Journey to the witch world

Chapter 961 The Power of Death

"The wizard originally planned to conduct some experiments using the Heart of God Fruit."

"However, it is a pity."

Alice shrugged, with a regretful expression on her face, and said faintly, "Not long after the Heart of God fruit was brought back to the wizarding world, it quickly rotted, and the power of rules inside gradually disappeared, and it could no longer be absorbed at all."

"Is it a fruit that can only be used in the spiritual world?" Enzo thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's right."

Alice nodded, with a hint of helplessness flashing in her eyes. Each Heart of God fruit represented part of the power of the rules.

But mastering the power of a rule often takes time.

Although eating the Heart of God Fruit can allow one to quickly gain the power of rules, it is still not easy to comprehend the power of rules and integrate it into oneself.

Therefore, according to the best way, one of the three Heart of God fruits should be eaten every once in a while.

Wait for Alice to fully grasp the power of the first rule, and then eat the second Heart of God fruit, so that she can fully understand the power of the rule.

However, the special nature of the Heart of God fruit made Alice lose the opportunity to do so.


A hint of helplessness appeared on Enzo's face. He also wanted to bring the Heart of God fruit back to the wizarding world for experimentation.

Then, Enzo shook his head.

Since the Heart of God Fruits cannot be taken out of the spirit world, Enzo must eat them now. Without much hesitation, Enzo ate one of the Heart of God Fruits.

Suddenly, Enzo's eyes flickered.

The power of the vast sea of ​​rules came like a tide. In a daze, Enzo seemed to have come to an extremely ancient era.

On the wild land, thousands of beasts rushed and roared.

A huge mythical beast like a sacred mountain of creation, entrenched on the earth, enjoying the submission of all beasts. Its extremely huge and thick limbs are like Optimus Primes. Every time it moves, it seems to be able to send out a sound that will destroy the world. of power.

"Is this the power of rules contained in the Fruit of God's Heart?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and his soul seemed to be fused with the giant beast. The ground was trampled under his feet, and a steady stream of power came in.

The power of the rules of earth!

The power of rules of the first Heart of God Fruit seems to be a special power of rules formed by the fusion of elements and beasts.

For a moment, Enzo's eyelids trembled.

When he woke up from the illusory environment, he already understood that he had mastered the power of rules in the Heart of God fruit.

In place, Enzo stroked his chin.

From the Heart of God fruit just now, he absorbed the power of the rules of earth. From the picture that appeared in front of his eyes, Enzo deduced that the owner of this power of rules should be an indigenous god from another world. The other party possesses With a body larger than the mountains.

After the fall of the giant beast, the power of rules was also absorbed by the spiritual world.

Through the transformation of the sacred tree, the power of rules was finally formed, and now it is absorbed by Enzo and becomes part of his power.

Suddenly, Enzo raised his palm.

"This is...the coordinates?"

Enzo looked at the light ball that appeared in his palm, with a hint of surprise on his face. It turned out to be a world coordinate.

"It seems that Sir Enzo is very lucky."

Next to her, when Alice saw the coordinates, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she explained, "The Heart of God fruit bred by the divine tree in the spiritual world is essentially the aggregation of the power of rules."

"And the reason why the sacred tree can bear the fruit of the heart of god is because it absorbs the power of rules in the universe."

"Some of the owners of the power of these rules were once the masters of other worlds. Therefore, when some of the Heart of God fruits are eaten, people will also get some memory fragments."

After hearing Alice's explanation, Enzo was thoughtful.

"I see."

After a while, Enzo raised his head and murmured, "The essence of the fruit of the Heart of God is the power of rules, and the power of those rules comes from immortal life."

"The vast majority of immortal beings swallowed by the spiritual world are indigenous gods from other worlds."

"When we eat the Heart of God Fruit, in a sense, it is equivalent to devouring those indigenous gods from other worlds!"

"Therefore, the scene I saw just now is the memory fragment of an indigenous god from another world."

