Journey to the witch world

Chapter 941 Enzo’s death?


The tornado formed by the gathering of flames soared into the sky like Optimus Prime, and the devastating offensive knocked down native vampires one after another.

"The life level is similar to that of a wolf demon."

After Enzo shot down a group of vampires, he also made a calculation in his mind about the combat effectiveness of the original vampires.

Native vampires are not powerful, although they have become extinct in the universe.


At this time, another violent explosion sounded.

"The witch formation has been destroyed!"

On the city wall, a pale color appeared on the face of Wizard Hughes. The witch formation in the Gro camp has been established for thousands of years. It is also the foundation of the entire camp. Over the years, every time it is broken, it has a negative impact on the entire camp. For the wizards in the camp, it was a disaster.

In mid-air, Enzo looked down.

After the thousands-legged giant spiders turned into countless small spiders, they gathered in front of the city wall of the Grot camp. With the help of the terrifying serial explosions, they finally destroyed the witch array on the city wall. Then, one after another, the small spiders came towards gather in the same direction.

In an instant, all the little spiders merged into the main body of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

Facing the destroyed Grotto Camp, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider broke in unceremoniously, and countless spider legs wreaked havoc in the camp.

"It seems that today is destined to be a disaster for us!"

On top of the city wall, looking at the giant thousand-legged spider that had broken into the camp, a strange smile appeared on Wizard Okaron's face.

Then, he burst into laughter.

"Come on, bug!"

Wizard O'Kalun opened his arms, and at some point, a curved branch appeared in his hand, as if it was in his magic palm.

"Let me enjoy the final battle!"

Wizard O'Kalun showed no fear at all when facing the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, but his eyes were filled with fighting intent.

Obviously, he is now ready to fight to the death with the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

"Let me do it, Lord O'Callen."

Next to him, Wizard Hughes shrugged. There was also no fear of death on his face. Instead, he yawned and said, "I have wasted too much time in this boring world. Instead of continuing to be trapped here, I might as well enjoy it." Enjoy the battle."

"Fifth-level life forms! I have never hunted them before!"

As Wizard Hughes spoke, he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. There was a glimmer of light in his eyes as he stared at the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

At the same time, other wizards in the Gro camp also appeared one after another.

"Has it finally been breached?"

In the camp, a beggar-like wizard, dressed in rags, looked at the giant spider with a crazy luster in his eyes, and said quietly.

"Come on, let's fight, I can't wait to welcome death!"

"Giant Thousand-legged Spider? Why is it this guy again?"

"Ha! It's such a way to die. What a boring life!"

After feeling that the witch formation in the Gro camp was destroyed, all the witches, including the shaman in the sarcophagus, appeared near the city wall.

Apparently, as the Thousand-legged Giant Spider broke into Camp Gro, all the wizards fell into a state of madness.

In mid-air, Enzo's face was thoughtful.

"Is it the influence of the curse in the spiritual world?"

Enzo murmured to himself, a hint of thought flashing in his eyes.

In the entire multiverse, wizard civilization has always been a representative of absolute reason, but the wizards in the Gro camp are acting like a group of people who have fallen into madness, without any sense of wizards.

Perhaps this is the terrifying aspect of the curse in the spiritual world.

For the wizards who have been trapped in the spiritual world for thousands of years, the curse of the spiritual world has long been ingrained in their bodies. Therefore, not only the physical distortion, but also the spirit and soul have been affected, so that the wizards in the Gro camp have become incompetent. Too normal.

Even Sorcerer Hughes, who was least affected by the curse in the spiritual world, still seemed a little crazy.

Enzo sighed inwardly.

At the same time, he became more deeply aware of the dangers of the curse in the spiritual world, and he firmly decided to leave the spiritual world as soon as possible.

However, before leaving the spirit world, the immediate problem must be solved.

Enzo took a deep breath and looked at the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

As the witch formation in the Gro camp was destroyed, all the wizards showed a state of madness under the threat of death. However, Enzo remained rational in his heart and knew very well that the situation at hand was not at its most serious yet. Degree.

The witch formation in the Gro camp was destroyed, but that didn't mean everything would be destroyed.

