Yu Tamarin and Roc Demon King noticed a breakthrough in Flower Fruit Mountain.

Immediately hide his figure and come quietly.

As a result, we are seeing Long Live Fox King breakthrough to Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

Many people in Monster Race know it.

Long live the fox king is old and weak, almost impossible to breakthrough.

But it's really a breakthrough!

The two were extremely surprised.

But the next second, I was even more shocked.

The long live fox king of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Realm did not find them.

Chen Fan broke a bit.

The King Yu and Roc Demon King looked at each other and quickly took the initiative to show their bodies.

Chen Fan has already seen through the real body of the two with the broken golden pupil.

A golden ape, a roc.

However, he didn't break it either, and asked actively.

"Are you?"

The two of them did not dare to be careless, and quickly stated their identities.

"I am Roc Demon King."

"Yu Yuwang."

Long live the fox king met Yu Yu and Roc Demon King, see By the time the two were finally relaxed.

"Fellow Daoist, I know them."

"The two of them are the King Yu, Roc Demon King, and the famous Great Demon King of Three Realms."

"I have known each other for a long time."

Sure enough.

Chen Fan slightly nodded.

These two people are the second of the Seven Great Saints who later worshipped Sun Wukong.

Just, why did the other party appear in Flower Fruit Mountain now?

Chen Fan was a little puzzled.

Look at the two carefully.

Yu Yu and Roc Demon King are also looking at Chen Fan.

They can't see Chen Fan's cultivation base at all!

This also represents.

The other party is at least one great realm beyond them!

Doesn’t it mean, Great Firmament!

The two looked at each other again, confirming each other's suspicion.

Then I was even more shocked.

The new Monkey King of Flower Fruit Mountain is not only a weak little monster, but the Great Firmament Golden Immortal!

There must be some great secrets hidden in it!

But they don't know.

Chen Fan’s Profound Essence Art has been cultivated to Second Revolution.

The actual cultivation base is only Golden Immortal Realm.

It just has a heavenly secret stone and a stealth decision, even Saint can't see through his cultivation base.

Yu Yu and Roc Demon King are more shocked as they think about it.

A monkey that was born a few years ago is absolutely impossible and Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

They guessed vaguely.

It seems that some incredible secret has been discovered.

Immediately put away the contempt.

Gave a salute solemnly.

"I have seen Monkey King, long live the fox king."

Chen Fan slightly nodded.

"You two don't need to be polite."

To be honest, he is also very interested in these two.

As far as he knows.

Roc Demon King, but the brother of the Buddha's mother, King Kong Xuan.

Although King Yu Yu has no background, his cultivation base is very profound.

Be able to establish Great Saint together with Sun Wukong later.

Enough to prove their power.

As for Chen Fan, he needs to win over some powerful Monster Kings.

To complete your own plan.

Yu Yu and Roc Demon King, both are extremely suitable targets.

Make up my mind.

Chen Fan smiled and stretched out his hand to invite:

"Two people come from afar, they are the guests."

"If you don’t dislike it, please sit down together , Join my BBQ dinner at Flower Fruit Mountain."

Long live the fox king relaxed.

He thought Chen Fan would blame King Tamarin and Roc Demon King for their prying eyes.

Now this attitude can be regarded as bypassing the other party.

Sure enough, Chen Fan deserves to be a senior.

Mind is open.

"How dare to dislike it, but also many thanks to the invitation of the Monkey King."

The King Yu and Roc Demon King gave a salute and sat down in fear.

I glanced at it casually and was stunned again.

"Big brother! Look at what they used to barbecue!"

The king of Yu Yu secretly pulled Roc Demon King.

Point to the crimson bead in the grill.

"What! It turned out to be Fire Spirit Bead!"

Roc Demon King couldn't help exclaiming.

Fire Spirit Bead is an acquired Spirit Treasure, extremely rare, but the other party uses it as a barbecue stove!

It's so proud!

Roc Demon King and Yu Tamarin are Supreme Unity Golden Immortal,

there is not much acquired Spirit Treasure.

As a result, they just used it for barbecue!

The two were completely shocked.

"Come on, eat some fruit and drink a glass of wine."

Chen Fan picked up the fairy fruit and Monkey Wine and pushed them in front of them.

"many thanks, Monkey King."

The two of them quickly and respectfully polite, and they were stunned when they were about to eat fruit.

"This...this is a fairy fruit!"

"And this peach."

"Maybe I'm dazzled, how come I feel like a legend The flat peach!"

The flat peach, three within the realm known to everyone known to everyone.

Yu Yu and Roc Demon King have never met either.

But the rich Spiritual Qi contained in the peach in front of me is exactly the same as the rumored flat peach!

"It's Pantao."

Seeing the shock of the two.

Long live Fox King narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"You can eat more if you like."

"Fellow Daoist has a lot here."

What? a lot of?

If you like, eat more?

The King Yu and Roc Demon King are dumbfounded, and the peach is not an ordinary fruit on Rotten Street.

You are lucky to have a bite. How can I have the opportunity to eat more?

Where does Flower Fruit Mountain come from?

Wang Yu Yu looked up and just wanted to question, but was silent.

Not only them.

A few flat peaches were placed on each table throughout the bonfire banquet.

Even the apes are eating flat peaches!

The King Yu and Roc Demon King are crazy.

The outside world regards it as Supreme Treasure, the flat peach that you can't see is just ordinary food here?

Can you eat even ordinary little monsters?

Is this Flower Fruit Mountain or Celestial Court?

Even the Queen Mother Empress, there are not so many flat peaches, right?

"Don't just eat, come and have a drink."

Long live the fox took the initiative to fill up the glasses for the two, but the smile looks like harboring malicious intentions.

The two took a subconsciously look.

Can't help but exclaim again.

"What kind of wine is this? Why is it so rich in Spiritual Qi?"

"Immortal Wine can't be compared, right?"

Long live the fox king chuckled With a sound, he waved his hand indifferently.

"It's nothing, this is the wine made by Fellow Daoist with the purple-stranded large flat peach."

The air is stagnant.

Next second.

Yu Tamarin and Roc Demon King quickly picked up their glasses and drank them in one fell swoop.

I couldn't help closing my eyes and savoring the peerless wine carefully.

Purple-patterned large flat peach, brewed wine.

How grand this is.

They were completely shocked and could not return to their senses for a long time.

Looking at these two Great Demon Kings, they looked like they had no insight.

Long live the fox king smirked.

But he forgot that he was even more unbearable before.

After a while.

Yu Yu Wang and Roc Demon King came back to his senses from the deliciousness of Monkey Wine.

The two looked at Chen Fan with complex expressions.

It is completely impossible to guess the identity of the other party.

Suddenly, King Yu Yu's pupils shrank.

I found strange things again.

"Big brother, look at the five apes, they are all Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

Roc Demon King looked up towards the five apes at the next table, which was also startled.

Both of them know.

Flower Fruit Mountain does not have Demon Immortal at all, it has only been a few years.

There are so many Heavenly Immortal Realm apes!

There are even a lot of Earth Immortal Realm and Human Immortal Realm!

This kind of background is no worse than the monsters under their command.

It's incredible!

In just a few years, so many Great Demon monsters can be cultivated.

Don't think about it, both of them have already come up with the answer!

It must be the work of this Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King!

The two raised their heads together and looked towards Chen Fan.

Only horror remained in his eyes.

Please remember our website: Novel() Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by the monkey and updated the fastest.

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