Chapter 234 The Great Sage! 【Please subscribe】

It's late autumn.

The coast of the East China Sea.

The sea breeze howled, blowing from all directions.

Snow-white waves are constantly washing against the coastline.

High in the air.

Lu Wufei, dressed in black robe, flew towards Huaguo Mountain.

As the body gets closer, the more you can feel the amazing demonic aura on Huaguo Mountain.

Of course, ordinary creatures cannot feel it.

Quickly flying across the sea, he flew over the huge island. Standing high in the sky, Lu Wufei could clearly see the mountains and forests below the seaside, where little demons transformed into mortal beasts were patrolling.

In the sky, there are also harpies patrolling.

It's up to me to go back to the rest of the world. Now I'll introduce to Master...

Lu Wufei observed the island mountains and forests below and flew quickly in the direction of Huaguo Mountain.

It's a promotion, it's a promotion...

I also want to tie those little demons off the chariot to fight against heaven. Once it is over, it will make us disgusted.

Sui Chenqiu: When it snows at the beginning of this year, there are still not many days left...

Lu Wufei also saw monsters at the level of demon commanders patrolling around Huaguo Mountain on black clouds.

Dressed in an ocher yellow robe, the short but imposing Yuan Daxian appeared behind his eyes.

Came under the long stone table filled with various foods.

The lion and camel king had not yet finished speaking.

The few little saints chatted boringly.

Lu Youfei immediately shook his head and said, You must have heard what the Little Sage said. Have you ever heard of the name of the Little King of Ji Lei Mountain...

now you...

First brother hasn't invited my little demon yet?

At that time, Lu Youfei did not agree.

Immortal Yuan exploded when he heard that. He immediately said happily: Master doesn't know what he is doing. This Jade Emperor knows how to use people. I saw how old Sun looked like. Why did you become a 'Bi Ma Wen' when I sealed you? You were You know, it turns out that you are raising horses with me, and you are not a high-ranking person. You knew when you first came to take office, and you only played in the horse prison. When you asked the hand before, you found out that he was in such a lowly position, Old Sun. I was a little annoyed and pushed down the table because I was receiving the official title, so I came up...

The Tamarin King on the side swallowed the meat in his hand with the bones and meat in a small mouth, and then immediately continued: Brother Qi doesn't know what is going on. This is just a rumor, but it can be true. Seventy years later, There was a battle between this Zhuang Guan and the Lord of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, Jin-winged Bailang. You and your first brother Zhengbao were at the scene and saw with your own eyes that this Zhuang Guan beat Jin-winged Bailang to a bloody head and fled. This is absolutely true. Absolutely true!

Several beautiful male demons immediately stopped dancing when they saw the little kings coming back.

Although the way of calculation can only be regarded as the main road.

Out of nowhere, there is one less master under my head, but he is still a master whose cultivation level is far better than his own. Anyone else would be happy.

What kind of brothers are they? They are just a group of fair-weather brothers.

Taipingshan Sui Chen, where have you heard that name before?

Sui Chenqiu Sui Chen stopped holding the wine glass in his hand, and said with surprise on his face: Teacher, what can you do? It hasn't snowed on the 18th yet? That's too bad! It's too bad!

Nothing is more smoky than the back of your eyes.

Finally, the Lion and Camel King came up with the idea and said with a smile: I will be called the Little Saint Who Moves Mountains...

After saying that, the figure disappeared immediately.

Demon King Dapeng nodded: That makes no sense...

I heard the seventh-oldest Macaque King make a confused sound.

I just feel a blur behind my eyes.

A few monkeys were playing flutes and playing music.

Immortal Yuan Da immediately ordered: Go, prepare to go up. Let's hold a small banquet before the eighteenth day!

As Yuan Daxian spoke, he scratched his arm without any bad intentions, then scratched his neck and said, Master, did I disturb his practice?

Master, he's finally here...

As the younger brother, the Bull Demon King immediately took over the words of his first brother Yuan Daxian and said: I am the Bull Demon King of Ji Lei Mountain. Since he is my first brother's master, he is also the master of your brothers and others...

By the way, you are the Macaque King, the seventh oldest...

Lu Youfei didn't think much about it, so he smiled and said: Well, you can be happy at such a rare time. Fellow Taoist Yu said that your magical power is amazing, which is an exaggeration, but you have no intention of being lower than the sky, so you call it Little Tongtian Holy Just...

No surprise either.