As long as the Thousand-legged Giant Spider can be repelled as soon as possible and after the dark natural disaster is over, Enzo and the wizards in the camp can repair the witch array. By then, all problems will be solved and Camp Gloro will return to its former order. .

"Thousand-legged Giant Spider!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly and he looked directly at the giant spider in front of him. If he wanted to deal with this monster, sealing was the best choice.

However, Enzo also knew it very well.

The Thousand-legged Giant Spider is a spiritual world creature and a fifth-level life form. Even if you want to seal it, it is not easy.

What's even more frightening is that we are still in the period of dark natural disasters.

Although Enzo has dealt with the wolf demons and native vampires, no one knows how many spiritual undead creatures there are in the darkness outside Camp Gro, spying on this area and may launch attacks at any time.

"Let's solve the immediate problem first!"

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts, and he made a plan at the same time. No matter how long this dark natural disaster will last, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider in front of him is the number one enemy he must deal with.

Immediately, Enzo opened his arms.

"The tree world is coming!"

As Enzo whispered the syllables, emerald-like light burst out from his open arms, as if turning into green seeds. In an instant, it swayed towards the surroundings, turning into Be like trees rising from the ground.

However, compared to using the tree world to descend in the wizarding world, being in the spirit world even the power of the heart of the forest is suppressed.

Relying on the power of the Forest Heart, Enzo swayed countless green seeds.

However, after those seeds fell on the land of the spiritual world, although they took root and sprouted, the trees that grew out dried up in a moment, as if they turned into devil's arms, looking ferocious and twisted, without any Forming a real sea of ​​trees.

"Sure enough, I was still suppressed!"

Enzo's heart sank. He had already expected that the arrival of the tree world would be affected by the spirit world. Being in the spirit world, as a wizard, all his spells and abilities have been weakened and suppressed. The heart of the forest spirit The same is true for the power of.

In the spirit world, the arrival of the tree world summoned by Enzo was only one-tenth of the normal level.

However, even a tree world general of this level is enough to cause some trouble to the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

"Shadow Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables again, and the shadows under his feet spread around like a tide in an instant.

In an instant, the shadow merged with the sea of ​​trees.

The originally twisted trees seemed to be given life by the shadows, turning into huge squirming black snakes, rushing towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.


The twisted branches restrained the Thousand-legged Giant Spider in place. This time, in order to prevent the opponent from turning into countless little spiders and escaping again, Enzo immediately launched an offensive. The flames in his eyes burned and he went straight towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider like a laser. And go.

"World-destroying fire!"

In mid-air, Enzo waved the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and the power of the Three Realms of Flame was unleashed. Although under the influence of the rules of the spiritual world, the Heart of the World could not exert its full power, but it was enough for Enzo. .


Accompanied by a violent roaring sound, the huge fireball was like a meteorite, heading straight towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider on the ground. The Thousand-legged Giant Spider trapped in the sea of ​​​​trees seemed to have no ability to escape at this moment, and could only let the flaming meteorite fall. bombarded his own body.


The flames bombarded the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, making a terrifying explosion.

However, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider did not scream at all, as if it had no pain, and its severely injured body healed quickly.

"It's useless, Sir Enzo."

At this time, Wizard O'Kalun let out a burst of laughter and said crazily, "This damn spiritual bug has an immortal body."

"Therefore, no matter what kind of attack, it cannot cause damage to it."

"Sealing is the only way to deal with creatures in the spiritual world."

"I see!"

After hearing the prompt from Wizard O'Callen, a glint flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he immediately gave up his plan to use magic attacks to weaken the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

"Thousand Illusion Seals, rise!"

Enzo whispered a spell in his mouth, and in mid-air, his whole person was shrouded in shadow.

The next moment, Enzo disappeared from the spot, and his body shrouded in shadow seemed to turn into thousands of phantom crows in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, all the phantom crows attacked the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

Like a black tornado, countless phantom crows completely swallowed up the Thousand-legged Giant Spider in just a moment.

In an instant, the Thousand Illusion Seal Technique was completed.

