Journey to the witch world

Chapter 947 Stitch Monster

Immediately afterwards, the flying head merged with the body.

"It's the other way around, idiot!"

Another stitching wizard made a mocking sound, but saw that Wizard Sokka's head did not seem to fit with his body, and the twisted rotation was restored.

In place, Enzo looked calm.

Even before taking action, he knew that these suture wizards had the characteristics of immortality, so he had no intention of using this move to kill Sokka wizards.

The reason why Enzo took action was just to save Wizard Hughes.

"Don't worry about me anymore, Sir Enzo!"

Not far away, a complex look appeared on Wizard Hughes's face, a calm luster flashed in his eyes, and he said softly.

"Living in the void for so many years."

"Since I am destined to be unable to find my way back, then even if I die here, I have nothing to complain about!"

Wizard Hughes's attitude was already very calm.

After being trapped in the spirit world for thousands of years, his mood has changed from the initial anxiety, fear, and anger to appearing calm.

Unable to leave the place of nothingness, he has been tortured by the curse of the spiritual world for a long time.

For Wizard Hughes, every day of living may mean pain, so if death can bring relief, it is not an unacceptable thing.

"I'm just afraid that you won't be able to die even if you want to..."

Facing the calmness of Wizard Hughes, Enzo smiled bitterly in his heart, looking around with a complicated expression on his face.

Through the confrontation with the Stitch Wizards just now, Enzo obtained more information.

From the mouth of the bald wizard, Enzo heard information about the will of the spirit world. Although it may not be accurate, it is still a very important thing.

"The will of the spiritual world!"

In place, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, recalling what the bald wizard said before, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

In the entire multiverse, there are as many planes as there are stars.

In most cases, all planes and worlds, big or small, will have their own will and unique rules.

Needless to say about the small world, the same is true for the abyss and the wizarding world.

However, in the spiritual world, as the most special world in the entire multiverse, whether there is a world will is always unknown.

Several epochs have passed. Even though the wizarding civilization has successively sent a large number of wizards to explore the spiritual world, the information they finally brought back was still the tip of the iceberg. The secrets of the spiritual world were inaccessible to anyone.

Whether the spirit world has will is a topic that wizard civilization has been discussing for thousands of years.

However, through the confrontation just now, the information obtained from the bald wizard gave Enzo an inference about the spiritual world.

That is, will is being born in the spiritual world!

Perhaps, it was under the control of the will of the spirit world that those wolf demons attacked the Gro camp one after another, and were full of malice towards the wizards. Perhaps, it was precisely under the control of the will of the spirit world that those wolf demons who should have died long ago Only the Sokar wizards will come back to life.

Even the weird and peculiar rules of the spiritual world may be caused by the will of the spiritual world.

"Why target wizards?"

On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly, the information in his mind kept flashing, and the chip was trying its best to infer the truth of the spiritual world through calculations.

The longer he is trapped in the void, the more information Enzo gets.

But with only this information, all Enzo could do was make inferences, and he could not get a definite answer.

"Maybe... I should capture a stitch wizard!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the stitching wizards around him, and a bold idea came to his mind.

Now that these suture wizards have been transformed into spiritual creatures.

This also means that something must have happened to them to transform the Stitch Wizard.

If Enzo could capture a Stitch Wizard, he might be able to get more information through experiments.

Even, find a way to leave the void.

"Anyway, this is at least a breakthrough!"

In a moment, Enzo had made up his mind. Since he was now trapped in the Land of Nothingness and had difficulty escaping, if he wanted to leave, he must obtain enough information to find a way to escape from the Land of Nothingness.


However, just as Enzo was thinking, there was a sudden sound in his ears, and he saw the fog around him suddenly billowing.

"Wizard Hughes!"

On the spot, Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, but he saw a few tentacles emerging from the mist at some point and restraining Wizard Hughes.

The next moment, tentacles that seemed to be condensed by gray mist dragged Wizard Hughes into the darkness.

