Journey to the witch world

Chapter 951 Silver-Scale Giant Snake

Being in the shadow realm, Enzo's expression was always calm.

However, under the siege of the Stitch Wizards, the area of ​​​​the shadow field under Enzo's feet became smaller and smaller.

This also means that Enzo's power is being rapidly depleted.

"Is this all you have?"

At this time, the Soka wizard in the distance seemed to have seen the clues, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "How can the magic power of the Holy Soul Wizard only be this?"

Trapped in the spirit world for countless years, Wizard Sokka has since become a part of the spirit world.

Under the instructions of the spirit world, he also fought against the Holy Soul Wizard, and he was deeply impressed by the power of the Holy Soul Wizard.

That time, it took many suture wizards several years to exhaust the magic power of the holy soul wizard.

But at this moment.

Enzo's confrontation with many suture wizards lasted less than a day. Even if the other party released their magic power to their heart's content, it was impossible for them to consume it so quickly.

At the same time, the bald wizard also saw something was wrong.

"Everyone come together!"

So, the bald wizard waved his hand, and many suture wizards took action together, using spells to break the shadow realm under Enzo's feet.

"Tree and vine strangulation!"

Then, a suture wizard pressed his hands on the ground, and the vines growing from his fingertips instantly bound Enzo tightly.

In an instant, Enzo turned into a green tree cocoon.

However, trapped among the vines, Enzo did not resist at all, but instead had a mocking expression on his face.

"Yes, you won." Enzo said with a chuckle.

The bald wizard and the Sokka wizard looked at each other and realized something was wrong, so they stepped forward one after another, their hearts suddenly sinking.

"Soul clone!"

After Wizard Soca checked Enzo's status, his face turned gloomy.

The Enzo in front of him is not his real body, but a clone formed by part of his soul and magic power.

Different from those Phantom Crow clones.

The soul clone possesses a part of Enzo's soul. Regardless of the breath and energy fluctuations, it is completely the same as Enzo. Moreover, I don't know what kind of means Enzo used to transfer the brand of the spiritual world to this soul clone. .

Therefore, many suture wizards did not notice anything unusual.

"Ha! What a cunning guy."

The bald wizard chuckled lightly, but there was not much anger on his face. He looked at the soul clone in front of him and said quietly.

"Forget it, since the main body has escaped, it's not a loss to catch a soul clone."

After saying that, the bald wizard raised his palm and pressed it on the head of the soul clone.

Immediately afterwards, the soul entangled in the tree vines was distracted and slowly disappeared from the place as if it was swallowed by the bald wizard.

After doing all this, many stitching wizards gathered.

Although they did not complete the instructions from the spirit world, the suture wizards also captured part of Enzo's soul. Perhaps in the outside world, a soul that is distracted is not of high value, but in the spirit world, there is another unique thing. the rule of.

That is, any body with a soul will give birth to an independent will.

Therefore, the Bald Wizard absorbed Enzo's soul distraction, making him, in a sense, part of the many Stitch Wizards.

"Okay, friends."

After doing all this, the bald wizard said quietly, "Next, let's continue our hunting trip!"

After saying that, the bald wizard's form became distorted.

In just a moment, his limbs were torn apart, as were the other suture wizards, and finally the flesh-and-blood spider monster composed of various limbs reappeared.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After using the soul clone to escape, Enzo quickly fled the battlefield and moved quickly in one direction based on the information provided by Wizard Hughes.


In mid-air, Enzo let out a long breath and turned slightly pale.

Although he successfully escaped the pursuit of the Stitch Wizards, he also lost a soul distraction, which was a drain even for the Holy Soul Wizards.

Especially in the land of nothingness.

"Realm of Death!"

Enzo's eyes flickered as he looked at the mist-shrouded realm of death, with a solemn expression on his face.

Then, his thoughts changed. After experiencing the siege of the Stitch Wizards, a large part of his magic power had been consumed.

Moreover, Wizard Hughes is missing.

