On the same spot, Enzo looked forward.

The bronze door hidden at a specific point in time has begun to slowly emerge, but this process will still take some time.

While waiting, Enzo and Alice started talking.

As a wizard of the Supreme Council, the other party has a lot of information that even Enzo doesn't know. If it weren't for this mission, Enzo would probably not know until he became a sixth-level wizard that there is such a spiritual world in the multiverse. place exists.

"According to the current policy of the Supreme Council."

Alice nodded slightly and said solemnly: "The third era is coming to an end. The era of change has arrived. The fire of wizard civilization must be spread to the entire universe. If all plans go well, before the end of the fourth era, in the multiverse, except for All civilization except the civilization of wizards will cease to exist.”

"Including the Abyss World and the Alliance of Realms!"

Hearing Alice's words, Enzo looked thoughtful.

"So, the Supreme Council has made up its mind to start a full-scale war and conquer the entire multiverse?" Enzo asked.

"Yes, that's right!"

Alice took a deep breath, the luster in her eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Since the birth of wizard civilization, it has gone through three eras of hard work!"

"And now, our civilization is already the strongest in the universe!"

"So, as long as you make good use of the era of change, your plan to conquer the entire universe has a high probability of success!"

"What about...the spiritual world?"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Enzo's face. Before he knew about the existence of the spirit world, he might have firmly believed that the Supreme Council's plan could succeed smoothly.

However, after learning about the existence of the spirit world, Enzo's mind changed.

The wizarding civilization is known as the strongest overlord of the multiverse. However, it now seems that the mystery of the universe is far beyond the imagination of the wizarding civilization.

No one knows what kind of power the spirit world possesses.

Moreover, even without the spirit world, the Alliance of All Realms and the Abyss World are extremely powerful enemies. Among them, the Alliance of All Realms has more than ten seventh-level life forms, and the Abyss World is the oldest place in the multiverse. noodle.

Both enemies are difficult to deal with.

However, since the rise of the wizard civilization in the Battle of Paradise Mountain, it has accumulated power for three entire eras. No one knows what kind of power the wizard civilization possesses.

The five supreme wizards are just the number of powerful people in the wizarding world.

"Perhaps...the spiritual world will be the biggest variable?"

Alice sighed in her heart, shook her head and said, "Even the Supreme Council's understanding of the spiritual world is still superficial."

"Therefore, the Supreme Council has not yet decided on the plan for the spiritual world."

While talking, Enzo suddenly felt something in his heart.

There was a sound in the distance, but the outline of the bronze door was slowly emerging, an ancient and old aura was exuding, and runes were floating around, emitting a dazzling light.


Alice's heart moved, and she knew that the bronze door had appeared.

Immediately, she waved to Enzo, and the two of them walked straight towards the bronze door. Without any accident, the bronze door opened smoothly.

"It seems that this is the method of the Supreme Wizard!"

The thought flashed in Enzo's mind, and he hid the bronze door at a safe point in time. In the spiritual world, perhaps only the Supremes could do this.

Looking at the bronze door so close in front of him, Enzo couldn't help but feel relieved.

"it is finally over!"

The moment before Enzo stepped into the bronze door, he suddenly turned around and looked at the dilapidated Gro camp, with a complex look on his face.

At this time, the Gro camp was already unknown how many years later.

Obviously, after experiencing the dark natural disaster, the wizards in the Gro camp did not wait for Enzo to bring back the energy fruit, which led to the destruction of the camp. All the wizards were missing and most likely ended up like the Sokka wizard. .

Regarding this ending, Enzo also felt a little helpless in his heart.

Even if he is a holy soul wizard, he is just a drifting existence in the spiritual world. Enzo cannot change the fate of Camp Glo, even if he chooses to stay and hand over the three Heart of God fruits to Camp Glo. Wizard of O'Callen.

The final result was just to extend the time for the destruction of Camp Jean-Groe.

It doesn't make any sense.


Enzo sighed silently in his heart, then turned around, his eyes flashing with determination, and stepped into the bronze door without looking back.

In an instant, the bronze door burst into dazzling light.

The whirlpool-like black hole sucked Enzo and Alice into it, as if they were transported in time and space.

"Our target is the wizarding world?" Enzo asked.


Alice nodded slightly, feeling the turbulence of space transmission raging around her, but there was no trace of worry on her face.

As immortal wizards, teleportation is something they are accustomed to.

I don’t know how much time passed.

When Enzo opened his eyes again, he was surrounded by a desolate desert, with wild sand sweeping across the land. It looked desolate and desolate, and not even a breath of life could be seen.

"came back!"

Enzo's heart moved. Although the sky was filled with yellow sand, he was very sure that he had returned to the wizarding world with the power of the familiar rules.

However, the location of the transmission is rather special.


Enzo let out a long breath and finally left the spirit world. Feeling the familiar atmosphere around him, he couldn't help but open his arms.

Next to her, a smile appeared on Alice's face.

Obviously, being able to successfully return to the wizarding world is also a happy thing for her. After all, she is in the spiritual world, and just the pollution of the spiritual world's curse makes any wizard feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Your Excellency Alice, why do you want to set the teleportation point here?"

After a while, Enzo suddenly asked, this is a desert area, and I don't know why Alice put the teleportation point here.

"This is not a choice I have."

Alice shook her head and chuckled, "The Bronze Door is the supreme wizard's artifact. Although it can allow us to leave the spirit world, the location of the transfer is not necessarily certain."

"It is not easy to set coordinates in the wizarding world."

Hearing Alice's words, Enzo nodded slightly.

"That's true."

Enzo and Alice are both immortal wizards, and each controls the power of rules. As long as they can return to the wizarding world, they will be free.

"So what do we do now?"

