Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1001 Thunder World


On the same spot, Enzo's figure reappeared, but his face was a bit pale. Obviously, it was not easy for him in his clone to seal the God of Locusts.

However, everything finally succeeded.

The illusory yellow sand world around him disappeared, and Enzo returned to the temple. The heart of rock and soil in front of him was already riddled with holes. Although the spiritual demonic insects inside were gone, the shaking sounds coming from all around also represented the The rock and earth world is about to be destroyed.

"Is it hopeless?"

Enzo frowned slightly, a trace of solemnity appearing on his face.

He stretched out his hand and tried to touch the Heart of Rock and Earth. However, the moment Enzo's hand came closer, the Heart of Rock and Earth exploded as if it turned into powder, and the entire world of Rock and Earth also roared. Well, The temples where Zuo was located began to collapse.

"What a pity!"

Looking at the broken Heart of Rock and Earth, a sigh appeared on Enzo's face. This Heart of the World was much more broken than the original Heart of Ocean Blue. Therefore, even Enzo might not have the energy to restore it. .

On the same spot, Enzo fell into a moment of hesitation.

No matter what, the rock and earth world is a plane. If it is allowed to be destroyed, it will undoubtedly be a great loss for Enzo.

But it is not easy to save the rock and earth world.

At least, Enzo didn't know how to start.

"Chip, simulation analysis!"

Enzo issued an order in his mind, requiring the chip to conduct simulation analysis and use big data algorithms to calculate ways to save the geotechnical world.

In an instant, the seven thousand simulations were over.

The chip used big data simulation to conduct 7,000 rescue plans in the geotechnical world, but all ended in failure.

"Isn't it true?"

A trace of gloom appeared on Enzo's face. After hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his hand and collected the broken Heart of Rock and Earth.

Out of seven thousand simulations, only one came closest to success.

Anyway, the rock and soil world is hopeless, so for Enzo, it is better to adopt the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

So, Enzo started taking action according to the simulated process.

First, he collected the broken Heart of Rock and Earth powder, and then used his last bit of strength to gather the Heart of Rock and Earth. Although this was only superficial, Enzo had no other choice.

"Subject, I need more power!"

Enzo thought that this clone was on the verge of collapse after sealing the God of Locust. Therefore, if he wanted to save the rock and earth world, he would need more power.

Immediately, Enzo closed his eyes and felt the infusion of power from the wizarding world.

In a moment, Enzo's pale face recovered.

The main body far away in the wizarding world can provide a steady stream of energy to the clone, but only if the rock and earth world does not collapse.

After regaining his strength, Enzo transformed into a phantom crow and flew into the sky.

"The power of dark water!"

"The power of the forest spirit!"

"Force of Nature!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and used the power of the Heart of the World one after another. The rock and earth world that was collapsing suddenly began to rain black rain.

At the same time, seeds were scattered to the ground.

Those seeds were like hope, drilling into the cracked rock and soil and growing rapidly as the black rain watered them.

Then, the plants grew wildly.

The rock and soil world was on the verge of being broken, and countless plants suddenly appeared. They grew entangled with each other, pulling at the cracked earth.

In this way, the collapse of the rock and earth world has been delayed.

However, Enzo is also very clear that using this method to save the rock and earth world is essentially just treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. The rock and earth world that has lost the heart of the world will eventually be unable to escape the fate of collapse unless the world can be restored. Obtain a Heart of the World.

In the sky, Enzo turned into a human form.

Then, he took out a ball of light from his arms, which was covered with cracks. It was the heart of rock and earth that had been broken into powder, and was now forcibly assembled by Enzo.

Enzo looked down.

The main reason for the collapse of the rock and earth world is that the God of Locust absorbed the energy of the heart of rock and earth, which led to the gradual assimilation of this world and the spiritual world.

Perhaps the only way to cure the Heart of Rock and Earth is to extract the power from the God of Locust again.

The shattered Heart of Rock and Earth is difficult to recover, but if it regains its former energy, there may still be a chance.

