Journey to the witch world

Chapter 928 Golden Frog

Alice was shocked, but she didn't know what Oren Caesar was going to do.

"Olen Caesar, you..."

Severe pain came, and the slender neck of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, had been bitten hard by Oren Caesar, like a wild beast.


Suddenly, Alice let out a scream, and a trace of fear arose in her heart.

"Shut up!"

Oren Caesar growled lowly and said, "Don't disturb my eating, idiot!"

While speaking, Oren Caesar fiercely tore off a piece of flesh and blood from the neck of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, and the dragon's blood immediately splashed on the floor of the cave.

"It's the cursed power of the Demon God of Gluttony!"

At this time, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, finally realized that something was not right, so she screamed and tried to escape from the cave.

However, Oren Caesar, who had fallen into a state of madness at this moment, naturally could not let go of the prey he had obtained. His wings vibrated suddenly, and he pressed Alice under him, and began to tear fiercely with his sharp claws.

As the partner of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, was not pressed under her body for the first time.

However, only this time, Oren Caesar's state made Alice panic.

"Water Curtain Tianhua!"

Her body was continuously attacked by Oren Caesar, and Alice finally couldn't help but fight back. Endless water elements surged around her body, cracking open like a bomb.


The violent water flow hit Oren Caesar, but it did not drive him away. Instead, it angered Oren Caesar and made him even angrier.


Oren Caesar let out a furious roar, and balls of flames suddenly spewed out from his bloody mouth, instantly evaporating the flames released by Alice.

At the same time, Oren Caesar suddenly raised his claws.

The next moment, the huge dragon claw smashed into the head of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea. The extremely fierce attack seemed to kill her.

Until this moment, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, finally understood that Oren Caesar no longer showed any mercy to her.

Moreover, the other party has completely lost his mind.

Suddenly, Alice fell into great fear, a glimmer of light flashed in her vertical pupils, and then she planned to use magic to escape without hesitation.


As Oren Caesar's claws struck, Alice's huge head shattered and exploded like a water ball.

Then, the entire body of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, turned into water and poured out of the cave, intending to escape through the elemental ability.

However, at this moment.

"Don't leave!"

When Orenkaiser saw his last prey trying to escape, he immediately let out an angry roar, and then he opened his bloody mouth and spit out a ball of dragon's breath.

In an instant, black dragon flames poured in.

In just an instant, the entrance to the cave was engulfed in black flames, as if forming an invisible curtain of fire.


The elementalized Pearl of the Deep Sea, Alice, saw that the way out was blocked, so she could only restore her true form, trying to resist Oron Caesar's dragon breath and break through the opponent's blockade.


However, the moment Alice's body touched the fire curtain, she screamed in pain, and the severe injury made her flinch away.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, who was deep in the cave, had also chased him out, roaring like a wild beast in a state of rage.

"Damn it!"

Caught in a dilemma, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep, had a gloomy look in her eyes. She turned her head and saw the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar approaching her step by step.

"Sober up, Lord Oren Caesar!"

Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, gritted her teeth and said, "If this continues, you will definitely become a slave of the Demon God of Gluttony!"

However, Oren Caesar ignored the resistance of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, and there was no luster of reason in his vertical pupils.

The next moment, Oren Caesar roared.

Immediately afterwards, he threw Alice to the ground, opened his mouth and breathed out a strange magical dragon's breath, which instantly turned into a chain and bound her.


Seeing that she was bound by chains and thus lost the water elemental form, Alice suddenly let out a desperate scream.

But at this time, Oren Caesar laughed ferociously.

Outside the cave, the jackals who were the guards felt a little creepy when they heard the screams coming from the cave, but they did not dare to move even half a step away from where they were.

As the dependents of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, they are obviously very familiar with Oren Caesar's character. Even this group of high-level jackals who serve as guards are still just ants in Oren Caesar's eyes.

If you accidentally offend the other party, death may come at any time. This makes the creatures in the Black Dragon Empire accustomed to living cautiously.

Time passes bit by bit.

Soon, the cave fell into silence, and no sound came out. Several jackal guards looked at the cave anxiously, but they were speechless and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a huge body slowly walked out of the cave.

"Lord Oren Caesar!"

When the jackals saw this, they all knelt down to express their submission. Only the jackal leader noticed something was wrong and looked into the depths of the cave with a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

"Lord Alice..."

The Jackal leader was hesitant, but he didn't know that Alice, the pearl of the deep sea, who had entered the cave before, seemed to be missing now.

Oren Caesar said nothing, and a strange luster flashed in his vertical pupils.

"Alice...has become one with me!"

Oren Caesar's vertical pupils flickered, looking at the gnolls around him, with a greedy and ferocious terrifying smile.

"And you, too!"

As soon as Oren Caesar finished speaking, the Jackal leader noticed something unusual, but before he could react, he saw Oren Caesar suddenly open his mouth, as if it turned into an endless black hole.

"Lord Oren Caesar, no!!"

After the Jackal leader noticed Oren Caesar's intention, he suddenly felt a little panic, but with just his strength, he obviously couldn't resist Oren Caesar, and he was swallowed up in an instant.

The surrounding gnolls were stunned and didn't know what was happening. But when Oren Caesar's malicious eyes struck, all the gnolls reacted at the first moment.

That is escape!

Dozens of high-level jackal guards fled in all directions, but Oren Caesar laughed ferociously, and his wings suddenly vibrated.

The next moment, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had already flown into the sky, his extremely huge figure covering the earth like a shadow.

Then, a hunt begins!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After communicating with Odo the One-Eyed Tree, Enzo successfully obtained a way to go to the Dream World. After his mental energy was exhausted, he also started to go to the Dream World.