Unlike Enzo, the Holy Soul Wizard, Wizard Hughes is just a wizard of all souls. Moreover, he has been trapped in the land of nothingness for too long. If he is captured this time, he may have a narrow escape from death. Without him as a guide, Enzo thought. The possibility of finding energy stones also becomes slim.

"What should we do next?"

On the spot, a trace of hesitation appeared on Enzo's face. Having seen the danger of the Realm of Death, his best choice may be to leave here.

However, the situation in the Gro camp is not optimistic.

After just experiencing the dark natural disaster, the Gro camp was already in an extremely weak state and urgently needed Enzo to bring the energy fruit back.

If this time, Enzo fails to bring back the energy fruit.

Then what awaits the Grotto Camp will be a more terrifying danger, and it is even very likely that the Grotto Camp will be destroyed directly as a result.

Under this premise, Enzo fell into deep thought.

"That's all, let's try again!"

After a while, Enzo took a deep breath and made up his mind.

Finding energy fruits is not just for Camp Glo, it is also very important to Enzo.

Therefore, Camp Gro is the only refuge for Enzo today.

If it is lost, Enzo will be alone again, and it will be very difficult to survive in the spiritual world.

Because, for the sake of O'Callen and other wizards, or for himself, Enzo must bring the energy fruit back to save Camp Glo.

Immediately, Enzo looked forward.

Without Wizard Hughes as a guide, Enzo didn't know the location of the giant energy tree, but all he could do now was give it a try.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and instantly summoned phantom crows, which served as eyes to probe into the depths of the Realm of Death.

However, after a few breaths.

The Realm of Death seems to have unique rules, or perhaps the entire spiritual world is like this. When Enzo released the phantom crows, he quickly lost contact with them.


Enzo frowned slightly. After the summoned phantom crow left a certain distance, it seemed to turn into pure magic and disappeared between heaven and earth.

This also means that Enzo's idea of ​​using the Phantom Crow to explore the path came to nothing.

"It's really difficult!"

On the spot, Enzo sighed in his heart, with a wry smile on his face.

Then, he rested for a while, thought for a while, and headed forward. Since the plan to use the phantom crow to explore the path failed, Enzo could only rely on himself if he wanted to find the energy giant tree.

In the realm of death, gray mist spreads.

When the chip's ability was interfered with, Enzo could only see a short distance nearby. Therefore, he could only move forward cautiously and always pay attention to what was going on around him.

I don’t know how long I have been advancing, but the outline of a giant object suddenly appeared in the distance.

Enzo stopped and looked forward, only to see a cylinder slowly emerging from the layers of fog like an iron tower.

"This is... a giant energy tree?"

Enzo's heart moved. Although he had never seen a giant energy tree, he could infer just from the aura he felt in front of him that this was the giant energy tree mentioned by Wizard Hughes.

However, after discovering the giant energy tree, Enzo did not dare to act rashly.

Because he still remembered that Wizard Hughes once said before that in the realm of death, there are often guardians next to the giant energy trees.

The larger the giant tree, the more powerful its guardian.

Therefore, Enzo did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Looking at the giant energy tree not far away, Enzo looked around, but he didn't know what kind of danger was lurking around, waiting for him.

"Chip, scan!"

On the spot, Enzo issued an order in his mind. Although the ability of the chip was greatly affected by the interference of the Realm of Death, the most basic scanning function still retained some usefulness.

In the distance, the outline of the giant energy tree gradually became clear in Enzo's mind.

On the top of the giant tree, several fruit-like objects were emitting energy fluctuations. They were obviously the energy fruits that Enzo was targeting during his trip.

"Only these few?"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Enzo's eyes. According to the scan of the chip, there were only six energy fruits on this giant energy tree.

However, Enzo quickly recovered.

As Wizard Hughes said, the larger the energy giant tree, the more fruits it will grow, and the more fierce the guardians around it will be.

Although the giant tree in front of you only bears six fruits, it means that the creature guarding it will not be too powerful.

Immediately, Enzo walked towards the giant tree.

