"It would be great if Calvin was still here."

A complex look flashed across the eyes of Wizard Hillenbel. During the heyday of the Northern Continent, Wizard Calvin was the most powerful existence besides the Grand Chancellor. He was only a hair away from being a sixth-level life form. That’s all.

But now, the Grand Speaker is missing.

As the Acting Speaker, Wizard Calvin also led a group of strong men from the North to launch an expeditionary war in the 900th layer of the abyss. As a result, they were drawn into the spirit world and have not been heard from since. As a result, the once powerful North also fell into state of weakness.

Today's northern continent can be said to have two or three big cats and puppies.

Not to mention, there are no sixth-level wizards who can sit in the mainland. Even the fifth-level holy soul wizards who can fight can't be found. There are only a group of guardian all-spirit wizards left, relying on the Great Speaker to stay. resources to protect this continent as much as possible.

If the Grand Chancellor was still there, the North would never be so passive.

It is impossible for dragon scale disease to spread so unbridled. As the sixth-level endless wizard grand speaker, even if he does not go to the abyss world to deal with the Gluttonous Demon himself, he can still use the power of the rules of the wizard world to purify all patients with dragon scale disease.

However, none of this makes any sense now.

The Northern Territory, which has lost the Grand Chancellor and Wizard Calvin, can only choose passive defense in the face of the menacing abyss world.

Hillenbel rubbed his head and felt a little headache.

"Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, leave it to me!"

At this time, Enzo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I am also the Conqueror Holy Soul Wizard. If I use the home field advantage in the Wizarding World to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, it may not be a problem, even if I cannot kill him in one fell swoop. "

"As long as we can inflict some injuries on it, it will be enough to restore some confidence to the wizards in the council!"

Today's northern continent is not just an external threat.

Even internally, there were great differences. Although under the instructions of Wizard Hillenbel, the Parliament did not abandon the Northern Continent, many wizards had different ideas in their hearts. However, due to the acting Grand Speaker's decision, The identity was not revealed.

In fact, this is normal.

The wizarding civilization has always been a representative of reason in the multiverse. Therefore, after realizing the threat of this abyss invasion, the wizards of all spirits proposed to abandon the North, which was a somewhat helpless choice.

However, Hillenbeir was unwilling to give up.

When Wizard Calvin left the Northern Continent and went to the Abyss World, he handed over the Northern Continent to Hillenbel. Therefore, Hillenbel did not want the Northland to fall in his hands, even if there was only a trace of it. If he had the chance, he would give it a try.

Strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is somewhat emotional.

But as the acting Grand Speaker designated by Calvin, Hillenbel has absolute power in the Northern Parliament. Unless someone challenges Hillenbel's position and uses the laws set by the Supreme Council to replace Hillenbel's position, Able to make decisions again.

However, no one did this.

Not to mention that there are still several Holy Soul wizards in the Northern Continent today. The strength of the old Holy Souls of Hillenbel alone is enough to deter many people from those wizards who are qualified to challenge Hillenbel and have hope of winning. There are almost no people.

In fact, Hillenbeir is not greedy for power.

As a veteran holy soul in the Northern Continent, if it were not for Calvin, he would never have become the Acting Grand Speaker. If someone challenged him, Hillenbel might be happy to give up his identity as the Acting Grand Speaker, so that he would not have to bear the responsibility of the Northern Territory. destiny.

"Sir Enzo, how sure are you...?"

When Hillenbel heard Enzo's words, a trace of hesitation appeared on his face. Although he knew that Enzo was also a fifth-level holy soul conqueror wizard like Calvin, he also knew very well that the opponent's promotion to the holy soul was only five hundred. year time.

Hillenbel doesn't know how strong Enzo is.

"About sixty percent."

Enzo pondered for a moment and gave a conservative answer.

In fact, when they were in the 900-layer world of the abyss, Enzo had several battles with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Enzo has some idea of ​​Oren Caesar's strength.

