Journey to the witch world

Chapter 949 Soul Mark

"Actually, he's just a fool!"

Wizard Sokka laughed at himself, but a trace of sadness appeared on his twisted face, as if he was sighing at his fate.

In place, Enzo's face looked thoughtful.

It has been five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey. As a member of the wizard civilization, Enzo has always believed that the wizard civilization is located at the apex of the multi-distant universe. Even the abyss world, which is also a large world, is far behind it. Far.

However, just a few days after arriving in the void of the spiritual world, Enzo felt a little uneasy.

The special rules of the spirit world are too weird, and there are many unknown things that even Enzo, as a Holy Soul Wizard, cannot explain.

And the immortal wizards, who are almost powerless in the outside world, have been infinitely suppressed in their strength in the spiritual world.

The pollution of the spiritual world's curse seems to be stripping away the wizards' abilities bit by bit.


On the spot, Enzo let out a long breath and looked around, his eyes flashing with solemn luster.

Although I don't know the reason, I am indeed trapped in place. Those stitching wizards have the characteristics of native creatures in the spiritual world. Therefore, in the realm of death, they seem to be able to use the rules of the spiritual world.

Under this premise, Enzo's situation becomes increasingly dangerous.

"Okay, Sokka!"

At this time, the bald wizard next to him suddenly spoke and said faintly: "Stop talking nonsense to him. When this little guy integrates with us and becomes a part of the spirit world, he will understand how stupid his previous life was." .”

After saying that, the bald wizard waved his palms.

The surrounding space seemed to be distorted and turned into a cage, and the invisible barrier began to squeeze towards Enzo.

"Shadow Realm!" On the same spot, Enzo paused with the wand in his hand.

Endless shadow energy spread out in all directions, instantly shattering the invisible barrier and causing the bald wizard to stagger.

"Do you still have so much power left?"

Opposite me, the bald wizard raised his eyebrows, chuckled and shook his head, "As expected of the Holy Soul Wizard who has just arrived in the Land of Nothingness!"

"In that case, let's play with you for a while!"

While speaking, the bald wizard waved his hand.

Behind him, a group of stitching wizards were casting spells at Enzo, and all kinds of powerful witchcraft were coming at him like cannonballs.

"The tree world is coming!"

On the spot, Enzo looked serious and whispered syllables in his mouth, and he did not hesitate to consume the power of the heart of the forest to summon the tree world.

Suddenly, the ground trembled.

Countless trees grew out of the earth, and the surrounding area suddenly turned into a forest. One tree after another stood up from the ground, waving branches all over the sky, resisting the attack of the Stitch Wizards, but it was just to delay the attack. That’s all.

In place, Enzo's face turned pale.

Even though he had just arrived in the Land of Nothingness and was not too seriously polluted by the curse of the spiritual world, using the power of the Heart of the World so frequently was a terrible burden for Enzo, but the current situation was not. Enzo was allowed too many choices.

If he does not use the power of the Heart of the World and continues to preserve his strength, then Enzo will definitely be unable to resist the crazy offensive of the Stitch Wizards.

Maybe, if you are not careful, it will be torn into pieces.

"I can resist it for a while."

On the same spot, looking at the green barrier that turned into a sea of ​​trees for defense, Enzo was relieved in his heart, but his face was still very solemn.

Enzo knew very well.

The arrival of the tree world summoned by the Heart of the Forest is suppressed in the land of nothingness, and its power is far less powerful than in the wizarding world. This move alone will definitely not be able to stop the suture wizards, and he is just stalling for time now.

"How to escape?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. During the five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey, he has encountered various crises, but he has never had such a difficult moment.

Even at the beginning, when facing the clone of the Demon God of Gluttony.

Enzo also knew very well that even if he died, all he would lose was his body. He could still be reborn by using his clone. At worst, there would be no threat of death if he fell to the next level.

However, this is a place of nothingness in the spiritual world.

The previous conversation with the wizards at the Gro camp had given Enzo a preliminary understanding of the rules of the void. Therefore, he knew that the spiritual world was different from the outside world. The unique rules here meant that death meant real death. .


