Three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes.

All the monkeys at Flower Fruit Mountain have almost eaten, and in small groups began to clean up the clutter.

Long live the fox king cultivation base breakthrough, I am very excited.

Already drank a lot of wine.

However, Roc Demon King and Yu Tamarin did not leave.

The two have been looking towards Long Live Fox King from time to time.

They are here to find Long Live Fox King to explore Cave Mansion treasure hunt together.

I don't want more people to know.

Roc Demon King secretly winked at King Yu.

The king Yu Yu was slightly nodded, and then raised his glass.

"Fox King, come and I will toast you again."

"Congratulations to your breakthrough Supreme Unity Golden Immortal."

Long live the Fox King laughed.

"haha, this depends on the monkey Fellow Daoist Wang."

"If it weren't for him, I might have no hope of promotion in this life."

Two People drank it all in one go.

A lively conversation began again.

Long live the fox king soon noticed that the two were coming.

Hesitated for a moment, just about to ask Chen Fan for instructions.

Chen Fan has nodded chuckles.

"The Fox King can handle it by himself."

Chen Fan raised his glass to hide his smile.

He didn't know Roc Demon King and Yu Tamarin, so they came to Flower Fruit Mountain specially.

He looked towards Long Live Fox King again and again, how could he not guess.

The other party has something to do, specifically looking for the Long Live Fox King.

Although he is also a little curious, he also knows that he should not snoop on other people's secrets.

"many thanks Fellow Daoist."

Long live the fox king relaxed, and quickly looked towards the other two demons.

"Two Monster Kings, there is a Beppu of mine near Cool Breeze Mountain."

"Why don't you go and sit there?"

It's finally time to talk about business.

"Very good."

Roc Demon King was overjoyed with King Yu, and quickly stood up.

Seeing the other party so anxious.

Long live the fox king can only stand up and bid farewell to Chen Fan.

"Then, Fellow Daoist bids farewell."

"Today I have the honor of Fellow Daoist to give me advice. The old man will thank you next time."

Chen Fan said Waved his hand.

"That's also Old Hu's own opportunity. Don't be polite."

Roc Demon King and Yu Tamarin seem to be very anxious, and they urge Long Live Fox King to leave.

The Cave Mansion of Yixing Demon Lord can be opened at any time, and there are other competitors.

You can't miss such a huge opportunity because of a temporary delay.

The three demons immediately set up a cloud head and flew towards Cool Breeze Mountain.

The monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain have already eaten and drank enough, and they are waiting for Chen Fan to finish here, so they can pack their things.

Chen Fan patted hands.

Signed the apes to clean up.

The banquet is good, but all kinds of garbage left over after the banquet are also quite troublesome to clean up.

Chen Fan put away the Fire Spirit Bead and is about to leave.

Suddenly stunned.

"Girl Xiaoyu!?"

He felt strange.

Just now, only the Long Live Fox King, Roc Demon King and Yu Yu King left.

Yu Mian Princess did not leave!

No wonder.

Hou Ze and the others have cleaned up all other places.

But he was not close to Chen Fan at all.

All apes and monkeys have disappeared tiptoe.

It turned out to be because of Princess Jade Face.

Chen Fan was stunned, looking at Yumian Princess, he didn't know what to say.

He can't drive people, right?

Jade Face Princess was shy by Chen Fan.

Hurry up and looked towards the moon sky.

"Senior, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

Chen Fan subconsciously nodded.

"Yes, the moonlight is very beautiful."

The moon is bright and breezy, and the starlight shines.

The bonfire is diminished, and the wine is slightly drunk.

The jade face Princess's cheeks are red, and she is a little shy not to look directly at Chen Fan.

I can only look at that handsome profile secretly.

My heart is restless.

The little white mouse on the table opened his eyes slightly.

Sweeping back and forth at the two under the moonlit night, they looked very strange.

She is very sure.

Although these two people are also praising the moonlight, they do not mean the same thing.

Chen Fan is just watching the moon.

Ms. Di Yong found something very interesting, and she couldn't help but curl her mouth slightly.

Under the moonlight, there is only one man, one woman, and one rat.

The atmosphere is getting more and more subtle.

Seeing everyone else is gone, Princess Yumian still has no intention of leaving.


Chen Fan didn't know what to do.

He pretended to cough quickly, and took out a chessboard with his backhand.

"Xiaoyu, if there is nothing wrong."

"How about the next game of chess with me?"

A night wind blows, and the air is silent.

Mrs. Di Yong held a flat peach that was bigger than herself, dumbfounded, unable to bite.

Jade Face Princess also slightly opened her lips, a little hard to say.


Jade face Princess subconsciously nodded.

Then came back to his senses.

It is good to play chess, and the two of them will intersect each other and play a game of chess together.

It is also a different kind of experience.

Moreover, if she can show one or two in chess, she will be able to attract more senior's attention.

Perhaps I will wake up when I dream.

Be aware that Long Live Fox King is very good at chess.

Jade Face Princess has been learning from Royal Father since she was a child, and she is also very good at chess.

Full of confidence, I will definitely be appreciated by senior.


Chen Fan freely cleaned up the tabletop and placed the chessboard on the table.

This chessboard is an incidental reward when he signs in and gets the Return to the Natural State level of chess.

It is not a special treasure.

It's just playing chess, and there is no need for Supreme Treasure.

Chen Fan and Princess Yumian sit opposite each other.

No more than a foot and a half apart.

You can see clearly with every smile.

is it possible that?

Is this an alternative to get closer?

Princess Yumian became more nervous, and she quickly grabbed a box of chess pieces.

Place two pieces at the diagonal star position as a seat.

"Huh? Do you want to hold the white flag first?"

Chen Fan didn't say much, picking up the sunspot and placing two children at the star position.

Mrs. Di Yong is in the highest realm of eating melons.

I jumped directly onto Chen Fan’s knees to grab the best perspective.

Chen Fan smiled and scratched the neck of the little white mouse.

Others are playing cats and dogs, but he has a mouse.

It's too strange.

The chessboard is quickly set.

The jade face Princess stretched out the slender jade finger, picked up a white chess piece, and gently put it down.

"senior, I will go out of the 1st Step first."

Under the moonlight.

I don't know if the chess piece is whiter or the jade finger is more smooth.

Jade Face Princess looked directly at Chen Fan, waiting for a response.

There is no hesitation.

Chen Fan didn't notice it, and immediately picked up a black stone and placed it on the chessboard.


The jade face Princess was very moved, and there seemed to be hallucinations in front of her eyes.

It seems that there are passages everywhere, and it seems that there is no way to go.

The girl frowns slightly.

The jade face Princess has another son.

You come and go with me.

The illusion in front of me is getting bigger and bigger.

changeable situation, time and space pass by.

Everything in the world swiftly passed by her eyes, disappeared in the blink of an eye like a meteor.

In a trance.

She seemed to see the world, the truth, and the Tao!

But I don’t seem to see anything.

Suddenly, Princess Yumian was shocked and looked towards the chessboard again.

I was attracted by the chess game wholeheartedly, and I have forgotten everything.

On the chessboard, Heaven and Earth are the most logical, and the great roads flow.

is it possible that?

Is this senior guiding himself?

Jade Face Princess was shocked and understood Chen Fan's painstaking efforts.

Playing chess is just an excuse.

Chen Fan is using chess to give her a Supreme great opportunity!

Please remember our website: Novel() Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by the monkey and updated the fastest.

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