Journey to the witch world

Chapter 950 Dragon Vein Warlock

"What a bunch of useless trash!"

Just as the suture wizards were using water spells to attack Enzo's flame cage, the voice of another suture wizard suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked away.

But he saw the Dragon Vein Warlock wearing a white robe, with a sneer on his face, and then his body twisted for a while, and then transformed into a giant frost dragon again.

The next moment, the frost dragon flew into the air.

"Frost Dragon Breath!"

In mid-air, the giant frost dragon opened its bloody mouth, and the ice storm rushed in like a cold current, violently impacting the flame cage in front of him.

Suddenly, billowing white smoke rose around the cage where the flames were condensed.

The confrontation between ice and fire resulted in a fierce collision. Enzo possesses the power of a fifth-level holy soul wizard, and relies on the power of the heart of the three realms of flame to condense the flame cage. As an enemy, the dragon vein warlock possesses the entire soul. world as a basis.

His power seems to be endless.

In the non-stop breathing of the ice dragon, white frost seemed to form around the flame cage, and the originally burning flames became weaker and weaker.

But while he was in the cage of flames, Enzo's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

He did not stop the frost dragon's offensive at all, and allowed the surrounding flames to extinguish little by little, and finally turned into ice and snow, like white ice crystals, wrapping himself in it, as if he had become a huge ice sculpture.

"The power of ice heart!"

When the last flame was extinguished, Enzo's eyes suddenly flashed, and he decisively used the power of the heart of the ice crystal world to surge out endless chill from his body.

Suddenly, the power of Bing Xin turned into endless ice.

The ice originally used to extinguish the flame cage is now fused with the power of the ice heart, and the two converge to form an ice crystal barrier.

In mid-air, the giant frost dragon was stunned.

"Damn it!"

It wasn't until this moment that he understood Enzo's intention, which was to save magic power and rely on his own power to create an ice barrier.

"Ha! What a cunning guy!"

Outside the ice barrier, the stitching wizards who noticed that they were being tricked by Enzo did not show much anger, but instead had expressions of interest.

"I kinda like this guy!"

The bald wizard chuckled and said quietly, "But, in a land of nothingness, what's the use of a little cleverness?"

"In the end, it's not like you can't escape your fate!"

As he spoke, the bald wizard opened his arms, and his originally short body swelled up instantly, transforming into a giant form in a few breaths.

The next moment, the bald wizard rushed towards the ice crystal barrier like a wild bull.


Accompanied by the violent impact, only fine cracks appeared on the ice crystal barrier, and there did not seem to be too serious damage.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

At the same time, the giant frost dragon in the sky also let out an angry roar, and its huge body headed straight for the ice crystal barrier.


This time, as a protective ice barrier, larger cracks appeared under the impact of the frost dragon, but it was still far away from being completely shattered.

At this time, within the ice crystal barrier.

"I wish I could hold on a little longer!"

Enzo was counting the time in his mind. In his mind, the escape plan had been outlined, but he needed some preparations to get the facts.

For Enzo, he knew it very well.

Even if he used trickery to create an ice crystal barrier, trying to withstand the attack of the suture wizard from outside was nothing more than a dream.

Fortunately, Enzo already had a plan.

Outside the ice crystal barrier, the huge frost dragon continued to impact the ice crystal barrier, its huge dragon claws frantically grabbing at the ice crystal barrier.

At the same time, the other stitching wizards looked like they were watching the fun.

For them, Enzo, who had already made his mark, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. It was only a matter of time before he could be killed.

Trapped in the spiritual world for countless years, the mentality of the stitching wizards has long been distorted.

Therefore, they enjoy this kind of hunting very much, especially the target is a Holy Soul Wizard, which is an existence that they need to look up to in the outside world.

However, in the spiritual world.

Even if they are as powerful as the Holy Soul Wizard, they are not the slightest threat to the Stitch Wizards. This hunting is like a cat catching a mouse.

"Is that okay? Bakaro?"

