Journey to the witch world

Chapter 929 The Land of Nothingness

"Failed again?"

Enzo used the scanning function of the chip, but did not get any valuable information, which made him frown slightly.

In place, Enzo pondered for a moment.

At the same time, he also used the search function of the chip again, intending to learn more about the Amethyst Bee through his own database.

"First-order life form?"

Soon, a series of information and data emerged in Enzo's mind, all related to the amethyst bee. According to the wizard civilization's understanding of the spiritual world, the amethyst bee is a creature unique to the spiritual world.

In terms of life level, they only have the level of first-level life forms. However, the number of Amethyst Bees is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the poisonous needles they shoot have a very special ability, which is to break the illusion and make people feel reality.

Under normal circumstances, breaking the illusion is not difficult, but in the dream world, once the illusion is broken, it means being expelled and falling into the spiritual world.

To put it in the simplest way, in the Dream World, all creatures attacked by the Amethyst Bee have a certain possibility of being forced to leave here, perhaps directly returning to the real world, or perhaps falling into the spiritual world. among.

"It's a bit troublesome!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face. Although the Amethyst Bees were only first-level life forms, their attacks could drive people out of the dream world.

This means that even Enzo, a fifth-level life form, will be forced to leave the Dream World if he is accidentally attacked by the Amethyst Bee.

Although, for today's Enzo, falling from the dream world to the spiritual world may not be a fatal thing, but it is very troublesome.

"Buzz buzz!"

While Enzo was thinking, a buzzing sound suddenly came from his ears.

Enzo raised his head, his heart skipping a beat.

It turned out that at some point, a swarm of amethyst bees appeared in front of him, surrounding Enzo, but he didn't know what he wanted to do.

"how so?"

Enzo frowned slightly. According to the information he had previously searched in the chip, the Amethyst Bee should be a gentle creature.

In the absence of external attacks, Amethyst Bees generally do not take the initiative to attack others, or even approach others.

On the spot, Enzo looked around.

Looking at the amethyst swarm that had surrounded him, Enzo had a gloomy look on his face and clenched the Soul Bone Wand slightly in his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Wizard!"

At this time, among the surrounding amethyst bees, one that looked like a queen suddenly flew out and spoke human words.

"Welcome to the territory of the Amethyst Bee Clan!"

Seeing the friendly expression expressed by the Amethyst Queen Bee, Enzo couldn't help but feel moved in his heart, and bowed slightly and saluted, "Hello, beautiful Ms. Queen Bee."

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The Amethyst Bee Queen looked at Enzo and said, "The Amethyst Bee Clan and the Wizard Clan have had tens of thousands of years of friendship. If you need help, you can ask for it at any time!"

Hearing the words of the Amethyst Queen Bee, a strange look appeared on Enzo's face.

Although he didn't know the story between the Amethyst Bee clan and the wizard, but since the Amethyst Queen showed enough kindness, Enzo might be able to use this to exchange for the colorful flowers he needed.

"I need some colorful flowers!"

Enzo pondered for a moment, but no longer hesitated and spoke straight to the point.

"Colorful flowers?"

The Amethyst Queen thought for a moment and said cheerfully, "No problem, how much do you need?"

Enzo raised his hand and held out three fingers.

The Amethyst Queen nodded, and then a few worker bees picked three colorful flowers and brought them to Enzo before flying back.

"So easy?"

Enzo felt a little strange when he saw everything going so smoothly, but he didn't think much about it.

"Thank you for your help."

A smile appeared on Enzo's face. After collecting the three colorful flowers, he thanked the Amethyst Bee and prepared to leave.

However, at this time.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

In mid-air, when she saw Enzo putting away the colorful flowers and preparing to leave, the Amethyst Queen was stunned, and she quickly stopped him.

"Anything else?"

Enzo turned around, a look of confusion on his face.


A trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the Amethyst Queen Bee, and she said hesitantly: "That's it..."

"Although the wizard clan and the Amethyst Bee clan have an extremely deep friendship, according to the wizard clan's principle of equal exchange."

