Journey to the witch world

Chapter 942 The end of the natural disaster

"Sir Enzo!"

On the city wall, Wizard Hughes' expression changed. Seeing Enzo being swallowed by the giant spider, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

"Did you get eaten?"

Wizard Sokka let out a weird laugh from his palm, as if he was gloating about his misfortune, but his torso quickly reacted.

"I'll save him!"

The Sokka wizard's torso made a dull sound, and his form grew larger. Almost in the blink of an eye, he had transformed into a giant form.

"What a fool!"

Seeing the torso rushing towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider with the palm of his hand, Sokka Wizard suddenly felt a little furious.

Even the Sokka Wizard in his heyday was not just a fourth-level wizard. What's more, today's Sokka Wizard is affected by the curse of the spiritual world and his body has been distorted. How can he be the opponent of the fifth-level Thousand-legged Giant Spider?

On the city wall, O'Callen and other wizards saw Enzo being swallowed by the giant spider, with different expressions on their faces.

Having been trapped in the land of nothingness for too long, the wizards in the Gro camp have become more or less distorted, both physically and mentally.

Therefore, the emotions they express cannot be viewed in normal ways.

Just like now.

Wizard O'Callen was worried about Enzo in his heart, but the expression on his face looked extremely crazy, and he let out a weird laugh.

at the same time.

Enzo, who was swallowed by the giant spider, immediately activated his shadow shield, and the black energy perfectly protected his whole body.

"not good!"

There was a solemn look in Enzo's eyes. He was in the belly of the giant spider, but the magic power in his body was flowing away rapidly.

It seemed that the giant thousand-legged spider was swallowing Enzo's magic power.

Immediately, Enzo didn't hesitate.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, his eyes glowed red, and the next moment, endless flames burst out from his eyes.

Suddenly, the flames swept around like a tornado.

However, the abdomen of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider was like a twisted space, and all the magical energy released by Enzo was absorbed in an instant.

"The characteristic of swallowing energy?"

Enzo murmured to himself, but he was not too panicked. After all, as a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo had seen big storms in the five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey.

Even though the situation in front of him was somewhat unfavorable to him, Enzo was not at the end of the road yet. As his thoughts moved, a shadow appeared on his face.

The next moment, the shadow mask appears.

Although he was in the belly of the giant spider, Enzo could still activate the ability of the shadow camouflage mask, turning his whole body into a ball of shadow.

Outside, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider is entrenched in Camp Gro.

Wizard O'Kalun looked at the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, but a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes. As a Holy Soul Wizard, if he were in the outside world, it would be easy for him to deal with the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

However, this is a place of nothingness in the spiritual world.

Any rules will be distorted when they reach the spiritual world. Even those as powerful as the Holy Soul Wizard will be contaminated by the curse of the spiritual world in this place.

Bang bang bang!

In the Gero camp, the torso of Sokka Wizard, who had long lost his head and arms, had turned into a giant, rushing towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider like a wild horse running wild.


On the opposite side, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider opened its ferocious mouthparts and spit out threads of spider silk in an instant. Almost instantly, it wrapped around the giant transformed from the torso of Sokka Wizard.

In place, Wizard Sokka's torso was entangled in white spider silk, as if it had turned into a cocoon.

"Let me help you!"

Seeing that his torso was wrapped into a cocoon, Wizard Sokar's palm finally couldn't calm down at this moment and jumped off the city wall like a scorpion.

Then, like a scorpion-like palm, a mouth opened in the palm, and the mouth spat out balls of flames, burning the spider silk binding the torso.

However, the next moment.

The Thousand-Legged Giant Spider opened its mouth again, and a ball of spider silk was instantly spat out, directly binding Wizard Sokar's hand in place.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider moved.

The spider legs, which were like sharp blades, stabbed directly towards Wizard Sokka's torso.

"Shadow Shield!"

At this time, Enzo's voice suddenly sounded, and he saw the shadow turned into a shield, blocking the attack of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, and at the same time saving the torso of the Sokka Wizard.


