Chapter 236 The power of one sleeve!


The thunder was deafening.

Dazzling lightning pierced the sky.

In just a short moment, the originally bright snow-falling sky quickly turned dark, with thunder and lightning, as if the sky was falling.

In the valley of Huaguo Mountain.

Seeing this scene, all the little demons in the mountains and plains who were originally extremely excited were frightened. They ran away quickly and screamed strangely.

In front of Water Curtain Cave.

on the hill.

When Sun Wukong, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was surrounded by demons, he walked out of the Water Curtain Cave.

Seeing the terrifying celestial phenomenon of the sky above changing drastically, the color on his face immediately changed.

Such lightning and thunder, such a celestial phenomenon, are normal in the midsummer season.

But now it's early winter, and it's still a cold winter with snow. The weather has changed so much that there are no ghosts until there are no problems.

The six sworn sages and Lu Wufei who followed him looked at the sky in front of them, and their faces changed.

The Great Sage Peng Demon King Huntian looked at this scene, and immediately narrowed his eyes and said, My dear brother, I'm going to have a grand banquet today, I'm afraid it won't go well...

The Great Sage of Yishan, the Lion and Camel King, nodded: There must be something fishy behind the thunder!

The Great Sage Macaque King of Ventilation frowned and said: Brothers and I are gathered here, who dares to cause trouble for my virtuous brother at this time?

The Jiao Demon King looked at the sky that was so gloomy that it seemed to be overwhelming, and said solemnly: I remember what Daoyou Bai said before, right?

He said, turning and looking behind him.

Sun Wukong and the other great sages all turned their heads and looked at Lu Wufei, who was at the end of the team.

Lu Wufei withdrew his gaze from the sky, looked at the big demons in front of him who were looking at him, and said, I'm not too surprised by this. As I said before, Heaven is stingy, and Wukong won and then abandoned his position in Heaven, and returned to the lower realm. Your behavior will definitely be punished by them...

Just like fellow Taoist Taoist Tongfeng said, we are gathered here, who dares to look for trouble without opening his eyes?

But the one who comes is so brave, has the courage, and has great ability to cause trouble. Except for the heaven that Wukong offended before, there will be no others...

Listen to what Lu Wufei said.

The expressions of the big demons were changing again.

When Sun Wukong heard his master's words, his expression became clear. Then he turned around and shouted coldly towards the sky: So what if it comes from heaven? If you want to cause trouble to me, you must first ask about the golden cudgel in my hand!

After that, Sun Wukong strode towards the hillside.

The hillside has already been filled with various colorful flags. At the highest point, a platform has been set up. On the platform, there is a big chair. Behind the big chair, there is a large flagpole with an exquisitely painted victory flag. Flying, above the victory flag, there are four embroidered characters Monkey King on the book!


The wind howled, the thunder became louder and louder, and endless lead clouds shrouded the sky above Huaguo Mountain, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

Sun Wukong's cold shout to the sky immediately made the monsters in the valley who were originally frightened by the thunderous and dramatic changes in the sky no longer fear, but instead cheered loudly and cheered in agreement with loud screams.

Surrounded by monsters, Sun Wukong strode onto the high platform, walked to the big chair under the Monkey King flag and sat down.

At this moment, all the demons cheered in unison in the valley, and the enthusiastic sound was deafening.

It is in sharp contrast to the roaring thunder, raging wind, and endless dark clouds above the valley.

The sky above becomes more terrifying.

The cheers in the valley below became even louder and louder.

Looking at the scene in front of him, looking at Sun Wukong on the bench under the victory flag, that guy looked at the dim sky with no fear in his eyes, completely fearless.

You can't fake that fearless look!

Comparing the other six sworn brothers below, the difference is obvious.

You must know that it is very likely that you are facing heaven!

Don't look at some big demons claiming to be fearless, but let them try it when they are about to face the heaven?

The longer you live, the more you know the horror of heaven!

At this moment, you can tell just by looking at the faces of the great saints below.

There is caution, seriousness, apprehension, and a hint of fear...

The heavenly soldiers haven’t appeared yet!

Lu Wufei saw it in his eyes, took a step forward, and was the first to appear on the high platform, next to Sun Wukong's big chair. What he was thinking about was his previous plan to bring those great saints and demons together to fight against the heavenly soldiers. Is it really possible?


Seeing Lu Wufei's figure, Sun Wukong immediately shouted: Master said why the heavenly soldiers haven't appeared yet...

The words have not yet finished.

at this time.

In the dim distant horizon, there appeared a group of generous golden and silver figures.

The great demons Lu Wufei and Sun Wukong have amazing eyesight.