But at this moment, a rustling sound suddenly sounded, Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and a vigilant look suddenly appeared on his face.


The next moment, in the layers of fog, a huge thing suddenly attacked, and its terrifying body made people feel horrified.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Enzo's reaction was very quick. Before the danger came, he had already jumped up and successfully avoided the strange attack.

In mid-air, Enzo looked down.

"This is... a giant snake?"

Enzo frowned slightly and discovered that the guardian of this giant energy tree seemed to be a huge strange snake. Its body was as thick as a column, and its whole body was covered with silver scales. A strange luster shone in its vertical pupils. .


This is when the silver-scaled giant snake spoke human words and said faintly, "Are you here to steal the fruits of the sacred tree too?"

"Fruit of the sacred tree?"

Enzo's heart moved, and he immediately understood. It seemed that in the eyes of this spiritual world creature, the giant energy tree was called the sacred tree.

In mid-air, Enzo did not answer the silver-scaled snake.

Thoughts flashed in his mind. The silver-scaled giant snake in front of him seemed to have the ability to think and was a type of intelligent creature.

Compared to the wolf demon, the opponent's life level is obviously higher.

Therefore, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. If he could get some information about the spiritual world from the other party through communication, then it would be more valuable to Enzo than the energy fruit.

"Ha! What a reckless guy."

At this time, the silver-scaled giant snake spoke again, saying quietly, "You outsiders are really ridiculous!"

"We are in the spiritual world, and everything belongs to the spiritual world!"

"Even if you can steal the power of the fruit of the sacred tree, it will still be absorbed by the spirit world in the end, which is just a waste of time."

As he spoke, the silver-scaled giant snake swallowed the letter.

"But now that you're here."

The next moment, the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils flashed with a bloodthirsty luster, and said faintly, "Then stay and become the nourishment of the sacred tree!"

As he spoke, the giant silver-scaled snake suddenly opened its bloody mouth.


The silver-scaled giant snake let out a roar, and the invisible sound waves spread out, spreading around like ocean waves.

In mid-air, Enzo was in a trance.

"Fifth-level life form!"

Enzo's heart trembled. In just this moment of confrontation, he deduced that the strength of the silver-scaled giant snake in front of him had definitely exceeded the fifth level.

"A mere guardian of six fruits is a fifth-level life form?"

A trace of paleness appeared on Enzo's face, and a solemn light flashed in his eyes. He originally thought that the giant energy tree in front of him only bore six fruits, and the surrounding guardians should not be too strong.

However, this is not the case.

The fighting power of the fifth-level life form of the silver-scaled giant snake made Enzo feel a little troubled, but he was not too panicked.

"Wait a moment!"

In mid-air, Enzo suddenly waved his hand and said, "I don't mean to offend you, but the energy fruit is actually important to me."

As he spoke, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

"Since you are the guardian of the sacred tree, you must also be the owner of the fruits of the sacred tree, right?"

"I don't want to fight with you. How about this? You can make a request in exchange for the energy fruit!"

Enzo tried to communicate with the silver-scaled snake.


On the spot, a trace of ridicule flashed in the eyes of the silver-scaled giant snake, and he faintly said, "Is this the principle of equivalent exchange that your wizards say?"

"What a shame, I don't need anything?"

"Oh? Why?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows and continued to use words to delay time, saying: "There are many races in the world, but all intelligent creatures will always have desires!"

"As the guardian of the sacred tree, your Excellency knows the principle of level exchange in wizard civilization."

"Then, why not take this opportunity to trade with me using the energy fruit?"

A glimmer of light flashed in the vertical pupils of the silver-scaled giant snake.


After a while, a trace of ridicule flashed in the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils, and he faintly said: "What a cunning guy!"

"But do you think this is my first time dealing with outsiders?"

As the silver-scaled giant snake spoke, he slowly raised his head and said quietly, "The spiritual world is not your territory. From the moment you step here, everything you have will belong to the spiritual world."

"So, if the spirit world wants something, does it still need to be traded with you?"

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