"I gave you three colorful flowers, should you also..."


A strange look appeared on Enzo's face.

Good guy, no wonder this group of Amethyst Bees were so enthusiastic after learning about their identity as wizards, and they satisfied their request without hesitation.

It turns out that all this is due to the principle of equivalent exchange in the wizarding world.

The Amethyst Bee family has been living in the dream world for too long, so they have dealt with many wizards.

Under such circumstances, the Amethyst Bee family naturally knows the principle of equivalent exchange of the wizard civilization, and has conducted many transactions with the wizard civilization.

Now that they see Enzo, the reason why the Amethyst Bees showed such enthusiastic attitude is probably because they have tasted the benefits of trading with the wizard civilization before.

"You're right."

Enzo nodded, chuckled and said, "According to the principle of equal exchange of wizard civilization, since I got these three colorful flowers from you, I should naturally give something!"

As he spoke, Enzo looked thoughtful.

"It's just that I don't know what price I need to pay in exchange for these three colorful flowers?"

Enzo asked.

He didn't know the value of colorful flowers. Although colorful flowers could be seen almost everywhere in the territory of Amethyst Bee, it didn't mean that the value of colorful flowers was not high.

Therefore, if Enzo wants to follow the principle of equal exchange, he also needs to ask the Amethyst Bee family what the value of the three colorful flowers is.

"Dear Mr. Wizard."

However, in the face of Enzo's inquiry, the Amethyst Queen shook her head and said, "The wizard civilization is the source of all wisdom and knows everything about the universe!"

"Therefore, the value of these three colorful flowers should be defined by you!"

"Is that so?"

Hearing the words of the Amethyst Queen Bee, a thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face.

As the Amethyst Queen said.

As a kind of plant, the Colorful Flower has completely different values ​​under different circumstances. Therefore, even the Amethyst Bee Clan cannot define it.

Letting Enzo decide the value of the colorful flowers obviously represents the Amethyst Bee family's trust in the wizard civilization. It is also the conclusion reached by the Amethyst Bee family after dealing with the wizard civilization for countless years.

Enzo pondered for a moment, then raised his palm.

In the palm of his hand, star stones lay there quietly. The number exceeded a hundred, which was enough to be worth the value of a sacred object.

"How about these?" Enzo asked.


When the Amethyst Queen Bee saw so many star stones, her eyes suddenly lit up and she ordered her worker bees to collect all the star stones.

"It seems that you are satisfied with the price."

Seeing the Amethyst Queen put away the star stones, a smile appeared on Enzo's face. Perhaps the value of the colorful flowers was not comparable to so many star stones, but to Enzo, it was not a big deal.

After all, as a fifth-level holy soul wizard, hundreds of star stones are not too much wealth, and the fourteen worlds under Enzo can produce a lot of resources every year.

"May the friendship between the Amethyst Bee Clan and the Wizard Clan last forever!"

After the transaction, the Amethyst Queen was very satisfied.

Then, before Enzo left, the Amethyst Queen Bee ordered her worker bees to use colorful flower leaves as cups and fill them with some Amethyst honey.

“It tastes pretty good.”

Enzo tasted some amethyst honey. The taste was very delicious, but not too strange.

As a holy soul wizard who conquered the fourteenth world, Enzo has been on the wizard's journey for more than five hundred years. Even though he did not deliberately enjoy delicious food, he has eaten many rare and precious things.

Therefore, amethyst honey is not a rare ingredient in his eyes.

After tasting the amethyst honey, Enzo turned and left.

After returning to the golden frog's territory, Enzo handed him three colorful flowers.

"You really got the colorful flower!"

Looking at the colorful flowers Enzo handed over, a hint of surprise flashed in the golden frog's eyes, and then he happily took away the colorful flowers.

Enzo ignored the other party's reaction.

"Now, it's time for you to tell me how to get to the ethereal world, right?"

Enzo asked.