When the golden and silver light group appeared, they could see clearly that they were the mighty heavenly soldiers and generals wearing gold and silver armor, standing on the continuous clouds.

Heaven's soldiers and heaven's future are coming very quickly.

From far to near.

In the blink of an eye.

A large group of heavenly soldiers and generals dressed in gold and silver armor appeared above Huaguo Mountain.

Just looking at the densely packed figures uniformly dressed in silver armor in the continuous clouds, at a rough glance, there are at least a thousand of those heavenly soldiers.

Moreover, Lu Wufei's eyesight could tell that every silver-armored heavenly soldier's strength and cultivation were basically around the level of the Golden Core Demon Commander. As for those below the Golden Core, there were basically none.

The number of heavenly soldiers in front of us is at least a thousand, which means that there are a thousand golden elixir monks, and the corresponding demon tribe is a thousand demon commanders. This does not include other small leaders and generals at the human-immortal level. of.

What is the concept of a thousand-person enchanting team?

Taipingshan under Lu Wufei's command is now quite powerful. If he is not included, he will be swept away in front of these heavenly soldiers.

Even if the surrounding Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion, and even the demon clan forces such as Yingtan Mountain and Hongya Cave are included, they will basically be swept away.

Just a simple comparison can reveal the terror of this heavenly soldier.

Heaven doesn't even know how many heavenly soldiers there are like this.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard.

Just the tip of the iceberg

Then we can know the huge background of the heaven that has ruled the three realms for an unknown period of time.

As for those standing at the forefront of the clouds, among the more powerful figures in golden armor.

Lu Wufei saw two familiar figures.

The person standing at the front, who seems to have the highest status, is wearing a golden seven-treasure armor, holding a pottery in his left hand, and holding a tower in his right hand. The leader is none other than Li Jing, the King of Tower Towers.

As for the beautiful young man next to Li Jing, wearing gold and silver armor, wearing a general horn boy's bun, and having an extraordinary temperament, he was none other than the Third Prince Nezha.

Lu Wufei had met these two people before when he went to heaven with his teacher Zhen Yuanzi to attend the Queen Mother's Peach Festival.

at this time.

This is the moment when heavenly soldiers and generals appear.

The figures of the other six great sages also appeared one after another on the high platform, next to the bench where Sun Wukong was sitting, and next to Lu Wufei.

Sun Wukong looked at the sky full of soldiers and generals and said coldly: As expected, Master was right. It's the soldiers from heaven who are causing trouble!

The words have not yet finished.


Among the heavenly army, there is a man who is a hundred feet tall, wearing blue armor, majestic, fierce and ugly, holding a huge Xuanhua ax, leading an army alone. The majestic and terrifying general opened his voice and shouted loudly. He shouted: You dare to go down to heaven and disrespect the power of heaven. This is a grave sin!

Now, in accordance with the Jade Emperor's imperial edict, you must surrender and return to heaven to accept your sins, so that you can atone for your sins!

Why don't you kneel down quickly to thank God!!

The Pang Ran God General roared loudly, and the sound was like thunder, which instantly spread throughout the Huaguo Mountain.

Standing a hundred feet tall, carrying a large axe, and having such a distinct appearance as a divine general, Lu Wufei could not think of anyone else besides the Giant Spirit God.

However, although his aura is huge, it is only in the middle stage of immortality, which is comparable to his own, and far from the realm of earthly immortality.

What kind of character is Sun Wukong?

How could he endure being scolded by the Giant Spirit God? He didn't even have time to say a few words to Lu Wufei and the sworn brothers. He immediately jumped into the air with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, pointing at the Giant Spirit. The god said coldly: What kind of god are you? Please tell me your name quickly. I won't hit an unknown person with a stick in my hand!

Bi Mawen scolded him as an unknown person.

The giant spirit god was instantly furious and shouted sternly: Monkey, you deceitful hozen! You don't recognize me?! I am the vanguard of the superior god Li Tianwang's subordinates, the giant spirit general! Today I serve the Jade Emperor Imperial decree, I am here to surrender you. You should take off your clothes, throw away your weapons, and submit to Heaven's grace, lest these beasts all over the mountain be executed. If you dare to say even half a word no, you will be turned into powder in an instant!

Sun Wukong was also furious and shouted: God of Splash, stop exaggerating and stop using your tongue! I wanted to kill you with a stick, but I'm afraid no one will report the news. Let's spare your life. Go back to heaven as soon as possible and say goodbye to Jade. The emperor said: He doesn't know people well! Old Sun has infinite abilities, but he actually asked him to raise horses for him? Don't even think about it! Look at the name on my flag. If I am promoted according to that name, I will not use weapons. Of course, The world is peaceful and peaceful; if you don’t comply, I will kill you first and then put you in the Lingxiao Palace to teach you that you can’t sit still on the dragon bed!”