Enzo asked again. Now that he has returned to the wizarding world, the crisis in the spiritual world has been resolved, but Enzo still has a lot to do at the moment.

The first thing is to adjust your state.

Affected by the curse of the spiritual world, the magic power in Enzo's body is now almost exhausted, and the power of the fourteen world hearts under his command is also exhausted. At this moment, he must recover as soon as possible before he can proceed with the next thing.

Moreover, not long ago, Enzo ate three Heart of God fruits.

Having hastily mastered the power of the three rules in the spiritual world, Enzo obviously needs a long time to adapt if he wants to master them proficiently.

"Since you are back, Sir Enzo, please do as you please."

Alice pondered for a moment and then said, "I plan to go to the Supreme Council first and report the news of the investigation into the spirit world."

"As for Sir Enzo, you can do whatever you want!"


Hearing Alice's words, Enzo nodded slightly, and then said nothing more, so that Alice could say goodbye in the desert.

"I hope we can meet again."

Alice waved her hand, and then she held the silver wand in her hand. The portal suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she stepped directly into it.

As a space wizard, Alice is proficient in teleportation.

When she was in the spirit world before, some spells might be restricted, but now that she has returned to the wizarding world, as long as she has magic power, it is easy to go anywhere. Just a single teleportation may be enough. Spanning two continents.

Looking at Alice disappearing into the portal, Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face.

As a wizard of the Supreme Council, the other party's trip to the spirit world was mainly to carry out an investigation mission. Now that he has returned, he naturally has to report to the Supreme Council as soon as possible without wasting any time.

"Let's adjust the situation first."

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the potion from the space ring, and poured it into his mouth without thinking.

As an immortal holy soul wizard, Enzo has not used magic potions for a long time.

After all, for the Holy Soul Wizard, if he wants to restore his magic power, he only needs his own magic crystal. Unless he is fighting, he will choose magic medicine to speed up the recovery of magic power.

But at this moment, Enzo is in a special situation.

After experiencing a series of battles in the spirit world, he had already run out of energy. At this moment, in order to speed up the recovery of magic power, he did not want to be stingy with using those precious magic potions.

In a moment, Enzo poured potions into his mouth.

The value of these magic potions is even worth a low-level artifact, but for Enzo, they are also an indispensable consumption.

Half an hour later, Enzo's exhausted magic power had been restored.


When he opened his eyes again, his pale face had returned to normal, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Being in the wizarding world, Enzo is like a fish in water.

Under the rules of the wizarding world, any wizard can restore magic power as quickly as possible, let alone with the help of magic potions.

"Next, let's go back to the northern continent first."

Enzo's eyes flashed with a glimmer of thought, and his condition had returned to full condition. Next, Enzo planned to return to the Northern Continent first, check the intelligence of the entire multiverse in the recent period, and then consider his next plan.

Tap tap tap!

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the distance.

Enzo raised his head and looked around, only to see a group of knights faintly appearing in the yellow sand in the sky, chasing a carriage.

"Desert gang?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows and analyzed the identities of those knights in his mind.

The mortal world is so cruel. For desert gangs, maybe some gold is enough to make them fight for it.

Enzo couldn't help but shook his head.

At this time, the carriage that was desperately escaping in the distance was surrounded by gangsters. Several figures dressed as businessmen were kneeling on the ground and begging, but the gangsters were still pressing forward step by step, laughing fiercely, obviously not wanting. Plan to let them go.

"Now that we have met, consider yourself lucky."

Enzo chuckled lightly, with a hint of amusement on his face, and then walked towards the carriage like a desert traveler holding the soul bone wand.

"Little fat sheep, please surrender everything!"

The desert gangster on horseback looked at the pleading businessman on the ground and said with a ferocious smile: "If you have enough gold on your body, maybe I will be lucky and I can let you die a little more happily."

While talking, the gangster suddenly raised his head.

I happened to see Enzo walking in this direction, and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows. It seemed a bit unusual for such a figure to appear in such a desert, but seeing Enzo alone, the gangsters were not afraid.

"Another little fat sheep?"

When several gangsters saw Enzo, they immediately rode their horses to surround him, but before they could get close, shadows pulled them off their horses like poisonous snakes.

"Damn it, it's a wizard!"

The gang leader's expression changed. As a knight, he had also seen the wizard, so when he saw such a strange method, he immediately recognized Enzo's identity.

Immediately, the gang leader turned around and started galloping without hesitation.


However, Enzo chuckled lightly and had no intention of letting him go. With a thought, all the gangsters around him instantly turned into ashes.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the businessmen were immediately frightened out of their wits.

"Spare... spare my life!"

The merchants beside the carriage seemed to have turned into sculptures, standing stiffly on the spot, their whole bodies trembling.

"You guys are very lucky."

Enzo raised the corners of his lips, waved his hand casually, and said, "I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you some blessings!"

As they spoke, light fell on several businessmen.

The blessing from the Holy Soul Wizard made all the diseases on these businessmen disappear, and each of them gained a life span of five hundred years. Their originally old faces became younger in an instant, as if they had returned to their youth again.

"Thank you, Lord Wizard, for your blessing!!!"

Seeing that Enzo meant no harm, the businessmen were immediately overjoyed and hugged each other excitedly, feeling the beauty of regaining their youth.

Enzo smiled slightly, then turned into a shadow and disappeared.

As the episode ended, Enzo used the ability of the Holy Soul Wizard to return to the Northern Continent a few hours later through space jumping.

The city of the North.

As the center of power in the entire Northern Continent and the main city of the Northern Parliament, with the highest order issued by the Supreme Council, after Wizard Calvin and others entered the 900-layer world of the abyss, even the bustling city of the North seemed to have changed. It has become much more depressed.

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