Journey to the witch world

Chapter 936 Sokka Wizard

The so-called curse of the spiritual world is a distortion originating from the spiritual world itself.

According to the wizarding civilization’s understanding of the spiritual world, the void on the third level of the spiritual world has the ability to distort life forms. Any outside creature that is trapped in the spiritual world for too long will suffer from various strange situations, both mentally and physically. .

Just like the Rosita Wizard before.

Originally, like Wizard Hughes, he was a normal wizard of all spirits. However, due to being trapped in the spirit world for too long, his body became distorted and became integrated with the wall of Camp Glo.

The situation with Sokka Wizard is similar.

However, compared to Rosita Wizard, Sokka Wizard's situation is more serious.

Seven hundred years ago, the Sokka wizard, who had been trapped in the land of nothingness for many years, was torn apart by a wolf demon during a battle with spiritual creatures.

The fellow wizards tried their best to bring Wizard Sokka's body back to the camp.

But he did not bring back the completed Wizard Sokka. The body of Wizard Sokka, who was attacked by the wolf demon, had been torn into pieces. If it were in the outside world, Sokka, as the All Souls Wizard, might be able to easily restore the body to integrity.

However, this is the spiritual world.

Wizard Sokka has been trapped in the land of nothingness for too long. Therefore, as time goes by, he has gradually been cursed by the spiritual world. Not only has he lost many of his abilities as a wizard of all spirits, but at the same time, he cannot let the broken The body is restored to its original state.

However, in order to save the Sokka Wizard, Camp Gro still made a lot of efforts.

After spending a lot of energy, everyone held on to the life of Wizard Sokka, but he could never return to his previous appearance.

The Sokka wizard's body was torn apart.

In addition to the limbs that were torn apart by the wolf demon, the Sokka wizard's body that was brought back to the Gro camp by the wizards only had his left palm and the torso connected to his feet.

As for the most important head and right arm, they were taken away by the wolf demons many years ago.

The Sokka wizard was cursed by the spirit world. His divided bodies could not be fused. Instead, as time went by, each of them gave birth to independent consciousness.

There are currently two Sokar wizards in Camp Gro.

One of them is the palm Enzo saw just now. It is like a scorpion, but it has human facial features.

As for the other Sokka wizard, it was his legs and torso.

The two Sokka wizards both have the memory and thinking of the Sokka wizards, but their personalities are different, so they belong to two different individuals.

"Is this the spiritual world?"

Enzo murmured to himself, a solemn glint flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, Sir Enzo."

At this time, Wizard Hughes spoke again and said, "The rules of the spiritual world are different from the outside material world. There are some things that even I can't understand."

"However, you don't have to worry too much."

"Let me take you to meet the other wizards in the camp first."

With that said, Wizard Hughes waved and prepared to take Enzo to meet the other wizards in the Gro camp.

Enzo pondered for a moment and then followed.

After arriving in the void of the spiritual world, he felt very unfamiliar with everything here, so any thoughts he had had to be put aside temporarily.

Soon, under the leadership of Wizard Hughes, Enzo came to a black tower.

It was a black tower with only seven floors, and its appearance was full of the style of the wizarding world. However, in the wizarding world, even the weakest fourth-level wizards would build towers with more than a thousand floors. As for this kind of tower in front of you, The seven-story tower often matches the identity of a first-level wizard.

"There is no way, this is the spiritual world."

Next to him, Wizard Hughes seemed to have noticed Enzo's thoughts. He shrugged helplessly and sighed, "If it were in the outside world, even a first-level wizard would dismiss a tower of this level. However, in the spiritual world, But it is the capital for our survival.”

As he spoke, a complex light flashed in Wizard Hughes's eyes.

"The builder of Camp Glo is Mr. Glo, the Holy Soul Wizard. However, he died completely as early as two thousand years ago."

"Falled?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

" was suicide."

