Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 234: Heavenly soldiers are attacking the city!

Chapter 235: Heavenly soldiers attack the city!


Lu Wufei uttered Great Sage Tongtian, and when the words fell, thunder suddenly sounded out of thin air outside the Water Curtain Cave.

The wind blew violently and dark clouds gathered.

The sky quickly turned dark, and then heavy rain poured down amidst the thunder.

The sky went from a sunny late autumn day to a downpour in an instant.

In the valley of Huaguo Mountain.

A group of little monsters who were making a fire and making food were immediately troubled by the noisy chatting.

They were all soaked in the rain.

A monster with various heads on his head immediately started to curse.

Curse God for being blind...

Scolding that the weather is unpredictable...

Originally, it was such a late autumn, on an ordinary day, how could there be such thunder and such heavy rain.

Outside the Water Curtain Cave, a group of monsters were cursing and making a lot of noise.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave.

The great saints almost turned a deaf ear to the sound of thunder outside and didn't care at all.

However, they were a little surprised when they heard Lu Wufei's name.

The Great Sage Tongtian...

This title is not small. Compared with the sixth brother's Monkey King and the eldest brother's Pingtian Monkey King, it seems to be more powerful.

However, considering that Bailang's attendant, Wuzhuang Temple, Longevity Mountain, was a direct descendant of Zhen Yuanzi, the Great Immortal.

Twenty years ago, when he first entered the realm of the Demon Ancestor, he was able to beat the golden-winged roc of the Great Saint Realm to a bloody head.

At this time, I dared to call him The Great Sage Tongtian. Although the tone of the title was a bit loud, it was not impossible to call him.

When Bai Lang reaches the realm of the Great Sage in the future, he will surely be more worthy of the title of The Great Sage.

Of course, not all names have special meaning, maybe they are just smooth and likeable.

But there is heaven in this world and the Jade Emperor who rules the three realms.

To dare to refer to a word as big as 天 in a title is quite courageous.

Lu Wufei's title had different meanings in the ears of the great sages in front of him.

Drink half a day of wine.

Lu Wufei also got acquainted with the other four great demon kings at the table, in addition to the cheap disciple Sun Wukong and King Yu Tao.

This is because Lu Wufei has the record of defeating the golden-winged roc, the leader of the lion and camel kingdom, and has a distinguished background.

This made the other four big demons who were seeing him for the first time not dare to look down upon him.

Otherwise, the average Demon Ancestor would be completely ignored in front of these few people, and if they annoyed them, they would become a big meal if they were not careful.

It was getting dark.

Outside the Water Curtain Cave, the pouring rain also stopped.

The valley became lively and noisy again.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave.

The banquet is still going on.

The six great saints plus Lu Wufei ate and drank so much that they had a great time.

One after another, the fragrant barbecue ingredients were brought to the table, one plate after another of crystal clear fruits was added, and one jar after another of fine wine was brought.

The little demons were busy going back and forth around the stone table.

Each of the seven big demons had their stomachs like bottomless pits, eating and drinking one after another without stopping.

Between eating and drinking.

The Demon King with dragon horns on his forehead raised his glass and looked at Lu Wufei and asked: Fellow Daoist Bai, I heard that in the wild land south of Xiniu Hezhou, a large-scale monster clan gathering place has appeared. What is it called? From Taipingshanfang City, does fellow Taoist Bai know?

Taipingshanfang City...

After hearing the words of Demon King Jiao, Lu Wufei had not yet opened his mouth. King Yu Tao on the side heard the words and said with a smile: Second brother, you are right to ask this question. Taiping Mountain is the territory of Fellow Daoist Bai. As for Taipingshanfang City, it is naturally the same. Built by fellow Taoist Bai...


The Great Sage Macaque King who was having a drink at the side couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the sound: I know that Fang City. I heard that it is almost as good as the Lion and Camel Kingdom. It was actually built by fellow Taoist Bai?

The Great Sage of Yishan, the Lion and Camel King, who was immersed in eating, immediately raised his head and looked at Lu Wufei when he heard the sound.

