Journey to the witch world

Chapter 940 Thousand-legged Giant Spider

"Something's not right."

At this time, the mummy-like Wizard Okaron also had a solemn look on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Gro camp has been attacked by undead creatures for countless years in the land of nothingness, but it was so fierce. It’s rare.”

"Oh?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"The undead creatures in the spiritual world are murderous and cruel, but their actions follow certain rules."

Wizard O'Kalun explained, "In the past, the Gro camp has been attacked by undead creatures, but every time, the undead attacks were only temporary. After a few rounds of entering the palace, they would quickly retreat."

"It is precisely because of this that Camp Glo can exist in the Land of Nothingness for such a long time."

"But now, the appearance of this group of undead creatures seems a little abnormal... as if they want to completely destroy the camp!"

After hearing what Wizard O'Callen said, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

According to Wizard O'Callen, the Gro camp has existed in the land of nothingness for thousands of years. According to the laws of action of those undead creatures, every time they attack the camp, they just hit the target and never really want to do anything. The moment that destroyed the camp.

"Why?" Enzo asked.

Since the undead creatures attack the camp and have the ability to destroy everything, why do they stop there instead of using strong means to destroy Camp Gro in one fell swoop.

"No one knows this."

Wizard O'Karen shook his head, with a hint of bitterness on his face, and said, "Perhaps, this is the unique rule of the spirit world?"

"I have been trapped in the spirit world for thousands of years."

"However, the understanding of the spiritual world is only at the superficial stage. It is not clear at all what the nature of natural disasters in the spiritual world is and why those undead creatures attack us."

As he said that, Wizard O'Karen shook his head.

"The spirit world is the most mysterious place in the entire multiverse. There are many things that even the Supreme Wizards cannot understand."

"I only know that according to the past rules, the wolf demons attacked the camp. They have never thought of being so crazy today."

"And I have never seen these native vampires before!"

A complex look appeared on Wizard O'Callen's face. He looked at the native vampires hovering in the sky and constantly attacking the Gro camp, and let out a long sigh.

"Perhaps today will be another disaster for Camp Gero?"

Next to him, Wizard Hughes also had a dignified look on his face, and said in a deep voice, "The last crisis in Camp Glo was the attack of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider."

"That time, several wizards paid the price with their lives to seal the Thousand-legged Giant Spider."

"But this time..."

Wizard Hughes' words stopped abruptly, and he looked at the countless undead creatures in the darkness, with an almost desperate look on his face.

There are not many wizards in the Gro camp, but they are all above the immortal level.

If it were in the outside world, the forces composed of these wizards would not be said to be able to sweep across the universe, but for some small planes, it would definitely be a devastating disaster. But now, in the void land of the spiritual world, their strength has been infinitely restricted. suppress.

Under the influence of the curse and pollution of the spiritual world, even the Holy Soul Wizard is one step behind in strength.

"Don't worry, Sir Hughes."

Feeling the despair of Wizard Hughes, Enzo's face showed some calmness, and he said in a deep voice: "I have just entered the void of the spiritual world, and the curse in my body has not spread yet. With the power of my Holy Soul Wizard, can I still... Can’t you stop a group of wolf demons and vampires?”

In today's Grotto Camp, Enzo's strength is definitely number one.

It is even said that even if all the wizards in the entire Gro camp are combined, their combat effectiveness may not be half that of Enzo. This is not only because Enzo, as a conqueror wizard, controls the power of the fourteenth world, but also the main reason , or he has just entered the void of the spiritual world.

Because he had not been in the void for long, the curse of the spiritual world had not had much impact on Enzo.

He still possesses the fighting power of the Holy Soul Wizard, and even when facing the wolf demon and native vampire with immortality characteristics, he still has the power to fight.

"Then... I'll leave it to you, Sir Enzo."

Wizard Hughes nodded slightly. In the current situation, facing the giant spider and the native vampire, the wizards in the Gro camp could only place their hopes on Enzo.

"It's natural."