On the city wall, when Enzo turned into a shadow and emerged from the body of the giant thousand-legged spider, the O'Callen wizard couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Enzo remained expressionless.

The spirit world is indeed a dangerous place. Just now, he was swallowed by a giant thousand-legged spider just because he wasn't paying attention. If he didn't have the authority of the shadow system, he really doesn't know how to escape.

"Fire blast!"

On the same spot, Enzo flicked the wand in his hand, and the energy of the Three Realms of Flame burst out in an instant.

The next moment, the flames turned into shock waves.

The giant thousand-legged spider's huge body was struck by the flames and flew backwards. Dozens of the spider's legs were also broken.

Then, Enzo's eyes flashed.

Taking advantage of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider being knocked down, he immediately used the Thousand Illusion Seal Technique again, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide.

"Shadow authority?"

On the city wall, Wizard Okaron had a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider has been swallowed by the shadows.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth. At this moment, he no longer cared about saving magic power, because Enzo knew very well that it would be almost impossible to seal the Thousand-legged Giant Spider without using all his strength.

In an instant, countless phantom crows flew out.

The phantom crows were seen circling above the Thousand-legged Giant Spider's head, as if turning into a black whirlpool.

At the same time, the shadow under Enzo's feet also struck like a poisonous snake.

"Shadow Chain!"

In order to trap the Thousand-legged Giant Spider in place, Enzo used shadow chains, and the power of the shadow authority in his body was almost exerted to the extreme.


The thousand-legged giant spider bound by the shadow chain also made a sharp scream at this moment, but it was difficult to break free from the shadow chain.

In the sky, phantom crows flew towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

"Thousand Illusion Seals, rise!"

A trace of determination appeared on Enzo's face, and the Thousand Illusion Seal Witchcraft was activated, and a black vortex composed of countless crows immediately swallowed the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.


In the distance, the wizards on the city wall saw expressions of surprise on their faces when they saw the Thousand-legged Giant Spider being sealed. Wizard Hughes' eyes were even more complicated.

If I had known it, this would not be the first time that the Gero camp was attacked by a giant thousand-legged spider.

"As expected of the Holy Soul Wizard who has just stepped into the land of nothingness!"

Wizard Hughes sighed.

The last time the Thousand-legged Giant Spider attacked, Camp Groo paid a full price with the lives of three wizards to successfully seal the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

But that time, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider appeared without the blessing of the Dark Disaster.

But now.

The Thousand-legged Giant Spider appeared in the Grot Camp in its full glory. With the blessing of the Dark Scourge, its combat power almost made the wizards in the entire camp tremble.

However, Enzo single-handedly sealed the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

In place, Enzo let out a sigh of relief.

If it were in the material world, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider would not be an unstoppable enemy. However, in the void of the spiritual world, Enzo really spent a lot of energy trying to seal the opponent.

What made Enzo's expression even more solemn was that after sealing the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, the magic power in his body was severely depleted.

Therefore, the curse of the spiritual world also began to take advantage of the situation.

Through previous conversations with wizards such as O'Callen, Enzo already had a basic understanding of the rules of curses in the spiritual world.

Any creature that enters the spirit world will be contaminated by the curse of the spirit world. For wizards, the most terrifying thing about the curse of the spirit world is that it causes the magic crystals in the body to lose their effect.

And this is also the problem Enzo is about to face.

For wizards, magic crystals are the source of power. If the magic crystals are contaminated, even a fifth-level holy soul wizard will become very weak.

Above the sky, the darkness gradually faded.

"it's over?"

Enzo's heart moved, he raised his head and looked towards the sky, only to see the endless darkness dissipating like a tide above the sky.

Gray light spreads across the earth.

In Camp Glo, I felt the disappearance of the darkness, and all the wizards felt a sense of luck in surviving the disaster.

The Dark Scourge is finally over.

Enzo looked around. After experiencing the dark natural disaster, the Gro camp was in a mess. Even though Enzo sealed the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, the damage caused by those undead creatures was irreparable.

On the city wall, cracks appeared.

"How's the witch formation going?"

