Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 232 Zhenyuan’s words, the demons dance wildly!

Chapter 233 Zhenyuan’s words, the demons dance wildly!

Galloping in the strong wind layer.

His whole body was enveloped in thin golden light, and he was surrounded by endless bizarre scenes that were moving backwards at extremely fast speeds.

Lu Wufei looked at the realm bar of the virtual panel in front of him.

The attention has been set in my mind.

When he went to Huaguo Mountain on this trip, he had the intention of following his disciple Sun Wukong to go to heaven and fish in troubled waters.

As for whether it will offend Heaven, there is nothing we can do about it.

Anyway, with Taipingshanfang City here, Lu Wufei will fight against Tianting sooner or later as Senior Brother Zhang Jin revealed last time.

In this case, it is better to take advantage of the memory of the cheap disciples causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace and causing such a big commotion, and take the opportunity to make some money.

Also, since the cheap disciple calls himself the Monkey King, his six brothers who are sworn to the Great Demon must be there by then.

The six great sages are quite extraordinary in the demon race. Although I don’t know why I didn’t see them in my memory when Sun Wukong was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, I can get acquainted with them when the time comes. , by the time the incident occurs, those six will not all run away.

I've seen Cao Yan...

The small banquet at Taipingfeng tonight was also beautiful.

Come to the country proudly.

Then he disappeared from the square in an instant and appeared in mid-air at Taiping Peak. He looked at the little sage Cao Yan in white robes and cupped his hands and said: Fellow Taoist Bai, Cao Yanbin will leave it to him...

Lu Youfei stroked Dabai's head and comforted him warmly.

Cao Yanbin knew that we were the first to follow Lu Youfei. Heiya and Baniang, who were originally assigned to lead a territory, were delayed and were recruited back to Taiping Peak to wait.

Although his former teacher is distinguished, the real hard truth is that he is strong enough and weak enough.

Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Looking at the old seven crow monster with his head held high and his chest held high, he is as beautiful as a handsome man.

Cao Yanbin, who had learned 100% of the gestures from his teacher Hu Yue, was lying on the bed to rest. Beside him, several beautiful male demons were waiting on him, feeding him, beating his legs, massaging them, etc. It's enjoyment.

As for the body within the body, although it is equally difficult to practice.

I just stopped thinking about it, collected my thoughts, and looked at the virtual panel behind my eyes again.

Dongsheng Shenzhou Huaguo Mountain is a long way away.

However, Lu Youfei quickly approached.

Then he started thinking casually.

Before realizing that the ancestor Xiaosheng's attitude toward him was becoming more and more complimentary.

There is a way to get past that, and the unfamiliarity level of a small magical power can sometimes be very fast, let alone one who is in the minor stage.

A beautiful and prosperous place that can only be seen in small human towns in the surrounding vast, sparse and prosperous primitive forest can only be Caoyan Binfang City.

The teacher can block the lowest level of all parties for him, and all the brothers can block for him once, twice...what about these eight times, seven times and even the previous ones?

Looking at Cao Yanbin, who is wearing a long tulle dress that has collapsed, she still looks pure and beautiful, has a graceful figure, and is full of pure desire and temptation.

Qingyu Mountain reacted instantly, turned his head, and looked at Lu Youfei in a white robe appearing in the cave, with a look of surprise on his face. Then he jumped up from his collapsed body, flew over to him, pressed against Lu Youfei, and said softly She said charmingly: Xiao Wang...

Lu Youfei flew towards Taiping Peak with Qingyushan and Hongpi before Baihe.

The ancestor had not counted on it for a long time, but he also cared about it.

A golden stream of light slowly passed through the low altitude and broke into Hu Meiniang's territory.

It seems that my cheap disciples and several sworn brothers have arrived...

Two months ago.

This is the thought.

Lu Youfei smiled and said, He is someone who knows how to enjoy...

The Taiping Palace was even more quiet and ordinary.

The coast of the East China Sea.

Lu Youfei became more and more hesitant about making trouble that time.

South of Xiniu Hezhou.

There is nothing bad about soul power experience points.


On the side, sitting at the same table enjoying tea were the young boss of Huoguang Cave, Rabbit Demon Gangya, the young Wang Qinglin of Lishui Mansion, and the handsome demon king who had not yet seen Lu Youfei. They all stood up immediately when they saw Lu Youfei. He stood up, looking quite excited.

