Journey to the witch world

Chapter 930 Black Mountain Peak

"Shadow Realm!"

As Enzo mouthed the syllables and the moment the wand in his hand touched the ground, the endless shadow power spread out like a tide.

On the opposite side, the Thousand-Eyed Beast screamed in surprise when he saw this.

Immediately afterwards, the Thousand-Eyed Beast turned around and fled, and disappeared a moment later, as if it had never appeared before, even the traces on the ground disappeared.

"It seems that he also has some wisdom!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he shook his head after a moment. Since the Thousand-Eyed Beast had escaped, there was no need for him to pursue it.

In place, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

Now that he has arrived in the land of nothingness, the most important thing next is obviously to find Alice and the lost wizards.

Immediately, he looked around.

"Chip, simulation analysis!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and planned to use the chip's ability to point him in the right direction.

However, in this land of nothingness, the chip's capabilities are also greatly limited, and it cannot accurately perform scanning functions.

"Can't you?"

Enzo frowned slightly, then shook his head, took out a divination coin from the space ring, and threw it into the air before getting the answer.

Then, Enzo looked forward.

The result of divination may not point to the location of Enzo's target, but it represents an omen that gives Enzo a choice.

Immediately, Enzo walked forward.

And his target is exactly in the direction of the black mountain peak. There is endless nothingness around him, but the black mountain peak seems to be very close at hand.


Just as Enzo was heading towards the black mountain peak, a beast-like roar suddenly came from his ears. He immediately raised his head and looked towards the sound.

But in the open space not far away, a beast that looked like a tiger was sitting on the rock, making a deafening roar.

Meanwhile, opposite.

Another giant Qinglin snake was swallowing the letter and stood facing the tiger opposite, with undisguised malice flashing in its vertical pupils.

Enzo stopped, but did not interrupt the war between the two beasts.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and used the function of the chip to scan the two beasts, but he did not get any useful information.

At this time, the two beasts also started a confrontation.

As expected of a creature unique to the spiritual world, the confrontation between the tiger and the giant snake caused the surrounding environment to distort. Although it did not erupt with such amazing destructive power, it made people retreat away.

"Fourth-level life form..."

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and he nodded slightly. Although the function of the chip cannot be exerted in the dream world, as a fifth-level holy soul wizard.

Just by relying on the confrontation between the two beasts, he was able to tell that these two spiritual creatures had a fighting power that was no less than that of fourth-level life forms.

"Perhaps... we can take this opportunity to collect some data!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly as he began to think about his thoughts.

Now Enzo has successfully arrived in the Land of Nothingness, but he has no clue how to find Alice and those lost wizards.

Therefore, instead of wandering around like a headless fly, it is better to calm down and learn more about the void by collecting information.

Immediately, Enzo stopped.

He came behind a rock and looked at the two giant beasts. The way these creatures unique to the spirit world fought was very strange.


In the distance, the patterned tiger roared, but its huge body dissipated like watercolor, and then appeared in the sky above the giant snake.

The next moment, strange tentacles sprouted from its abdomen, heading straight towards the giant snake below, like countless arms.

On the ground, the giant snake was not to be outdone.

Facing the attack of the patterned tiger, its huge head was torn open, and then, a strange mist was sprayed from the split head.

In mid-air, the tiger roared.

The huge body unexpectedly fell down and hit the ground heavily. The terrifying poisonous mist spit out by the giant snake caused its body to show a lot of corrosion marks.

However, the Tigers were not defeated.

"Get off my property, you damn bug!"

In the distance, the tiger was spitting human words, a terrifying expression appeared on its ferocious face, and its rotting body exuded black mist.

"Your territory?"

On the opposite side, the giant snake spit out a letter from its mouth and said faintly: "Stop your ridiculous remarks, Batal, the spiritual world is not your territory!"

"If you don't want to be eaten by me, I advise you to get away as soon as possible!"

