Journey to the witch world

Chapter 927 Dream World

"I have lived in this world for a long time."

A trace of embarrassment flashed through the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said softly, "But, I'm not very smart, so I only produced these three fruits."

"Stranger, I want to ask you a favor!"

"You can keep one of these three fruits for yourself, and give one of the remaining two to Mr. Osikas after you leave."

Saying that, Odo the One-Eyed Tree paused.

"Please tell him that Otto is cowardly and failed to live up to his expectations. I hope he can forgive me!"

One-eyed Tree Odo's voice was a little dull.

Then, a trace of shyness flashed in his eyes, and he said, "There is only one piece of fruit left. Please give it to Ms. Lilith."

"Just say...Odo will always love her!"

After saying that, the one-eyed tree Otto swayed, as if a human being was shy, and huddled the crown of the tree, as if he didn't dare to look at Enzo.


Enzo was silent for a moment, then nodded and collected the three golden fruits on the ground, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He did not tell the one-eyed tree Odo that too much time had passed in the outside world, and even the great ancestor Osikas had fallen.

As for the woman Lilith, who was deeply loved by the one-eyed tree Odo for countless years, she may have turned into a withered skeleton in the course of time.

Sometimes, the truth is often crueler than lies!

"I hope I have the chance to see you again!"

Enzo bowed slightly and saluted, then turned and left. According to the information provided by the one-eyed tree Odo, one can leave the spiritual world through dreams and then go to the dream world.

For Enzo, it is not difficult to put himself into a dream.

Immediately, Enzo sat cross-legged on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he emptied his mental power and prepared to enter the dream world.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the 900-layer world of the abyss, in the Black Dragon Empire, in a dark and dark cave, there were faint sounds of terrifying roars.

Outside the cave, there are countless jackals guarding them.

Feeling the terrifying and abnormal sounds coming from the cave, the jackals trembled, but they did not dare to leave this place.


At this time, a huge figure flashed across the sky, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, slowly fell to the ground and transformed into a woman wearing a blue robe.

"Lord Alice!"

Seeing the arrival of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, the Jackal leader immediately knelt down on one knee to express his greatest respect for the Queen of the Black Dragon Empire.

"How is Lord Oren Caesar doing?"

Alice raised her head proudly and looked at the dark cave, with a solemn look on her face. Although the two dragons successfully escaped from the battlefield in the previous battle, the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar was also injured by Alice.

Now, in the cave, Oren Caesar's shrill roars were heard. Obviously, his current condition was not good.

"Lord Oren Caesar..."

There was a trace of hesitation on the face of the jackal leader, but he did not speak, and a trembling luster flashed in his eyes.

"never mind."

Upon seeing this, Alice shook her head and walked straight into the cave. Now she is the only fifth-level life form in the entire Black Dragon Empire besides Oren Caesar.

Therefore, as the queen of the Black Dragon Empire, Alice's status in the empire is second only to Oren Caesar, and she has the qualifications to enter the cave.

Tap tap tap!

In the dark and humid cave, the walls are covered with moss. Even though he is an ancient dragon at the fifth-level life form level, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar still retains some of the habits of the black dragon.

Since the First Era of Antiquity, different types of dragons have had different habits and have some special requirements for their living environment.

For example, white dragons like cold environments, green dragons like swamp areas, and red dragons must live in high-temperature areas.

Black dragons generally like to live in cold and dark areas. Even the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar is the same.

In the cave, Alice walked forward step by step.

As we went deeper and deeper into the cave, the roars coming from the surroundings became more and more intense. Even Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea who was also a fifth-level life form, felt a little scared.

"Olen Caesar, how are you...?"

Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, hesitated, and finally walked into the deepest part of the cave, only to see in a dim environment, the giant dragon Oren Caesar, entrenched on a mountain made of gold, roaring.

In the multiverse, it is well known that the dragon clan loves gold and treasures. As a fifth-level abyss lord, Oren Caesar, although his thirst for gold is not strong, he still has a desire.

Therefore, in the depths of this cave, you can see gold and various treasures everywhere, but they look a little dull in the dim environment.

"Damn wizard!!"

Deep in the cave, Orenkaiser made a roaring sound, roaring: "I will tear you all into pieces!"

Listening to Oren Caesar's roar, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, also felt trembling. Although they were both fifth-level life forms, there was a huge gap between them.

The Pearl of the Deep Sea, Alice, was able to become a fifth-level life form mainly because of the help of Oren Caesar.

As for her own strength, she is not very powerful.

It is precisely because of this that in the previous confrontation with Enzo, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, could barely withstand one of Enzo's attacks.

Considering purely in terms of combat effectiveness, perhaps the strength of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, is not comparable to that of Gegra, the King of Demon Spirits, and the Ancestor of the Blood Demon.

Not to mention existences such as the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton and the Hell's Red Flame Higra.


At this time, Oren Caesar seemed to have noticed Alice's movements, and made a dissatisfied voice, "Who allowed you to come here?"

This cave is the place where Oren Caesar sleeps in the Black Dragon Empire. People are not allowed to approach easily, even the original poisonous dragon Dormammu.

"I'm sorry, I was so worried about you."

Seeing Oren Caesar's unkind tone, Alice quickly spread her arms, transformed into the form of a giant dragon, and came to Oren Caesar's side to rub her ears and temples together.

However, Oren Caesar was not interested in pleasing Alice, although among all the female dragons in the Black Dragon Empire, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, has the most beautiful body.

However, in the current state of Oren Caesar, he has no interest in this kind of thing. Instead, he feels a little disgusted from the bottom of his heart towards the arrival of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea.

"Leave here without my order..."