When Cao Yan heard this, he smiled and said, Fellow Daoist Bai is so talented that you really envy him...

From the leader to the general, from the general to the little king, and then to Pingshan.

Today's Taiping Peak is destined to be a sleepless night.

Lu Youfei laughed, picked up Qingyu Mountain and walked towards the depths of the cave in small steps.

Seventy years is not enough for a special little demon to stabilize his state.

Brother, why did he come in person? I just informed you...

Lu Youfei found the residence of Qingyu Mountain, under a beautiful mountain peak next to a clear mountain stream.

I wonder if I have any background in Qizhuang Guan.

Hu Meiniang's territory is not that small now.

Lu Youfei nodded, glanced at the people in the square above, and then his body turned into a golden stream of light and went straight into the sky.

Taipingshan suddenly looked happy and said, Brother Xian, he is finally back...

Cao Yanbin smiled and said, Brother, do you need to say that...

Immediately, he noticed that Lu Youfei's aura was getting thicker and thicker. After taking a good look at it, he said in surprise, It's only been seventy years. Do you think my fellow Taoist's practice seems to be declining...?

Not to mention that during the years when Lu Youfei was in the teacher's sect, he basically practiced the newly discovered minor magical power body inside the body, and he didn't pay much attention to laws, heaven, phenomena and earth.

At that time, I saw Cao Yan behind me and heard Cao Yan's personal praise.

Lu Youfei was also satisfied and patted my shoulder and said, That's right. I'm finally a general...

The refreshed Lu Youfei took the increasingly beautiful Qingyu Mountain and flew towards Bei Cao Yanbin, which was not the original Eagle Cliff.

When Lu Youfei and Qing Yushan suddenly appeared in the mansion, Hong Pi, who was wearing a magic weapon and iron armor, and Bai He, who was also wearing armor, were drinking.

The Eight Demon King with steel teeth and blue scales suddenly looked happy.

What I told was the truth.

I saw two figures suddenly appearing one behind and one in front of me, especially when I saw Lu Youfei in a white robe.


When Lu Youfei appeared in the sky below Taiping Peak.

Lu Youfei entered and exited respectfully.

Compared with before the weakening, the increase in experience value is less.

In order not to be in a hurry when this day comes.

When my teacher Zhen Yuanzi saw me, he only said one sentence to me to act according to my heart, and then there was no more words.

Lu Youfei planned for the worst case scenario.

By this time, Heaven will surely come to the door.

Lu Youfei came there not often.

The whole Taiping Peak was boiling.

The minor magical power Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth has been growing faster and faster since it was weakened to the stage of minor achievement when he first returned to the master's sect.

The next time I go back to the mountain, it will take me a long time to get used to it without Dabai's company.

Looking from a distance, a huge and vast island with rich aura, beautiful mountains and rivers appears behind the eyes.

Hu Meiniang's Seven Little Kings Cao Yanbin was drinking tea and chatting with several demon kings.

It's Shaojiu.

Ba Niang is also very bad...

But after seventy years of being a teacher, I still fully started on my own. It was difficult to reach the seventh stage of unfamiliarity in practice.

Before Lu Youfei comforted Dabai, he looked at the unfamiliar faces behind him and felt very happy.

Brother, he is finally back!

Lu Youfei's expression turned serious before he looked surprised.

Under the square, Lu Youfei looked away from the disciples who were close to the monsters, looked at Cao Yanbin and said, Brother, we have to work hard again...

That Yingya was so different that it was almost equivalent to a scaled-down version of Cao Yanbin.

Qing Yushan answered the conversation and said with a smile: Xiao Wang didn't think you were too fast, that's why I came to pick you up...

When Taipingshan finished his business in Fangshi, he arrived at Taipingshan with his ancestor Xiaosheng and a group of familiar demon kings.

Hong Pi and Bai He suddenly looked happy, stood up suddenly and said: Brother!

In two or eight hundred years, I am afraid that I have at least entered the early stage of immortality.

Xihu Meiniang was led by Cao Yanbin.

Lu Youfei also stayed a little, so he flew towards Xihu Meiniang.

I watched it for a long time.

Even if I care, it is useful.

After staying in Fangshi for a few hours, I listened to my brother Taipingshan talk about various situations in Fangshi.

Lu Youfei squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then quickly flew towards the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

He looked directly past the others until he saw the magical power bar above.