Enzo came to the city wall and asked, looking at the destroyed city wall and witch formation.

"The witch formation has been destroyed."

Wizard O'Kalun shook his head and said solemnly, "But this level of damage can be repaired by the wizards in the camp."


A trace of hesitation appeared on Wizard O'Callen's face.

"But what?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows and looked towards the destroyed city wall.


Wizard O'Kalun took a deep breath, spread his palms and said, "It is not difficult to repair the damaged witch formation, but if we want the witch formation to continue to protect Camp Gro, we must have enough energy!"


Enzo frowned slightly. In the spiritual world, resources that can provide energy seem to be the most precious items, especially for wizards.

In the wizarding world, any large building belonging to a wizard will have a witch array as a means of protection. However, most of the time, the wizard who controls the witch array is enough to provide energy for the witch array.

Unless frequent wars occur, the witch formation will need a large amount of magic stones as energy supplement.

"If the witch formation needs energy."

Enzo pondered for a moment, took out some star stones from the space ring, and said, "How about these star stones? They should be enough to provide energy, right?"

"Star stone?"

Wizard O'Callen saw a complex expression on his face when he saw the star stone in Enzo's hand, but in the end he shook his head.

"Sorry, Sir Enzo!"

O'Callen sighed and said helplessly, "Star stone is a currency common to all races in the multiverse, but it is a pity that it has no value in the spiritual world!"

"Without any value?"

Enzo frowned slightly, confused and asked, "What does this mean?"

Before Enzo officially embarked on his journey as a wizard, the currency he used was gold and silver. After joining the Phantom Academy of Crows, he discovered that in the wizarding world, magic stones with energy are the universal currency that can be circulated.

After becoming an official wizard, ordinary magic stones can no longer meet Enzo's needs. When he wants to buy some magical items, he must use high-grade magic stones.

At the level of the Immortal, the currency system was upgraded from Magic Stone to Star Stone.

This is also the currency used by almost all civilizations in the entire multiverse. However, due to the high value of star stones, they are generally only circulated in the hands of immortals.

However, according to Wizard O'Callen, star stones seem to have no value in the spiritual world.

You must know that the main reason why star stones have become a currency recognized by all the heavens and all races in the entire multiverse is that every star stone contains extremely stable and powerful energy. energy.

Therefore, the star stone itself has the value of conserved energy.

"Your Excellency Enzo doesn't know something."

On the opposite side, before Wizard O'Callen could speak, Wizard Hughes shook his head and sighed, "The spiritual world is different from the multiverse. It has unique rules. Although the star stone contains a lot of energy, it cannot Used in the spirit world.”

"Thousands of years ago, when I first came to the spirit world, I also carried a lot of star stones with me."

"However, when I was about to extract the energy from the star stone and use it as the energy source for the witch formation in the Gro camp, I found that nothing would work at all."

Wizard Hughes looked helpless and said again.

"In the void of the spiritual world, once the energy in the star stone is extracted, it will disappear immediately and cannot be used as an energy source for the witch formation!"

"The energy...disappeared?"

Enzo raised his brows, an incredible luster flashed in his eyes, and said, "Why is this? The energy in the star stone follows the law of conservation, how could it disappear for no reason?"

"Strictly speaking, maybe it shouldn't be called a disappearance."

Wizard Hughes pondered for a moment and said, "We have conducted some experiments on the star stones and concluded that the energy extracted from the star stones may not disappear in vain, but is absorbed by the spirit world itself, making it impossible for wizards to use it." .”

"Absorbed by the spirit world?"

After hearing what Wizard Hughes said, Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face. After a moment, he raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"Is this your speculation, or has it been verified."

"It's just speculation."

Wizard Hughes shrugged and sighed, "The experiments we conducted cannot provide definite evidence that the energy in the star stone is absorbed by the spirit world. However, according to the law of conservation of energy, after the energy in the star stone is extracted, It’s impossible to disappear for no reason.”

"If the energy in the star stone cannot be absorbed by the witch formation."

Enzo thought for a moment and then asked, "Then haven't you ever tried to absorb the energy in the star stone and convert it into magic power?"

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