If the opponent is still at the same level as before, Enzo is 100% sure that he can defeat or even kill the opponent with the help of rules in the wizarding world, but he also knows that the current Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has surrendered to the Demon God of Gluttony. .

Therefore, relying on the gift of the Gluttony Demon God, the strength of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar must be improved than before.

Therefore, Enzo did not dare to easily claim that he could defeat the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

"Sixty percent?"

Hearing Enzo's words, a trace of surprise appeared on Sulenber's face, and he quickly asked: "Is Sir Enzo really so confident?"

"Don't hide it from Lord Rumbel."

Enzo pondered for a moment and said, "I also followed Mr. Calvin to the 900-layer world of the abyss, and had several encounters with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. If we were fighting alone, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar should not be My opponent."

"It's just that, as far as I know, the current Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has surrendered to the Demon God of Gluttony, and his strength must have improved compared to before."

"That's why I said I only have a 60% chance of winning!"

A look of thought appeared on Hillenbel's face.

After a moment, Hillenbel raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Anyway, the Northern Council is no longer planning to give up on the Northern Continent. So since Lord Enzo is confident, there is no reason not to give it a try. If you can defeat the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, then in our war with the Abyss, our chances of winning will be increased by 30%!"

"Yes, I think so too."

Enzo nodded and said, the current Abyss World has invaded the White Light Domain, and if the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the leader of the Abyss Army, is in his own hands, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the Abyss Army.

Immediately, Enzo and Hillenbeir continued to discuss.

In response to the abyss invasion and the situation in the White Light Domain, the two formulated a combat plan and decided to mobilize all resources in the north to fight against the abyss demons.

In place, a look of sigh appeared on Enzo's face.

The last time they went to the 900-layer world of the abyss, the wizards launched an expedition to the abyss, but now they have become a defensive party, but the situation is still very serious. If you are not careful, the entire northern territory may fall into the hands of the abyss demons. paradise.

"The hope of the North lies with Sir Enzo!"

On the opposite side, Hillenbel took a deep breath and said solemnly: "As long as we can defeat the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, Sir Enzo can make any request he has, even if he asks me to give up my position as Acting Grand Speaker. question."

"No need to."

Enzo shook his head quickly. Not to mention that Wizard Calvin was kind to him, even if he was allowed to serve as Acting Chancellor for nothing, Enzo had no interest in it.

For conqueror wizards, planar expeditions are something worthy of interest.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

As the White Light Domain was invaded by the Abyss, all wizard organizations in the entire Northern Continent were mobilized, and under the instructions of Acting Speaker Hillenbel, they prepared to launch a counterattack against the Abyss Demon.

At this moment, in the white light domain.

The once extremely prosperous city has now turned into ruins. After the collapse of the towers, there are shabby buildings everywhere. In the sky, there are groups of huge abyss gates, looking down at the wizarding world like eyeballs.

Countless dark creatures are destroying everywhere in the white light field.

In a deep mountain in the White Light Domain, the huge Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was entrenched in a cave. There were mountains of food sent around him for him to enjoy, but the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar did not do anything. Not feeling satisfied.

"Keep going! More!"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out a deep roar, opened his bloody mouth, and sucked monsters into his mouth, as if everything he saw could not escape the fate of being eaten, and in the deepest part of the cave There, in the huge cage, the wizards were trembling.

Facing such a powerful Black Dragon Emperor, even wizards felt fear.

Soon, the Black Dragon Emperor ate up all the food. Still not satisfied, he turned his head and looked at the wizards in the cage. Then he opened his bloody mouth and spit out a stream of black dragon breath, which instantly melted the metal cage.

Inside, the wizards fled frantically.

However, a ferocious look appeared on the face of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and then he waved his dragon claws, catching the escaping wizards one by one, and threw them into his mouth without thinking, and there were bursts of chewing sounds. It's creepy.

In a matter of moments, everything in the cave was eaten by Oron Caesar.

