Journey to the witch world

Chapter 963 Crisis in the North

In place, Enzo shook his head.

"It seems that the expedition to the 900-layer world of the abyss will have a very serious impact on the Northern Parliament and even the entire northern continent!"

Enzo sighed.

Then, he turned into a shadow and disappeared.

The next moment, when Enzo appeared again, he had returned to his own wizard tower. It had been several years since he left the northern continent, but the wizard tower still seemed very orderly under the management of the shadow servants.

Enzo came to the main control room.


Sitting on the soft chair, Enzo felt relaxed mentally. He had rarely felt such tiredness since entering the immortal realm.

Without him, everything is due to the spiritual world.

As an immortal being in the wizarding world, Enzo had never thought that there was such a mysterious area in the multiverse.

"Chip, adjust my physical state." Enzo gave the order in his heart.

Soon, the chip began to scan the whole body.

All the information about his body appeared in front of his eyes, and the dense numbers on it explained everything about Enzo in detail.

"Curse of the spiritual world..."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the familiar data panel in front of him, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Although he has left the spirit world, the curse in Enzo's body still exists.

However, Enzo can clearly sense that since leaving the spiritual world, the power of the curse has evaporated little by little like rootless water. It seems that as time goes by, it will eventually disappear completely and will no longer be able to give grace. Zuo had a slight impact.

However, relying on time to resolve the curse is obviously a long process.

Enzo thought for a while, then stood up and walked to the pool in the middle of the main control room, which was filled with golden energy liquid.


Soaked in the golden liquid, Enzo felt the energy around him, constantly absorbing the golden energy, and the power of the curse in his body began to be resolved bit by bit.

"Wait a moment."

Suddenly, Enzo remembered something, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said secretly: "If the curse of the spiritual world is extracted, maybe for my experiment..."

After leaving the spirit world, the curse has been unable to have much impact on Enzo.

Therefore, instead of consuming energy to destroy them, if the curse can be extracted, it will definitely be a great help to Enzo's experiment.

For Enzo today, the spiritual world has become the biggest problem.

The most mysterious and terrifying world in the multiverse contains powerful power that even the wizarding civilization cannot understand.


Thinking of this, Enzo slowly stood up, walked out of the energy pool, went straight to a laboratory, and started his own experimental project.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

All the curses in the body have been extracted. However, what Enzo did not expect was that once the power of the spiritual curse was extracted, it immediately dissipated quickly, as if this kind of spiritual power could not survive in the wizarding world. generally.

"Why is this so?"

A thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face, and he murmured, "If the power of the spiritual world cannot exist in the wizarding world, then it means..."

In the multiverse, the Third Age is coming to an end.

This not only means the coming of a new century, but also represents an era of change. Under the leadership of the Supreme Council, the Wizarding World has determined to launch a war of conquest across the entire multiverse, whether it is the Abyss World, the Alliance of Realms or the Spirit World. Among the goals of wizard civilization.

However, compared to the abyss world and the alliance of worlds, the unknown spiritual world that fills the wizarding civilization may be the biggest threat.

But now, after Enzo's preliminary experiment.

If the power of the spiritual curse cannot survive in the wizarding world, then it may mean that the power of the spiritual world cannot invade the wizarding world. This will undoubtedly be a major event for the entire wizarding civilization.

That would mean that the threat to the spiritual world is greatly reduced.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

As the most mysterious place in the multiverse, Enzo cannot understand the truth of the spirit world with just some simple experiments, and can only provide himself with some time data.


Enzo let out a long breath, and then a look of thought appeared on his face.

All the curses in the spiritual world have been removed, and his condition has returned to its best. Next, Enzo will have to deal with the problems of the fourteen worlds under his command.

"Let's start from the forest world first!"

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, and then he waved his hand, and the portal belonging to the forest world also appeared in front of him.

The next moment, Enzo came to the forest world.

The moment he stepped into the forest world, Enzo could clearly feel that something was not right about the state of this plane. The forest area that was supposed to be a place where all things grew was now a barren area with only a few dead grasses. of growing.

"Is that true?"

Enzo sighed in his heart, leaned over and picked up a grass on the ground, and at the same time used the chip's ability to scan it.

After scanning the chip, it was found that this grass was in a diseased state.

Enzo raised his head and looked around.

As the ruler of the forest world, Enzo can feel the weakness of this world from the moment he steps into it. It is a feeling as if everything has been affected after a catastrophe, although it has not yet reached the end of the world. To a certain extent, it also caused serious losses to the forest world.

In the original forest world, more than 90% of the land was covered by plants.

However, now.

"Shadow Crow!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, waved his hand, and shadow crows flew out of his sleeves and flew away in all directions.

In an instant, shadow crows spread throughout the forest world.

After a short inspection, Enzo discovered that in today's forest world, most of the land seemed to have problems. A large number of plants were withered and diseased, spreading throughout the entire forest world like an infectious disease.

Enzo sighed inwardly.

He knew very well that the reason for this situation was because when he was in the spirit world, in order to fight those spirit world creatures, Enzo used the power of the heart of the world uncontrollably, which led to the destruction of the forest world and other people under his command. The world is affected.

Perhaps, the situation in the forest world is still good.

After all, in the past, the forest world was one of the healthiest worlds among the fourteen worlds under Enzo's command. If the forest world was so seriously affected, then it would be like the scarlet world and the dark water world. plane, the situation will only become more serious.

Immediately, Enzo stopped wasting time.

He turned into a shadow and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in the center of the forest world, floating in the air like a god.

"Let it rain!"

Enzo murmured to himself, and then opened his arms.

In an instant, the power belonging to the Holy Soul Wizard spread out in an instant, as if it enveloped the entire forest world.