"And the coordinates in my hand are the world where the indigenous god lives."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, he looked at the coordinates printed on his palm, and said in a deep voice, ": Am I right? Your Excellency Alice."

"Yes, that's right."

Alice nodded and said, "The coordinates in Sir Enzo's hand are most likely the hometown of a fallen indigenous god."

"So... with this coordinate, I can launch an expedition?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"That's the theory."

Alice shrugged and said faintly, "When I was in the Supreme Council, I had seen a description of the Fruit of the Heart of God in a top-secret file."

"Some fruits do contain memory fragments."

"And these memory fragments often represent coordinates. With luck, the wizard who uses the Heart of God fruit will also get information about a different world."

"It's just that the probability is only one-third."

Alice said, a trace of distress appeared on her face. She had eaten two Heart of God Fruits one after another, but she did not get the memory fragment.

This means that Alice did not get the coordinates.

"The last one!"

Alice took a deep breath, looked at the last Heart of God Fruit, took a deep breath, and ate it all in her mouth.

Soon, the power of rules came again.

But this time, Alice was lucky. She also saw the memory fragments and obtained an alien coordinate through the memory contained in the Heart of God fruit.

"It seems that my luck is not too bad."

The corners of Alice's lips twitched a bit. During this trip to the spirit world, she not only completed her mission, but these three Heart of God fruits were also a great harvest.

Moreover, Alice also got a coordinate.

For the Conqueror Holy Soul Wizard, the meaning of coordinates represents an expedition, and only by constantly conquering new worlds can the Conqueror Wizard be promoted to a higher level. If you want to become a sixth-level endless wizard, you need at least thirty more The heart of the world.

Even Alice is still some distance away from this number.

Next to him, Enzo's eyes flickered.

Then, he ate another Heart of God Fruit, and the sound of thunder and lightning could be faintly heard in his ears, which got louder and louder and eventually turned into a roar.


Amidst the deafening roar, Enzo saw a picture. Between the vast sky and the earth, purple thunder fell from the sky, like the power of a god.

In the distance, huge monsters were fighting fiercely.

Each monster has a different form, but they all control the power of thunder, as if they are life born in thunder and lightning.

"This time...the power of thunder?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and he couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart. The second Heart of God fruit brought him the power of rules.

At the same time, it also allowed him to get the coordinates again.

The world where the coordinates are located this time is a world dominated by thunder. Judging from the information obtained from the memory fragments, that world did not breed much life, with less than ten giant beasts, but every thunder giant has With extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Obviously, it was a world where chaos had just begun.

The entire world has not yet evolved a civilized system and is in an extremely ignorant state. The giant beasts born by absorbing the power of the world are fighting each other for the chance to become the only god. The owner of the memory fragment is obviously a loser.

It fell in battle and was thus absorbed into the spirit world.


After a while, Enzo slowly opened his eyes. After waking up from the memory fragments, he had obtained the power of the Thunder Rules and the coordinates.

"Good luck."

Enzo looked at the two coordinates in his hand, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he was looking forward to the third Heart of God fruit more and more.

Without much hesitation, Enzo ate the third fruit.

In an instant, the surrounding world changed.

"here it is?"

The scene in front of Enzo seemed to have returned to ancient times, with huge islands like mountains floating in the air, exuding an ancient and majestic atmosphere.

"Could it be..."

Looking at the majestic mountain, Enzo thought of some possibility, his heart palpitated, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly.

Information from memory comes to mind.

Five hundred years ago, when Enzo had just embarked on his journey as a wizard and had not yet become an official wizard, he was so familiar with the name of this giant mountain that even the entire wizarding world was a multiverse. There are also very few people who exist.

Paradise Mountain!

The sacred mountain where the gods once lived is also the predecessor of St. Mark Continent and the core area of ​​the entire wizarding world.

"The owner of this memory fragment is..."