Enzo's figure also reappeared in mid-air. Looking at the giant thousand-legged spider surrounded by countless phantom crows, as if trapped in a whirlpool, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

To deal with immortal creatures, sealing is obviously the best way.

Even though the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, as a native creature in the spiritual world, has the blessing of immortality, it still seems to have no ability to resist under the Thousand Illusion Seal.

The next moment, countless phantom crows swarmed towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

"it's over!"

In mid-air, the corners of Enzo's lips raised a bit, as if he could already foresee the scene of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider being sealed by thousands of phantom crows.

However, at this moment.

Enzo's mind suddenly heard the rapid alarm sound of the chip. He was suddenly startled and immediately released the spell on the Thousand-legged Giant Spider without hesitation.

However, even though Enzo's reaction was quick, it was still a little too late.

"not good!"

Feeling the inexplicable crisis coming, Enzo's heart sank, and then he felt a pain coming from the depths of his soul.


Suddenly, Enzo screamed in mid-air.

Since entering the realm of the Holy Soul Wizard, this is the first time that Enzo has felt such intense pain, that terrible sense of crisis, as if his soul has been torn apart, and the real threat of death has enveloped Enzo's body. top of head.

"This is... the backlash of the curse in the spiritual world!"

Enzo fell from mid-air, enduring the pain of tearing his soul. Thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, and in a moment he analyzed where the pain he was suffering came from.

The power of spiritual curse!

Although Enzo did not know the reason and origin of the curse in the spiritual world, at the moment of suffering pain, he inexplicably felt the malice of the spiritual world towards him.

Therefore, Enzo determined in his heart that the pain just now came from the curse of the spiritual world.

From previous conversations with the wizards at Camp Glo, Enzo had already understood the dangers of the curse in the spiritual world, but now that he truly felt the power of the curse in the spiritual world, he deeply understood why the wizards in Camp Glo became like this. appearance.

The impact of the curse in the spiritual world is indeed very terrifying.

"But...why is it now?"

Enzo suppressed the pain caused by the curse in the spiritual world while mobilizing magic resistance as much as possible. Enzo already knew something about the curse in the spiritual world from his previous conversations with several wizards in the Gro camp.

However, according to the wizards at Camp Gro.

The power of the curse in the spiritual world will only become stronger as time passes when trapped in the spiritual world, but I have never heard of anyone suddenly feeling the harm of the curse in the spiritual world.

Simply put, spiritual curse is a kind of pollution that flows in a steady stream.

It was not an impact like a blazing fire, but what Enzo felt just now was that of being instantly hurt by a curse from the spiritual world.

"Could it be... that the world's will is targeting it?"

Enzo felt a little unbelievable in his heart. If the curse of the spiritual world caused continuous harm to ordinary wizards, but it was very strong for an instant on himself, it seemed to mean that Enzo was targeted by the will of the spiritual world.

"Too little information to get the truth!"

After a moment, Enzo shook his head. The tearing feeling deep in his soul continued, which meant that the curse of the spiritual world still affected him.

However, at this moment, Enzo did not have so much time to think about the truth of the curse in the spiritual world.

In the distance, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider has broken free from the shackles of the Phantom Crow and is heading towards Enzo. If the immediate crisis cannot be resolved, then there will be no need for a spiritual curse. The Thousand-legged Giant Spider will be enough to cause Enzo Death threats.

"Heart of the Dead!"

Looking at the thousand-legged giant spider approaching step by step, Enzo could only activate the power of the heart of the world. With a sudden pause of the wand in his hand, countless bone thorns broke out of the ground.

In an instant, thorns of white bones struck like devil's claws.

The huge and bloated body of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider was pierced by countless white bones in just an instant. However, for the Thousand-legged Giant Spider with the immortality characteristic, this level of damage obviously cannot pose much threat to him.

The next moment, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider was close at hand.

The extremely ferocious mouthparts were like a torn meat grinder. Enzo was shocked, but he had no time to dodge and was sucked into his mouth by the giant thousand-legged spider.

There has been something going on at home recently, and the previous few debts have been revised. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

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