Then, it started to rain.

The rain contained Enzo's power. With the sound of a large number of raindrops falling on the earth, the withered plants seemed to regain their vitality, and the bare wastelands began to grow green plants again.

This natural rain lasted for ten days.

Enzo consumed a large amount of magic power to restore vitality to the forest world. Although it is still far from its peak, the current forest world can begin to restore itself after absorbing this energy.

"Next, Aquamarine World!"

Enzo's face turned slightly pale. Ten days had consumed a lot of his magic power. However, since he had left the spirit world, the lost magic power would only take more time for Enzo to recover.

After leaving the forest world, Enzo went straight to the sea blue world.

Also due to the consumption caused by the battle in the spirit world, Hailan World experienced several major catastrophes during Enzo's trip to the spirit world. The casualties caused by earthquakes and tsunamis reached a terrifying number of more than 100 million. Hailan, which was originally developing rapidly, Technology has also been hit hard.

"so far so good!"

Feeling the disaster that happened in Aquamarine World, Enzo breathed a sigh of relief. Although the catastrophe caused the regression of Aquamarine World's civilization and caused a large number of casualties, it was at least not at the level of doomsday. Even without Enzo's help, he could not cultivate enough. You can recover in a year.

Compared with the forest world, the situation seems to be much better.

Above the sky, Enzo pondered for a moment.

Although the damage to Seablue World was not serious, he still stayed for three days to try his best to help the Seablue people carry out their home reconstruction plan after the disaster, and issued a series of instructions and tasks to the government of Seablue World.

Then, Enzo left the Aquamarine World.

Since experiencing the battle in the spiritual world, the fourteen worlds under Enzo's command have all been affected to varying degrees to a greater or lesser extent. However, because of the differences in the worlds themselves, they have also been affected differently after the crisis in the spiritual world. .

Among them, the Dark Water World and the Scarlet World suffered the most serious losses.

Especially the Scarlet World. Because Enzo used the power of Scarlet World's rules many times, the entire world almost collapsed. It took Enzo more than half a month to allow the Scarlet World's civilization to start to develop again.

"The next step is the Three Realms of Flame!"

In the scarlet world, a look of fatigue appeared on Enzo's face. Most of the worlds under his command were on the right track, leaving only the Three Realms of Flame and the Ice Crystal World.

Moreover, according to Enzo's calculations, in the battle of the spiritual world, the losses suffered by the three realms of flame and the ice crystal world were not particularly serious.

It took another half a month to restore all fourteen worlds under his command.

Enzo spent a lot of energy and resources to finally get the world under his control back on track, so he prepared to go to the 900-layer world of the abyss.

According to the orders of the Supreme Council, all-out war has begun.

The abyss world is also among the goals of the expedition, and the 900-layer world of the abyss is the goal of the wizards of the northern continent.

However, Wizard Calvin, who was the acting speaker of the Northern Parliament, suddenly disappeared.

The same is true for the wizards under his command. Under this premise, the expedition plan to the 900th Floor of the Abyss, which was originally in the development stage, was shelved. Enzo returned to the wizarding world at this moment, but he did not forget the mission of the 900th Floor of the Abyss. .

After all, Enzo also invested too many resources in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

Just to build the Ten Realm Fortress, the manpower and material resources spent are almost comparable to that of a secondary plane, not to mention that the current Ten Realm Fortress contains almost all the forces under Enzo's command, including all the indigenous gods and powerful men. There.

Therefore, Enzo must go to the Ten Realm Fortress as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether the expedition plan to the 900-layer world of the abyss can proceed smoothly in the end, Enzo cannot just sit back and ignore the Ten Realm Fortress and the indigenous gods under his command.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated too much.

He first returned to the Northern Continent of the Wizarding World through the portal, and then planned to take a rest and restore his condition to its peak before setting off for the 900-layer World of the Abyss.

Three days later.

Enzo's condition has returned to what it was before, but just as he was preparing to go to the 900-layer world of the abyss, he suddenly received a piece of news unintentionally.

"Dragon scale disease appears in the Dark Realm?"

Enzo looked at the intelligence coming from the Dark Territory, with a look of thought on his face. The newspaper was specially marked with emergency information. It was obvious that the situation was very serious.

Moreover, this information was sent by Froslai.

Although it was unclear how the other party knew that he had returned to the wizarding world, since there was a problem in the Dark Territory, Enzo naturally could not sit idly by and ignore it.

As a result, his plan to go to the 900-layer world of the abyss could only be postponed.

"Counting the time, I haven't returned to the Dark Realm for a long time!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, and then turned into a shadow. In almost a few seconds, he came from the Northern Parliament to the Dark Territory.

Having not returned to the Dark Realm for decades, the City of Mist did not seem to have changed much.

Looking at the Phantom Crow Academy where he had been trained, Enzo couldn't help but sigh. Just as he was about to return to the academy, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

"This breath?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. In the Dark Realm, he felt a familiar aura.

Black Dragon Emperor, Oren Caesar!

Although there was only an extremely weak aura, Enzo was very sure that that aura came from the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Immediately, Enzo didn't hesitate.

It turned into a shadow and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Enzo came to a forest, turned into a crow and looked down.

This area is called Barkwood.

It was named because of the large number of peeling trees growing there. It was originally an area set up by Crow Phantom Academy to train new apprentices. But at this moment, an unusual aura appeared. Several apprentices surrounded a figure, but their faces were full of confusion. A nervous look.

"Second-level apprentice?"

Enzo looked at the figure surrounded by many apprentices. In just one second, he saw through the opponent's strength. He was just a second-level apprentice. In the eyes of the Holy Soul Wizard, he might not even be considered an ant.

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