Journey to the witch world

Chapter 935 The curse of the spiritual world

But even so, it is still a luxury hope.

For immortal wizards, entering the spiritual world may not be difficult, but leaving is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Trapped in the land of nothingness for hundreds of years, the gray-robed wizard tried too many ways to return to the wizarding world, but no matter what he did, it was all in vain.

Endless years passed by, and the gray-robed wizard almost fell into despair. If it weren't for the will in his heart, he might not be able to persist until now.

"it is finally over!"

Looking at the attacking wolf demons around him, a look of relief appeared on the face of the gray-robed wizard. Perhaps death was also a kind of relief for him.

However, at this moment.

"Shadow Realm!"

Just as the gray-robed wizard closed his eyes and prepared to welcome death, a strange voice suddenly came to his ears.

Immediately afterwards, the gray-robed wizard opened his eyes.

A figure in black robes appeared in front, holding a bone-like wand. With a low groan, the shadow spread like a tide.

In an instant, energy exploded!

The ferocious attacking wolf demons around him were all knocked away in an instant. Such unscrupulous squandering of his own magic power allowed the gray-robed wizard to define the identity of the person in front of him in an instant.

"Another newcomer?"

There was a hint of complexity on the face of the gray-robed wizard. The wizard's robe on his body was so complete, and he had no scruples about the consumption of his own magic power.

Just relying on these two points, it can be proved that the wizard in front of him is a newcomer who has just arrived in the land of nothingness.

However, the gray-robed wizard is still unclear about the strength of the newcomer in front of him.

"Is everything okay?"

At this time, Enzo had already spoken. After knocking away many wolf demons around him, he turned his head and asked the gray-robed wizard.

As both wizards, Enzo would naturally not ignore death.

What's more, Enzo has just arrived in the Land of Nothingness. Although he has conquered the King of Soul-Eating Monsters and the giant snake Yanilas, he obviously still doesn't know enough about the spiritual world.

Therefore, saving the gray-robed wizard in front of him is also a very beneficial thing for Enzo.

"You won't die just yet."

The gray-robed wizard shook his head, but a wry smile appeared on his face after the disaster.

Enzo nodded slightly.

At this time, the surrounding wolf demons have also attacked again. These third-level life forms cannot pose much threat to Enzo, but they are very annoying.

Especially their immortal nature.

In the spirit world, even Enzo cannot kill the wolf demon, so fighting this creature is undoubtedly a waste of time.

However, being surrounded by wolf demons, Enzo couldn't even think of taking action.

"Shadow Chain!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet turned into chains and spread towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the wolf demons were all bound by shadow chains.

Then, Enzo turned around.

"I wonder what your name is?"

A smile appeared on Enzo's face, and he looked up and down at the gray-robed wizard in front of him. Judging from his attire and condition, it was not difficult to guess that this wizard had been trapped in the land of nothingness for a long time.

"Wizard of All Souls, Hughes."

The gray-robed wizard said his name and also indicated his realm.

"Saint Soul Wizard, Enzo."

Enzo was the same and said, "I am from the Northern Continent. Where is Mr. Hughes?"

"Xingtong Continent!"

There was a strange glint in Hughes' eyes, as if he didn't expect that Enzo turned out to be a Holy Soul Wizard, and there was a look of memory on his face.

"Your Excellency Enzo, are you from the Northern Continent?"

There was a hint of complexity in Hughes's eyes, and he said, "Before I entered the spiritual world, I also traveled in the Northern Continent for a period of time."

"time flies!"

Hughes sighed with emotion.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Your Excellency Enzo, judging from your appearance, you must have just entered the spirit world, right?"

"Yes, I have been in the Land of Nothingness for less than a week." Enzo answered truthfully.

"It's no wonder."

Hughes shook his head, but looked at the wolf demon in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Let's leave here as soon as possible. These wolf demons are immortal, and there is no point in wasting time and magic on them."

"indeed so."