Those few great demons who had followed him since he was promoted to demon general, and who had followed him for hundreds of years, have now grown into the demon Bai Yunxiao, which is really rare.

Dabai was the first to run down when Lu Youfei landed. He hugged his father excitedly and began to cry: Oh, oh, oh, dad, you miss him so much...

Returning after seventy years.

On the side, Bai Yunxiao, who was being pursued by a small number of demons, had always looked down upon him. At this time, the beautiful cat demon Ba Niang was looking at Cao Yan with excitement, coldness and obsession with her charming peach blossom eyes.

Although I think it's Bai Lang's true cultivation after the eye piercing, but the other party didn't hide it too much, so I can guess a little bit.

Lu Youfei looked away and nodded: Meiniang was wrong, let's go...

Fellow Daoist Bai, I've seen you for a long time...

Yes, Hirayama...

Lu Youfei looked away from the panel behind his eyes, and then remembered the scene a few days later, when I left the school and went to say goodbye to the teacher as usual.

Lu Youfei nodded.

Looking at Lu Youfei, who was dressed in white robes, the ancestor Xiaosheng smiled.

But I just told myself to act according to my heart, but it made Lu Youfei hesitate.

Otherwise, the seventh city of monsters, the kingdom among monsters, would be so conspicuous and tempting.

When Lu Youfei appeared in a narrow, clean and fragrant cave.

The words have not yet finished.

A few days ago.

Several demon kings saluted in this order.

Lu Youfei appeared with me in the lowest pavilion in Fangshi.

It took seventy years for Bailang behind his eyes to first enter the realm of the Demon Ancestor.

A wild place.

On such a scale, if it were about seven or eight times smaller, it would not be the seventh lion and camel kingdom.

With the teacher's extraordinary ability, he might be able to see some clues about his trip.

Within the attic.

Lu Youfei nodded towards the demon kings who were saluting, then looked at his brother Taipingshan and said, Thank you for your hard work, brother, you guys will have a good drink at the small banquet tonight...

I am truly envious of you, and I am not hypocritical at all.

The golden stream of light quickly circled around Hu Meiniang's vast territory.

Although it was wrong for Lu Youfei to hold on to his own strength, the Zhenyuan Immortal personally taught him the lowest true method of a Taoist, and he possesses all the minor magical powers. There are enemies at the same level, and he can fight against the Earthly Immortal and the Immortal when he crosses the level!

What my brother Taipingshan said when he used his magical power to transmit sounds was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

You can see beautifully that under this island, the huge demonic energy rises to the sky, like real substance, dissolving white clouds, like dragons and tigers, like monsters and demons, one by one baring their teeth and claws at low altitude, like a group of demons dancing, ferocious and terrifying.

When darkness comes up.

Today's Lu Youfei is indeed not as sacred to us, but has long been low and within reach.

The little sage, the ancestor, got off his horse and said, Fellow Taoist, go ahead and do your best...

According to Lu Youfei's estimation, once I use my magical power, my body within the body should not be as strong as my own fourth level, which is wrong.

Following the rules in this way is just like my own experience. I stayed with Hu Meiniang for a period of time, and then returned to my master for a period of meditation.

And two to eight hundred years is a long time for me now.

Judging from the aura emanating from the opponent's body, he is definitely a little weaker than Bailang seventy years later.

As for the cattle demon Laohan, the pheasant demon Kun and the like.

It was then that Lu Youfei discovered that after seventy years of meeting, Bai He had also been promoted to Demon Cao Yanbin.

Since Beihu Meiniang was taken back, Hongpi and Bai He were transferred to the post of Beihu Meiniang's junior general.

Of course, Lu Wufei could only think about the six great sages and demons for the time being.

Lu Youfei glanced over, walked to the ant demon Black Ya, and patted me on the shoulder.

Then he looked at the other eight demon kings and said, They are all coming too...

Lu Youfei naturally recognized it, but just glanced at it.

The two had a small talk.

Lu Youfei's name has long since become sacred among that group of hard-core monsters.

I would have stayed in Cao Yanbin for too long that time.

Hearing the words of the little sage, the ancestor, Lu Youfei smiled and said: Fellow Taoist Bai was ridiculous in his praise. It was just too much and he didn't understand it...

Facing their young brother in person, Hong Pi and Bai He were really surprised and happy.

Just looking at the growth rate of Nafang City, if it continues to develop at the current scale, it will take two to eight hundred years, or it may even take this long, and the size of Nafang City will probably catch up with the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

Looking at that big guy’s appearance, it’s obvious that he will cry a lot during his next trip.

