Journey to the witch world

Chapter 948 The mystery of the spiritual world

"Scarlet Moon!"

In mid-air, Enzo shouted, risking the deepening contamination of the spiritual curse and using the power of the scarlet world.

Suddenly, a blood moon slowly appeared in the gray-white sky.

A faint red light spread across the earth. Enzo was bathed in the light of the scarlet moon, with a smile on his face.

The blessing of the power of the world made him feel the pressure suddenly relieved.

Even in the Land of Nothingness, Blood Moon's power was suppressed to only one-tenth of its power, but it still brought Enzo a lot of help.

Then, Enzo looked around.

Dozens of suture wizards were still watching around, and Enzo couldn't kill them, so he could only use the power of sealing.

"We must find a way to trap them first!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, his eyes locked on a suture wizard, and then he waved his hand to use the power of the heart of the forest.

"The tree world is coming!"

Enzo whispered the syllable in his mouth, and the green light suddenly burst out, and countless branches and vines attacked the stitching wizard like poisonous snakes.

At the same time, there was a tremor in the ground.

In an instant, countless green vines had surrounded the Stitching Wizard, as if wrapping him into a green cocoon.


Enzo's eyes flashed, and the movements in his hands sped up a bit, saying: "Thousand Illusion Seal!"

The body shrouded in black robes instantly turned into phantom crows, flying towards the already restrained Suture Wizard in the distance.

Suddenly, a thousand phantom seals formed a black vortex.

The Suture Wizard, who was entangled in vines and branches and unable to escape, could not even make a sound before being swallowed up by the black vortex of the Qianhuan Seal.

"Sealing Technique!"

Around them, other stitching wizards saw their companions being sealed. They did not feel any fear at all. Instead, they all gave out gloating smiles.

"What a powerful method!"

A trace of ridicule flashed in Wizard Soka's eyes, but he said quietly, "However, we would like to know, in this land of nothingness, even if you have the sealing technique, how many times can you use it?"

While speaking, Wizard Sokka waved his hand.

Immediately, other suture wizards around him rushed forward. Even though they knew that Enzo had the means of sealing, no one was still afraid of it.

The suture wizards controlled by the spirit world have lost their normal way of thinking.

They were unable to die, and at the same time they lost all awe. After discovering Enzo, their only idea was to make him become a being like themselves.

"Steel Barrier!"

In mid-air, Enzo controlled the Wings of Shadow and slowly landed on the ground. Facing the surrounding suture wizards who were attacking like vicious dogs, he used the power of the Blue Heart.

Suddenly, there was a tremor on the ground.

The barrier formed by condensed steel instantly enveloped Enzo, blocking all the Stitch Wizard's attacks.

Being inside the steel barrier, Enzo breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really a bit troublesome..."

On the spot, Enzo murmured to himself, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. He originally went to the Realm of Death, he just wanted to seize some energy stones.

Unexpectedly, before he could find the energy stone, he would be surrounded by this group of stitching wizards.

The Stitch Wizard with the ability to die is a very difficult enemy even for Enzo.

Using sealing techniques may be able to deal with these suture wizards.

However, just one sealing spell consumed a lot of Enzo's magic power, although his remaining magic power was enough to seal all the suture wizards.

But if Enzo really does that, he will definitely face the crisis of running out of magic power.

Today, Enzo has entered the land of nothingness for only a month. The abundant magic power in his body is his only foundation to resist the curse of the spiritual world.

Once the magic power is exhausted, the power of the spiritual curse will inevitably strike.

If that time comes, Enzo will be in a real crisis. Not to mention whether he can complete the task of the Supreme Council, it will probably be a very difficult thing for him to even leave the land of nothingness and return to the wizarding world.

"If the magic power is exhausted and trapped in the land of nothingness..."

In Enzo's mind, he thought of the state of the wizards in the Gro camp, and felt an inexplicable coldness in his heart, and the luster in his eyes became more determined.

"Even if you give up the mission of the Supreme Council, you must leave the Land of Nothingness!"