Looking at the Paradise Mountain in front of him, Enzo's heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly remembered the phantom of Death summoned by the other party during the confrontation with the Spirit World Divine Tree in the Realm of Death.

"Since the sacred tree can control the shadow of the God of Death..."

Enzo's eyes flashed with luster, and he secretly thought, "Then, it's probably normal to have some power over death, right?"

If everything is correct.

This means that the power of rules contained in the Heart of God fruit that Enzo just ate came from the God of Death.

What he sees now are the memory fragments of the God of Death.

One of the legendary god-kings in ancient times, a seventh-level life form, and the master of death. If he had not been killed by the ancestor of wizards and survived to this day, that being would have been the most powerful person in the entire multiverse. By.

Suddenly, the world trembled.

On the Paradise Mountain in the distance, a terrifying aura erupted. A middle-aged man wearing a gray robe and holding a magic wand stood in the air. Even facing the God of Death, his eyes showed no fear at all. Instead, there was an extremely complex luster.

"Now I have surpassed everything..."

The gray-robed figure murmured to himself, and the aura he exuded, even if it only existed in memory fragments, still made people feel extremely throbbing.

"The ancestor of wizards, Oshikas!"

Enzo took a breath of air in his heart. As a wizard, even a person with little knowledge would not fail to know the name of the ancestor of wizards.

At the beginning, Enzo had just embarked on his journey as a wizard.

In the first lesson of becoming a member of the Phantom Academy of Crows, the instructor told the history of the wizarding world. No wizard would forget the name of the ancestor Oshikas.

The figure in front of him was almost the same as the character in the textbook.

Obviously, the opponent is Oshikas, the ancestor of the wizards, and the memory fragments Enzo experienced are the legendary Battle of Paradise Mountain.

It was during this battle that the gods ushered in dusk.

As the winner, the ancestor of the wizards transformed into the rules of the wizarding world, and since then the wizarding civilization has begun its rise.

"This trip is worth it!"

Looking at the ancestor of wizards standing in the sky, Enzo was filled with excitement. Even if he only saw the ancestor of wizards Oshikas in the memory fragments, it was definitely something worth getting excited about, as if Enzo had personally experienced that unparalleled event. The battle is general.

However, it is a pity.

The image of memory fragments lasted only a few seconds before everything around him shattered like a bubble, and Enzo returned to the spiritual world.

"Is this... the end?"

Enzo's face showed a trace of unfinished content. He thought that the memory fragment contained the entire battle of Paradise Mountain, but he didn't expect that everything was over before it even started.


Enzo took a long breath, suppressed the depression in his heart, shook his head helplessly, raised his palm, and felt the power of the death rule.

The God's Heart fruit just now contained the power of death.

However, it cannot be the complete power of death, it is only one ten millionth, but it is enough to benefit Enzo a lot.

The power of death represents the end of all things.

Throughout the multiverse, there are many beings who control the power of death, especially after the ancient Battle of Heavenly Mountain, the God of Death fell and the rules of death were scattered around the world. Even many wizards control the power of death.

However, this does not mean that the power of death is weak.

On the contrary, among the many powers, the rules of death are at the top. Any trace of death power can produce terrifying effects if used properly.

All three Heart of God fruits were eaten by Enzo.

And he also gained the power of three rules, namely the rules of earth, the rules of thunder, and the rules of death.

Even for Enzo, absorbing the power of the three rules has benefited a lot.

What's more, in addition to those three rules of power, Enzo also obtained two coordinates of another world. If he can complete the expedition one day, his strength will definitely be even better.

"The next step is to wait patiently."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and the three Heart of God fruits had been eaten, but the bronze door in the distance had not yet been fully opened.

However, since this time is very safe, Enzo does not need to be too anxious.

As long as they wait patiently for the bronze door to open, Enzo and Alice can leave the spiritual world and return to the wizarding world. Although Enzo did not find Wizard Calvin and others during this trip to the spiritual world, the task assigned by the Supreme Council , but it can be considered partially completed.

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