"Looking for death, I didn't show all my strength before, it seems that I underestimated you!"

"Take me the way of the emperor!"

The way of the emperor was originally created by the ancient demon clan Tiandi Jun.

It is the way of the emperor of the Three Realms.

Once he becomes the emperor of the Three Realms, he will receive the luck of the entire prehistoric world.

The power is no less than that of a saint.

Even, he can carry the supreme vitality of the entire prehistoric wilderness, and his combat power is even more terrifying than that of a saint.

This is what the Jade Emperor is doing at the moment.

He took the Buddha's Spirit Mountain, and the countless strengths of Heavenly Court.

At this moment, the aura on the Jade Emperor has condensed to a very powerful level.

With this blessing.

His attack became several times more terrifying than before.

"What an emperor's way, worthy of being created by the ancient demon clan emperor, that emperor Jun is really amazing and talented!"

"If it wasn't for being calculated, I'm afraid it wouldn't fall!"

Zhong Xuan sighed in admiration, but what he said between the lines was the ancient Heavenly Court Demon Emperor Dijun.

It has nothing to do with his Jade Emperor for a dime.

After the Jade Emperor heard this, he was furious on the spot.

Without hesitation, he used all the power of luck he could accumulate.

The supreme divine power erupted, and the final blow was launched towards Zhong Xuan.

"Pick up my Emperor Tyrant Sword!"

The sword qi transformed by the huge mana of Supreme Qi Luck is no less powerful than a sage's blow.

The surrounding space is shattered like glass.

The storm in the chaos all squeezed in through the broken space.

Disturbing the prehistoric world to pieces.

There was a faint stance that during the Conferred God War, my saint broke the heavens and the earth.

"No, this Jade Emperor actually has this skill, and the prehistoric world might be destroyed again!"

Taishang Laojun was expressionless.

I even wanted to laugh inside.

If really let these two people break the flood.

It is bound to recreate the world, and the ability to create the world.

The saint must come in person.

At that time, doesn't it mean that a few saints will be able to return to the flood?

"Fight, beat, it's best to smash Honghuang in one move!"

Taishang shouted wildly in his heart.

Everyone is also very worried, because the power of the Jade Emperor's blow is very terrifying.

If it's not good, it's really possible to shatter the flood.

Heaven and earth return to chaos.

Zhong Xuan raised his brows and sneered, "Are you worthy of breaking the flood?"

With a straight punch, he charged towards the Qi Luck Tyrant Sword.


The chaotic storm that jumped out of the space shattered by the Jade Emperor's blow.

With Zhong Xuan's punch, it disappeared on the spot.

Everyone shuddered in fright.


The Chaos Storm is about to be shattered with one punch. What is the physical body of this kid?

The Ancestral Witch back then, Nima wasn't so fierce, right!

Unsurprisingly, the Jade Emperor's sword was a terrifying imperial sword.

It was foreseeable that Zhong Xuan's fist could only crack and shatter.

eventually dissipated into the invisible.

By the way, the Chaos Storm that Zhong Xuan punched out of the shattered space was also wiped out.

The huge power lingered in the broken space for a long time.

It blocks the restoration of the prehistoric space and also prevents the Chaos Storm from invading the prehistoric world.

"That's it? Garbage!!!"

Zhong Xuan looked at the stunned Jade Emperor and smiled disdainfully.

"With this cultivation, I dare to come to trouble Lao Tzu!"

"I see that you are impatient with your life!"

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor dared to stay where he was.

The previous blow had almost exhausted his mana.

The dantian was empty, and there was not a drop left.

"Run, mine will go to Zixiao Palace!!!"

There was only one voice in his mind at the moment, running away.

Crazy escape, escape at all costs.

Only when you arrive at Zixiao Palace can you be safe.

Otherwise, he might die here today.

Without hesitation, he turned around and left behind all the courtiers, and then he used his escape light to fly in the direction of the Chaos Zixiao Palace outside the sky.

As long as you go to Zixiao Palace, you will be sheltered by Master Daozu.

Zhong Xuan didn't dare to do anything to him.

"Do you still want to run? I told you to run to the edge of Honghuang first!"

Zhong Xuan smiled coldly, the Jade Emperor came to trouble him over and over again.

It's impossible to make him feel at ease.

Today, he will pull the Jade Emperor down from the position of the Lord of the Three Realms in front of Quan Honghuang.

Kill him by the way.

A shock to those who are secretly ready to act with bad intentions.

The Jade Emperor escaped quickly, and he recklessly squeezed his body and primordial spirit regardless of the consequences.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the edge of the wild world.

Out of this place is the chaos that is constantly surging.

Zixiao Palace is in chaos.

"¨~Huhu~~I'm finally going to be safe!"

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

A gap opened in the space in front of him, and Zhong Xuan's figure slowly walked out of the space.

"Run? Where do you think you can run to?"

The pupils in the Jade Emperor's eyes dilated rapidly.

The horrified expression was unmistakable.

The cold sweat soaked into the wet clothes, and there was no calm and pretentiousness before.

"Now give you a chance!"

Previously, the Jade Emperor pretended to be coercive and wanted to give him a chance.

Now, he also gave the Jade Emperor a chance to exchange gifts.

"Thank you, buddy, thank you buddy!"

The Jade Emperor thought that he was going to lose his life and died here on the spot.

As soon as Zhong Xuan opened his mouth, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to have a chance, it's good to have a chance!

As long as he can survive, he can kneel down and call Zhong Xuan's father.

"You immediately declare to the Three Realms that the ancient starry sky and the prehistoric land will not be managed by the Heavenly Court, but all belong to me!"

Zhong Xuan's Earth Vein Formation requires countless mountains and the earth (well done).

The upcoming Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array also needs the support of the ancient starry sky.

Now both are in the hands of the Jade Emperor.

It is not good for me to steal directly in front of Hongjun. ,

Let the Jade Emperor give himself the edict of these two things, and he justly occupies these two sites.

Even when Daozu Hongjun came out, he couldn't say anything.

"Okay, okay~~~ This is the order, this is the order!"

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