Enzo made up his mind that his own safety was the top priority in everything. As long as he left the land of nothingness, he would have a chance to enter the spiritual world again.

However, for Enzo today, the most important thing is to get away.

The dozens of stitching wizards outside were bombarding the steel barrier. Even the defensive means condensed by the Heart of the Ocean Blue World seemed a bit fragile at the moment, as if they might be destroyed at any time.

Immediately, Enzo's eyes flashed.

With a pause of the soul bone wand in his hand, the steel barrier slowly melted, as if it had turned into liquid metal, turning into a spaceship in mid-air.

"Go first!"

Enzo made up his mind, jumped onto the steel spaceship in one step, and then without thinking about the direction, he controlled the metal spaceship and headed straight in one direction.

"Want to escape? Hahaha!"

"What a ridiculous guy!"

The surrounding stitch wizards saw Enzo escaping in the steel spaceship, but they did not panic at all. Instead, they burst into laughter.

At the same time, they had no intention of pursuing him.

"what happened?"

On the steel spaceship, Enzo raised his eyebrows. When he saw that the stitching wizards behind him had no intention of pursuing him, he felt a sense of foreboding.

However, Enzo had no time to think too much.

Standing on the steel spaceship, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

This time going to the Realm of Death, Enzo came here for the energy stone.

However, under the siege of the Stitch Wizards, the Hughes Wizard had disappeared. Enzo did not know much about the Realm of Death and did not know which direction to head towards.

"Now it seems that we can only take one step at a time."

Enzo sighed in his heart. With the Stitch Wizards blocking his path behind him, he could only control the steel spaceship and head towards the depths of the Realm of Death.

"Wizard Hughes..."

Enzo frowned slightly, thinking of the captured Sorcerer Hughes, his face became increasingly ugly.

Unknowingly, the figure of the Suture Wizard was no longer visible behind him. Enzo was relieved and recalled the conversation with Wizard Hughes in his mind.

"It should be...this direction?"

There was a trace of hesitation on Enzo's face. When he was talking to Wizard Hughes before, the other party also said something about the Realm of Death.

According to Wizard Hughes's description, there should be a giant energy tree in the area in front of Enzo.

However, Enzo does not know the specific location, and it is still unknown whether there are guardians around the energy giant tree.

"Go and see!"

Enzo took a deep breath and made up his mind. There was something ahead of him, and he had no choice.

Now that he has arrived in the realm of death, Enzo must at least find one energy fruit.

Otherwise, Wizard Hughes's death would not have been in vain.

Enzo thought this in his mind, and the speed of the steel spaceship under his feet gradually increased a bit, as if it turned into a silver light shuttle.

"Cough cough cough..."

And just as Enzo was moving forward quickly, a cough suddenly came from his ears.

Enzo's heart moved, and he felt that the voice seemed familiar, so he slowed down the speed of the spacecraft and looked down.

Not far away, a rock appeared.

And around the rock, a figure wearing a tattered gray robe was standing there panting. The aura exuding from his body was very familiar to Enzo.

"Wizard Hughes?"

Enzo's heart moved and he immediately stopped the steel spacecraft and looked down, confirming that the man was Wizard Hughes.

"How will you be here?"

Enzo looked at Wizard Hughes with a flash of vigilance in his eyes. Although the person in front of him was no different from Wizard Hughes in terms of shape and aura, for the sake of safety, Enzo still did not relax his vigilance.

After all, this is a place of nothingness.

Any unreasonable things that happen in the land of nothingness seem to be normal things. When Enzo fought against the Stitch Wizards before, he had clearly seen Wizard Hughes and was captured by two Stitch Wizards, but why did the other party still will appear here.


Wizard Hughes's face was very pale, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle, his magic power was exhausted, and he might fall into coma at any time.

"I was lucky enough to escape from those monsters..."

Wizard Hughes showed a wry smile and said feebly: "Sir Enzo, have you found the energy fruit?"

"Not yet." Enzo shook his head.