Enzo had no intention of killing the God of Locust from the beginning. There was also this reason. The sealed God of Locust would be the best opportunity to heal the Heart of Rock and Earth.


In mid-air, Enzo took a deep breath and looked towards the earth. The body of the Locust God had been sealed in different places.

Based on this arrangement, a special witch formation was formed.

Enzo didn't hesitate much, and his body fell into the center of the rock and earth world. At this time, the earth was still collapsing, but this area was completely preserved.

"Try it!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he planted the Heart of Rock and Earth on the ground.

At the same time, Enzo's previous arrangement also began to activate. The Heart of Rock and Earth was like a seed, buried deeply in the soil, and began to absorb the power of the God of Locust from all directions.


Enzo's eyes lit up. According to the chip simulation, this method is the only way to save the rock and earth world, but the success rate is not necessarily too high.

"Just do your best!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, but he also knew very well that it was not easy to save the collapsed world.

There's only so much he can do.

Then, Enzo shook his head. The body standing on the spot seemed to have turned into a statue. There was no need to do much in the rock and earth world. Therefore, this clone did not have much meaning. Enzo's consciousness returned to the original body. among.

Meanwhile, the wizarding world.

Northern Continent, in the tower.

On the same spot, Enzo, as his true form, had a glimmer of light in his eyes, and everything that happened in the rock and earth world was clearly visible to him.

"Spirit world!"

A trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face.

Before the plan to conquer the rock and earth world began, Enzo did not expect that this journey of conquest would also encounter the influence of the spirit world.

At this moment, the spirit world is already a terrible threat to Enzo.

Compared to the abyss world, the spiritual world is too mysterious. Even the wizarding civilization does not know much about the spiritual world.

No one knows what the spiritual world actually means.

"Just do your best..."

Enzo murmured to himself that he had done everything he could in the rock and earth world. If he still couldn't save the rock and earth world, there was nothing Enzo could do.

Then, Enzo pondered for a moment.

Looking at the coordinates of the Thunder World, Enzo hesitated. He didn't know whether the situation in the Thunder World was the same as that in the Rock and Earth World.

But no matter what, Enzo could not leave a world unconquered.

So Enzo waved his hand.

The portal entwined with thunder then opened, and with a thought, Enzo turned part of his soul into a clone and plunged into the thundering world.

In an instant, Enzo, who transformed into a phantom crow, came to the thundering world.


Above the sky, streaks of lightning pierced the sky. Just like its name, the thunder world was filled with thunder and lightning elements everywhere.

Enzo's incarnation, the Phantom Crow, had just arrived in the thundering world and was almost shot down by a bolt of thunder.

"Life form?"

Enzo looked down and soon discovered a group of short creatures with blue skin located in a forest.

At this time, these small creatures were besieging a giant elephant.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and learned the species information of the group of short creatures and giant elephants through the scanning function of the chip.

Thunder Goblin and Phosphorescent Elephant!

Neither of these two creatures is unique to the Thunder World. The Goblin is a very common creature in the multiverse. The Thunder Goblin is a mutant creature of this race, which is equivalent to the extraordinary beings in the human world.

As for the phosphorescent giant elephant, it is also an extraordinary creature.

When Enzo was still a wizard apprentice, he had seen a giant phosphorescent elephant. This monster had the ability to control thunder and lightning, and its tusks had high temperatures.

Enzo's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

It seems that the situation of the Thunder World is different from that of the Rock and Earth World. The latter is on the verge of collapse, while the Thunder World is very intact, as can be seen from the large number of these creatures.

Then, Enzo landed on the ground.

In the forest ahead of them, Goblins were besieging the phosphorescent giant elephant. The spears were constantly shooting towards the phosphorescent giant elephant, and the lightning attacks attached to it hit the phosphorescent giant elephant, making a squeaking sound.

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts.

According to the analysis of the chip, the phosphorescent giant elephant possesses the strength of a first-order life form, but this group of goblins has not yet reached this level. However, with their numerical advantage, they seem to have the upper hand temporarily, and the phosphorescent giant elephant is trapped in place.