Hearing the words of the giant snake, the tiger named Batal became even more angry. After roaring for a while, the aura emanating from his body turned into ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, the countless ghosts rushed towards the giant snake, as if they turned into mist, sweeping across it crazily.

Giant snakes stalk the earth.

Looking at the incoming ghost mist, the giant snake's vertical pupils flashed with luster. While swallowing the letter, its body also began to squirm.

Immediately afterwards, fine scales appeared on the giant snake's body.


At this time, the mist formed by the gathering of ghosts had swept around the giant snake, and the ferocious and terrifying ghosts began to bite the giant snake one after another.

However, this level of attack obviously cannot cause much damage to the giant snake.

Seeing this, the tiger Batal opened its bloody mouth and spit out several green-faced and fanged evil spirits, charging towards the giant snake like a general of the abyss.

"The ability to control ghosts?"

On the spot, Enzo's face was thoughtful, and the tiger's ability seemed to be to control ghosts, which reminded Enzo of a talent.

In the wizarding world, apprentices who are qualified to embark on a wizarding journey often possess various unique abilities.

When Enzo was still an apprentice, among the apprentices of the same class, there was an apprentice who could control ghosts and was born with the ability to communicate with ghosts.

"Ghost Tiger!"

The thought flashed in Enzo's mind, and he named the tiger that controlled the ghost in front of him.

After a moment of observation, Enzo already had a certain understanding of these two creatures, and at the same time concluded that they were not racial creatures in the strict sense.

In the multiverse, fourth-level life forms are called immortal creatures, and most immortal creatures originate from insignificance.

The rules in the multiverse are like this. Even the smallest creatures have the qualifications to become immortal. However, under normal circumstances, after weak creatures become immortal-level existences, the essence of life often undergoes qualitative changes.

For example, the ghost tiger and giant snake in front of me.

Enzo used the chip's large database to search for the origins of these two giant beasts. Therefore, it can almost be inferred that before these two creatures became immortal, they should have been completely different from what they are now.

In the distance, the two giant beasts were still fighting.

After releasing the ghosts controlled by him, the ghost tiger seemed to have a slight upper hand. The evil ghosts with green faces and fangs surrounded the giant snake.

However, as a fourth-level life form, the giant snake is also not weak in strength.

Facing the ghosts surrounding him, the giant snake suddenly opened its bloody mouth and swallowed all the ghosts as if it had turned into a whirlpool.

Suddenly, the giant snake's belly bulged.

On the opposite side, Gui Hu let out a cunning laugh, and his pupils flickered, as if his plan had succeeded.

"Ha ha!"

Guihu stuck out his tongue, licked the corner of his mouth, and said quietly, "Poor Yanilas, do you really think that this is the only thing I can do?"

As he spoke, Guihu's eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, it spat out a few syllables again, but the giant snake's belly twisted, and the ghosts swallowed by it seemed to turn into bombs.


There was a loud noise, and the giant snake Yanilas screamed miserably, but its abdomen was torn apart, and purple blood flowed out.

Then, Guihu laughed ferociously.

The giant snake Yanilas was seriously injured, so Guihu would not let go of this opportunity, so he walked towards the opponent step by step.

But at this moment.

Suddenly a gust of black wind blew up around him. Guihu's face changed drastically, and a glimmer of fear flashed in his pupils. He turned around and ran wildly towards the distance, ignoring the dying giant snake Yanilas.

"what happened?"

Enzo frowned slightly, but he didn't know what happened and why Guihu would give up this easy victory in front of him.

At the same time, a strong wind swept across!

There was a terrifying trembling sound from the land of nothingness, like a natural disaster, and as far as the eye could see, a strange black wind swept up.

In the distance, the giant snake Yanelas fell into despair.

As a creature in the spirit world, she knew very well the meaning of this black wind. At this moment, she was seriously injured and had no chance to escape.

The next moment, the black wind came completely.