Another loud noise came from my ears, and I saw the bald wizard flying into the air, with a ferocious expression on his face, and he waved his hand and released a huge fireball.

In an instant, the fireball came devastatingly.

Although the surrounding tree guards summoned by Enzo tried their best to resist, they were unable to resist at all in the face of the suppression of the curse of the spiritual world and the powerful means of the suture wizard. In just an instant, they were swallowed up by the fireball and burned into pieces. ash.

Enzo's face was expressionless, his eyes flickering.

Using the power of the Heart of the Forest is just a matter of delaying time for him, and it is impossible to withstand the offensive of the Stitch Wizards.

However, Enzo seemed to have no other choice at this moment.

The reason is very simple. After what happened just now, Enzo already knows that the Realm of Death seems to have a special power that traps Enzo in place. Even if he uses strong means to temporarily repel the Stitch Wizard, he can't escape when he wants to. It's a fool's dream.

Therefore, continuing to choose to break out is tantamount to a waste of magic power.

"how should I do it?"

Enzo frowned slightly, thoughts flashing in his mind.

His unfamiliarity with the rules of the spiritual world prevented him from finding a way to escape. Under the magnetic field of the spiritual world, the function of the chip was also greatly limited and it was unable to provide analysis capabilities.

"No matter what, try again!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, seeing that the surrounding tree world had been destroyed by the stitching wizards to a point of almost disfigurement, and he immediately decided to try to escape again.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and the shadow wings emerged behind him.

The next moment, Enzo was like a big black bird, soaring directly into the sky from the sea of ​​trees and flying wildly into the distance.

"You still want to escape? What a poor guy."

A look of pity appeared on Wizard Sokka's face, and then his body twisted and he turned into a bird and chased after him.

At the same time, other suture wizards also used their own methods.

Their target was only Enzo, so when they saw the other party trying to escape, they naturally would not let him go and chase him immediately.

"Phantom Crow Clone!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and his body turned into thousands of phantom crows, flying in different directions.

Since these suture wizards are in hot pursuit, Enzo can only do his best.

Countless phantom crows were flying in the realm of death, and Enzo's body was like a mass of black mist exploding. No one knew that the phantom crow was the clone and which one was the main body.

"I want to see if you can tell the difference clearly!"

With thoughts flashing in Enzo's mind, he gave instructions to all the phantom crows, asking them to fly in different directions to attract the attention of the stitching wizards as much as possible.

However, Enzo was a little surprised.

"You want to deceive us with this low-level method?"

Just when Enzo turned into a phantom crow and fled the place, less than three minutes had passed when a suture wizard appeared in front of him.

"How ridiculous!" the Stitch Wizard mocked.

At the same time, several more figures appeared in front of him, all of them were stitch wizards, and they surrounded Enzo again.

Enzo's eyes narrowed slightly, and his head was suddenly shrouded in a shadow.

The next moment, a huge dragon claw struck.

Enzo immediately dodged sideways, and then threw out the Soul Bone wand, which turned into a huge skull and knocked back the attacker.

"This is...Dragon Vein Warlock?"

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly. The behemoth that appeared in front of him was a terrifying white dragon. The whole body was covered with silver-white scales. An icy luster flashed in the vertical pupils. The huge dragon claws seemed to be able to crush a giant elephant. generally.

From the other party's body, Enzo felt a familiar aura.

Therefore, he could conclude that the frost dragon in front of him was also a suture wizard, but he had the blood of the dragon clan.

Sure enough, the dragon in the sky trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the opponent turned into a suture wizard, looking at Enzo with eyes full of regret.


Dragon Vein Warlock shook his head and said, "I thought that even if I couldn't catch you, I could still cause you some trouble!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

He felt that the phantom crows condensed by magic power were already flying towards the realm of death, but they were not pursued by the suture wizard.

Only I, as my true self, am surrounded by these suture wizards.

"It seems that this is also their ability..."