A trace of indifference flashed in Hughes's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Wizard Grorow was trapped in the spiritual world as early as five thousand years ago. As endless years passed, the curse of the spiritual world became more and more serious on him. As a result, Gro's mind and body were distorted."

"The torture of the spiritual world's curse is enough to destroy everything!"

"Therefore, if a wizard who is trapped in the land of nothingness fails to find his way home, he often ends up choosing to understand himself."

Enzo frowned slightly after hearing what Wizard Hughes said.

Then, the two walked into the tower and pushed open the door of the seven-story tower. What came into view was the black stairs, like a black hole, continuously extending upward. The old and broken handrails seemed to tell the story of the high tower. The history of the tower.

According to Wizard Hughes, Camp Gro was built by Wizard Gro.

That means that this tower has a history of nearly five thousand years. Although for wizards with immortal lives, five thousand years may be just a number, but this is the spiritual world, and the concept of time has a natural relationship with the outside world. Different places.

After walking into the tower, Wizard Hughes took out a candle from his arms.

He carefully lit the candle, and the weak light spread around, dispelling the surrounding darkness, but it could only light up a few meters around it.

"Why not use the light spell?"

Enzo had some doubts on his face. He raised his hand casually, and after snapping his fingers, light jumped on his fingertips, completely dispelling the surrounding darkness.

"Don't waste magic power if you don't have to."

Wizard Hughes did not stop Enzo's behavior, but shook his head and said: "In the land of nothingness, any resources are very precious."

"And for us wizards, magic is the foundation!"

"What's the meaning?"

Enzo frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and asked, "For wizards, although magic is the source of power, we can rely on the magic crystals in the body. Can't we recover it at any time?"


Wizard Hughes sneered, shook his head and said, "Your Excellency Enzo, the horrors in the spiritual world are more terrifying than you imagine."

"Is there any problem?" Enzo frowned.

"It's still a curse from the spiritual world!"

Wizard Hughes looked solemn and said solemnly, "Any creature that enters the spiritual world will gradually be affected by the curse of the spiritual world."

"The same goes for wizards."

"The power of the curse in the spiritual world, in addition to causing physical and mental distortion, is also a hazard to wizards, as is the contamination of magic crystals."

"Magic crystal pollution?" Enzo's heart skipped a beat.


Wizard Hughes nodded and said solemnly, "If we stay in the spirit world for too long, the magic crystals in our bodies will be contaminated by the curse of the spirit world, and we will gradually lose the ability to restore magic power."

"This contamination will get worse over time."

"I have been trapped in the land of nothingness for hundreds of years, and the magic crystals in my body have long been contaminated by the curse of the spiritual world."

"So, for me now, once my magic power is consumed, it will take a long time to recover."

After saying that, Wizard Hughes stopped and opened his wizard robe, revealing his chest that was deformed by the curse of the spirit world.

Enzo's pupils contracted.

He looked towards the chest of Sorcerer Hughes, only to see that he was affected by the curse of the spiritual world. His heart was covered with strange marks, and the magic crystals in his body also looked polluted, as if he had some kind of terrible disease. .

"Is this the power of the curse in the spiritual world?"

A trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes, and thoughts flashed in his mind. If there is a curse in the spiritual world, the magic crystal in the wizard's body will be contaminated.

This means that even the immortal wizard's power will be greatly limited.

After all, for the wizard, the main function of the magic crystal is to restore the magic power. If the magic crystal is contaminated and the wizard cannot rely on it to restore the magic power, then the magic power in the body will become rootless water, and every trace of it will be lost. point.

No wonder Wizard Hughes saves his magic power so much.

In the previous battle against the demon wolves, Wizard Hughes also looked very embarrassed. It seems that under the pollution of the curse of the spiritual world, his magic crystal has begun to lose its effect. Therefore, every ounce of power in the body has no effect on Wizard Hughes. They all appear to be extremely precious.

"It seems that we must find a way to leave the void as soon as possible!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he secretly made up his mind. He and Wizard Alice went to the Land of Nothingness, intending to carry out the task of the Supreme Council and find the missing Wizard Calvin.