Enzo looked into the distance, and saw that the moment the black wind swept over, the body of the giant snake Yanelas seemed to be corroded, turning into white bones.

"How can it be?"

Enzo was shocked, and couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face. The giant snake Yanilas was a fourth-order immortal creature after all.

However, under the sweep of the black wind, it was so vulnerable that it turned into white bones and died completely in just an instant.

Suddenly, a look of vigilance appeared on Enzo's face.

At the same time, the black wind has also struck.

After witnessing the scene where Black Wind killed the giant snake Yanelas in an instant, Enzo did not dare to be careless at all.

"Shadow Shield!"

Enzo mouthed the syllables, paused the wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet spread out like a tide, turning into an energy shield in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the black wind struck!


The shadow shield formed by the fifth-level holy soul wizard relying on his magic power actually made an overwhelming sound of shattering under the sweep of the black wind, and a solemn look suddenly appeared on Enzo's face.

Immediately, he clenched the Soul Bone Wand in his hand.

With the transmission of magic power, the energy shield that was on the verge of being broken began to slowly recover. However, as the black wind continued to sweep through, the shadow shield once again made an overwhelmed sound.

In place, a glimmer of light flashed in Enzo's eyes.

"We must get out of here as soon as possible!"

The surrounding area has been swept by the black wind, which is not a good thing for Enzo. After all, that terrifying black wind cannot even be blocked by the shadow shield.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Enzo poured out syllables in his mouth, and the shadow immediately turned into wings. Then, with a tremor, Enzo headed straight towards the black mountain peak.

"help me……"

But at this moment, just as Enzo was flying into the air, a faint cry for help came from his ears.

Enzo looked down.

But they saw that the giant snake Yanelas, who had turned into white bones, was not completely dead yet. A trace of her soul, like a candle in the wind, was exposed to the black wind at this moment, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

Enzo pondered for a moment.

Then, he flew in the direction of the giant snake Yanilas, waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and used the energy to protect the soul of the giant snake Yanilas.

Although Enzo does not have any interest relationship with the giant snake Yanelas, judging from the current situation, if Enzo wants to know something about the land of nothingness, the giant snake Yanelas may be an opportunity.

Immediately, Enzo put away the soul of the giant snake Yanelas, and then prepared to leave this place.

"Wait a moment!"

However, at this moment, the giant snake Yanilas sent a message to Enzo again, saying weakly: "A strange wizard!"

"Please open my body and put away the crystal core inside!"

"That will be my hope for reincarnation!"

After hearing what the giant snake Yanilas said, Enzo didn't hesitate much, waved his hand and tore open the body of the giant snake and took out a crystal core inside.

Then, another gust of black wind swept over.

Immediately, Enzo stopped wasting time and flew towards the black mountain peak with his shadow wings, holding the soul bone wand tightly in his hand to resist the attack of the black wind.

However, the black mountain peak seemed to be very close at hand. Even though Enzo used his fastest speed, he still could not get closer. Instead, it seemed to be getting further and further away.

"Wizard! You can't reach Youfeng like this!"

At this time, the soul of the giant snake Yanelas came again and said, ": If you want to get close to the Youfeng Peak, you must use the power of the soul!"

"Only in this way can the confusion be broken!"

"Soul power?"

Enzo raised his brows, the thoughts in his mind flickered slightly, a silvery luster suddenly flashed in his eyes, and invisible spiritual power suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

"Soul power!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and his mental power spread in the void like a painting, but he saw that the surrounding environment suddenly became distorted.

The black mountain peaks that were originally in the distance now appeared in front of us.

"That's it!" Enzo muttered to himself.

It seems that the black mountain peak named Youfeng has some special properties and is surrounded by an invisible energy magnetic field.

Only attacks with soul attributes can break the surrounding miasma. Otherwise, no matter how fast you fly, you will not be able to get closer, but will get further and further away.

Arriving around the black peak, Enzo immediately walked forward. Now that the black wind was raging around him, he had to find a hiding place.

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