Lu Wufei smiled and said: I did build that city. Although it is small and large, it is still far behind the lion and camel country...

My original intention in building Nafang City was just to facilitate our demon tribe's trade. The Lion and Camel Kingdom was too far away, so I had to do this. I never thought that the name of Xiaoxiaofang City would reach the ears of several Taoist friends. ..”

Fellow Daoist Bai, the reputation of Nafang City is not small...

At this time, the sworn sworn brother Niu Demon King stopped chewing meat and said: There are also some people talking about my Ji Lei Mountain below, but it is not that easy to build a gathering place for the demon clan. Eight hundred Years ago, a friend I met also wanted to build a demon city, just like the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

In the beginning, he did pretty well and gathered a lot of monsters. However, in the third year, the heavenly soldiers came to visit him...

I happened to be away that time. Not only was the land my friend built destroyed, but he himself was beaten and fled by the heaven. He was almost caught. I never dare to think about it again...

Big Brother's friend is being troubled by Heaven...

At this time, the Lion and Camel King suddenly asked: But why is there nothing going on in the Lion and Camel Kingdom?

King Yu Tao heard the voice and answered: I know this. I heard that the golden-winged roc of the lion and camel kingdom has an extraordinary background and has a close relationship with the Western Tianling Mountain...


The Bull Demon King nodded, then looked at Lu Wufei and said, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Bai has ever been in trouble by Heaven?

Lu Wufei nodded when he heard this and said: Of course, how can I be an exception, but as you all know, I studied under Wuzhuang Temple. Although the heavenly court did not send heavenly soldiers down to earth, they gave me a severe warning...

Hearing Lu Wufei's words.

The Bull Demon King suddenly said: That's it, thank you Daoist Bai for telling me...

The other big demons were also silent and astonished.

for a time,

The only sounds of gnawing meat and drinking wine were heard on the stone table.

After another few rounds of drinking.

It was completely dark outside.

at this time.

A huge and overwhelming aura suddenly came from outside the Water Curtain Cave.

The Macaque King held up the wine glass and stopped in mid-air, and immediately shouted: This is the breath of Third Brother, Third Brother is here...

The words just fell.

Brothers and brothers, I'm here...

He heard a loud sound coming from outside the Water Curtain Cave, and then Lu Wufei saw a slender young man with long black hair and a long beak striding into the Water Curtain Cave.

The Macaque King immediately raised his glass and shouted: Third brother, you are finally here. Among us brothers, you are the last...

Ha ha...

Hearing the voice of the fifth brother, Peng Demon King laughed and said: The third brother is late, something is delayed...

While talking.

Demon King Peng approached the stone table and saw that his eldest brother was sitting aside. It turned out that there was a strange figure sitting in the eldest brother's seat. He looked surprised and immediately said: I wonder who this is?

Third brother doesn't know something...

The lively Macaque King immediately said: This is Taoist Brother Bailangbai, the little master of our seventh brother...

After some explanation and introduction by the Macaque King.

Demon King Peng immediately said clearly: It turns out that it was Fellow Daoist Bai who beat that guy from the Lion and Camel Country to a bloody head last time. I'm glad to meet you...

At the same time, I was amazed at the sudden appearance of this little master of the seventh brother. With the realm of demon ancestor, he was better than the golden-winged roc, and he was also the disciple of Wuzhuang Guan Zhenyuan Great Immortal. No wonder the eldest brother was willing to give up his position. My brother doesn't mind this Bai Lang.

Lu Wufei also smiled and said: I heard that Fellow Daoist Wukong and Fellow Yu often mentioned Fellow Daoist Peng. It's a pleasure to meet...

With the arrival of the seven great saints and the third oldest Peng Demon King, the water curtain cave became even more lively.

The sitting Demon King Peng had just finished one round of drinking and drank a lot of wine when he heard the Macaque King speak again: Third brother, the seventh brother calls himself the Monkey King. Several brothers, including me, and fellow Taoist Bai are all here. Now that I have my own title, Third Brother quickly picks one up and spreads it out with me and others, which is also majestic and majestic...