Jiao Demon King Dapeng nodded: That's it...

Lu Youfei showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then comforted him: That's a bad push. What bad thing can this Bi Ma Wen do? As a teacher, you have nothing to do in this heaven. If Wukong thinks that the official is too big, it's better to be a teacher. You can't arrange a day or seven for him...

Oh, you remembered, it wasn't the seventy-year-old man who beat up the golden-winged wolf monster Sui Chen from the Lion and Camel Kingdom, right?

As we get closer to Huaguo Mountain.

Before deciding on the trouble of calling someone by his first name.

At that time, the lion camel king, who was tall and strong, with his face like a lion and his head buried in snacks, raised his head and said: Since Zhuang Guan is the first brother's master, and you are the first brother, how can this Zhuang Guan be the same? As for your senior master, my first brother, senior master, has arrived yet, do you want to go out to greet him...?

Yuan Daxian's figure immediately disappeared under the main seat.

Lu Wufei flew past a fat-bellied pig demon, Yaoshuai, who was holding a big watermelon in one hand and chewing it, but showed no reaction to it.

Except for the majestic waterfall hanging upside down like the Milky Way in the Water Curtain Cave, it is still majestic.

As soon as I left, the other seven figures under the stone table immediately started talking one after another.

Yuan Daxian looked at the opposite side and said: Master, why is he talking? Is it because he has evil intentions?

Therefore, Lu Youfei wanted to take advantage of this useless verbal advantage.

The Demon King Dapeng on the side also shouted: Brother Xian has a bad idea and calls me a bad brother. You can also change your name and call me Little Sage Fuhai...

However, when the voice of Shituo Mandarin came out to remind me, only myself and my little brother were left under the table.

Before the seventh-ranked Jiao Demon King could finish his words, Immortal Yuan immediately looked happy when he was sitting down and said, Brothers, wait a moment. Grand Master Sun has arrived. It's up to you to pick me up...

Looking at the majestic and short figure with horns, Lu Youfei had not guessed the identity of the talking bull demon when he heard the other party say this.

This has not been seen before.

Sui Chenqiu pointed to the seven little demons beside him and said, Those are my sworn brothers...

I see...

King Yu Tao laughed again and said: That matter is a long story. Brothers, you can't ask the first brother on your own. You just tell it for me. If there is no Xiao En and the first brother in this village, then the first brother will admit it. This Zhuang Guan is the grand master's...

At that time, the macaque king, who was wearing white armor and with white fur on his face, dismounted and said: He is the first brother's master, and his strength is better than that of the Sui Chenniao from the lion and camel country. It is very appropriate for you to call him a fellow Taoist. ..”

Lu Youfei also stayed a little.

The originally beautiful valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters has disappeared.

The Bull Demon King looked at the Lion and Camel King and nodded: What Lao Qi said doesn't make sense...

It's just that how did the first brother know this wolf demon and still call me Grand Master?

Lu Youfei then looked at Yuan Daxian and said, Wukong, the atmosphere of heaven is much better than that of ordinary people. Now that he has lost his official position and gone to heaven, we are probably going to punish him. Does he understand?

Lu Youfei also studied in his spare time during the meditation period in Guanzhong, and also asked for advice from his senior brothers who were proficient in this way, and then he got started.

After listening to the eighth brother's vows, the Macaque King looked confident and immediately said: This wolf demon can compete with the Golden Winged Bailang in the Little Saint Realm. Is this strength comparable to yours?

Looking at the expression of Immortal Yuan Hou, Lu Youfei shook his head and said with a smile: It's true that you disturbed your practice. But you heard that Wukong You was recruited by the Heavenly Court to be a Heavenly Official. Why are you here on the mountain now?

The Lion-Camel King, who was strong and looked like a lion, also nodded and said: Sun Wukong, you are the Lion-Camel King, the seventh oldest...

King Yu Tao said again: What I said is wrong. It's not Qi Lanyu. This Sui Chen is not the one who suppressed the golden-winged disciple!

Lu Youfei said: Taiping Mountain, Sui Chen...

Lu Youfei followed the cheap disciple and retreated into the water curtain cave with a group of little demons.

Say it.

The most important thing is, is the relationship between Sui Chenqiu and the sworn brothers really bad?


Yuan Daxian watched the dog demon run away, then he picked up his wine glass and looked at the people behind the long table and said: Since the eldest brother is called the Little Sage, brothers cannot be called the Little Sage...

The words just fell.

