"Looking for death~~~"

Without hesitation, the Jade Emperor made a bold move.

He waved his hand mercilessly with a cold face, a big hand composed of countless heaven and earth vitality.

Bring it to the top of Zhong Xuan's head.

This method was used to deal with the Tathagata and others before, and it was a one-off basis.

Now to deal with Zhong Xuan, the Jade Emperor believes that even if he can't take it down, he can beat him to a terrifying embarrassment.

He wants to humiliate Zhong Xuan slowly.

Let him lose face in front of all beings in the Three Realms.

There is a lot of momentum here, and countless great experts from the Three Realms have all turned their attention to this place.

After seeing the Jade Emperor take action, they were all amazed.

Taishang Laojun frowned, this Jade Emperor's performance was very different from before.

"It's amazing. The Jade Emperor's cultivation level has surpassed the peak of the quasi-sage. How did he do it?"

Taishang Laojun thought about breaking his head, but Ye couldn't think of a reason.

He never imagined that this Jade Emperor would break through his cultivation.

It turned out to be an elixir that relied on Hongjun Daozu.

In the sky above the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of Ming He, who had not appeared for a long time, held Yuantu's Abi double swords.

Standing on the monstrous blood wave, looking up at the direction of Longevity Mountain.

The heart is like the waves of this sea of ​​blood, turbulent.

The strength of the Jade Emperor has deeply stimulated them, the older generation of Zixiao Palace guests.

"The Jade Emperor has surpassed the peak of the quasi-sage. Could it be that he found a way to advance to the Primordial Primordial?"

Countless ancient powers have all fallen into madness at this moment.

If the Jade Emperor really has a way to achieve Hunyuan.

Preaching the Dao again outside the Seven Sages of the Great Desolation.

Then they have no choice but to enter the gate of heaven.

First, because of the Jade Emperor's cultivation, they couldn't resist.

Second, they also want to become enlightened.

If you have a chance to join Heavenly Court, you must try it.

"Let's see if this Zhong Xuan can resist the Jade Emperor's blow!"

One is the first person in the prehistoric wilderness who is safe from the scourge of hard steel.

One is the Lord of the Three Realms under the Seven Sages, who has rediscovered the method of proving the Way.

Who can win the two is still unknown at this moment.

However, all the powers are staring at the battlefield at this moment.

For fear of missing any picture.

No matter who wins or loses, they may be able to learn a thing or two from it.

That can make a lot of money.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Zhong Xuan didn't even look at the palm that was pressed on top of his head.

The same shot out with the palm of your hand.

However, his palm was an understatement, without a hint of firework.

It's like slapping the disgusting flies and mosquitoes.

"Hmph~ I don't use the law of mana at all, so I'm not looking for death like this!"

Burning Lamp can see clearly next to the Jade Emperor.

Zhong Xuan's hand didn't have the slightest mana.

Even, even the space law that he showed during the transcendence of the scourge has not been used.

He simply did not take the Jade Emperor in his eyes.

If you are too careless, you will eventually pay the price for your arrogance.

And this price is his countless journeys.

It's not just the lamp that thinks so, it's a lot of great powers.

At this moment, I feel that Zhong Xuantuo is too big.

Although the scourge is powerful, it is still a dead thing after all.

This Jade Emperor is different. He has followed Hongjun Daozu since childhood.

I don't know how many avenues I have heard from Daozu.

How can this hand be so simple, just use common sense?

"This kid is too big!"

Taishang Laojun shook his head slowly, this battle is estimated to be no suspense.

The Jade Emperor will win.

In the battle between the two powerhouses, every inch is the key to victory.

Zhong Xuan has a half-step Primordial cultivation level comparable to the Jade Emperor, but he is too arrogant.

It is only a matter of time before the Jade Emperor fully exerts his magical powers and loses the first move.

Finally, a flesh fist met the Jade Emperor's big hand.

The vast vitality shook the prehistoric world of millions of miles.

Countless creatures involuntarily knelt under the terrifying pressure of the Jade Emperor.

Couldn't even lift his head.

On the other hand, on Zhong Xuan's side, it was still calm.

Not the slightest smell of fireworks.

After Zhong Xuan threw a punch, he sat down on the spot.

Even, he didn't know where to find a pot of tea, and filled two cups for Zhen Yuanzi and himself.

Zhen Yuanzi took it tremblingly.

Although he felt that Daoist Zhong Xuan had no last resort, he was so calm, and he definitely didn't need to worry.

But at the sight of the Jade Emperor's blow, he still trembled in his heart.

Bacillus dry mouth.

"Don't panic, this Jade Emperor is very good. I think he has countless medicinal powers left in his body and has not yet been fully refined!"

"It must be some kind of medicine pill, and this is the half-step Hunyuan who has been promoted, and he wants to fight me too?"

The words fell, and the Jade Emperor's palm also disappeared.

A majestic palm, countless almighty palms.

It disappeared so strangely.

There was not the slightest commotion.

"You... how did you know?"

The Jade Emperor's eyes were terrified, and he pointed at Zhong Xuan, trembling.

When he went to Zixiao Palace to find Daozu, apart from himself and Daozu, there was only the Tongtian sage.

Could it be that it is the secret that reaches the sky?

Zhong Xuan rolled his eyes, no wonder the Jade Emperor had been the Emperor of Heaven for so long.

It's still like this, it's because he's too stupid.

"Why don't you ask? Outside of your body, there are countless remaining medicinal powers that have not been refined, so you are in a hurry to find trouble!"

"Even a blind man can see!"

When Taishang Laojun heard the words, he hurriedly leaned over and sniffed it.

Sure enough, a deep hidden medicinal power in a huge spiritual machine radiated from the Jade Emperor.

Although the smell of medicine is very light, but he is the identity of the ancestor of the Dan Dao.

Can still smell it.

"It really is the breath of medicinal herbs, Jade Emperor, what medicinal medicinal herbs are you taking, can you tell me about the medicinal herbs for me to study?".

Chapter 159

When Taishang Laojun saw the medicine pill, he immediately saw a beautiful woman like a pervert.

Licking his face and leaning in.

The Jade Emperor paid no attention to him.

After his own defeat, he was extremely frightened by Zhong Xuan in his heart.

This person even knew that he had improved his cultivation after taking the medicine pill.

But in the blink of an eye, the fear turned into anger.

He wants to kill Zhong Xuan and let the person who knows his cultivation break through the truth die in the place of burial.

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