But even so, the feeling of hunger in his belly still made Oren Caesar feel crazy. He roared angrily and ordered his subordinate demons guarding outside to continue bringing food, as if he had transformed into a hungry ghost who could never have enough to eat. generally.

"Northern Continent, I'm here!"

Trapped in the cave, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar flashed a trace of madness in his vertical pupils and spoke in a low voice.

"I'm going to eat everything here!"

"Wizards! Wait!"

"The Black Dragon Emperor's anger will make you tremble!"

As Oren Caesar spoke, a trace of resentment flashed in his vertical pupils.

As the Abyss Lord of the 900-layer world of the Abyss, Oren Caesar originally had the supreme status. However, due to the Northern Wizard's expedition, he was seriously injured by Enzo and Alice, and had to seek help from the Demon of Gluttony to recover.

In order to heal his injured body, Oronkaiser offered his soul to the Demon of Gluttony.

From that moment on, the free Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar became the slave of the Demon God of Gluttony. Although he gained more power, he also lost his precious freedom and was always in a state of hunger. He could only continue to devour. This fills the deepest desires of the soul.

In this regard, Oren Caesar recorded all his pain on the wizard of the north.

According to the information he knew, all the wizards in the North who went to the 900-layer world of the abyss have been lost in the spiritual world. Therefore, the North is now in an empty state. Oren Caesar decided to first remove the wizards in the North. They ate them all.

Then I'm thinking of ways to take revenge on those wizards lost in the spiritual world!

"The Black Dragon Emperor's wrath is about to descend on this land!"

In the cave, the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar's vertical pupils flickered, and the longing deep in his soul made him feel hungry again.

At this time, a team of jackals transported food into the cave.

Without thinking, Oren Caesar opened his mouth and spit out a dragon's breath. The monsters that were still alive turned into charcoal and were eaten by the black dragon. The jackals who were Oren Caesar's dependents also shivered and looked at the black dragon in fear. Emperor Oron Caesar.

"Give your life for our emperor!"

Orenkaiser laughed ferociously, suddenly opened his huge mouth, and swallowed all the jackals into his mouth, no matter how they whined, he was unmoved.

"Master, I have information..."

Just when a jackal leader was about to be eaten by Oren Caesar, he suddenly screamed and tried his best to prove his worth.


Oren Caesar hesitated. This jackal was at the demigod level. As food, it was inevitably a bit wasteful.

Moreover, the other party also brought information.


Oren Caesar spat out the Jackal leader, stared at him with vertical pupils, and said faintly, "Your information had better be valuable, otherwise, maybe you can feel my anger in advance."

The jackal who survived the disaster shivered and quickly fell to his knees.

Taking out a piece of information from his arms, the Jackal leader stumbled out and read it out. After the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar heard it, he suddenly became excited.

"Is everything you said true?"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared, "Is that damn wizard really back from the spirit world?"

"Yes, absolutely true."

The leader of the jackals vowed, "I swear in the name of the abyss. If I tell any lies, my soul will perish in the fire of the abyss forever."


After hearing the news that Enzo had come out of the spirit world, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar burst into laughter. His vertical pupils flashed with excitement, and he said ferociously: "This is really great! It seems like it is." The will of the great abyss gives me such an opportunity for revenge!"

The roar of the Black Dragon Emperor echoed in the cave.

When the jackal leader saw this, he wanted to leave quietly, but at this time, Oren Caesar noticed his little movement, and immediately breathed out dragon breath, bit him and swallowed him in his mouth. The jackal leader screamed miserably. The cry suddenly started.

"Wait, wizard!"

In the cave, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who heard the news about Enzo, said faintly with the luster of incomparable hatred in his vertical pupils.

"I will definitely cut you into pieces, and your soul will be burned in the flames of the abyss forever!"

"The entire Northern Continent will be buried with you! I will let you taste the pain in endless regret!"

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