Enzo's face changed slightly, and when he waved the wand in his hand, the Shadow Wings appeared behind him, heading straight for the tentacles to capture Wizard Hughes.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

At this time, the surrounding suture wizards refused to let Enzo leave. Instead, they surrounded him and cast spells one after another.


In an instant, the light of the spell burst out, and the mist-shrouded realm of death seemed to turn into a terrifying battlefield.

"Twisted Barrier!"

On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly. Faced with the siege of dozens of suture wizards, he did not dare to relax too much for a moment.

Immediately, he paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand.

The released magic power seemed to turn into a shadow, protecting Enzo's body in a twisted form.

Suddenly, the incoming spells were blocked by the twisting barrier.


Suddenly, there was a roar of beasts in my ears, and I saw a suture wizard suddenly lying on the ground, roaring like a wild beast.

Immediately afterwards, his weird body changed.

The body was pieced together from many different limbs, with a large amount of hair growing on the skin. Immediately afterwards, the suture wizard had transformed into a huge beast, like a lion, with only two legs for combat, and the whole body was burning with blazing fire.

"Bloodline Warlock?"

Opposite him, Enzo frowned slightly, a glint of thought flashing in his eyes.

As a holy soul wizard who has been on the journey of wizarding for five hundred years, Enzo knows the bloodline wizards very well.

The so-called blood warlock is the name of a path in the wizarding world.

This kind of wizard often has a special bloodline during his apprenticeship, or even from birth. Therefore, the way to improve his strength is to develop the power of his bloodline as much as possible, constantly break the shackles, and become an immortal.

The suture wizard in front of him is obviously a blood warlock.

Moreover, through the analysis of the chip, Enzo could also see that the bloodline possessed by the opponent should be a creature called the Flame Lion.

This kind of fire attribute monster is only a third-level life form.

However, the life level of the stitching wizard in front of him has reached the fourth level, which means that the reason why the other person became an immortal life is entirely because he broke the shackles of blood.

It's a shame, though.

Even though the shackles of blood have been broken, the wizard in front of him is still trapped in the spiritual world, affected by the curse of the spiritual world, and thus becomes a slave of the spiritual world.


On the spot, Enzo exhaled a breath of turbid air, his eyes flashing with thought.

Being in the spirit world, his strength is limited everywhere. On the other hand, those suture wizards have accepted the pollution of the curse of the spirit world, and thus transformed into spirit world creatures. Not only are they not restricted by the rules of the spirit world, but they can gain power. Blessing.

"Fortunately, it's just a fourth-level life form!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. This was the first time since he set foot in the Holy Soul Realm that he was besieged by fourth-level life forms and fell into an embarrassing situation.


Accompanied by a beast's roar, the lion, whose body was burning with blazing flames, was already fiercely attacking in Enzo's direction.

Faced with such an offensive, Enzo was unwilling to confront him head-on.

Enzo, who has fallen into a state of curse in the spirit world, has become rootless water with magic power in his body. Every point used will be reduced by one point. Therefore, in the spirit world, Enzo must save his power as much as possible to avoid being in trouble. In a short period of time, he ended up like Sorcerer Hughes.

However, just as Enzo escaped the flaming lion's attack, another suture wizard couldn't wait to launch an attack.

"Arcane Missile!"

The other suture wizard looked like a thin man, with a pale face without a trace of blood, as if he had lived in a dark area for a long time.

As he waved his hand, he used only basic spells.

This kind of first-level witchcraft is just a pure energy control method, and almost all first-level wizards can perform it.

However, the arcane missiles used by ordinary first-level wizards are far less powerful than the pale man.


As the pale man waved his hand, countless energy missiles struck like rain falling from the sky.

Bang bang bang!

The arcane missile hit the twisted barrier, making a fierce sound, and then, fine cracks appeared on the twisted barrier.

"not good!"

Enzo secretly said something bad.