However, after feeling the terror of the spiritual world, Enzo gradually became wary.

He does not want to be trapped and die in the spirit world, like the Soca wizard. Therefore, before the curse of the spirit world has not completely changed him, Enzo must find a way back as soon as possible.

"If possible, leave the void as soon as possible."

Wizard Hughes looked calm and said softly, "Even if Enzo is a Holy Soul Wizard, he may not be able to withstand the harm of the curse in the spiritual world."

"So the longer you stay here, the worse your condition will become."

"Now, Your Excellency Enzo has just entered the spiritual world. Regardless of his strength and condition, he is still at his peak. If you can find a way to go back, don't hesitate!"

Hearing what Wizard Hughes said, Enzo once again had a trace of doubt on his face.

"What does it mean?"

Enzo hesitated and asked, "If I find a way to leave the void, doesn't Wizard Hughes plan to leave with me?"


Wizard Hughes chuckled and said, "I have always dreamed of leaving the Land of Nothingness, but unfortunately, even if Sir Enzo finds a way to leave, it may not be suitable for me!"

As he spoke, Wizard Hughes sighed.

"The spirit world has the most special rules in the multiverse. Therefore, once you come here, everyone needs to rely on different methods to leave."

"A door can rarely accommodate two people through it!"

Wizard Hughes shook his head and said solemnly, "Three hundred years ago, a wizard in the Gro camp found a way to leave the land of nothingness."

"At that time, he had already opened the door to the unknown world."

"However, there are extremely strict restrictions on that door. Only the person who opens it can enter, and others cannot step inside."

As he spoke, Wizard Hughes shrugged, with a wry smile on his face.

Three hundred years ago, when the door representing leaving the land of nothingness opened, all the wizards in the Gro camp almost cried with joy. However, it was not until the last moment that they discovered that they were not qualified to step into it at all.

The spirit world is a mysterious place in the multiverse.

Here are the most special rules in the entire multi-distant universe. If you want to enter the door leaving the void, you not only need to pay a lot of money, but also have very harsh conditions.

Initially, only one wizard could use the door that was opened three hundred years ago.

For the wizards in the Glo camp, watching their hope disappear is undoubtedly a terrifying blow to them. However, this incident also gave the wizards in the Glo camp more knowledge about the spiritual world. learn.

For the door that can leave the spirit world, wizards named it Star Gate.

Opening each star gate requires a lot of arrangements, and according to the speculations of the wizards at Camp Gro, there is a certain limit to the number of people each star gate can carry. The original door could only accommodate one wizard. pass.

"There are actually such rules."

Enzo frowned slightly, and his heart became more solemn. If he left the door of the void, it could only accommodate one wizard.

This means that even if Enzo finds the Calvin wizards lost in the void, it will be difficult to take them away.

"It's impossible for the Supreme Council to be unclear about such rules."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered, and he thought in his heart: "But even so, the Supreme Council still sent Wizard Alice to the Land of Nothingness to carry out the mission of rescuing Wizard Calvin and others."

"Could it be that Wizard Alice has some means to break the restrictions of the door?"

Thinking of this, Enzo's heart moved.

"That's right! Wizard Alice is a space wizard, and her methods must be even more unique. Since the Supreme Council sent her to the land of nothingness, she must have a plan!"

"In this case……"

The thought in Enzo's mind flickered slightly, and he thought to himself: "If we follow the rules that the gate to the spiritual world can only accommodate one wizard to pass through."

"If I want to complete the mission of the Supreme Council, I'm afraid I must first join up with Wizard Alice."

"Otherwise, even if I find Wizard Calvin and the others, I won't be able to take them away. They will only become weaker and weaker under the curse of the spiritual world."

Thinking back on the Supreme Council's plan, Enzo took a deep breath.

Then, he stopped talking.

Wizard Hughes also fell into silence and led Enzo forward. Under the dim candlelight, the two of them gradually arrived at the top room of the tower.

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