Enzo nodded, chuckled and said, "But Mr. Hughes, don't worry. These wolf demons have been trapped by me. Even if they have the characteristics of immortality, they will not pose any threat now."

"No, Sir Enzo."

A trace of solemnity appeared on Hughes's face, and he said, "The land of nothingness is more terrifying than you think. Darkness is coming soon. Staying here will only put us in danger!"

As he spoke, Hughes looked at the wolf demons bound by shadow chains.

"What's more, in the land of nothingness, dealing with undead creatures is completely meaningless. It will only waste precious magic power!"

"Precious magic power?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, a thoughtful expression on his face.

At this moment, the sky suddenly fell into darkness.

"coming soon!"

A solemn expression suddenly appeared on Wizard Hughes's face, and he said solemnly: "Your Excellency Enzo, you have just arrived in the Land of Nothingness, and you may not understand the rules here yet!"

"I don't have time to explain too much. If you believe me, please come with me!"

After hearing Hughes' words, Enzo's face showed thoughts.

However, he soon made a decision, nodded and followed Hughes's footsteps.

The two left the stone forest and headed in the same direction.

At the same time, the sky became darker and darker, as if a long night had fallen, and all the light was being taken away bit by bit.

"How is this going?"

Feeling the changes in the world, a solemn look appeared on Enzo's face.

"Darkness is coming!"

Wizard Hughes had a complex expression on his face and replied, "Like the soul-eating wind, this is also one of the natural disasters in the land of nothingness. However, compared to the soul-eating wind that may appear at any time, there are certain rules for the coming of darkness."

"However, this rule is not absolute."

"We must rush back to the camp as soon as possible before darkness falls, otherwise the monsters in the darkness will tear us apart completely!"

A gloomy look flashed in Hughes's eyes.

Obviously, as a wizard who has been trapped in the land of nothingness for hundreds of years, Hughes is very aware of the coming darkness and is also very afraid of it.

Hughes was well aware of the horror of the coming darkness.

When darkness ushered in the land of nothingness, any creature wandering in the wild would be attacked by terror. Only the camp could guarantee a little safety.

Seeing that Wizard Hughes was so serious, Enzo quickened his pace even though he didn't know what the coming darkness meant.

The two traveled through the void, competing for time with the coming darkness.

"This can't go on like this!"

Looking at the increasingly dark sky, a solemn look appeared on Wizard Hughes's face. Obviously, in his current state, he might not be able to return to the camp before darkness falls.

"Sir, Mr. Hughes, please show me the way!"

At this time, Enzo also noticed Hughes' situation, so he stopped, waved his long sleeves, and a small boat flew out.

"Holy object?"

There was a hint of complexity on Wizard Hughes's face, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he chose silence.

Then, the two of them jumped into the boat together.

The next moment, the sacred boat turned into a silver light and headed straight ahead. Under the guidance of the monks and wizards, the two arrived outside a stone city in a short time.

This is not so much a city as a camp.

"This is Camp Gro."

Back within the confines of the Gro camp, Wizard Hughes was relieved, and a hint of lingering fear flashed in his eyes.

Enzo stood on the sacred boat and looked at the camp in front of him.

What you see is a black city wall, which looks tattered and mottled. The wall is less than five meters high, which can be regarded as the level of a small town in the wizarding world. Even such a black wall has traces of damage everywhere.

"what is that?"

Enzo suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, pointing to the stone statues above the black wall. This seemed to be the only strange part of the Gro camp.

"They are the guardians of Camp Gro."

Hearing Enzo's question, a complex look appeared on Wizard Hughes's face. He shook his head and sighed, "Maybe one day, we will also become guardians, right?"


Enzo frowned slightly, not knowing the meaning of Wizard Hughes's words.

But Wizard Hughes didn't say much, he just shook his head, then called Enzo, jumped out of the boat and prepared to enter the Gro camp.


Just as the two jumped off the boat, the wall of the Grot camp suddenly slowly squirmed, and the face of an old human appeared.