"This is……"

After Enzo emptied his mind, he felt as if his body had lost weight, as if he was above the sky, and all he could see were clouds and fog.

"The dream world?"

Enzo looked around, feeling the ethereal atmosphere around him, and nodded slightly, guessing that this was the dream world.

Then, he looked downward.

But under the endless clouds, there was an isolated island densely packed like tombstones. It was obviously the spiritual world.

In place, Enzo's face looked thoughtful.

According to the understanding of the spiritual world by wizard civilization, the first level of the spiritual world is the spiritual world, which originates from the inner world of every intelligent creature.

As for the second level, it is the dream world.

In a sense, the dream world is a derivative world of the spiritual world. Even the wizarding civilization does not know much about the dream world.

However, in most cases, the dangers in the dream world and the spiritual world are not too great. After all, the essence of these two spiritual worlds is, strictly speaking, only worlds derived from the spirit.

Only in the virtual spirit world will the real danger appear!

Enzo looked around, then walked forward.

Now that we have arrived at the dream world, the next goal is naturally to find a way to the third level of the virtual world.

Walking in the dream world, Enzo was thinking about how to get to the virtual world. After a while, he suddenly stopped.


Enzo looked around, frowning slightly, with a hint of gloom on his face, because he found that even though he had been moving forward for such a long time, the surrounding environment still remained unchanged.

Apparently, Enzo was going in circles.

"Shadow Realm!"

Immediately, Enzo's eyes turned cold, and as he poured out syllables in his mouth, he paused the Soul Bone Wand in his hand and used the Shadow Realm.

Even in the dream world, Enzo is still a fifth-level holy soul wizard. As he pours out syllables from his mouth, endless shadows spread.

In an instant, darkness swallowed up the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo activated the power of the Heart of the Three Realms of Flame, and the blazing high temperature suddenly burned, merged with the shadow realm, and turned into a sea of ​​black fire.

Suddenly, the world around him was burned by black flames.

Enzo's face showed a trace of calmness, and he looked around slowly. It was obvious that even in the dream world, his power could still be exerted.

For a moment, the surrounding world revealed its true colors under the burning fire, like a gloomy swamp.


In the distance, a golden frog hid on a stone and made a sweet cry. Enzo's heart was moved, and he walked over after hesitating for a moment.

"Hello, stranger."

At this time, the frog spoke human words, looked at Enzo in front of him, and said, "Where did you come from, and why have I never seen you before?"

Enzo also looked at the golden frog.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and planned to use the chip's scanning function to learn about the golden frog in front of him, but the information he got was filled with a lot of question marks.

Obviously, the golden frog in front of me also has a distinguished origin.

"Hello, my name is Enzo."

Enzo thought for a moment, a friendly smile appeared on his face, and said, "I come from the wizarding world and want to go to the land of nothingness. Do you know what to do?"

"Wizard World?"

The golden frog blinked and said, "I know this plane. It turns out you are a wizard. That's great!"

"Very good?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't know why the frog in front of him was happy.

"By the way, you want to go to the land of nothingness, right?"

The golden frog took out a golden pipe from nowhere, held it in his mouth, and said quietly, "I can indeed help you and open the door to the land of nothingness, but..."

"But what?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

"According to the equivalent exchange options in your wizarding world, if you want to seek my help, you should pay some price, right?"

There was a hint of cunning in the golden frog's eyes.

"……what do you want to do?"

A strange look appeared on Enzo's face, but he didn't expect that this golden frog actually knew the principle of equal exchange in the wizarding world.

"it's actually really easy."

A hint of shyness flashed in the golden frog's eyes, and he said, "I am eight thousand years old this year, and I have just reached adulthood according to the rules of our clan."

"So, I've reached the age to fall in love!"

As he said that, a trace of distress flashed in the golden frog's eyes, and he said helplessly, "I fell in love with the beautiful Ms. Kazilan at first sight, but she turned a blind eye to my love."

"I heard that Ms. Kazilan likes colorful flowers very much. Maybe using a colorful flower can bring us closer."

"So, if you want me to help you go to the land of nothingness, just give me a colorful flower in exchange!"

The golden frog made his own terms.

"Colorful flowers?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face, and he asked in a deep voice, "How do I get colorful flowers?"

"It's easy."

The golden frog nodded and said, "The colorful flower is unique to the dream world. It is located near the territory of the Amethyst Bee Clan."

"Since you know where the colorful flowers are, why don't you pick them yourself?" Enzo raised an eyebrow.


The golden frog had a strange expression on his face and shook his head and said, "The Amethyst Bee Clan has been protecting the colorful flowers in the past. I will be attacked even if I get close. How can I pick the colorful flowers?"

"So...if I go to pick colorful flowers, will I also be attacked?" Enzo frowned.


The golden frog thought for a while and said, "I don't know the attitude of the Amethyst Bee clan towards wizards, but if you want to go to the land of nothingness, you must exchange it with a colorful flower."

After hearing the golden frog's words, Enzo pondered for a moment.

"All right."

After a while, Enzo nodded. According to the principle of equal exchange in the wizarding world, he did have to pay some price if he wanted to go to the land of nothingness.

So, under the guidance of the golden frog, Enzo headed towards the territory of the Amethyst Bee Clan. Due to the special rules of the dream world, Enzo quickly arrived at his destination.

In the distance, huge beehives also appeared.

There are colorful flowers growing on the ground. It seems that they are the colorful flowers in the mouth of the golden frog, and amethyst bees are constantly flying back and forth among the flowers.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and turned on the scanning function for the Amethyst Bee. He must know enough information before picking the colorful flowers.

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