Journey to the witch world

Chapter 960 Heart of God

Everything in the world has laws.

The so-called laws, in the multiverse, are equivalent to the embodiment of a kind of power, and the forms and powers manifested by different laws are also completely different.

For example, the law of shadow controlled by Enzo.

This gives him the ability to incarnate and control shadows, but the shadow laws that Enzo masters are only part of the shadow laws in the multiverse. Not all shadows in the entire multiverse can be used.

At the same time, there are also strengths and weaknesses among laws.

For example, the Space Law of the same energy must be stronger than the Shadow Law. Although the two represent different paths, in the multiverse, there are countless beings who control the Shadow Law, but there are only a few who control the Space Law.

Therefore, every space law controller controls a large part of the space laws.

"Yes, it's the law of time!"

On the spot, Alice looked around, the luster in her eyes flickering slightly, and said, "The spirit world is the most mysterious existence in the multiverse. Even the Supreme Lord cannot be too blatant if he wants to leave a back-up!"

"Therefore, the Supreme Lord used the law of time to hide the bronze door in a specific time."

After hearing what Alice said, Enzo looked thoughtful.

"Is this what the Supreme Council told you before the mission started?" Enzo asked in a deep voice.


Alice shook her head and said, "The law of time is full of variables, and even the Supreme Master cannot fully control it."

"Therefore, if the Supreme Council informs everything in advance, unknown events will inevitably occur."

"It even made the will of the spirit world aware of the existence of this point in time in advance, so the Supreme Council just conveyed some information to me in a vague way."

As she said this, Alice laughed to herself.

"I'm really stupid."

"Before, I have been wondering why the adults of the Supreme Council wanted to talk to me specifically before the mission started. Now it seems that they are just to tell me about the time node."

Then, Alice took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, she took out the golden ax again, looked forward, and suddenly a stream of golden blood spurted out of her mouth.

The golden ax stained with blood burst out with intense light.

"Is this an artifact bestowed by the Supreme?"

Enzo looked at the floating golden ax, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes, and he could clearly feel the aura emanating from the golden ax.

Therefore, it is deduced that this golden ax is probably an artifact given to Alice by the Supreme.

"So be it!"

After Alice offered the golden ax, her face turned pale and she said faintly, "It stands to reason that my level is not enough to use the artifact bestowed by the Supreme."

"However, for this mission, we can only fight hard!"

As she spoke, Alice took a deep breath.

The golden ax was already emitting a dazzling golden light, and as the layers of golden light spread, the surrounding space seemed to be affected.

The next moment, a shaking sound came from the earth.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked forward, only to see a huge bronze door rising slowly in the center of the Gro camp.

"As expected!"

A hint of joy flashed in Alice's eyes. It seemed that her deduction was correct. The bronze door was indeed hidden in this time.

"Can we leave now?"

Looking at the bronze door emerging in the distance, Enzo breathed a sigh of relief. The threat posed to him by the spirit world was also very terrifying.

Now Enzo just wants to leave here.

As for whether he will come again in the future, that is not certain, but at least, if Enzo wants to come here again, he must make all preparations.

"Don't worry, Sir Enzo."

Next to her, Alice shook her head and explained, "It will take some time for the bronze door to open, so we just need to wait patiently now."

"Is that so?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and then he said: "In this case, then I will go outside to guard and prevent spiritual creatures from disturbing the opening of the bronze door!"

The opening of the bronze door is the hope of the two people leaving.

Therefore, Enzo did not want to be disturbed in any way, so he offered to guard outside the Gro camp.

"That's not necessary."

Alice shook her head and chuckled, "Since the Supreme Lord has hidden the bronze door in this timeline, it means that there will not be too much danger at this time point, so we don't need to be too nervous. "

"I see."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face. As the pillars of the entire wizarding civilization, the Supreme Wizards each possess terrifying strength. Therefore, they can control time and predict everything that will happen at this time point. It's not that difficult.

Immediately, Enzo felt slightly relaxed.

However, he still separated out a few strands of magic power, turned into phantom crows, and flew to the dilapidated walls of the Grot camp, using them as eyes and ears to monitor the outside.

"By the way, Sir Alice."

It took time to open the bronze door. Fortunately, Enzo started talking to Alice and asked, "Before, you said you would share the heart of God equally with me."

"I would like to know, is there any use for the heart of God?"

"In other words, how should I use them?"

Since killing the sacred tree, Enzo has obtained six hearts of gods, and even if he shares them with Alice, he will still have three hearts left.

As a space wizard, Alice is looking forward to the Heart of God.

Obviously, these God's Hearts are good things, but Enzo doesn't know what the use of these God's Hearts is.

"The heart of God is a good thing!"

Hearing Enzo's question, a sigh appeared on Alice's face, and she said, "Every heart of God is controlled by the power of rules for the immortal wizard!"

"Ah?" Enzo was surprised.

"Sir Enzo."

Alice turned her head, looked at Enzo, and said, "Do you know why the sacred tree in the spiritual world can bear the fruit of the heart of God and gradually give birth to gods?"

"I don't know." Enzo shook his head.

"The power of rules!"

A solemn look appeared on Alice's face, and she said solemnly, "The reason why the spiritual tree can breed the Heart of God fruit is because it absorbs the power of rules!"

"And only by continuously absorbing the power of rules can the sacred tree bear the fruit of the heart of god!"

"The power of rules?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Enzo's face, and then he asked hesitantly: "Then...where does the power of these rules come from? It is the spiritual world itself..."

Suddenly, Enzo's words stopped abruptly.

On the opposite side, Alice also had a meaningful expression on her face.