The giant spirit god became more and more angry when he heard the sound, but he could still hear the words. He looked according to what the monkey demon knew, and saw a victory flag erected on the small wooden platform below. On the victory flag, there was a written text: The four characters of Monkey King!

The giant spirit god was extremely angry and laughed back, saying in a cold voice: You monkey, you are ignorant and talking nonsense. If you still want to be the Monkey King, take my ax first!

The words have not yet finished.

The giant spirit god, who was hundreds of feet tall, showed no martial virtue at all. He waved the giant ax in his hand and struck down at Sun Wukong with an infinite momentum that seemed like splitting the sky.

Well done!

Seeing the huge ax coming, Sun Wukong shouted sharply and rushed towards Xuanhua's huge ax.

The extremely flexible Sun Wukong was seen moving up quickly against the Xuanhua axe. He stepped on the body of the axe, and then jumped up using the strength. He held the Ruyi golden hoop and smashed it straight at the towering giant spirit god. head.

Seeing Bi Mawen rushing in front of him extremely quickly, the giant spirit god's expression changed drastically. He tried to use his ax to block him, but it was too late.


There was a shocking roar!

Sun Wukong jumped up with anger and hit a silver shield that appeared in front of the huge head of the giant spirit god.

The giant silver shield instantly cracked inch by inch, and was then smashed straight towards the Giant Spirit God below.

It was too late to feel sorry that his shield was broken.

The Giant Spirit God felt the incomparable force of the flying shield hitting him, causing his huge figure to sway violently. He took several steps back before he could stand still, and almost sat on the clouds.

Sun Wukong almost knocked over the giant spirit god who had struck first and was countless times larger than the king with a stick. Such a feat immediately made the little monsters in the valley below cheer.

When the giant spirit god tried his best to stand firm, Sun Wukong appeared in front of him again, raising his stick and smashing it!

This time, the Giant Spirit God decisively gave up the giant ax in his hand and raised his hand to block it.


There was another shocking sound.

This time, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel hit the giant armor in the giant hand of the Giant Spirit God hard. The incomparable force made the Giant Spirit God take a few steps back. Then he sat down, turned over and fell into the air, hitting the bottom. On top of a mountain.

Suddenly there was a loud rumble on the ground like an earthquake.

Watching the huge god falling from the clouds in embarrassment.

In the valley of Huaguo Mountain, the cheers of all the little demons became even louder and deafening.

On the other hand, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Tower, who was wearing a seven-treasure battle armor, holding a pottery in his left hand and holding a tower with his right hand, couldn't help but frowned when he looked at the fallen giant spirit god.

The generals on both sides also expressed their dissatisfaction.

Even though the soldiers in the rear did not dare to whisper due to discipline, many of them must have cursed them directly in their hearts.

It's useless to call the giant spirits and gods useless. It's really embarrassing to be so miserable in front of Na Bi Ma Wen.

The Giant Spirit God finally knew that he was no match for the monster monkey, and his figure quickly shrank a lot. He had to return to the sky, knelt down in front of the coach Li Jing and said in a loud voice: That Bi Ma Wenguo has great magical powers. He won't be able to fight him, and he will come back to apologize after being defeated!

Li Jing was furious, looked at the giant spirit in front of him and said with hatred: This guy is sharpening my energy, come on, push it out and behead it!

Please calm down daddy!

At this time, the Third Prince Nezha, the great god of Santanhaihui, couldn't bear it anymore. He immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, Let's atone for the sin of the giant spirit. Let's wait for the child to take action and try the monster monkey. The depth of your abilities!”

Li Jing nodded.

The third prince of Nezha then stepped on the hot wheel, was wrapped in Tianling, and holding a fire-pointed spear, he rushed towards the proud Sun Wukong below, and shouted: Monkey, don't be so proud, look at my magic spear!

Well done!

Sun Wukong screamed strangely and immediately rushed forward.

The six-armed Prince Nezha, who was born with a beautiful stone monkey king, met his true opponent and met the original flow.

The two of them could be considered to have met their opponents in chess, and the fight was filled with flames and rumbles.

Valley below.

The little demons were already excited.

That court did not respect martial ethics and beat away one after another without any regard for face.

A group of little demons looked toward the sky, yelling and cursing.

All the generals in the heaven were angry at the sight of the finless porpoise turning into a monster. The fish-belly general was furious. He took a step forward, walked out of the queue and cupped his hands towards Li Jing and said: Marshal, the monster below is so stubborn that he talks dirty words. It's true. I humiliate Heaven and ask for permission from the Marshal to kill all those evil beasts in order to rectify Heaven’s majesty!”