"That's such a shame."

Wizard Hughes shook his head, his eyes flashed with a calm luster, and he sighed, "It seems that I am going to die here today."

After saying that, Wizard Hughes leaned on the rock next to him.

Trapped in the void of the spiritual world for thousands of years, Sorcerer Hughes was polluted by the curse of the spiritual world and suffered great pain all the time. Under such circumstances, he had long been tired of everything. Now that death is about to come, perhaps it is also A relief.

Looking at Sorcerer Hughes waiting for death quietly by the rock, a strange look appeared on Enzo's face.

Then, he landed the steel ship.

"Even if you die, you shouldn't die here!"

Enzo stretched out a hand and said to Wizard Hughes who was lying on the ground.

"That's right...that's right!"

Wizard Hughes smiled bitterly, but a strange light flashed in his eyes. Then, his body suddenly twisted, and tentacles emerged from his chest.

"Since I can't leave, why should you live?"

A twisted and ferocious expression appeared on Wizard Hughes's face, as if he had turned into a terrifying monster, with countless tentacles attacking Enzo.


In an instant, each tentacle pierced Enzo's body, but the next moment, Enzo's body turned into phantom crows and flew away.

The expression on Wizard Hughes's face was stiff.

"Tch! Were you prepared?"

A trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of Wizard Hughes, but he also looked indifferent. His face twisted and turned into the appearance of another wizard.

Sokka Wizard.

"Failed? Idiot."

"Hahaha, I guess it won't work."

Several familiar voices came from the surroundings, and the stitching wizards who had besieged Enzo slowly came out of the fog.

"After all, I have just stepped into the land of nothingness."

The bald wizard sneered and said faintly, "The curse of the spiritual world has not completely polluted his soul. How could such a cheap trick succeed?"

"Shut up, you trash."

Wizard Sokka became a little angry and his left eye seemed to pop out.

At the same time, on top of the steel spaceship.

The phantom crows slowly gathered together and finally formed the image of Enzo. He looked around with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Is it still the same place as before?"

Enzo sighed in his heart, and his expression became more serious.

Just now, he had obviously steered the steel ship and headed quickly in one direction, but in the blink of an eye he was back to where he was.

"The land of nothingness is really weird everywhere!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, his eyes flashing with thought.

Although I don’t know whether it’s the realm of death or the means of stitching the wizards together, but no matter what, Enzo has returned to his original place again.

If he doesn't come up with a countermeasure, Enzo will surely face the siege of the Stitch Wizards again.

"Why do you have the aura of Sorcerer Hughes on you?"

Suddenly, Enzo raised his head and asked the Soca wizard in front of him.

Just now, in order to deal with Enzo, the other party disguised himself as the Hughes wizard. If Enzo hadn't been vigilant, he might have almost been hurt by the other party.

However, Enzo was very confused about one thing.

The disguised form of Sorcerer Soka just now not only has the appearance of Sorcerer Hughes, but the aura is no different from that of Sorcerer Hughes.

In Enzo's understanding, even if he is only a first-level wizard, it is easy to change his appearance.

However, the aura of a person is exuded by the soul. Even for an immortal wizard, it is not easy to change, and even if it is changed, it will not be perfect, there will always be some loopholes.

However, just now.

The Hughes wizard disguised by the Soca wizard is not only the same in appearance, but also the aura exuded by the soul is exactly the same. Even if Enzo has the assistance of a chip, he cannot distinguish the true from the false. If he is not in the spirit world During this time, Enzo was always vigilant, fearing that he might really fall into a trap.


Opposite him, Wizard Sokka flashed a trace of ridicule in his eyes and said faintly, "There are always many things in this world that you cannot understand."

"Even the wizarding civilization is just a drop in the ocean in the entire multiverse."

"When I was an immortal wizard, I used to mock the natives of other worlds, like a frog sitting in a well looking at the sky. But when I came to the spiritual world, I realized that I was not just a ridiculous frog, thinking that I controlled the mysteries of the universe. .”

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