"Could it be that……"

Enzo thought of a certain possibility, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and said, ": The power of rules absorbed by the spiritual tree is not provided by the spiritual world itself?"


Alice nodded and said solemnly: "The power of rules absorbed by the spiritual tree does not come from the spiritual world itself!"

"Actually... like this?"

Enzo could not hide the look of surprise on his face, and at the same time there was a look of thinking in his eyes.

"In the entire multiverse, the spiritual world is the most mysterious place!"

Alice paused and said.

"Even the wizarding civilization knows too little about the spirit world. We only know that in the multiverse, the spirit world has the ability to devour everything!"

“And that includes rules!”

"According to the latest research of the Supreme Council, the spiritual world is like a black hole whirlpool. Over the long years, it has swallowed up the power of many rules!"

After hearing Alice's story, Enzo had a thoughtful look on his face.

Enzo already had a rough understanding of the description of the spiritual world.

As Alice said, the spirit world is a whirlpool.

Throughout the multiverse, all the indigenous gods who control the power of rules will be called by the spiritual world after their death.

Immortal beings who are summoned by the spirit world will also face a choice, that is, survival or ending.

Those who choose to accept the call of the spirit world will have the opportunity to continue to survive. However, the price is to become a puppet of the spirit world and lose their freedom from then on.

On the contrary, rejecting the call from the spiritual world means complete demise!

But even so, the immortal life after death still cannot escape the fate of being absorbed by the spirit world, but it is just different from the former.

Accepting the call from the spirit world means becoming a puppet of the spirit world!

If you refuse the call of the spiritual world, you will become the nutrients of the spiritual world and be swallowed up!

Two options, different paths to the same end!

According to research in the wizarding world, the spiritual world is like a huge whirlpool, swallowing everything in the multiverse, and from the corpses of those immortal lives, all the power of rules will be sucked away.

As a result, sacred trees were conceived.

"Is there any civilization born in the spiritual world?"

Suddenly, Enzo asked, the spiritual world has such strange characteristics, so if a civilized race is born in the spiritual world, it will be a devastating blow to any race in the multiverse.

"Not sure."

Alice shook her head and sighed, "To this day, the wizarding civilization has become the overlord of the multiverse, but its understanding of the spiritual world is still too little!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with thought.

Then, he took out the six Heart of God Fruits, handed three of them to Alice, and looked at the remaining three in his hand.

"How do I use the Heart of God?"

Enzo asked.

Now that we know that the Heart of God contains the power of rules, for Enzo, every fruit of the Heart of God will be a treasure to improve himself.

"It's easy!"

Alice nodded slightly, then grabbed a Heart of God Fruit, threw it directly into her mouth, and said, "Eat the Heart of God Fruit, and then feel it quietly, and you will understand the power of the rules in it!"

"It's just that different fruits of God's Heart contain different powers of rules!"

"For example, the one I just ate!"

Alice slowly closed her eyes, feeling the power of rules contained in the Heart of God fruit, and murmured, ": The power of the rules of water?"

As Alice ate the Heart of God Fruit, her whole body seemed to be filled with waves of mist.

Then, Alice opened her eyes.

From the depths of her silver eyes, it seemed as if endless sea water had gathered into a torrent, rising and surging continuously.

"Water rules?"

Next to him, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. He was not unfamiliar with the rules of water.

In the multiverse, there are thousands of rules.

The rule of water is one of the rules of the elemental system and is also an extremely common rule. Throughout the multiverse, there are many indigenous gods who control this rule.

Even Enzo himself masters the two rules of water.

One of them comes from the dark water world, and the other comes from the ice crystal world.

The rules of these two worlds are one of the rules of water.

However, the rules of the ice crystal world are a branch of the rules of water.

In place, the corners of Alice's lips raised a little.

Obviously, after absorbing the rules of water, her strength has also improved. Even for a wizard, it usually takes a long time to master a rule from scratch.

However, the moment she ate the Heart of God fruit, Alice mastered part of the rules of water, saving countless years of hard work!

"Is this the power of the Heart of God fruit?"

Beside him, Enzo looked at the three Heart of God Fruits in his hand, his eyes flickering with luster, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart.

If I had known, Enzo had been on the wizard's journey for more than five hundred years, and he had truly practiced on his own, and the only rules he controlled were the shadow rules.

As for the other rules, they are all powers that Enzo was able to control through the Conqueror's ability and the Heart of the World.

Across from me, Alice took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, she picked up a Heart of God fruit again and ate it. A dark luster flashed in her eyes.

"So anxious?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face. Alice had just mastered the rules of water after eating one Heart of God fruit, but now she had eaten the second fruit.

In place, a smile appeared on Alice's face.

"What are the rules this time?" Next to him, Enzo asked.

"Dark Rules!"

Feeling the power of the rules, Alice's eyes flickered and said, "However, it is not pure dark rules, but mixed with a trace of soul rules!"

Enzo nodded slightly, and then asked: "Your Excellency Alice, you have just mastered the rules of water, don't you need to understand it carefully?"

"Why are you so anxious..."

"Your Excellency Enzo doesn't know something."

Alice shook her head and said with a wry smile: "I also want to fully master the rules of water before using the second Heart of God Fruit."

"But unfortunately, no."

"The Heart of God fruit can only exert its greatest effect in the spiritual world. Once it leaves the spiritual world, the power of rules contained in it will disappear little by little!"

Enzo's heart moved.

"I see!"

Then, Enzo nodded slightly, pondered for a moment and then said, "If this is the case, then these three Heart of God fruits in my hand must be used as soon as possible!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Alice nodded and said, "When I was in the Supreme Council, a wizard brought the Heart of God fruit back to the wizarding world."

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