The city of mist, inside the tower.

Enzo was in a laboratory, surrounded by all kinds of weird equipment. In the metal cages in front of him were the apprentices with alienated bodies.

"It is indeed the aura of Oren Caesar!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, holding a test tube in his hand, which contained the blood extracted from the body of the alienated apprentice not long ago.

After equipment testing, Enzo extracted a trace of dragon gene from the blood.

When he was in the 900th layer of the abyss, Enzo had fought against the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and collected his blood. Therefore, by comparing and analyzing the two bloods, Enzo could determine that the genes in the alienated apprentice's body were correct. It comes from the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

This made Enzo feel a little confused.

After the battle at the Ten World Fortress, Oren Caesar had been seriously injured by Enzo and Calvin Wizard, and was in the abyss world. Why did his blood appear in the wizard world and cause alienation in the bodies of those apprentices.

"Taling, help me retrieve all the recent information about the Northern Continent."

Enzo issued an order. As the intelligence of this tower, the tower spirit immediately retrieved all the information about the Northern Continent in the past few years.

Soon, Enzo got what he wanted from this information.

"Dragon scale disease?"

In place, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. According to the information summoned by the tower spirit, in recent years, a terrible disease called dragon scale disease seemed to have appeared in the northern continent. It was like pollution, rapidly spreading throughout the northern continent. spread across the continent.

This is an extremely scary virus.

According to the data in the document, dragon scale disease originally originated in the White Light Domain. Villagers in a small village developed the disease inexplicably. Then black dragon scales grew all over their bodies and they became extremely hungry. Just overnight. , and ate all the livestock in the village.

Then, the villager was still not satisfied.

The hunger caused by dragon scale disease made him target other villagers. In response, other villagers suddenly panicked and prepared to join forces to control the alienated villagers. However, the villagers with alienated bodies were not only extremely hungry, but also had a combat power of The level of horror.

The most powerful knight in the village had his neck broken by him in just a moment.

Then, a horrific massacre began. Almost all the villagers were eaten by the aliens. Only a few people took advantage of the chaos to escape. However, this became the beginning of the virus infection. The villagers who escaped from the village soon became infected. Lesions also occurred.

All the alienated villagers became extremely hungry.

Wherever they went, the virus continued to spread, spreading like a disaster in the surrounding villages.

In just one month, the kingdom where the village was located fell.

This thing happened too fast. Therefore, when the wizard organization in the White Light Domain knew everything and was ready to intervene, things began to get out of control. The dragon scale disease alienated people spread crazily around.

In order to deal with the alienated dragon scale disease, the wizards in the White Light Domain made a cruel decision.

Five third-level wizards joined forces and prepared to cast a large-scale spell, using power comparable to divine power to directly destroy the kingdom where the dragon-scale disease alienated people were located, in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Such a cruel method may be the best choice for the wizards in the White Light Domain.

After all, for wizards, no matter how many mortals are killed or injured, it is just a number. As long as there is enough time, they will be like leeks, endlessly cutting and harvesting. On the contrary, if the dragon scale disease continues to spread, It may cause a more terrible crisis.

Immediately, five third-level wizards joined forces to seal off the entire kingdom.

Then, they used a large fire spell to burn the entire kingdom in one day. They thought they could completely eliminate the virus, but they didn't expect that when the fire was extinguished, a bunch of dragon scale mutants emerged from the ashes. Zhong rushed out.

Those who have mutated the dragon scale disease actually have the ability to resist flames.

Seeing such a scene, even the five third-level wizards were a little surprised, but they quickly reacted and summoned their wizards to prepare to encircle and suppress the dragon scale disease mutants.

The war soon began.

However, what everyone did not expect was that in just half a year, the army led by the wizards failed to defeat the dragon scale disease mutants. Instead, the dragon scale disease continued to spread, and the entire white light domain fell.

Things have begun to spiral out of control.

Originally, those alienated by dragon scale disease were just mortals, but as the virus spread in the white light domain, even the wizards were unable to resist the invasion of dragon scale disease, and they became alienated one after another. Moreover, the alienated people transformed by the wizards , the strength is more terrifying than ordinary people.

News of the fall of the White Light Domain soon reached the Northern Parliament.

The Northern Council attaches great importance to the emergence of dragon scale disease. However, it does not know how to deal with it. In order to avoid greater panic, it can only block the news and build defenses around the white light field to prevent the continued spread of dragon scale disease. .

However, it was all in vain.

With the fall of the White Light Territory, the dragon scale disease has been completely unable to be suppressed and has spread to other areas. Dragon scale disease mutants are appearing in more and more places. The Northern Council is also very busy because of this, but it has never been able to find a way to deal with it. .

Now, the Northern Council has already issued a reward.

Anyone who can develop a medicine against dragon scale disease can receive an artifact as a reward and become a member of the Northern Territory Council.

But even so, everyone is still helpless.

Recently, even those with dragon scale disease have appeared in the Dark Territory. Therefore, Enzo received a letter from Froslai, asking him to help.

In fact, when the White Light Domain fell, Froslai got the news.

As a member of the Northern Parliament, he was even sent to the White Light Realm to investigate and saw the horror of those mutated by dragon scale disease. Even a veteran wizard like Froslai was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do. good.

Therefore, Froslai immediately thought of Enzo.

After returning to the Dark Realm, he immediately sent a letter asking for help to Enzo. However, Enzo was in the spirit world at this time and naturally had no ability to respond to Froslai. He knew that not long ago, Enzo saw This is the unknown number of calls for help sent by Froslai.