When Lu Youfei revealed his identity.

I also remembered it. It's like this wolf demon just entered the realm of demon ancestors for the first time, and beat this annoying white wave bird from the lion and camel country to a bloody head!

Then disappear.

There is quite a lot of chatter in the Water Curtain Cave.

“Taipingshan View...”

At that time, the lion camel king scratched his head and thought for a while about a bad name, which made the macaque king in front of him scratch his ears and cheeks.

A round of drinks beforehand.

Lu Youfei answered: The voice is your senior brother...

The little saints said nothing interesting.

The Lion and Camel King muttered as he watched that scene, and then disappeared behind the stone table.

Lu Youfei quickly became acquainted with the seven little saint-level little demons I met for the first time.

When you first enter the demon ancestral realm, you can defeat the golden-winged white waves of this lion and camel kingdom. Are you brothers talking about some kind of joke?

King Yu Tao answered with a smile: Now you will be the Little Saint to Exorcise Gods...

Yuan Daxian moved Lu Youfei's position to the seventh seat opposite me, second only to me, and also moved the seat of his younger brother Niu Demon King.

Lu Youfei fell from the sky.

But among the little demons behind you, which one is the king?

All other trees have been cut down, and the green flowers and grass have long been trampled down.

Next, it’s not drinking.

After that, the slightly awkward atmosphere quickly disappeared, and the Jiao Demon King stepped down and said: We all call you Jiao Demon King. You are Lao Qi, Sun Wukong. Do you know Wensheng from Qingyu Mountain? Do you know that Sun Wukong and I are...?

The rest of the little demons, even though they have reached the realm of the Little Saint, still want to learn.

The other little saints also disappeared behind the stone table one by one.

Lu Youfei didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to let the netizens who yearn for Huaguo Mountain in the world see such a real Huaguo Mountain before their eyes, maybe their dreams would be broken.

Yes, Xiao Wang!

Only then did we find out that the eighth of our sworn brothers, the Peng Demon King, was still here.

Sui Chenqiu's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Youfei, and then he looked downcast and said: My old man... I went to Taiping Mountain later. His sworn brother said that the master had returned to the master, but he took me so easy. ...

Immediately Yuan Daxian said happily: Let's go, Master, retreat and talk later, you can have a drink and then talk...

If the relationship between sworn brothers is really bad, it's okay.

Seeing Lu Youfei decline the title of Grand Master.

Lu Youfei asked knowingly.

The Demon Commander Realm Dog Demon immediately responded and ran inside.

The Esheng Double-Horned Jiao Demon King said with a solemn expression: It turns out you are a disciple of Zhen Na Jin Wing. No wonder, you have fought against these human beings from a small sect of the Immortal Sect. Our magical powers and spells are indeed very weak. This The wolf demon was born in a sect like Qi Lanyu. No wonder he is not so strong. Do you remember that Wensheng of Qingyu Mountain seems to have learned from Qi Suichen, and his strength is also surprisingly weak. Back in Liuyun Mountain, this Liuyun Shan Xiaosheng has absolutely no resistance in front of him, he just lives and dies in my hands, and even runs away!

I really want the other little demons to follow Yuan Daxian and call me Grand Master.

It's bad, that's if.

Lu Youfei listened and nodded. He didn't elaborate, but just added: He was worried before he knew it. By the way, when will the 'Quitian Little Holy Banquet' be held?

But if it is so bad, we will definitely feel happy being forced to call the master, and over time we will inevitably feel resentful.



Among the seven Little Saint-level little demon kings, except for the old Eight Peng Demon King who is still in the future, the other eight little demons have no names of their own.

The topic was brought up.

Afraid of what heaven will do!

I don't think there is anything similar in Fang Cunshan, but with Sui Chenqiu's temperament, it is absolutely possible to learn this.

I am used to seeing places where all kinds of monsters gather.

Sui Chen, the little demons, immediately shouted with indignation.

Master come I have never heard of Yidi mentioning it?

Seeing that his thoughts were seen by King Yu Tao, he heard those words.

Instead, there are all kinds of monsters all over the valley.

Except for the fruit trees.

Lu Wufei flew straight past the patrols of various monsters on Huaguo Mountain and appeared above Huaguo Mountain.

Lu Youfei and Sui Chen immediately made a calculation in their minds and said slowly: I have calculated it for my teacher. In less than 18 days, it will be the first snowfall of the year...

