Journey to the witch world

Chapter 967 Dungeons and Wizards

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

The city of mist, inside the tower.

In a laboratory at the University of Nottingham, there are various experimental equipment, test tubes, beakers, candlesticks and other things placed on a huge table. There is a pungent smell in the air. For ordinary people, here Staying there for even a second would risk death.

"Ding! The experiment failed."

The sound of the chip came again in his mind, and a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. Ten days of research ended in failure.

"It's really a bit tricky!"

On the spot, Enzo murmured to himself and frowned slightly. After these ten days of research, he already understood the nature of dragon scale disease.

Dragon scale is not a simple virus.

Its essence is a combination of virus and curse. In addition to wound infection, even the air seems to be a medium of transmission, and there is more.

Since dragon scale disease appeared in the northern continent, the virus seems to have continued to mutate.

It seems to be very difficult to solve this symptom with magic potions, and even the cured alienated person may still be alienated again at any time.


Enzo took a deep breath, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Since dragon scale disease is a combination of virus and curse, it means that the only way to completely solve this virus is to start from the root cause.

As long as the root cause is solved, dragon scale disease will naturally be defeated.

However, solving the root cause of the curse is easier said than done.

The root cause of dragon scale disease is the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Gluttony Demon God. The former may not be a concern, but the latter is a sixth-level life form. He is in the abyss. Even if the Supreme Wizard wants to deal with him, it will not be easy. matter.

Especially in recent times.

"I can't believe that the Demon God of Gluttony has such strength!"

On the spot, Enzo sighed in his heart, and a trace of emotion appeared on his face. According to the information he recently learned, something happened in the abyss world.

According to reliable information, in the seventy-third layer of the abyss.

The Demon God of Gluttony fought a decisive battle with the Demon God of Pride, and successfully defeated the opponent, replacing the Demon God of Pride as the head of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss.

As for the two demon gods of Lust and Anger, who originally hunted down the Demon God of Gluttony with the Arrogant Demon God, they are now missing.

In today's abyss world, a rumor is spreading.

That is, in the era of change that is about to end in the third era, the Gluttony Demon God, as a sixth-level life form, has mastered the method of advancing to the seventh level. Therefore, the entire abyss world is shaken by it, and even the seventh-level demons are ready to move. .

Suppose the Gluttony Demon breaks through the realm and becomes a seventh-level life form.

This means that the abyss world will usher in the eighth level seven life form, and the name of the Gluttonous Demon will be completely resounding throughout the multiverse.

When such news spread, Enzo felt a sense of urgency.

The grudge between him and the Gluttony Demon can be traced back hundreds of years. When Enzo was still a fourth-level all-spirits wizard, he killed the clones of the Gluttony Demon. If the other party really stepped into the seventh level, then for Enzo Zuolai will never be qualified to step into the abyss.

Otherwise, with the character of the Gluttonous Demon God, as long as Enzo steps into the abyss one second, he will be attacked by the opponent the next second.

Even if the Demon of Gluttony were to advance to the seventh level, it would be in danger for Enzo to leave the wizarding world.


Suddenly, Enzo shrugged, and a slight smile appeared on his face. The Gluttonous Demon God has experienced three epochs in the abyss world.

Over the long years, the Demon God of Gluttony has had too many enemies.

Therefore, on the list of enemies of the Demon God of Gluttony, an existence like Enzo may not even be ranked high on the list.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

Just as he was about to continue his experiments and develop a potion to suppress dragon scale disease, there was a sudden knocking sound in his ears.

Dang Dang Dang!

Enzo looked toward the window and saw a crow holding a letter in its mouth. Apparently someone was delivering a message to him.


Enzo raised his eyebrows. He had only used such an ancient communication method during his apprenticeship. Since he became an immortal wizard, he had a special way of communicating with each other.

Just like Qianli Transmission.