Enzo murmured to himself, the Phantom Crow clones formed by condensing magic power all exude the same aura as himself, but the stitching wizards can distinguish the authenticity from the fake. Obviously this is their special method, so they pursue him. here.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Enzo's mind moved and he guessed a possibility, so he immediately checked his body and found a mark on his wrist.

"When did it appear?"

Enzo frowned slightly, looking at the marks on his wrists that looked like scars, with a solemn expression on his face.

It seemed that the reason why the stitching wizards in front of him were able to hunt him down all the time was because of the guidance of this mark.

Immediately, fire burned in Enzo's eyes.

Using the power of the Heart of the Three Realms of Flame, Enzo wanted to burn the mark on his wrist. As his eyes turned red, flames began to burn on his wrist.

Yet the fire burned brightly.

Enzo felt as if his arms were turning into ashes, but the mark seemed to be engraved deep in his soul with no sign of disappearing.

"Can't you?"

Enzo frowned slightly, feeling fierce in his heart. He raised his hand and raised the Night Curse Spirit Blade, cutting off the arm where the mark was.

Anyway, for immortal wizards, rebirth of severed limbs is a piece of cake.

As the arm was cut off by the Night Curse Spirit Blade, the mark seemed to disappear. Enzo raised the corners of his lips, and then relied on magic power to reassemble an arm.

However, the regrown arm still bears the marks of the mark.


When Enzo saw this, his face suddenly became gloomy, but he didn't expect that even if he cut off his arm, he couldn't get rid of the mark that came from unknown time.


In the distance, the bald wizard seemed to see Enzo's thoughts, and said quietly: "Don't waste your efforts. The mark of the spiritual world is imprinted deep in the soul. Even if you cut yourself into pieces, you can't completely remove the mark." .”

"Imprinted in the soul?"

After hearing the words of the bald wizard, a thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face, and then, a plan gradually formed in his mind.

"Okay, don't waste time."

At this time, the bald wizard shook his head and said again, "It is the will of the spirit world to make you a part of us!"

"As long as you are in the spiritual world, no one can resist the power of the spiritual world!"

As the bald wizard spoke, a sad expression appeared on his face, as if he was recalling a story in which he struggled to escape from the control of the spiritual world, but ultimately failed.

Then, the bald wizard waved his hand.

The surrounding stitching wizards have surrounded Enzo, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to attack, because even in a state blessed by the rules of the spiritual world, these stitching wizards are still only fourth-level life forms.

If you want to deal with a Holy Soul Wizard like Enzo, you must first weaken his strength.

The biggest trump card of the stitching wizards with the characteristics of the spiritual world is their immortality. Therefore, if you want to deal with Enzo, you only need to keep attacking and consume his strength as much as possible. Just wait for Enzo to run out of gas, and everything will be over. You can declare it over.

Immediately, the stitching wizards took action again.

A look of thinking appeared on Enzo's face. He knew very well what these stitch wizards were thinking, so when faced with the siege of many stitch wizards, he did not choose to fight back.

There is no way to kill the Stitch Wizard anyway, and attacking is just a waste of time.

"Fire Cage!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the flames suddenly burned, turning into a cage-like form, trapping Enzo in it.

When the surrounding suture wizards saw this, they immediately used water spells.

"Water Curtain Tianhua!"

A sinister smile appeared on Wizard Soka's face, and then he waved his arm, summoning a water curtain and heading straight towards Enzo.

At the same time, the bald wizard had also taken action.

As soon as his eyes flashed, two water pillars rose into the sky behind him, as if they turned into water dragons, and charged towards the flame cage around Enzo.

To deal with fire spells, water spells are naturally the best choice.

This is a truth that any wizard understands. Even though Enzo is a fifth-level holy soul wizard, the power of the flame cage comes from the Three Realms of Fire, but it is still quickly consumed by the water spells of many suture wizards.

Being in the spirit world, the stitching wizards seem to have endless magic power.

Unlike Enzo, they need to calculate the use of magic power. The suture wizards with spiritual characteristics seem to be able to replenish the consumed magic power at any time.

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