Peng Demon King's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. He picked up a bunch of spiritual fruits in his hand and was about to throw them into his mouth when he stopped. He immediately looked at the Macaque King beside him and asked, What is the name of the fifth brother?

When the third brother asked about it, the Macaque King immediately said proudly: My name is the Great Sage of Ventilation!

The Great Sage of Ventilation, not bad, not bad...

The Peng Demon King became brighter and brighter, and then he looked at the Ox Demon King on the side and said, What about the name of the eldest brother?

The Bull Demon King chewed the meat with bones in his mouth and kept saying: The Great Sage Pingtian!

The Peng Demon King looked at the Lion and Camel King again, and the Lion and Camel King said: I am the Great Sage who can move mountains!

Before Demon King Peng could look over, King Yu Tao said: I am the Great Sage of Exorcism!

Demon King Peng looked at Demon King Jiao again and said, What about second brother?

Dragon Demon King: The Great Sage Overturning the Sea!

After asking about the sworn brothers, Demon King Peng turned his attention to Lu Wufei, who was dressed in black robes, and asked, I wonder what Daoist Bai's name is?

Lu Wufei: The Great Sage Tongtian...

I see...

After hearing this, Demon King Peng said with excitement on his face: Everyone has his brothers and sisters, so I can't fall behind. Let me think about it...


After the Demon King Peng lowered his head and pondered for a while, he raised his head and said loudly: I thought of it, and I will be called the Great Sage Huntian!

Hey, it's all ready now!

On the main seat, Sun Wukong, who was shaking his head after drinking, shouted, and then he waved his hand, and the wine jar beside him flew onto the table. Only then did he realize that it was empty, so he immediately shouted at the top of his voice: Come on, serve the wine quickly! Serve the wine quickly! Serve the wine quickly! liquor...

Wait until the little demons bring the wine jar.

Sun Wukong said loudly: Third brother, my master has already calculated that in sixteen days, it will be the time when the snow falls this year. At that time, it will be the time when my old grandson will raise the flag and confer the title of Monkey King...

Come, come, have a great time today, and you won't come back until you get drunk!

Come on, don't come back until you're drunk!

Hey, seventh brother, there are still 16 days left. Do you have enough wine stewards here?

Third brother, don't worry, seventh brother doesn't have enough wine, I still have some...

Go, go, take care of yourself when it comes to wine, take care of yourself when it comes to wine!

That's good, come on, drink...

Wait a minute, this cup is too small. I can't drink it well. I need to change it to a different pot...

Haha, what the fourth brother said is exactly what I want, change the basin, change the basin...

All the great saints spoke out one after another.

For a while.

The water curtain cave is very lively and enjoyable.


The endless sky.

Thirty-six major Luotian.

Gold nails gather in jade households, colorful phoenixes dance in red doors.

The corridors are exquisite and clear everywhere;

There are three eaves and four clusters, with dragons and phoenixes flying in layers.

Resplendent, luxurious and precious, it is within the Lingxiao Palace of Jinqueyungong.

The concubine hangs a fan with her palm, and the jade girl holds a fairy scarf.

High in the sky, the great benevolent Jade Emperor, the Great Heavenly Lord, the high God in the mysterious sky, sits high on the throne.


Within Danqi.

One by one, the generals stood tall and proud;

One by one, there are immortals, Taoist figures and immortals.

Another day, there was a court meeting at Lingxiao Palace.

At the beginning, Zhang Daoling, one of the Four Heavenly Masters, dressed in dark blue robes, led two figures to the Danqi.

On the throne.

Xuan Qiong Gao God looked at the two figures in low-grade simple official uniforms, trembling slightly and slightly nervous, and said quietly: Master Zhang, why are they two here?