As long as they are in the wizarding world and have exchanged communication marks with each other, even great wizards can communicate with each other without any barriers at any time and anywhere.

"come in."

Enzo waved his hand, and the window was opened. The crow immediately flew in and handed the letter in its mouth to Enzo.

Signed, Sheena.

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. This seemed to be a familiar name. He was one of the apprentices in that forest.

The other party also has a mentor named Green, who is a fanatical admirer of Enzo.

Enzo shook his head, then checked the information in the letter and found that it was a letter asking for help, and it was very urgent.

"Has alienation occurred in Wizard Green?"

Enzo frowned slightly. Judging from the content on the letter, it seemed that not long ago, people with dragon scale disease had begun to appear in the city of fog. Green, as an official wizard, was also infected with dragon scale disease and was caught by the academy and imprisoned. middle.

As Green's favorite apprentice, Xina felt helpless when her mentor was taken away.

Therefore, she could only turn to other wizards in the academy, but she did not get any response, and finally found Enzo's head.

"Is the situation already that serious?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. Since even official wizards have become infected, it means that now in the Dark Realm, dragon scale disease has spread and spread to the Phantom Academy of Crows. middle.


Enzo sighed, feeling a little hesitant.

As one of the only fifth-level holy soul wizards in the northern continent, Enzo must solve the problem of dragon scale disease as soon as possible.

However, the main source of dragonscale disease comes from the power of the curse.

Even if Enzo develops a medicine that can suppress dragon scale disease, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause at best. As long as the Demon God of Gluttony and the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar are still there, the dragon scale disease cannot be completely eliminated. As time goes by, it will become more and more serious. more.

However, it is easy to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, but to deal with the Gluttony Demon God, Enzo is obviously not qualified at his current level.

Since devouring the Demon God of Greed, the Demon God of Gluttony's strength has been substantially improved.

Even in the entire multiverse, among sixth-order life forms, his strength can be regarded as a powerful existence. Ordinary sixth-order life forms have almost no chance of winning against him. Only the oldest and most powerful sixth-order life forms have no chance of winning. level, maybe there are some opportunities.

"Forget it, let's go take a look first."

Enzo sighed, then left the tower, followed the address Xina gave him, and came to the dungeon where the Green wizards were held in the academy.

A dark and damp dungeon with runes carved on the walls.

There were waves of terrifying sounds coming from the depths of the darkness, which made people shudder. Even the wizards who were guardians had extremely solemn expressions. More and more alienated people made the entire Dark Territory panic.

Even though the Northern Council tried their best to block the news, everything had already spread.

In today's northern continent, dragon scale disease is no longer a secret. The wizards of the Supreme Council want to deal with the matter as soon as possible, but there is still no way. Even some human kingdoms have begun to panic and ask for help from the upper levels. An explanation.

In such a situation, even more evil gods spread the power of faith.

The entire Northern Continent is in chaos, and the Northern Parliament can only take strong measures to suppress it. Any evil gods and devils who try to confuse people's hearts will become hunting targets, and for mortals, the Northern Parliament A more cruel policy was adopted.

In just a few months, several kingdoms have been destroyed.

If the Northern Council hadn't intervened, perhaps the order of this continent would have collapsed. But even so, the spreading dragon scale disease was still difficult to control, making the wizards of the Northern Council feel very anxious.


Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the dungeon, and several wizards guarding here suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, and they raised their wands one after another.

"No need to panic!"

Enzo's figure appeared in front of him, comforting many defenders, and his body exuded a strange wave of magic power.

"Who are you?"

At this time, a guard felt the great pressure emanating from Enzo, and even couldn't help but want to kneel down and surrender, but he still gritted his teeth and asked.

"Are you... Mr. Enzo?"

Next to him, another guard wizard recognized Enzo and gasped, with a look of disbelief on his face.

For low-level wizards, the immortal wizard is like a god.