Oren Caesar spoke unceremoniously and prepared to drive away Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea.

However, at this moment.

On the chest of Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, a strange mark bloomed like a flower, and then spread to the whole body.

"Damn... at this time!"

Oren Caesar's face changed, a gloomy luster flashed in his vertical pupils, but he felt a feeling of longing from the depths of his soul.

Suddenly, Oren Caesar's words stopped abruptly.

The feeling of hunger coming from the depths of the soul is constantly corroding the will of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Even Oren Caesar, a fifth-level abyss lord, cannot bear the curse of the Demon God of Gluttony.

" bitch!"

Deep in Oren Caesar's heart, he roared at the top of his lungs.

The curse of the Gluttony Demon God spreads in Oren Caesar's body, but its root is the poisonous dragon Dormammu as the medium.

Things go back some time.

At that time, the poisonous dragon Dormammu obtained the coordinates of the Ice Crystal World, but did not give them to the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar, but launched an expedition on his own.

It was precisely because of this decision that the poisonous dragon Dormammu fell, causing himself to fall into the realm. It was also because of concealing the coordinates of the ice crystal that he was disgusted by Oren Caesar.

Since then, the status of the poisonous dragon Dormammu in the Black Dragon Empire has plummeted. Although Dormammu finally frightened the female dragons who coveted his status with his powerful strength and methods, he still lost the queen of the empire because of his fall. identity of.

This is obviously an unacceptable thing for the poisonous dragon Dormammu. At the same time, the sense of gap caused by falling into the realm also makes the poisonous dragon Dormammu almost angry and crazy.

Finally, the poisonous dragon Dormammu made a decision.

She did not hesitate to become a believer of the Gluttony Demon, and planned to use the power of the Gluttony Demon to return to the fifth level, and even enter a more powerful level.

Under the bewitchment of the Gluttony Demon, the poisonous dragon Dormammu chose to attack Oron Caesar, but in the end, he failed.

The furious Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar completely lost trust in Dormammu, and finally killed his companion who had been with him for tens of thousands of years.

Since then, the poisonous dragon Dormammu has fallen.

It's not the kind of fall that fell into the realm before, but a complete death. There is no chance of resurrection, and even the soul disappears from the world.

However, the poisonous dragon Dormammu did not know until the moment of her death that the moment she chose to give her faith to the Demon God of Gluttony, she had become the opponent's pawn.

To the Demon God of Gluttony, a poisonous dragon Dormammu who has fallen into the realm is of little value at all. Everything he promised to the other party before was just a lie.

From the beginning to the end, the real target of the Gluttony Demon is only the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Only the strongest man in this 900-layer world of the abyss is valuable to the Gluttony Demon.

Therefore, from the moment the poisonous dragon Dormammu chose to become a follower of the Gluttony Demon God, a conspiracy against the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar began.

The Demon God of Gluttony used the poisonous dragon Dormammu to launch an attack on Oren Caesar. Although he did not succeed in killing Oren Caesar, it was part of the plan.

Oren Caesar, who was betrayed by the poisonous dragon Dormammu, fell into a rage at that time. In the end, he killed the poisonous dragon Dormammu. However, he did not expect that at the moment of the death of the poisonous dragon Dormammu, the power of the curse also possessed him. Attacking like an worm of bones.

At that time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was already in a state of rage. Therefore, he was accidentally invaded by the power of the Gluttony Demon God, and a curse was formed in his body.

From that time on, the mark of the Gluttony Demon God was left in the body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, always tempting him to fall.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is the strongest man in the 900-layer world of the abyss. Even the Demon God of Gluttony, it is not easy to control him.

Therefore, even if the curse of gluttony remains in the body, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has not lost his will.

However, this is a hidden danger for the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, like a time bomb that may explode in his body at any time.

In order to suppress the power of gluttony in his body, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar tried his best to control himself and successfully suppressed the power of gluttony.

However, as they joined forces with the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas and the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton to attack the Ten Realm Fortress, in that battle, a man as powerful as Oren Caesar suffered irrecoverable injuries.

Oren Caesar's weakness was also a rare opportunity for the power of gluttony in his body, so the power of gluttony broke out without warning.


At this moment, deep in the cave, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had to endure the damage Alice had caused to him, while at the same time suppressing the power of gluttony in his body.

The two kinds of painful torture almost drove the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar into madness, and the desire deep in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Yes, longing!

The original plan of the Gluttony Demon God was to use the poisonous dragon Dormammu as a medium to leave the power of gluttony in the body of the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar.

In fact, the plan of the Gluttony Demon God succeeded very smoothly. With the death of the poisonous dragon Dormammu, her soul seemed to be transformed into the curse of gluttony and remained in the body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar forever.

Under normal circumstances, the Black Dragon Emperor's willpower would be enough to suppress his desire for gluttony, but something unexpected happened in the current situation.

Alice's fatal attack made the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also fall into a weak state. Therefore, the control of his own power reached an imbalanced state. The curse formed by the power of gluttony in the body was like a volcano about to erupt.


In the cave, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared furiously. Although he had tried his best to suppress his desires, he still could not hold on to the bottom line under the influence of the curse.

"Lord Oren Caesar..."

Seeing that Oren Caesar was in something wrong, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep, had a trace of worry in her vertical eyes, but she was completely unaware of the imminent danger.

The elegant and slender water dragon stretched out its slender neck, trying to comfort the furious Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar in this way.

However, Alice did not realize that her behavior was like adding fuel to the fire, breaking the last bit of persistence of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.


Oren Caesar roared angrily, bloodthirsty light flashed in his vertical pupils, he suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit down on Alice's neck.

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