A group of seven little demon kings had just listened to Zhuang Guan's words about arranging heavenly officials for their first brother in the heaven. After hearing the introduction of their eighth brother King Yu, they were even more surprised by the identity and background of the demon opposite them. .

One after another, figures hiding deep in the terrifying aura appeared next to them one after another.

Sui Chenqiu shouted happily.

At that time, the little brother Niu Demon King who had been listening put one hand under the stone table, stopped stuffing meat bones into his mouth, looked at King Yu and asked: But this ginseng fruit tree does not have the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. The Qi Lan Yu? The Qi Lan Yu who suppressed Sui Chenqiu?


Then he pointed at Lu Youfei and said, That's my master...

Sui Chenqiu was holding the wine glass, shaking his head while drinking, and said without any care: I'm afraid of us. If you dare to cause trouble in this heaven, I have to ask you if you are willing to use the stick in your hand first!


The day of the first snow...

The monkey demon who was guarded by several demon commanders and generals was stunned, and then he realized what he was doing. He immediately stepped down, raised his weapon, blocked the way, and asked, Do you know the name of that little king? Is it the demon evil report?

In the valley.

Appears at the foot of the hillside behind the small waterfall.

Although it is true that the ordination ceremony should be called.

Lu Youfei and a group of seven little demons greeted each other politely.

Lu Youfei was about to speak.

King Yu Tao chuckled and said: Hey, it's unclear whether my strength is true for you or not. But I didn't have the power to make my true body smaller. At that time, my white wolf true body was stronger than this golden-winged white wave. It was a little lower, even a little lower, and the golden-winged white wave was beaten so hard that he ran away. If these brothers are like me, and if they have bad treasures and bad methods, I'm afraid they will still Are you sure you can beat me?

King Yu Tao said again: Hey, Brother Qi is right, Zhuang Guan has a really big background. I am a disciple of Qi Lanyu in Wanshou Mountain. Do any of my brothers know about Qi Sui Chen?

Otherwise, in my memory, when Heavenly Court twice attacked Huaguo Mountain, I saw a sworn brother helping out.

King Yu Tao disappeared instantly.

Just compared to the future.

The eyes of the Bull Demon King Dapeng, who was eating meat, suddenly brightened up and said: My dear brother, what you said does not make sense, so you can call yourself a little sage...

In the Water Curtain Cave.

It is indeed very different from before.

A small number of various monsters built fires at the foot of the valley slopes and barbecued food on the spot, making the entire valley smell of monsters, smoke, and stench. It was a real smog.

King Yumaru seemed to have noticed Lu Youfei's concerns, so he answered with a smile: Sun Wukong's magical powers are astonishing. Looking for Shuyuan www.ス and Qi Lanyu's low disciple, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a little saint, not to mention Sui Chen. Qiu's magical power is on par with yours, so it's no use calling me a minor saint.

Drinking for eight rounds.

But especially looking at inheritance and foundation, especially wild monsters can learn something.

Inside the Water Curtain Cave, it was quiet and noisy. Under the stone table filled with all kinds of meat, the young man E Shenglongjiao heard the voices inside and asked, Who is this?

Did I deliberately hide my figure? The little holy monster in the water curtain cave probably hasn't noticed me yet.

The Macaque King said something bad when his seventh brother, the Lion and the Camel King, was thinking. At that time, he immediately said, You are the Little Sage of Ventilation!

Seeing King Yu Tao trying to smooth things over, Lu Youfei smiled and said, Thank you for your support from all the little saints...

King Yu Tao on the side then answered: That's right. Since Sun Wukong thinks it's appropriate for you to call me brother together, how about addressing yourself as fellow Taoist? Anyway, Sun Wukong's strength is equal to that of your brothers. What does Sun Wukong think?

Standing at a low altitude, I looked at the current situation of the Huaguo Mountain Valley above.

There is a mortal world outside, but you are afraid of this heaven!

Lu Youfei felt that the small waterfall above was filled with a chilling air, which was obviously the same as before.

All the little saints were slightly surprised when they heard this. The Demon King looked seriously and said, What is the origin of this wolf monster?

Sui Chenqiu was not touched when he heard the teacher's words, but he immediately shook his head and said: Thank you, Master, for your kindness... I have already decided to serve as an official in heaven, and I am ready to appoint myself an official. This Little Saint Qi Tian That’s it…”

Very slowly, a handsome demon dog demon came running.

ps: Thank you all book friends for your monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you~~

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