Seeing that the frost dragon was still unable to break the ice crystal barrier, Wizard Sokka couldn't help but have a mocking expression on his face.

"Shut up, Sokka!"

The frost dragon was a little angry. In order to extinguish the flame cage, he transformed into a frost dragon and used his strongest means to attack.

But at this moment, those methods have become ice crystal barriers that hinder him.

This made the frost dragon feel a little angry, but he also felt helpless. As a warlock with the blood of the frost dragon, he had the ability to create ice, but if he wanted to break the ice, he could only use physical methods.

All around, the stitching wizards were joking.

No one came to help. Seeing this, the frost dragon became even more angry. After roaring, it suddenly flew into the sky.

"Haha! Are you anxious?"

"Show us what you're capable of, Baccaro!"

Seeing the frost dragon flying up into the sky, the stitching wizards still laughed and allowed the frost dragon Bakaro to violently attack the ice crystal barrier.


The giant frost dragon Bakaro, which flew above the sky, suddenly charged towards the ice crystal barrier. Like a terrifying monster, it hit the ice crystal barrier in an instant.

Along with the terrifying roar, huge cracks finally appeared in the ice crystal barrier.

However, hitting the ice crystal barrier with the body is also a terrible injury to the frost dragon. As the violent impact ends, the frost dragon's skull seems to be shattered. Even if he returns to the wizard form, Bakaro's whole body will be shattered. The bleeding wouldn't stop.


Bacaro's figure was shaky, but he still let out a cold snort, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he was not at all weakened by the injury.

Completely tainted by the curse of the spirit world, Baccaro lost his freedom.

However, he is no longer suppressed by the curse of the spirit world. As long as he is in the spirit world, he is an immortal existence. Therefore, no matter what degree of injury he suffers, he can gradually recover as long as he has enough time. .

Therefore, Baccaro didn't care at all that he was injured.

Even if he had a choice, he would prefer Enzo to kill him, because then he could get rid of the endless torture in the spiritual world.

However, this is impossible.

Bakaro, who has become a part of the spiritual world, and even the horrors of the spiritual world, once they are completely contaminated by the curse of the spiritual world, they should never think about the day they can turn around.


At the same time, the cracks that emerged on the ice crystal barrier after being violently impacted by the frost dragon became larger and larger.

All around, the stitching wizards looked at each other.

"Okay, it seems we should get down to business."

A strange smile appeared on the bald wizard's face, and he said faintly, "Let's welcome our new friends!"

As he spoke, the bald wizard transformed into a giant form again.

Around them, other suture wizards also began to use their own methods to attack the ice crystal barrier using their magic abilities.

In a moment, the ice crystal barrier made a loud noise.

Under the joint attack of the Stitch Wizards, the ice crystal barrier was finally completely shattered. However, at this moment, two black lights shot into the sky.

Many stitching wizards looked at him.

"Hmph! Is it this little trick again?"

The bald wizard raised his head and looked at the two identical Enzos, flying in different directions, with a mocking look on his face.

Then, his eyes flickered slightly.

After feeling the breath of the spiritual brand, he and the other suture wizards all chased in one direction, but they paid no attention to the other Enzo.


Dozens of stitching wizards chased him like a bunch of meteors.

They determined that the target had the aura of soul imprint on it, so it must be Enzo's true body. As for Enzo who had fled in another direction, it must be just another clone.

In a moment, many suture wizards surrounded Enzo again.

"Are you going to continue wasting time?"

A trace of ridicule appeared on the bald wizard's face, and he said faintly, "No matter what means you use, you can't escape our pursuit!"

"Therefore, giving up is your only option!"

As he spoke, the bald wizard frowned slightly.

Many suture wizards looked at each other and looked at Enzo in the center, but saw that the other person's expression was indifferent, and he did not hold the Soul Bone Wand and Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hands.

"what happened?"

A trace of doubt arose in the bald wizard's heart, and he said, "It feels a little strange!"

"I'm just standing here? Why don't you take action?"