Suddenly, the phosphorescent giant elephant roared.

I saw it swung its long nose, rolled up a big tree, and threw it directly forward. The goblins fled in all directions.

However, even so, this group of goblins still had difficulty escaping the attack range.

As the huge tree fell down, several goblins died immediately, but the remaining goblins were not frightened by this, but became even more angry.

"Kill him!"


"Attack its eyes!"

The goblins kept shouting. With their extraordinary power, they were obviously more powerful than ordinary goblins.


The spears were continuously thrown at the phosphorescent giant elephant, but they failed to cause effective damage. Instead, they landed on the phosphorescent giant elephant, failing to even break its skin.

Seeing such a scene, the goblins felt discouraged.

"Step aside!"

At this time, a tall Goblin suddenly appeared. He was wearing a white animal skin and carrying a metal-forged spear in his hand.

As soon as this goblin appeared, other companions cheered.

Obviously, the other party has a special status in this group of goblins, which is not comparable to this group of ordinary goblins.

"Thunder strike!"

The tall goblin shouted, and thrust out the spear in his hand. The spear, packed with the power of thunder, shot out towards the phosphorescent giant elephant in an instant.

In an instant, the spear penetrated the eyeball of the phosphorescent giant elephant.

The huge phosphorescent giant elephant suddenly let out a painful scream, and purple blood flowed from the pierced eyeball.

Then, the phosphorescent giant elephant shook its trunk angrily.

The surface of that pair of ivory also emitted scorching heat, and then as the phosphorescent giant elephant charged, everything it went was trampled.

Seeing the phosphorescent giant elephant going crazy, the goblins fled one after another.

Only the goblin who seemed to be the leader still looked excited. He took the skull of an unknown creature from his waist and started beating it.


As the goblin leader struck the skull, thunder also fell from the sky, impacting the phosphorescent giant elephant's body, and immediately emitted a burning smell.

Seeing that his attack was effective, the Goblin leader seemed even more excited.

He kept hitting his skull, and thunder fell from the sky. The phosphorescent giant elephant in the distance was constantly attacked, and finally fell to the ground.

After successfully killing the phosphorescent giant elephant, the Goblin leader laughed a few times.

Then, he stepped on the body of the phosphorescent giant elephant and continued to beat the skull, as if to declare his power to the world.

At the same time, other goblins also gathered around.

After the hunt, all the goblins danced a strange dance, and the leader, the goblin, also jumped down from the giant elephant corpse.

"Great Lord God, may you accept our sacrifice!"

The Goblin leader looked solemn, then took out a knife, broke open the phosphorescent giant elephant's skin, and then dug out a huge heart.

The surrounding goblins knelt down one after another.

As if it was some kind of sacrificial ceremony, after successfully hunting the phosphorescent giant elephant, the goblins sacrificed their most valuable hearts to their gods.

In the distance, Enzo transformed into a crow, watching everything in front of him.

"It seems that this world is in the age of gods!"

Enzo murmured to himself, with a flash of thought in his eyes. Compared to the rock and earth world, the thunder world did not seem to be affected too much by the spiritual world.

At this time, the world of Thunder is in a kind of era of gods.

Just like the wizarding world of the first era, gods rule the world, and the bottom life believes that everything is a gift from the gods.

Just like the group of goblins in front of me.

After they successfully hunted the phosphorescent giant elephant at the cost of their lives, they did not think about enjoying the trophies, but sacrificed them to the gods first.

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

If the Thunder World is in the Age of Gods, then for Enzo, if he wants to conquer this world, he may have to start from the bottom.

Before making plans, though, Enzo first needs to learn more.

So, he silently watched the behavior of the goblins. After a simple sacrifice, the goblins happily dragged the body of the phosphorescent giant elephant back to the camp.

Enzo followed quietly.

Even if it was just a clone, this body still carried Enzo's power. Therefore, the goblins could not detect Enzo's existence at all. It was not until they came to a camp that Enzo stopped, not daring to rush again. Come forward.

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