
Pushing open the old and broken door, a dark room came into view. Enzo looked around and saw sarcophagi placed in the silent room.

In the frontmost area, there are three seats.

On the chairs carved from stone, three mummy-like figures were sitting on them motionless, as if they had been lost for many years.

"I'm back."

Wizard Hughes was obviously accustomed to the scene in front of him, and he said calmly to the opening in the room.

Next to him, a trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

"Wizard Hughes?"

At this time, the three mummies on the stone chairs slowly opened their eyes, like dying old men, staring at Enzo and Hughes in front of them.

"Looks like you're in luck."

One of the three mummies, an old man in a brown robe, said hoarsely: "We were still speculating on how this Soul-eating Wind natural disaster might affect you."

"It would be great if I can come back alive!"

"This is the newcomer you brought back?"

Wizard Hughes nodded.

"Sir Enzo, please introduce me to you."

Wizard Hughes took a step forward, pointed at the three mummies and said, "These three are the only Holy Soul wizards in the Gro camp!"

"O'Callen, Hit, Rob!"

After hearing Wizard Hughes' introduction, Enzo nodded slightly.

He looked at the three mummy-like wizards, and the function of the chip was turned on. After detecting the chip, Enzo found that these three wizards had indeed reached the level of holy souls, but their condition seemed to be extremely poor.

Obviously, these three wizards have been in the spirit world for many years.

The curse of the spiritual world on them has even reached the point of terminal illness. Therefore, just ensuring that they are not distorted by the spiritual world seems to have exhausted all their strength.

Looking at the three mummy-like holy soul wizards in front of him, Enzo couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

As fifth-level life forms, holy soul wizards can be considered top-notch existences in the entire multiverse. However, under the influence of the curse of the spiritual world, they have become so powerless, as if one root is about to follow. Like a candle extinguished by the wind.

Enzo sighed inwardly.

Then, Enzo looked back at the sarcophagi, frowning slightly, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What is that?" Enzo asked.

"Just like us, we are all wizards trapped in the spiritual world."

Wizard Hughes looked calm and said calmly, "It's just that the wizard in the sarcophagus has been trapped in the spiritual world for too long."

"Therefore, affected by the curse of the spiritual world, their bodies and spirits have begun to distort."

"And these sarcophagi have the effect of suppressing curses in the spiritual world, so usually, the wizards in the Gro camp will sleep in the sarcophagi."

As he said this, Wizard Hughes smiled bitterly.

"I was still sleeping in the sarcophagus for three years. If it weren't for the fact that the energy stones in the camp were not enough, I would not have risked going outside."

"Energy stone?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"Sir Enzo, why does Camp Grotto become our refuge?"

Wizard Hughes took out a spar from his arms and said in a deep voice: "I have said before that Camp Glo was built by Wizard Glo. The main reason why it can exist in the spiritual world for a long time and become a gathering place for wizards is It relies on the witch formation left behind by Wizard Gro."

"And Mr. Enzo should know very well that according to the law of conservation of energy, if a wizard wants to operate, he must have enough energy."

A thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face.

"So, to maintain the existence of Camp Glo, we must rely on energy stones, and the so-called energy stones must be obtained in the wild."

Through the narration of Wizard Hughes, Enzo quickly understood everything.


Wizard Hughes nodded and said solemnly, "Gero's camp is in the spiritual world and is often attacked by undead monsters."

"Therefore, we must rely on the witch formation to resist the monster's attack."

"For all the wizards in Camp Gro, this is our only support in the spiritual world. The energy stones that can maintain the operation of the wizard array are an indispensable resource!"

As he spoke, Wizard Hughes paused.

"At the same time, under the influence of the curse of the spiritual world, the wizards in the Gro camp have been in a state of extreme shortage of magic power for a long time."

"The energy stone, in addition to maintaining the witch formation, is also a material for restoring magic power."

While speaking, Wizard Hughes raised his head.