The first and second levels of the spiritual world are not the destination of Enzo's trip. Only the third level of the virtual spirit world is where Enzo wants to go.

Therefore, whether it is the spiritual world or the dream world, it is just a journey for Enzo, not a destination.

"No problem at all."

The golden frog was very happy to get the colorful flower, but he didn't immediately tell Enzo how to get to the void.

"Please wait for me a moment, wizard."

The golden frog turned around and suddenly disappeared, as if in a dream.

Enzo raised his eyebrows.

However, he was not too panicked. After all, although the golden frog disappeared, its aura was still there. Enzo speculated that the other party would not play tricks on him.

Sure enough, after a while.

As the surrounding space distorted, the golden frog reappeared. The colorful flower in his hand was missing. The originally cheerful golden frog now became dejected.

"What's wrong?" Enzo asked curiously.


The golden frog shook his head and said with a grimace, "The beautiful Ms. Kazilan did not accept me. It seems that she does not like colorful flowers."


Enzo shook his head, a hint of joking flashed in his eyes, and said faintly: "It's you she doesn't like."

Hearing Enzo's unkind blow, the golden frog was even more heartbroken, but he had no intention of going back on his word.

"Forget it, maybe my love hasn't come yet."

The golden frog shook his head and said, "In any case, according to the deal between us, since you have given me the colorful flowers, then I should help you go to the land of nothingness!"

As he spoke, the golden frog opened his mouth.

I saw the fist-sized mouth of the originally golden frog slowly opening, and finally turned into a black vortex, like a gate to the void.

"Okay, wizard, come in!"

the golden frog urged.


There was a trace of hesitation on Enzo's face, but he didn't know whether he should enter the golden frog's mouth. After thinking for a moment, he went in anyway.

"Alright, wizard!"

At this time, the voice of the golden frog came again, saying, "The transaction is over, I look forward to meeting you next time!"

With that, darkness fell into darkness around Enzo.

Obviously, the golden frog has closed its mouth, and the environment around Enzo has also begun to change dramatically.

In an instant, it was like traveling through time and space.

The environment around Enzo kept changing, and the space seemed to keep collapsing, eventually turning into nothingness, and a trace of light finally appeared in the sky.

"Is this... the land of nothingness?"

After a while, Enzo slowly opened his eyes and looked around, only to find that he was in a strange area.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothingness all around.

Like a broken void, surrounded by a mist-like substance, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind. Although he had fourteen worlds, he had never seen such a scene.

In the dark, Enzo felt that he had arrived in the land of nothingness.

In the distance, a black mountain peak stands.

As a fifth-level life form, Enzo felt an inexplicable sense of oppression just looking at the black mountain peak.

"What a terrible world!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt a little fear of the void in his heart, and at the same time he turned on the scanning function of the chip.

Although the functions of the chip are limited in the spiritual world, Enzo still wants to try how much the chip can function after arriving in the land of nothingness.

Immediately, Enzo looked around.

But before he could give specific orders to the chip, the warning sound of the chip came to his ears, and he saw a huge monster slowly appearing in the distance.


Looking at the monster appearing in the distance, Enzo couldn't help but frown slightly, but he saw the huge monster, its whole body covered with black scales, and its abdomen had black eyes.

"Thousand-eyed beast?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, and through the search function of the chip, he learned that the monster in front of him was a monster called the Thousand-Eyed Beast.

During the wizarding civilization's exploration of the spiritual world, it also encountered the Thousand-Eyed Beast. However, this monster cannot leave the spiritual world, so the wizarding world does not know much about it.

All we know is that the Thousand-Eyed Beast has a strong sense of territory. Any creature that steps into his territory will be attacked, almost to the point of death.


In the distance, after the Thousand-Eyed Beast discovered Enzo's existence, it immediately let out a shrill roar, and a thousand eyes on its abdomen burst out with strange light at the same time.


The light penetrated Enzo's body in an instant, but this level of attack did not pose much threat to Enzo.

Immediately, Enzo paused with the wand in his hand.

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