level wizard will be contaminated if he is not careful and become a monster controlled by the Abyss side. This situation leads to the Abyss side being able to infinitely create alienated people as puppets, while the Northern Continent side can only passively defend. .

Even defense will be very difficult.

If the strength of the Northern Parliament had not been damaged by the expedition to the Nine Hundred Worlds of the Abyss, perhaps abandoning the Northern Continent would become an impossible issue. However, the facts are before our eyes. According to the analysis of the members, the current In this situation, they were not sure of blocking the abyss invasion.

Rather than wasting strength in vain, it would be better to temporarily abandon the Northern Continent.

Temporarily drop all wizards and living forces on the islands around the northern continent, wait for the support of the Supreme Council to arrive, and then start a counterattack.

"If the Parliament chooses to give up this time, it will definitely be a disaster for the Northern Continent!"

On the spot, a trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face. Although the analysis of the Northern Council was reasonable, he was really unwilling to give up the Northern Continent from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately, Enzo left the city of fog.

The next moment, he returned to the center of the northern continent, the city where the parliament is located, and appeared directly in the hall where many members were meeting.

At this moment, members from all over the northern border are rushing towards the parliament.

As the Acting Grand Speaker, Wizard Churchill has issued a call-up order for all Northern Councilors. Even those conqueror wizards who are not bound by the rules of the Council have rushed to the Northern Council. After all, everyone knows the crisis of the situation at hand.

In the northern city, in the conference hall.

"The current situation has become very clear, we must leave!"

In the conference hall, a wizard wearing a white robe said in a deep voice: "With our current strength, we may be able to block the invasion of the abyss, but as time goes by, the number of dragon scale disease alienated people increases, and failure will be inevitable." The ending!”

"I disagree with you, Wizard Lista!"

At this time, another witch shook her head, stood up and said, "The Northern Continent is our foundation. If we choose to give up now, it will not only bring a devastating blow to the entire continent, but even make us lose everything we have before." .”

"So, I suggest sticking to the northern border!"

"Perhaps we can shrink the battle circle and give up part of the area to the Abyss Demon Lord, leaving only the area where the Northern Council is located, and wait for the support of the Supreme Council to arrive before we start to counterattack. This situation is best for us."

After hearing what the witch said, Wizard Lista immediately retorted.

"I know what you mean, Wizard Sliya."

"Withdrawing from the Northern Continent will indeed bring untold losses to all of us, but the current situation is whether we can hold the Northern Continent with our strength."

"Even so, the battle circle will be reduced to the size of the Northern Council."

"In this abyss invasion, there are countless demon lords of level 4 and above. If we choose to shrink the battle circle and only retain the Northern Parliament area, then if the war develops too fast, can we, who are surrounded by the Northern Parliament, Resisting the abyss demon army is probably still unknown.”

The words of the two wizards caused the northern council members to talk a lot.

Councilors all have their own ideas regarding the abyss invasion in the White Light Domain and the recent dragon scale disease incident.

"We can't give up on the northern continent!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded. Enzo looked around and saw the wizard in black robe slowly getting up.

"If you give up the northern continent, it will be equivalent to losing everything that the parliament has worked hard for many years!"

"I think you all should know very well how hard the Northern Council has worked to develop the mainland for tens of thousands of years!"

"If we give up now, all the resources in the north will be plundered by the abyss!"

Froslai looked serious and expressed his opinion. Choosing to give up the northern continent was an unbearable loss for all wizards.

After all, the Northern Council has been running the Northern Continent for too many years.

Not to mention the people of the Northern Territory who have lived here for a long time, even the vast resources of the Northern Territory are precious treasures of the Northern Parliament.

As Froslai said, the price of giving up was simply too high.


At this time, in the corner, a wizard of all spirits wearing a white robe suddenly sighed, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

"What do you think? Wizard Oraz?"

Froslai looked at the white-robed wizard and asked. The other person was his good friend, so Froslai hoped that the other party would support his point of view.

However, Wizard Oraz shook his head.

"Sorry, Froslay."

A trace of complexity flashed in Oraz's eyes, and he said bitterly, "Although I really want to agree with your idea, with the current situation, I'm afraid it's not possible to stay in the north."

"With our strength, we simply don't have such ability!"

"Why not?"

At this time, before Floslai could speak, the witch who had spoken before, the Slia wizard, asked: "Currently, only the white light domain is invaded by the abyss. As long as we make good use of the power of the rules and our local advantages, even if we cannot block the abyss, It’s absolutely okay to invade and delay.”

"As long as we wait for the support of the Supreme Council, all problems can be solved."

There was a trace of confidence on Wizard Slia's face. According to her idea, even though the current Northern Parliament cannot stop the invasion of the Abyss, as a local force in the wizarding world, as long as it delays time and waits for the support of the Supreme Council, it can defeat the Abyss. .

After all, this was how Xingtong Continent was originally.

Under the invasion of the Abyss Demon Lords, Xingtong Continent lost a large area of ​​land, but with the arrival of support from the Supreme Council, the Abyss Demons were quickly defeated, and the lost land was returned to the control of the Xingtong Council.

"Haha, your idea is too naive."

At this time, another wizard sneered and retorted, "It is now the end of the Third Era, an era of change for the entire multiverse. The Supreme Council has issued an order for a full-scale war, and many wizards have been sent to the abyss world to launch expeditions."

"Even if we insist on fighting against the demon army, can we really wait for the support of the Supreme Council?"

"In other words, even if the Supreme Council sends support, will we definitely be able to defeat the demon army?"

The wizard's idea resonated with many people.

As the other party said, today's multiverse is in an era of change. As the leader of the wizard civilization, the Supreme Council has begun to launch an expedition to the entire universe. The abyss world alone has sent an unknown number of troops.

Therefore, although the northern continent was invaded by the Abyss, it was still unknown whether the Supreme Council could send support. After all, the current Supreme Council itself was already overwhelmed with the war on multiple fronts.

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