At this time, Enzo said, his eyes flashed, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide.


On the spot, the bald wizard snorted, and the next moment, he and other suture wizards attacked Enzo.

"Shadow Touch!"

Enzo, who was in the shadow, seemed to no longer save his magic power at this moment, and used the ability of Shadow Touch with a wave of his hand.

In an instant, countless black tentacles emerged from the ground like poisonous snakes.

The incoming stitching wizards were attacked by black tentacles, but for them who possessed the immortal god, attacks of this level were meaningless.

"let me!"

At this time, Wizard Bakaro, who had just suffered a bloody head injury from impacting the ice crystal barrier, had completely recovered.

With a low shout, he transformed into the form of a giant frost dragon again.

In an instant, Wizard Bakaro, who transformed into a giant frost dragon, had flown into the sky, opening his mouth and spitting out fierce white dragon breath.

The next moment, Enzo was shrouded in cold air, and his whole body seemed to turn into an ice sculpture.

However, the ice sculpture state only lasted for a moment. Enzo's eyes flashed, and all the surrounding ice crystals shattered.

Then, Enzo waved his arms.

In the dark shadow field under the feet, there was an existence that looked like a thorn soaring into the sky almost instantly.


The towering thorn formed by the condensed black shadow instantly penetrated the body of the frost dragon, and then the huge dragon fell from the sky.

"Is this guy crazy?"

In the distance, a trace of surprise appeared on Wizard Sokar's face.

After escaping from the ice barrier, Enzo's combat effectiveness seemed to increase instantly, but Soca Wizard knew very well that all of this was caused by Enzo's uncontrolled use of magic power.

However, for Enzo today.

Such unrestrained use of magic is tantamount to suicide, because no matter how powerful he is, he cannot kill the stitching wizards.

On the contrary, when Enzo's magic power is completely exhausted, there is only death waiting for him.

A trace of doubt appeared on Wizard Soca's face, but he didn't think much about it. In his opinion, Enzo had fallen into madness because he was at the end of his rope.

"Instead of being so crazy, it's better to accept the reality sooner."

In the shadow realm, a complex look appeared on the face of the bald wizard. Recalling the time when he was in such a situation, he felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

A wizard in the spiritual world is like being trapped in a swamp from which he cannot escape.

No matter how they struggle, it is difficult to escape their fate in the end, but each person persists for a different time.

After becoming part of the spirit world, wizards still have immortal life.

But compared to the wizarding world, this kind of immortality is more like a curse, enduring endless torture in pain.

In the shadow realm, Enzo's face was expressionless.

He was not as crazy as the bald wizard imagined. Instead, the luster in his eyes seemed extremely rational, as if he was not the one in crisis.

"Is there... any other back-up plan?"

Seeing Enzo's calm posture, even Wizard Soca couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart, but he quickly shook his head.

"No one can resist the will of the spirit world!"

Wizard Sokka took a deep breath and dispelled the thoughts in his mind. As a wizard who has made countless attempts, he is well aware of the horrors of the spiritual world.

For thousands of years, how many people have been trapped in the spiritual world.

But there are very few people who can leave in the end. Moreover, the world does not know that even those who are lucky enough to leave the spirit world are all beings who have been let go by the spirit world. Who can enter the spirit world and who can leave, everything They are all dominated by the will of the spiritual world.

Therefore, as long as you step into the spiritual world, no one can truly control yourself.

Suture wizards like Sokka wizards are all chosen by the spirit world and then stay. They don’t know the purpose of the spirit world’s will. They just know that the spirit world hides some secrets, and they still don’t know it to this day. Anyone can crack it.

"It's almost time to end!"

On the spot, the bald wizard took a deep breath, looked at Enzo who was in the shadow realm, and waved to the other suture wizards around him.

Dealing with Enzo is an order from the will of the spirit world.

Therefore, for suture wizards like Sokka, they have no qualifications to resist. They can only complete the tasks assigned by the will of the spirit world.

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