Zhang Tianshi bowed in response and said: Your Majesty, these two are the Royal Horse Supervisor, the Chief Supervisor and the Deputy Supervisor. Yesterday evening, the new Bi Ma Wen Sun Wukong went to the Heavenly Palace because he thought he was a junior official...

at this time.

A sound of footsteps came from outside the palace.

The immortals raised their heads.

Then I saw a tall heavenly general, wearing armor, holding a sword, and a majestic blue face. King Zengzheng walked into the palace with several heavenly soldiers and worshiped: Your Majesty, the new Bima Wen is here for some reason. He left Nantianmen and went to the lower world yesterday evening!

I heard the reports of Xianqing and Tianjiang one after another.

On the high seat, the High God of Xuan Qiong, the Jade Emperor, had an unpleasant look on his face and said: I already know that the two immortals have returned to their respective duties!

I retire...

Tianshi Zhang and King Zengcheng both bowed down and saluted.

Each led the eunuch, the deputy eunuch, and the heavenly soldiers behind him to leave and return to their positions.

The Jade Emperor looked at the immortals in Danchi and said, The demon monkey is so bold and dares to disrespect heaven's order. Which immortal can capture the demon monkey for me?

The Jade Emperor finished speaking.

Among the squad, a mighty general wearing a golden Seven Treasures armor, holding a pottium in his left hand and holding a tower in his right hand, and a beautiful young man with an extraordinary temperament wearing a gold and silver armor and a general horn boy's bun walked out. train.

The two figures bowed down together, and the powerful God General Qingta said: Your Majesty, I am a humble minister, but I am willing to capture the demon monkey for your Majesty, so as to rectify the power of heaven!


The Jade Emperor looked at the two generals in Danqi and nodded and said: Li Jing, I will designate you as the grand marshal of this demon subduing, and I will designate the third prince Nezha as the great god of the three altar sea meeting. You can mobilize your troops to go down to the lower realm and capture the monster monkey!

Li Jing and the third prince Nezha immediately bowed and saluted: I obey your orders!


Li Jing and the Third Prince Nezha turned around and left the Lingxiao Palace, heading towards the headquarters palace.


The human world.

Dongsheng Shenzhou.


Noisy and smoky.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave.

As lively as ever.

The eight great sages drank to their heart's content, ate meat and talked loudly.

Lu Wufei shook the cup of monkey wine and looked at the big monsters in front of him enjoying their appetites with deep eyes.

With his current state and strong physique, even without using magic power, it would be difficult to get him drunk with ordinary drinks.

But after drinking for nearly half a month, the great sages took out various drinks mixed with them and drank them without any emotion, and somehow they felt a little drunk.

It’s rare to be drunk.

This is the time to enjoy the most.

Just drink and drink.

Drink from the sunrise in the east to the sunset in the west.

Late into the night and then into dawn.

The fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the 16th.

Snowflakes started to fall in the night sky on time.

The handsome monkey demon who was guarding outside the Water Curtain Cave quickly walked into the Water Curtain Cave and bowed excitedly: Your Majesty, Luoxue, the first snow this year has finally fallen!

Okay, okay!

Sun Wukong, who was holding a wine glass in his hand, said with great joy. His originally cloudy eyes instantly became clear, and he said, Go ahead and have a big banquet tomorrow to announce my title!

Yes, Your Majesty!

The monkey demon and handsome man quickly left the water curtain cave.

On the main seat of the stone table, Sun Wukong shouted with great joy: Come, come, come, Xueluo, who has been waiting for you, must have a good drink today!



The second day.

On the Huaguo Mountain, lanterns were decorated and victory flags were flying.

Wearing a Purple Gold Crown with Phoenix Wings on his head, Lotus Silk Steps on Clouds on his feet, and Golden Armor with Locks on his feet, the gorgeous Sun Wukong walked out of the Water Curtain Cave in the midst of the monsters guarding him.

at this time.


The rumble of thunder came from the horizon, the wind howled, and the bright sky and the earth suddenly became dark in the blink of an eye.

Between the sky and the darkness.

A large group of golden-armored gods appeared on the horizon from far to near.

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