Long live the Fox King and Princess Yumian sitting with Chen Fan.

It's just that they are special here.

No food was grilled on the campfire.

Just as a decoration.

Chen Fan is holding a crimson bead, cautiously grilling food.

"senior, let me help you."

The Princess of Yumian also took a bunch of food and was close to Chen Fan to help with the barbecue.

Chen Fan casually reminded:

"Be careful, this Fire Spirit Bead is hot, and be careful to hurt yourself."

Jade Face Princess felt warm in her heart. , Somewhat moved.

Although she is also a monster, she is somewhat resistant to flames.

But Chen Fan's care made her feel extremely happy.

His face turned red involuntarily.

Chen Fan looked at Princess Yumian strangely.

"Why is your face blushing? Is the Fire Spirit Bead too hot?"

"Otherwise, you will rest for a while, and I will give it to you after I bake it."


The other party actually wants to cook for himself!

The jade face Princess's face turned redder, and she hurriedly lowered her head and gave a cry.

Sit down, like a little lady.

The little white mouse next to him raised his head and squinted his eyes, scanning Chen Fan and Yumian Princess back and forth.

Mrs. Di Yong's look is very strange.

Secretly slander.

The peculiar reaction of Princess Yumian is not obvious from the elm bumps of Chen Fan.

However, she is not too sure.

Is Chen Fan really unaware, or pretending not to know.

That's right.

This kind of hidden cultivation power, how to look at the mountain is a Small Fox.

Mrs. Di Chung twitched his lips.

I feel a sorrow for Princess Yumian.

What's good about liking that smelly monkey? It's better to eat more flat peaches and drink more Monkey Wine.

So happy and beautiful life, what else is there to pursue?

As long as there is food and drink, everything is enough.

Mrs. Di Yong didn't notice that she had completely fallen.

I am used to being a pet.

The coveted things are staggered, and the wine is half full.

Chen Fan was lying halfway on the bluestone, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but have a poem.

He held up his wine glass, as if to invite the bright moon in the sky to drink.

Sing loudly:

"See how the Yellow River's water move out of heaven, Entering the ocean, never to return. !"

"…… ”

“Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!, Spin a thousand of pieces of silver, all of them come back! !”

“……Bring in the Wine, don’t stop drinking..."

"My flower-dappled horse, My furs worth a thousand, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell it forever with you!"

The mountains are quiet, the sky is clear and the moon is bright.

Seems to be shocked by this heroic voice.

"What a Bring in the wine!"

Long live the fox king applauded.

I only feel that my body is transparent, ten thousand zhang is indescribable in my heart.

Bring in the wine whole poem.

Every sentence and every word is full of pride.

Life is to be free and unrestrained.

Why bother with the chaos and trivial affairs of this world.

You only need to drink alcohol, as long as the game is happy.

Long live the fox king seems to understand, and he doesn't seem to understand anything.

But nothing matters, just drink it!

"Bring in the wine, don't stop the cup!"

Long live the fox king raised his glass and drank it, raising his head and laughing.

Sit cross-legged naturally on the ground.

Spiritual Qi in the body runs spontaneously and enters the sudden enlightenment.


"Old Hu is a good opportunity."

Chen Fan was the first to discover the anomaly of Long Live Fox King.

Hurry up and jump up.

Stand by your side to protect the law and guide the Long Live Fox King to run the spiritual power.

"Old Hu keep your mind in mind, don't deliberately think about it, just follow the inspiration."

Long live the fox king's face suddenly eased.

The body is also completely relaxed.

The whole person has entered a state of extremely mysterious and abstruse.

Do nothing, nor deliberately seek breakthrough.

Just let the spiritual power run.

Jade Face Princess was so pleasantly surprised that she quickly covered her mouth for fear of disturbing the Royal Father.

Madam Di Yong's face also showed a sense of envy.

Long live the fox king is already the pinnacle of Golden Immortal Realm, seeing the breakthrough soon,

the achievement of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

And she is also a Golden Immortal, breakthrough is hopeless, and she has become someone else's pet.

Wrong step, wrong step.

I knew she would not offend Chen Fan.

Long live fox Wang Mingming did not deliberately guide, but the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.


Some kind of shackles seem to be broken.

The divine light on the top of Flower Fruit Mountain is shining, and the clouds are shrouded in clouds.

Spiritual Qi mighty three thousand miles.

Not far away.

King Yu Yu and Roc Demon King just arrived near Flower Fruit Mountain, and they were shocked by this powerful atmosphere.


"This aura is Supreme Unity Golden Immortal!"

"Flower Fruit Mountain has such an expert, and it is breaking through Supreme Unity Golden Immortal!"

Roc Demon King is the veteran Supreme Unity Golden Immortal powerhouse, and instantly recognized that this is a breakthrough.

"Who is it? Is it the new Monkey King?"

"Impossible, how could the Monkey King have such a strong cultivation base!"

Flower Fruit Mountain’s new Monkey King was born a few years ago.

Even if it is an extraordinary natural talent, it is impossible to cultivate to Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

Otherwise, wouldn't their tens of thousands of years of cultivation become a joke?

Neither Roc Demon King nor Yu Tamarin can accept it.

The two quickly sensed carefully and immediately discovered a strange place.

"This aura, seems familiar?"


On the other side.

Flower Fruit Mountain.

Xiaguang and Spiritual Qi dissipated.

"haha, I have a breakthrough to Supreme Unity Golden Immortal!"

Long live the fox king laughed and jumped up, excited beyond words.

He looked at Chen Fan with hot eyes.

Seriously tidy up the appearance, bow down deeply and thank you.

"many thanks Fellow Daoist to complete."

"Your great kindness and virtue, let the old man be unrequited."

"But there is an assignment, It must be spare no effort!"

In one word, he pointed him to breakthrough Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grace of reconstruction, plus the detoxification life-saving grace.

Long live the fox king has no way to repay such a great kindness.

"Old Hu, please."

"This is also your own opportunity, you don't have to be such a big gift."

Chen Fan reached out and helped him.

He also didn't expect, he just chanted a song Bring in the wine, which could make the long live fox king breakthrough.

Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

That is the realm he has been looking forward to.

Didn't expect to point others to a successful breakthrough first.

Long live the Fox King was so excited, he just wanted to say something.

Just now.

Chen Fan's expression moved slightly, and he reached out to stop him.

"Old Hu, come slowly."

"Take care of a small matter first."

A golden light flashed through Chen Fan's eyes, it was just a gold. The natural phenomenon initiated by the pupil.

Turning his head and smiling, looked towards the sky.

"It’s a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar."

"Since the two have come to my Flower Fruit Mountain, why not show up?"

Everyone was shocked.

I reacted immediately, there is someone in the sky!

"What? Someone is here!"

Long live Fox King was surprised.

Someone unexpectedly came nearby unconsciously.

If Chen Fan didn't protect him just now, wouldn't he be a mermaid?

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the back, and I was even more grateful to Chen Fan.

He quickly followed Chen Fan's gaze, but he saw nothing.

Long live the fox king has no doubt.

Chen Fan is a powerful senior, someone must be hiding it!

Not long.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter in the air.

"haha, I have long heard how mysterious and powerful the Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King is."

"When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary!"

Roc Demon King slowly emerged.

Please remember our website: Novel() Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by the monkey and updated the fastest.

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