Enzo followed his gaze and saw a stone platform not far away in the middle of the room. There were many grooves of different sizes on it, which seemed to fit perfectly with the energy stone.

"Thank you for your hard work, Wizard Hughes."

On the three stone chairs, a smile appeared on Wizard O'Callen's face. Looking at the energy stone in Wizard Hughes's hand, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, Wizard Hughes placed the energy stone on the stone platform.

As the energy stone was set into the groove, a faint blue light suddenly burst out in an instant, spreading towards the surroundings like ocean waves.

In an instant, the originally dark room became brighter.

"The taste of magic is so comforting!"

At the same time, the three holy soul wizards sitting on the stone chairs had intoxicated expressions on their faces after feeling the spread of energy.

Then, they absorbed the energy emitted by the energy stone.

After a short time, the energy stone, which was only the size of a fist, exhausted all its energy. The energy dissipated in the room, but not all of it was absorbed by the three wizards.

The three wizards of Osika stopped absorbing just a little bit of the energy.

"Why don't you continue to restore your magic power?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows. The three wizards sitting on the stone chairs were all in a state of depleted magic power, so energy was extremely important to them.

However, the three wizards showed great restraint in the face of the energy in the room.

"In the spiritual world, energy is very precious!"

Wizard Hughes saw Enzo's doubts and explained: "Therefore, we must save energy as much as possible. Every energy stone found in the wild is precious, so it is best to use the energy in Camp Glo." .”

"Because only by relying on the witch formation in the camp can we fight against the monsters in the darkness."

After hearing Wizard Hughes's explanation, Enzo looked thoughtful. Then, he nodded slowly and said, "That's it."

In the spiritual world, resources are very precious.

If you want to obtain an energy stone from the outside world, you often need to pay a lot of money, and even bear the risk of falling into ruin.

Therefore, although the energy stone can help wizards in the cursed state of the spiritual world recover their magic power, the wizards in the Gro camp will not use it easily.

And this is also the rule that all wizards in the Gro camp abide by!


At this time, the energy stone on the stone platform has been completely broken, which means that all the energy contained in it has been drained. The three wizards on the stone chair are recalling the magic power they absorbed not long ago, their faces An intoxicated expression appeared.

Looking at the three wizards on the stone chairs, Enzo sighed in his heart.

As an immortal wizard, it seems to be a simple thing to rely on magic power to maintain the appearance of youth. In the wizarding world, even a first-level wizard will only appear like this when he is exhausted and on the verge of death. Old-fashioned.

But now, in the void of the spiritual world.

The three holy soul wizards have been affected by the curse of the spiritual world and have long lost the ability to restore their magic power. Therefore, there is not much magic power left in their bodies, and they cannot even maintain their youthful appearance. They can only survive in the state of dying old men.

"Don't worry about us, Sir Enzo."

At this time, Wizard O'Callen seemed to see Enzo's thoughts, and said calmly, "For wizards, appearance is just a form and does not have much meaning."

As he said that, Wizard Oka looked at Enzo.

"As a Holy Soul Wizard, I wonder why Sir Enzo appears in the Land of Nothingness?"

Oka Lun's eyes flickered and said, "You should know what the spiritual world is. Once you step into the land of nothingness, it will not be so easy for you to leave."

"I know."

Enzo looked calm, nodded, and said, "However, I have a reason to go to the land of nothingness. This is related to the lives of many immortal wizards."

With that said, Enzo told the three wizards about the mission of the Supreme Council.

"Is it already the end of the Third Era outside?"

After hearing Enzo's narration, a complex look appeared on Wizard Oka's face. He sighed quietly and said, "I have been trapped in the spiritual world for so long. I didn't expect so many changes in the universe."

"So...the current Supreme Council has decided to launch a war into the abyss?"

"To be more precise, the war has begun."

Enzo looked calm and said in a deep voice, "In today's multiverse, the news that the Third Era is about to end is no longer a secret."

