There is even a Buddhist bald head among them.

"Buddhist bald head and Heavenly Court are here, Daoist brother, your face is really big!"

Zhong Xuan said with a teasing smile.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hands again and again, "Fellow Daoist said, if these people don't know that I am friendly with you, how can you use at least this kind of battle."

"In the final analysis, it's all about your face, fellow Daoist!"

Zhenyuanzi can also guess why the people from Tianting and Buddhism came here.

Mostly because he was on good terms with Zhong Xuan.

These people want to take him and threaten Zhong Xuan.

Anyway, they must have no peace of mind when they came here.


As soon as these people came up, they shouted viciously, "Zhen Yuanzi quickly come out to meet the Emperor!"


When did the Jade Emperor worship so much?

"Go, go out and see!"

Zhong Xuan smiled slightly, these people really didn't give up.

Every once in a while, I'm looking for something.

He just wanted to plant trees with peace of mind so that he could get the system reward as soon as possible.

Why are you always looking for something for me?

It seems that these guys are still not hurt.

The two went out of the mountain gate, and the Jade Emperor sat on the dragon chariot and looked down at the common people...

It was the lantern who stood up and called the door just now.

It's just that the entire Buddhism has a large number of bald heads besides him.

It's just that I don't see the Buddha's master, the Tathagata, the pharmacist, and others.

"Ran Deng, you are worthy of being a senior second or fifth boy, this is the Jade Emperor again?"

Zhong Xuan laughed on the spot when he saw it.

Ran Deng, a man who apostates from the interpretation of religion, eventually entered Buddhism.

How long has it been?

Didn't your butt get hot in Buddhism, and then joined the Jade Emperor's command as a pawn?

Ran Deng's pupils shrank, almost trembling with fright.

"Zhong... Zhong Xuan, why are you here?"

I remembered Zhong Xuan's stalwart body under the scourge of God before.

Forcing the entire Buddhist sect to humiliately surrender the spiritual roots, he trembled in his heart.

Glancing at the Jade Emperor, whose face was as usual, he felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, the Jade Emperor has already surpassed the peak of the quasi-sage and achieved the existence of half-step Hunyuan.

It is more than enough to deal with this Zhong Xuan.

"Bold, you wait for the evildoer to face the ruler of the Three Realms, yet dare to speak rudely!"

The Jade Emperor waved his hand indifferently.

He consciously shut his mouth and stepped back respectfully.

"I wanted to deal with the traitor Zhen Yuanzi first, and then went to Huaguo Mountain to pacify you, the evildoer, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself!"

"Forget it, since you sent the demon to the door yourself, I have no choice but to bring you to justice!"

Zhen Yuanzi was at a loss, this Buddhist lamp and the group of monks.

Are you all out of your mind?

Judging from their posture, did they take refuge in the Jade Emperor?

However, what does this Jade Emperor have for them to rely on?

Is it superior in strength, or the benefits are sufficient.

After thinking about it, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't think of a reason.

"Don't think about it, this Jade Emperor's breakthrough in cultivation is no longer the pinnacle of quasi-sage!"

Zhong Xuan looked at the pretending Jade Emperor with interest.

I don't know how to break through this guy's cultivation base.

It actually made him swell, thinking that he could harden him to the point of Zhong Xuan.

Come to think of it, he first found Buddhism.

Sweep all the Buddhist sects in one go, then come back to Longevity Mountain, and prepare to get yourself in the end.

In order to give all living beings in the prehistoric a disgrace, let people know that his Jade Emperor cannot be provoked.

It's just that he made a mistake in this abacus.

Because, the Jade Emperor has no idea how much his half-step Hunyuan is different from him.

Zhong Xuan's cultivation base had already successfully broken through under the pressure of divine scourge.

The only difference is the accumulation of mana.

The so-called natural, he is now the channel has been repaired.

Just a little bit of water to fill the whole canal.

But this Jade Emperor, not only the channel was not repaired, but also the water was not filled.

How is this just with him? .

Chapter 158

Zhong Xuan was not worried at all.

No matter how the Jade Emperor sneered and sneered, he was always as steady as an old dog.

"Isn't it a quasi-sacred peak?..."

Zhen Yuanzi was at a loss, what else could it be if it wasn't the quasi-sage peak?


He suddenly widened his eyes.

Looking at the Jade Emperor's eyes filled with disbelief.

This Jade Emperor. .Become a saint?

"What are you thinking? Unless he finds the Primordial Violet Qi, he cannot be sanctified!"

That is not bad!

Zhen Yuanzi patted his heart in shock.

It's okay if you don't become a saint, at least you still have the strength to fight.

"However, he is now half-legged into the realm of a saint, so he can be regarded as a semi-saint!"


What kind of realm this is, Zhen Yuanzi doesn't know at all.

However, Zhong Xuan's comments did not lower his voice.

The Jade Emperor listened to it without saying a word.

"Sure enough, he is a person who resists the scourge of God, and his cultivation is still a little bit!"

For Zhong Xuanneng, his cultivation level could be broken.

The Jade Emperor was not surprised at all, that Zhong Xuan was probably the same as himself.

They are all half-step Primordial Realm.

"Zhong Xuan, I'll give you a chance to kneel down and beg you to be named Emperor Gou Chen of the Heavenly Court!"

The Jade Emperor was confident to defeat Zhong Xuan.

The Holy Elixir he got from the Taoist ancestors directly raised his cultivation to this level. ,

And is there a Taoist ancestor behind Zhong Xuan?

Obviously not.

"Haha~~ Daoist Brother Zhenyuan, how arrogant do you think a person can be?"

"I think, being arrogant to the realm of the Jade Emperor is the sky!"

Zhenyuan Zizhuang shook his head and sighed.

Zhong Xuan nodded in approval, and said, "Poor, what a cultivation base is Hongjun Daozu, I didn't expect to find such a waste to be the Lord of the Three Realms when he was about to join the Dao!"

"This can be considered a misunderstanding, and the evening will not be guaranteed!"

The two sang and harmonized, mocking the Jade Emperor in a different way.

Behind them were a group of Buddhist bald donkeys, as well as the immortals in the court who wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

One by one was very hard.

The Jade Emperor's face was extremely angry, and Zhong Xuan and Zhen Yuanzi were not only excluded from his command.

He even dared to mock him.

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