Enzo nodded and looked outside again, with thoughts flashing in his mind. Since the wolf demon and the original vampire both have the characteristics of immortality, there may be no point in attacking them even if he tries hard.

If you want to deal with undead creatures in the spiritual world, sealing is the best way.

Fortunately, the meditation method Enzo practiced during his apprenticeship was the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits, and the sealing technique could be said to be his special skill.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

"Let's start with you first!"

In mid-air, Enzo looked at the group of wolf demons below. He paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and phantom crows flew out from his chest.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

The secret technique of the Phantom Crow and Thousand Spirits Meditation Technique, Thousand Fantasy Seal, is already the most familiar technique to Enzo. With this technique, he has defeated enemies who are stronger than him many times.


As Enzo mouthed the syllables, phantom crows flew out of his body, and in an instant they spread around like a tide.

"Sealing Technique?"

On the city wall, Wizard Hughes's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Enzo, as a Holy Soul Wizard, was also proficient in sealing techniques.

You must know that in the void of the spiritual world, the power that ordinary magic can exert is less than one in ten. Only sealing magic is the best way to deal with undead creatures.

There is no other reason. Most of the native creatures in the spiritual world have the characteristics of immortality.

Therefore, only sealing spells can effectively deal with undead creatures.

Around the Grot camp, the wolf demons were frantically attacking the witch array protective shield, but as the phantom crows flew away, endless sealing techniques were immediately formed.

In an instant, runic chains appeared all around.

All the wolf demons were bound by rune chains, and thousands of phantom seals were formed, sealing the wolf demons in place.


In just a few breaths, the wolf demons surrounding Gro's camp were all sealed and turned into phantom crows flying towards Enzo.

After completing the sealing operation, Enzo's face also turned pale.

"Is this the effect of the curse in the spiritual world?"

Enzo's heart sank, feeling the loss of a large amount of magic power in his body, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

Sealing technique is a simple ability for Enzo.

If it were in the wizarding world to seal a group of third-level life forms, Enzo wouldn't even need to move his fingers, he could complete it with just a thought.

But in the spiritual world, sealing these wolf demons consumed a lot of Enzo's strength.

Fortunately, however, everything is done.

"Well done, Enzo!"

On the city wall, seeing how easily Enzo defeated the wolf demons surrounding the Grotto camp, Wizard Soca couldn't help but let out a weird laugh from his palm.

Next to him, the torso of the Sokka wizard also had a silly smile.

"It seems that this wizard Enzo is also very powerful!"

Wizard O'Callen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. He was also a Holy Soul Wizard, so he could naturally see Enzo's strength.

In the entire multiverse, the number of fifth-level life forms is not small.

Among the life forms of the same level, the combat power of wizards is almost universally recognized as the strongest. O'Callen was also a conqueror wizard, and he is confident that he is no weaker than anyone at the same level.

However, after seeing Enzo's methods just now, he had to admit in his heart that this man was somewhat stronger than himself.

After sealing all the wolf demons in mid-air, Enzo looked at the Thousand-legged Giant Spider again.

Compared to the attacks of those native vampires, this giant thousand-legged spider was obviously a more serious threat to Camp Gro.

After all, among the undead creatures present, only the Thousand-legged Giant Spider is a fifth-level life form.

Although according to the detection of the chip, the overall strength of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider is at most the same as that of the poisonous dragon Dormammu and the Seraphim Gabriel. However, in the spiritual world, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider possesses the characteristics of immortality. , which is enough to bring some threat to Enzo.

"Shadow Chain!"

Enzo stared directly at the giant thousand-legged spider in the distance. While whispering the syllables in his mouth, he also threw out the soul bone wand in his hand.

Thousand-legged giant spiders are different from those wolf demons.

Also possessing the level of a fifth-level life form, it is by no means an easy task for Enzo to seal the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.

Therefore, Enzo planned to cause some damage to the Thousand-legged Giant Spider first, and then use the Thousand Illusion Seal to seal it.


Suddenly, the shadows under Enzo's feet seemed to turn into venomous snakes, attacking in the direction of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider.