The King of Tota naturally hated the group of monsters below, so he said: That's right, all the soldiers and generals will attack in full. We must kill all the monsters in Huaguo Mountain to clear the world!

As you command!

The fish maw general and the yaksha general salute together.

Then he flew forward, raised the weapon in his hand, and shouted: All the heavenly soldiers obey the order and follow me down the mountain to slay the demons!

Say it.

General Yumaw and General Yaocha immediately rushed down the valley below with weapons in hand.

All the heavenly soldiers and generals behind him immediately took orders, and one by one they shot towards the Huaguo Mountain below like streams of light.

Behind Li Jing.

The Giant Spirit God looked at General Yumu and General Yaocha who were behind him in terms of strength and status and led their troops to kill the monsters. He couldn't help but feel itchy in his heart. If I can't defeat Bi Mawen, can I also defeat other monsters?

As soon as he thought this, the Giant Spirit God immediately said respectfully: Marshal, the guilty general please come out to fight...

That's right!

Before the voice of the giant spirit god fell, Li Jing, the king of the tower, said: Kill the enemy to atone for your sins. If you are still unbearable, you will be stabbed on the Immortal Killing Platform. No one can plead for mercy!

“Sin shall obey!”

The giant spirit god said with great joy.

In this huge Huaguo Mountain, who could be his enemy except Bi Mawen?

Finished the ceremony.

The Giant Spirit God roared, and his figure immediately expanded to a hundred feet in size. Then, carrying the giant Xuanhua board ax, he jumped down from the clouds and landed on the Huaguo Mountain island.


His leap immediately knocked a large number of little demons to the ground.

The giant spirit god laughed heartily, this is the right thing!

You evil beasts, your Grandpa Giant Spirit is here!

The giant spirit god roared, holding the Xuanhua ax and killing the little demons running around.

Heavenly soldiers and generals all descended from Huaguo Mountain.

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud and deafening.

In front of Water Curtain Cave.

On the high platform.

Except for Sun Wukong and Lu Wufei, who swore sworn vows to the six great sages, all other monsters, big and small, jumped off the high platform to meet the heavenly soldiers.

Lu Wufei turned around and looked at the six people on the side who were still paying attention to the battle scene between Sun Wukong and the Third Prince Nezha in the sky. None of them seemed to have any intention of taking action.

He was too lazy to say anything, so he took a step forward and his figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

Seeing the group of monsters and heavenly soldiers and generals in Huaguo Mountain who had already come into contact and were fighting in a chaotic mess, they waved their sleeves without saying anything.


The big sleeves of the black robe rose in the storm, instantly covering the world.

The world immediately fell into darkness.

The sky, which had been a bit bright, turned dark again. It was not just dim, but completely dark.

At this time, if you look at the horizon from a distance, you can see that the entire Huaguo Mountain is shrouded in darkness.

With darkness descending on the earth.

at the same time.

Endless black storms surged from everywhere in the dark place.

They quickly gathered and grew, forming huge black tornadoes that swept through everything in the world shrouded in endless darkness. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Lu Wufei's appearance and the Qiankun in his sleeves quickly and powerfully enveloped the entire Huaguo Mountain.

Such a shocking change!

Li Jing, the towering king in the sky, was a little unable to react.

Higher up in the sky.

The beating was earth-shattering and deafening. Seeing such a sudden change, Sun Wukong and the Third Prince Nezha couldn't help but slow down their movements.

at this time.

Several figures suddenly struggled out of the terrifying dark sky.

One, two, three, four, five, six, these are the six sworn sages.

When each of them stood firm in the sky, their figures were quite embarrassed.

High in the sky, seeing all his soldiers being shrouded in a black sky that even he felt threatened and terrifying, Li Jing could no longer look on. With one hand in hand and the other holding the tower, he charged towards the black-robed figure in the sky opposite. He said angrily: Monster! Give me back my soldiers!


Looking at the killing king Li Jing.

Lu Wufei grinned, rolled up his sleeves, and the world suddenly became clear.

The valley of Huaguoshan is even more clean. No matter monsters or heavenly soldiers, let alone shadows, not even a hair is left.

Only the slightly embarrassed Huaguoshan Valley is left.

As Lu Wufei's cultivation level reached a higher level, his control over the world within his sleeves became more and more arbitrary.

This time in Huaguo Mountain, the damage to the landscape and environment was not huge.

In an instant, all the demons and heavenly soldiers and generals were swept away.

Only Li Jing, who was looking furious and charging at Lu Wufei, was left, Sun Wukong was laughing and applauding loudly, and the six great sages looked at each other in shock.

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