The vast majority of low-level wizards may never see an immortal wizard in their lifetime, but many people have long admired Enzo, the legendary wizard from Phantom Academy of Crows.

"Yes, I am Enzo."

With a smile on his face, Enzo felt the gazes of everyone and slowly raised his arms. The magic power that belonged to the Phantom Crow Qianling suddenly spread.

Around them, many wizards suddenly became excited.

In recent times, the dragon scale disease has made everyone nervous. Now seeing Enzo's appearance, these wizards seem to have a backbone.

"It turns out that everything Green said is true..."

Next to him, a wizard murmured to himself, his eyes flashing with excitement. Not long ago, before the Green wizard had been alienated, he mentioned to this wizard that he had met the legendary Lord Enzo. He originally thought that the other party was here. Just kidding, now it seems to be true.

"Lord Enzo."

At this time, another black-robed wizard said in a deep voice, "I wonder what brings you here? Do you need our help?"

"Are all the alienated people in the academy here recently?"

Enzo asked, looking forward, and there were waves of terrifying sounds coming from the dark and dark dungeon.

"So far, the vast majority of alienated people are being held here."

The black-robed wizard hesitated and sighed, "However, there are also some alienated people who escaped from the city of fog during the alienation process. Currently, the academy has sent people to track down, but it remains to be seen whether all the alienated people can be brought back. For sure."

"After all, the current situation..."

The black-robed wizard said, unable to help but shake his head.

Under the current situation, the entire northern continent is within the scope of dragon scale disease. Even if the academy catches those alienated people, it does not make much sense. Therefore, the academy's attitude towards the alienated people is mainly to study and fight against them. Lord.


Enzo nodded, then ignored everyone and walked straight forward, arriving deep into the dungeon soon.

Here, he met all those with dragon scale disease.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo issued an order in his heart. The number of alienated people in the entire dungeon seemed to have exceeded a hundred, and most of them were wizards.

Obviously, the situation has developed out of control.

Dragon Scale Disease has spread in the Dark Polar Region. At this rate, it may only be a matter of time before the Northern Continent falls.

Enzo looked solemn and looked around.

Soon, he found Wizard Green. Within a few days, his appearance had completely changed. His whole body was covered with black scales, like a monster. The wizard robe he was wearing had long been torn. He was making waves in the dungeon. A terrifying roar.

"It really is……"

A sigh appeared on Enzo's face, then he took out a potion from his arms, then raised his hand and threw it into the mouth of the Green wizard.

Those with dragon scale disease remain hungry.

Therefore, they would instinctively eat anything. When the Green wizard saw the magic potion test tube flying over, he opened his mouth without thinking.


There was only a sound of broken glass. Amidst the ferocious chewing sounds of Wizard Green, the magic medicine test tube had been chewed to pieces. The liquid inside flowed down the throat and entered Wizard Green's body. His originally crazy eyes seemed to A glimmer of clarity returned.

"What's wrong with me?"

The Grimm wizard seemed to have regained some sanity. Looking at his hands that were covered with black scales due to alienation, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"You are tainted by Dragonscale."

Outside the prison, Enzo looked calm and said softly, "This potion can only temporarily suppress the dragon scale disease in your body. It is impossible to completely recover."


Hearing that he was contaminated by dragon scale disease, Wizard Green showed a tremor on his face, and he knelt down and said, "Lord Enzo, can you save me?"

"Yes, you can definitely save me!"

"Please save me, Lord Enzo!"

Enzo looked calm after hearing Wizard Green's prayer.

"I will try my best."

Enzo spoke softly, with a hint of soothing magic in his tone. The Green wizard, who was still in a state of fear, suddenly felt extremely at ease.

"I believe you, Lord Enzo." Wizard Green took a deep breath.

"In the end what happened?"

Enzo didn't talk too much and asked directly. The reason why he appeared in the dungeon was not just for the Green wizard. He mainly wanted to know what happened to the other party that caused the abnormality of dragon scale disease.

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