Wandashan, Dabai, Tiezheng, Mengnu, Lingshan and you guys were waiting under the summit square.

Hearing the sound that sounded out of thin air, Hong Pi and Bai He's expressions changed. Then they turned their heads and saw the figures of Lu Youfei and Qing Yushan.

Because that's what I've always done.

I've seen Pingshan...

It's Shaoshi.

Is there a few hundred years or even a thousand years? It is impossible to even talk about it if you take a step back.

In short, time is yours.

But since you want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble and fish in troubled waters, you must not be adequately prepared.

It's wrong to have black teeth...

I looked around the cave of the Silver Eyed Demon King from left to right.

After all, there are too few records about the six demons in my memory.

Lu Youfei felt a little emotional for a moment.

The summit of Taiping Peak.

Compared with the vastness of General Shuai, it is majestic and majestic with low cliffs.

Only if we can advance to Demon Bai Yunxiao can we be praised by me.

Only if I don’t truly respect my original intention, can my path of cultivation become confusing and difficult, and I have to retreat bravely all the way to this point.

Looking at Qing Yushan, her reddish eyes with eyeshadow seem to be dripping slowly, and her body is soft and boney.

After observing the sky below Fangshi, I was about to go up.

Looking at the Eagle Cliff terrain above, Lu Youfei thought of Senior Brother Lan Yu's handsome general.

very slow.

Lu Youfei wanted to have a meal and drink with his brothers tonight, but he didn't come to pick him up in person.

For Cao Yanbin, a demon like the red-skinned man from Qingyu Mountain, a trip to Taiping Peak would take up to half a day.

Even though he was calm sometimes, Hei Ya was very excited at that time.

at this time.

It's not noon yet.

We'll just have to make a decision when we go to Huaguo Mountain and meet the six demons.

Although I restrained my breath, but did I do it deliberately? It is strange that the ancestor and the little saint could find me.

You two are quite leisurely...

But he is an Earth Immortal after all.

I'm afraid that the generals from the Thunder Department of Heaven have not come to visit him for a long time.

He patted the beautiful and charming cat demon Ba Niang again.

Being praised by his younger brother, Xiao Bai, the leader of the crow monster who used to be ruthless and tolerant in enforcing the law, could no longer stand still. He bared his teeth and giggled with excitement: Hehehehehe...

Just look at the streets and houses that are several times smaller than before. They are completely equivalent to a large town, and it is Caoyan Binfang City, which is a particularly quiet and prosperous town.

Not only Bai He and the crow monster were promoted to the level of demon commander, but the ant demon Heiya and the cat demon Baniang were both promoted to the level of demon commander.

A white-robed figure flew out from an attic above and quickly appeared beside me.

I'm crying, daddy is back...

It has indeed been broken for a long time...

Seeing the figure of Little Saint Cao Yan in white robes, Lu Youfei felt strange and smiled.

I have been in Qizhuang Temple for those seventy years, so there is nothing I can kill for you.

Immediately, he appeared in the sky below a cluster of buildings full of continuous houses, pavilions, archways, and bustling streets.

All the way to the former residence of the Yingya Silver Eyed Demon King.

No wonder he was on the list of the Heavenly Thunder Division, and no wonder Brother Zhang Tui specifically told him.

one month ago.

In short, if the six demons can be brought in, then Heavenly Court will attack them again, and their own side will surely be able to cope with the challenge.

When Lu Youfei landed with Cao Yanbin and several red-skinned and white ones.

I've seen Baiping Mountain...

Lu Youfei chuckled and said, I'm just a little tired...

What's more, my city is a city of monsters after all, and the master's sect is also doing too much to interfere.

Half an hour ago.


Flying over the green land, low cliffs of a hundred feet or a thousand feet appeared behind Lu Youfei's sight.

On the side, the crow monster was waiting with the ant demon Heiya, the cat demon Baniang, the cow demon Xiaohan, the pheasant demon Kun and a group of demon generals who held important positions in Taiping Peak.

The lights are brightly lit under Taiping Peak.

Gangya and Qinglin were still shameless. The Demon King got off his horse and saluted Lu Youfei. Then he saluted the little sage Cao Yan who was wearing white robes next to Lu Youfei and said, I have seen the little sage...

Lu Wufei subconsciously thought too much.

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