The next moment, the twisted barrier formed by the condensed magic power shattered in an instant, and then the surrounding stitching wizards launched another attack.

"Shadow Incarnate!"

On the spot, Enzo saw that the situation was not good, immediately uttered syllables, turned into a shadow and disappeared directly from the spot.


At this time, another beast roar sounded, and the lion wizard in the distance, whose whole body was burning with flames, rushed over like a devil from hell.

At the same time, the other stitching wizard's body was also distorted.

The next moment, the suture wizard with pale green skin grew plants like withered grass all over his body, and in a moment he turned into a giant tree man.

"go to hell!"

The tree wizard let out a ferocious laugh, then waved his arms, and the vines swung like thorns and attacked Enzo.

Even though he had turned into a shadow, Enzo still did not dare to be careless.

In the wizarding world, the ability to elementalize the body is a skill that almost every immortal wizard can master. However, this is the spiritual world, and maintaining a shadow form for a long time is a very serious burden for Enzo.


In mid-air, Enzo tried his best to dodge, but the attack of the tree wizard was really fast, so he was unable to dodge the attack and was directly hit by the vines.

Fortunately, Enzo is still in his elemental state at this moment.

The incoming vines shattered his body, but it was just a shadow. Enzo's form dispersed like black mist.

But soon, the broken body turned into phantom crows.

In mid-air, Enzo regrouped his body.

He held the Soul Bone Wand in his left hand and the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his right hand. There was a cold glint in his eyes. Facing the attack of these suture wizards, there was also a trace of anger in his heart.

If he were in the outside world and was just dealing with some All-Soul Wizards, Enzo would never be in such a mess.

However, while in the spirit world, Enzo was besieged by these suture wizards and was even almost injured. This reminded him of a sentence.

The tiger fell down and was bullied by the dog!

The surrounding stitching wizards are just a group of monsters and monsters, but in the spirit world, their combat power is infinitely amplified, even making Enzo feel troublesome.


Not far away, the Sokka wizard opened his mouth wide and spit out a ball of fire from his throat. Like a red lotus from hell, it went straight towards Enzo in mid-air.

"Shadow Shield!"

On the spot, Enzo mouthed syllables. The magic power in his body had been rapidly consumed in the battle, so he had to use it sparingly.


The shadow condensed into a shield in mid-air, blocking the attack of the red flames. The collision between the two caused the sound of explosion.

Then, the ground suddenly shook.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Enzo still didn't know what happened, but he reacted very quickly and decisively used the Shadow Wings before the danger came.

In an instant, black wings appeared behind him.

The next moment, Enzo was flying into the air, and at the same time, the ground turned into a battlefield formed by ground thorns.


In the distance, a suture wizard chanted a spell, and stones floated on the ground, and then gathered in the same direction, eventually turning into a huge stone statue.

"Go ahead and tear him apart!"

The stitching wizard who summoned the giant stone statue had a ferocious smile on his twisted face, and then summoned the giant stone statue to attack Enzo.

An extremely huge stone monster, as high as a hundred meters high.

Even in mid-air, Enzo was still unable to avoid the opponent's attack, so he once again used the power of shadow witchcraft.


The huge palm of the stone monster attacked, and just before grabbing Enzo, he transformed into a ball of shadow and escaped from the opponent's fingertips.

Then, Enzo transformed into thousands of phantom crows.

"It seems that we still have to use the blessing of the power of the world!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. Although the suture wizards around him were only fourth-level life forms, they were blessed with power in the spiritual world.

Therefore, it is not easy for Enzo to deal with them.

Under the siege of many suture wizards, he had no chance to use the Thousand Fantasy Seal, and could only keep avoiding the enemy's attacks.

Under the current situation, Enzo no longer has much time to think about it.

If he wants to escape the siege of the Stitch Wizards, he must use his true power, otherwise the longer the delay is, the more dangers are likely to appear in the fog.

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