"Therefore, every civilization and race is ready to welcome the arrival of a new era."

"According to the instructions of the Supreme Council, during this epochal change, the wizarding world will do its best to spread the fire of wizarding civilization to every corner of the multiverse!"

"The Abyss is the number one enemy of the wizarding world, so war is inevitable!"

On the stone chairs, the three wizards looked thoughtful.

"So, Your Excellency Enzo came to the Land of Nothingness this time mainly to carry out the mission of the Supreme Council and find the lost wizards of the North?"

After a while, the Okalu wizard asked.

"Yes, that's right."

Enzo nodded and sighed, "According to the original plan, another Holy Soul Wizard and I will directly reach the Land of Nothingness through the portal."

"Unfortunately, some accidents occurred during the transmission process."

"Therefore, I was separated from another Holy Soul Wizard. I was sucked into the first layer of the spiritual world by the time and space rift, and then passed through the dream world before arriving at the land of nothingness."

Enzo tells what happened to him in the spirit world.

"How could you enter the land of nothingness so easily?"

However, after listening to Enzo's story, incredible expressions appeared on the faces of the three Holy Soul Wizards.

Enzo's heart moved.

"Is it difficult to enter the void from the dream world?" Enzo asked.

"It's not just difficult!"

Wizard Okalun shook his head and sighed, "It is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky. The Land of Nothingness is the third level of the spiritual world. Anyone who wants to step into it has to pay a lot of price."

"When I went to the Land of Nothingness, it took me a hundred years!"

"so long?"

Enzo was startled, and at the same time he began to recall in his mind that after entering the spiritual world, the process of going to the land of nothingness seemed a bit too easy.

"Is it... that frog?"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly as he recalled the golden frog he met, but he didn't know who he was.

"Okay, Sir Enzo."

At this time, Wizard Hit coughed twice and said, "No matter what, you have now arrived in the land of nothingness."

"As wizards, we will try our best to help you complete your mission."

"It's just that you should be very aware of our current situation, so looking for the wizard in the north may not be of much help!"

"I see."

Enzo nodded. The task assigned by the Supreme Council was to find the wizards lost in the spiritual world.

However, after arriving in the Land of Nothingness, Enzo discovered that the spiritual world was much more dangerous than he imagined, so now he no longer prioritizes whether he can complete the mission.

"We must find a way to leave before the curse of the spiritual world takes effect!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, but he made up his mind that the task of finding a few wizards was far less important than his safety.

So, for Enzo today.

Finding a way to leave the spirit world is the main problem. As for Wizard Calvin and the others, they can only be ranked behind Enzo.

Afterwards, Enzo and Oka had another conversation with the three wizards.

Through the exchange of information, Enzo gained a better understanding of the spiritual world and the void, and at the same time, he also had a clear understanding of the situation in the Gro camp.

As Wizard Hughes said.

Camp Gro is built by Wizard Gro and has existed in the spiritual world for thousands of years. Today, there are less than thirty wizards in the entire camp. Except for the three Holy Soul Wizards, most of the All Soul Wizards , have been contaminated by the curse of the spiritual world, and usually have to hide in sarcophagi to sleep.

These sleeping wizards may only awaken if their camp is attacked.

However, for these wizards who have been affected by the curse of the spiritual world and gradually become distorted, every awakening means great danger.

Because, in order to deal with attacks outside the camp, the wizards must fight.

Fighting inevitably means the consumption of magic power. For those wizards who have been affected by the curse of the spiritual world and have almost exhausted their magic power, continuing to consume magic power will cause the curse of the spiritual world to become more and more rampant, thus accelerating the distortion of themselves.

It is for this reason that the wizards in the Gengro camp usually avoid fighting as much as possible. Unless the camp is threatened, they will never take action in order to save the magic power in their bodies and suppress the influence of the curse in the spiritual world.

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