"It's me, Wizard Hughes."

Wizard Hughes looked calm and said, "I'm back and I've brought a new person to the camp."


The old human man on the city wall noticed Enzo at the side and said, "Oh, a fresh face."

"He actually came to the land of nothingness, what a poor guy."

After that, the old man's face on the city wall stopped talking and transformed into the city wall again, as if there had never been any change.

"Witch puppet?"

Enzo looked thoughtful, shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like it."

"Don't guess, that's Wizard Rosita."

Hughes shook his head and said calmly: "Your Excellency Enzo, the horror of the spiritual world is far beyond your imagination. There are many things here that you cannot understand."

"Don't be anxious, you will understand everything slowly."

Hearing Hughes' words, Enzo felt a layer of gloom in his heart.

Then, the two walked straight towards Camp Glo and stepped into this black city. Enzo felt as if he was wrapped in energy.

"Wizard Hughes, you came back alive?"

Just as the two of them entered the Gro camp, a harsh voice suddenly sounded. Enzo looked around and saw a human hand lying on the ground.

The palm looked a little twisted, like a scorpion, but it had human facial features.

"I'm lucky, I met a new person."

Sorcerer Hughes obviously knew the severed hand and introduced to Enzo, "This is Sorcerer Soca...or rather a part of Sorcerer Sokar."

"Part of it?" Enzo's doubts deepened.

"Oh? A new wizard?"

At this time, the severed hand named Wizard Soca was also looking at Enzo, and climbed onto Wizard Hughes's shoulder, with a glimmer of schadenfreude in his eyes.

"Welcome, Sir Enzo."

Wizard Soka's severed hand made a harsh sound and said, "Welcome to the spiritual world. I believe you will fall in love with it soon."

After saying that, Wizard Soka's severed hand jumped off Wizard Hughes's shoulder and disappeared into the grass nearby.

"Ignore him."

Wizard Hughes shook his head and said, "Wizard Sokka is a trustworthy companion, but he has a weird personality."

As he said this, Wizard Hughes laughed at himself.

"But this is normal. After all, not many people can stay normal after staying in this ghost place for too long."

"Let's go, Sir Enzo, I'll take you to meet the other people in the camp."

With that said, Wizard Hughes called Enzo and planned to take him to meet other people in the camp.

However, Enzo did not move.

"Don't worry, Wizard Hughes."

Enzo looked around, looking at the Gro camp, with a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Perhaps before meeting other people, you can tell me what all this is about?"

"What happened to Wizard Rosita and Wizard Sokka just now?"

"Why did they become like that?"

A solemn look flashed in Enzo's eyes, and his heart was filled with doubts. He didn't know what happened to the two wizards.

"It's nothing, just a curse from the spiritual world."

Wizard Hughes' face was calm, but a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and he sighed, ": Mr. Enzo, since you come from the wizarding world, you should know very well what kind of place the spiritual world is."

"The entire multiverse here is the most bizarre and dangerous world!"

"Compared to the spiritual world, maybe the abyss is considered heaven."

As he spoke, Wizard Hughes took a deep breath and said, "The dangers and weirdness of the spiritual world cannot be described in words. The longer we stay here, the more things we lose!"

"Wizard Rosita and Wizard Sokka were originally wizards just like you and me, but they stayed in the spiritual world for too long and have been cursed by the spiritual world."

"A curse from the spiritual world?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, and the chip in his mind searched for information about the curse in the spiritual world.

"Actually, it's not accurate to call it a curse."

At this time, Wizard Hughes spoke again and said in a deep voice, "Strictly speaking, the curse of the spiritual world can also be called a disease."

"The longer you stay in the spirit world, the more severe the disease will become, but it varies from person to person and there are no specific rules."

"However, instead of calling this state a disease, everyone is more accustomed to calling it a curse!"

"Curse of the spiritual world!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and information about the curse of the spiritual world emerged in his mind, which made his face look more solemn.

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