On the spot, Enzo let out a long breath, his face was a little complicated, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

The spirit world is indeed a terrifying place. From Enzo's perspective, he feels that he has not stayed in the spirit world for long, but several years have passed in the outside world. As the most mysterious place in the multiverse, , the spiritual world not only has special rules, but it seems that even time is distorted.

"Dragon scale disease!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Based on the known information, Dragon Scale Disease originated a few years ago, and that time seemed to be just after the Battle of the Ten Realms Fortress, when Enzo and Wizard Alice were heading there. When in the spiritual world.

"Olen Caesar, the Demon of Gluttony..."

Enzo's eyes flashed with thought, and he extracted the genes belonging to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar from the bodies of those with dragon scale disease. This can almost confirm that the dragon scale disease spreading in the northern continent is related to Oren Caesar. Inextricably linked.

And those who have mutated the dragon scale disease also show symptoms of extreme hunger.

This seems to be the method of the Gluttony Demon. Several pieces of information are connected to each other, and Enzo can almost deduce information that is infinitely close to the truth.

First of all, dragon scale disease comes from the abyss world.

Judging from the time point, the origin of dragon scale disease happened to be the end of the Battle of the Ten Realms Fortress. Enzo and Alice Wizards teamed up to seriously injure the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. According to Enzo’s memory, Oren Caesar at that time He seemed to have been seriously injured.

Therefore, the seriously injured Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar may not be able to spread dragon scale disease to the northern continent.

Unless he has the help of a more powerful being behind him.

"Gluttony Demon God!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he thought to himself that perhaps it was with the help of the Demon God of Gluttony that the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was able to regain his strength in a short period of time, thereby spreading the dragon scale disease to the northern continent.

"I can't believe these two guys got together!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was just a loser under his own control, and was nothing to worry about.

As one of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss, the Demon God of Gluttony is the real threat.

Nowadays, the dragon scale disease is spreading in the northern continent. It is most likely the handiwork of the Gluttony Demon God. Otherwise, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar alone may not have such great power.

In place, Enzo stroked his chin, a look of thinking appeared on his face.

According to the information he had received before, since the Demon God of Gluttony devoured the Demon God of Greed, the other party has become like a street rat in the abyss world. He should be in a state of panic under the pursuit of the three demon gods of anger, arrogance, and lust.

How could the Gluttony Demon God in such a state be able to project his power into the Northern Continent?

You must know that the Northern Continent is the territory of wizards. Even though the Gluttony Demon God is a sixth-level life form, he is just a small role in the eyes of the Supreme Council. Such blatant methods will never be used once the Supreme Council targets them. What a good ending.

If it were before, the Gluttony Demon God in the abyss world might not matter.

At that time, the Seven Deadly Sins Demon Gods of the Abyss were one with each other. When they joined forces, even seventh-level life forms could contend for a while. As long as they did not leave the abyss world, they would not be in much danger even if they were chased by seventh-level wizards.

However, things are different now.

Since the Demon God of Gluttony devoured the Demon God of Greed, the alliance between the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss has been completely broken. Not only are they no longer allies, but they have become enemies. If faced with the threat of the wizarding world, the other demon gods will never Any help will be given.

With enemies from both sides, who gave the Demon God of Gluttony the courage to take action against the Northern Continent?

Bang bang bang!

While Enzo was thinking, there was a fierce sound in his ears. He looked forward and saw several dragon-scaled alienated people in the cage. At this moment, they were constantly hitting the cage. The alienated condition on their bodies was It is also becoming more and more serious.

"It's a bit troublesome!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. Dragon scale disease continued to spread throughout the northern continent. This was a terrible crisis for any northern wizard.

If it were in the past, there would still be wizards from the council in the north who could find a way to deal with the dragon scale disease.

But now, under the instructions of the Supreme Council, most of the wizards in the North have already entered into the battle of the 900th layer of the abyss. A large number of wizards are lost in the spiritual world, so the Parliament in the North is already in a state of emptiness.

Under such a premise, the Northern Parliament is in a weak state.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo may be called the most powerful wizard in today's northern continent. According to some potential rules, he can even become the acting speaker.

However, Enzo is not interested in the position of acting speaker.

Before Wizard Calvin went to the abyss world, he had already appointed a successor. Although Enzo could rely on his strength to challenge and replace the opponent's position, doing so would not only be meaningless, but would bring a lot of trouble to Enzo. .

After all, Enzo has too many things to deal with now.

"Let's find a way to develop a medicine for dragon scale disease first!"

Enzo pondered for a moment, and then made a decision. In today's northern continent, the spreading dragon scale disease seems to have become a crisis. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, it will be fatal to any northern wizard. threaten.

The fall of the White Light Domain is a signal for the Northern Territory.

If the threat of dragon scale disease cannot be resolved in time, the entire northern continent may fall due to this.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

It has been five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey. For Enzo, the study of magic potions has become a casual thing. In the northern continent, Enzo has a hundred soul clones who are responsible for studying magic potions every day. medicine.

Over the past five hundred years, Enzo has developed countless magic potions.

In the Northern Continent, Enzo may not be the strongest, but his attainments in potions are unmatched by anyone. Even the speakers of the Northern Parliament are not interested in the potions developed by Enzo. Full of praise.

For Enzo today, his annual income from studying potions is almost as much as the next level under his command.

In order to develop a medicine to solve the dragon scale disease as soon as possible, Enzo began experiments.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

In the laboratory, Enzo whispered syllables, first summoning clones, and then making them assistants in his experiments.

"Chip, perform data simulation!"

While giving the order, Enzo told his clone to use up the resources of the entire Northern Continent to collect the supplies he needs. If the Northern Continent does not have them, buy them from other continents. All expenses will be borne by the Northern Congress. .

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