In the distant wilderness, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider made a sharp hissing sound, and then, a black mist was sprayed out from its ferocious mouthparts, which seemed to have extremely strong corrosive power, making the defensive witch formation of Camp Gloro seem to melt away. Looks average.

"It seems that this attack by the undead creatures is indeed coming towards the Gro camp!"

Seeing the Thousand-legged Giant Spider's offensive heading straight towards the Gro camp, Enzo couldn't help but feel his heart sink, and a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

Although it is not clear what the reason was for breaking the rules of the land of nothingness.

But the situation in front of us is already very clear. Under the influence of the dark natural disaster, those undead creatures have set their sights on the Gro camp, obviously wanting to completely destroy it. Enzo, whether it is for himself or for the wizards who are also trapped in the spiritual world. None of us can tolerate this happening.

Immediately, the red light in Enzo's eyes flashed away.

"Fire Curtain Tianhua!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and right in front of the Gro camp, red flames burned blazingly in an instant.

The flames seemed to turn into a red barrier, blocking the invasion of poisonous mist.

At the same time, the shadow chains released by Enzo were already like poisonous snakes, swimming to the feet of the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, binding the opponent's huge body.

However, the next moment.

The Thousand-legged Giant Spider, which was bound by the shadow chains, suddenly erupted into a piercing scream. Then, the shadow chains were seen breaking and dispersing as if they were turned into ashes.

In mid-air, Enzo looked calm.

Although the Thousand-legged Giant Spider is only an elementary fifth-level life form, it is still at the same level as himself anyway. What's more, in the void of the spiritual world, the Thousand-legged Giant Spider has local advantages and cannot be controlled so easily. .

Enzo had no hope of trapping the Thousand-legged Giant Spider with one move.

The offensive of the Shadow Chain just now was just a tentative attack for him, and the real killer move was still behind.


At the moment when the Thousand-legged Giant Spider broke free from the shadow chain, the soul bone wand that Enzo had previously thrown turned into a huge skull and headed straight towards the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, like a black meteorite. There were bursts of roaring sounds.

"The power of fire!"

Just when the skull transformed from the soul bone wand was about to hit the thousand-legged giant spider, Enzo whispered the syllable again, and the power of the three realms of flame was released.

In an instant, the huge skull burst into flames.

Accompanied by an ear-splitting roar, the huge skull wrapped in flames smashed into the body of the giant thousand-legged spider. The blazing flames emitted a bright light, as if the entire land of nothingness was ignited by this light.

However, at this moment.

The burning skull fell like a meteorite. The moment before it was about to hit the Thousand-legged Giant Spider, an extremely strange light suddenly appeared around the Thousand-legged Giant Spider. The next moment, the originally huge Thousand-legged Giant Spider turned into countless small spiders. Exploded.

Then, tens of thousands of little spiders scattered around.

The flaming skull also fell to the ground, without causing much substantial damage to the giant spider.

Immediately afterwards, countless small spiders transformed from the Thousand-legged Giant Spider crawled toward the Gro camp.


Enzo raised his brows, feeling uneasy in his heart, but he saw the little spiders, like a dense swarm of insects, moving quickly towards the Gro camp.

"not good!"

In just a moment, tens of thousands of little spiders turned into a sea of ​​spiders and swarmed towards the wall of Camp Gro.

Enzo felt wary.

The next moment, violent explosions also sounded, but countless small spiders transformed by the Thousand-legged Giant Spider exploded one after another as they approached the wall of Camp Glo, and fire shot into the sky, causing people outside Camp Glo to The witch formation trembled.

At the same time, as if they had received some kind of signal, the native vampires hovering in the sky also charged frantically towards the Gro camp again.

"Sky Fire Tornado!"

Enzo's face turned gloomy. He couldn't block the suicidal attacks of those little spiders, but he could block the attack of the vampires.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Enzo activated the power of the Three Realms of Flame.


A ball of flame ignited under his feet, and in just a moment, it turned into a tornado of flames, knocking the vampires attacking from the sky to the ground.

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