Chapter 232 Ten thousand years is too long!

Mao Shi.

It will be dark yet.

Wuzhuang looks at the cave sky.

The entrance to the kitchen courtyard on the west side.

The banquet of the Monkey King...

Hearing the voice in his head, Lu Wufei stopped immediately.

in memory.

After Sun Wukong became Bi Mawen, he knew that he was humiliated as a junior official, so he went to heaven instead. Then, with the instigation from below, he proclaimed himself the Monkey King.

This must be the time.

Counting the time, it has been more than twenty years since Senior Brother Zhang Jin, who served in Heavenly Court ten years ago, said that Sun Wukong was recruited.

There was no unreasonable behavior from the beginning to the end in the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

[Soul Power:]

At this time, Sun Wukong proclaimed himself the Monkey King, which was quite right.

Before coming to that world, you usually know that it is the world of Journey to the West.

Lu Youfei fell into thinking.

Otherwise, there is this supreme spiritual treasure Zhuguo.

It's Shaojiu.

Before saying goodbye.

Mingyue said again: You are thinking, after seventy years, when will junior brother go up the mountain again?

So, I went to Qizhuang Temple and paid homage to Zhen Yuanzi.

Early on the eighth day.

Lu Youfei would not believe that at all.

It’s just that compared to Heaven, the Kingdom of Lion and Camel is too small.

Went, waiting for Heaven to send troops to attack Huaguo Mountain.

Qingfeng on the side answered the question and said with a smile: Junior brother, if your practice is retreating quickly, how can you be ashamed of yourself? It's bad to walk up the mountain and wander around the seven seas. Junior brother is indeed the same as you...

And I definitely didn't bear Qian Pingshan's words. From what Senior Brother Zhang Tui said, I can tell that I'm afraid I haven't been dealt with by the troops sent by Heaven long ago.

Lines of virtual ink handwriting emitting pale white light appeared behind his eyes.

[Supernatural powers: The universe outside the sleeves (perfection); the law of the sky and the earth (small success) (878/2000); the body inside the body (unfamiliar) (16/500); the golden light of the earth (perfection)...]

Behind the gate of Qizhuang Guanshan.

[Realm: Middle Immortal Stage (\\/)]

As for the last time I went back to Shanmen, I really don’t know when it was.

Because it was only after meeting Xiong Yuegui that I realized the Tao and became an immortal.

There are more than twenty years below, and there are twenty days in the sky, less than a month.

According to my current state of mind, to a certain extent, I have no fate with Bai Yunxiao.

And looking at Bai Yunxiao, he hasn't done any of these things yet.

Then Sun Wukong went to heaven for the second time and became the Monkey King.

And as Lu Youfei's cultivation retreated, I no longer understood Bai Yunxiao, who was causing so much trouble in my memory.

[Exercise method: Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra (Perfection); Demon Race Breathing Method (Perfection)]

Hearing the bet, Lu Youfei shook his head and laughed: The two of them really have no time to spare...

Lu Youfei nodded.

Not to mention Bai Yunxiao, who did not have the filter of his childhood idol, and now no longer has the title of master and disciple.

As a result, he lost to Sun Wukong.

Lu Youfei went out with his senior brother Mingyue carrying a bucket.

After a while, Sun Wukong's voice sounded again: I am very happy to leave. I am really slow-tempered... Brother Xian went to Dongsheng Shenzhou half a year ago. Now...don't you have time to return to the Grand Master's Gate?

I want to miss it...

Qingfeng replied with a smile.

Mingyue laughed when she heard the sound and said, You must be right, Junior Brother, it was more than seventy years ago...

Xiong Yuegui: It's too bad. You will be very happy if you find out about Dabai Wandashan...

So, without kneeling down and bowing down, Bai Yunxiao and I had nothing to do with each other after all. Moreover, our relationship between master and disciple was shallow.

Hearing his brother's slightly louder words, Lu Youfei said: Well, I will go back after going to Huaguo Mountain...

Lu Youfei made some calculations and nodded: That's right. It took me seventy years to return to the mountain...

I must say that Lu Youfei is not in trouble now. Once Bai Yunxiao, a disciple, knows about it, I will definitely come to help as soon as possible.

Wu Gao had not received the invitation from his cheap disciple Xiong Yuegui. After a while, I was ready to run away.

Lu Youfei smiled and said: Brother, why did you say this? Junior brother, you haven't thought about it yet...


It took seventy years of meditative practice in the Pingshan Temple before I could reach the realm of the middle stage of immortality. After that, my practice became faster and faster.

That's my truth.

So now.

Eight days ago.

Of course, without understanding Bai Yunxiao, there is nothing to resonate with.

This is nothing high. Once my cheap disciple Bai Yunxiao is conferred the title of Little Sage of Qitian as he remembers, he will be assigned to manage Pantaoyuan part-time.

As for the duration of one or two hundred years of practice, it is nothing to a young monk in the Immortal Realm.

ten thousand years is too long, fight for now!

After several invitations like this, I always went, which made me feel a little bit cold.

Mingyue then asked: Junior brother returned to the mountain that time, wasn't it seventy years ago?


Mingyue: Junior brother, don't forget your fishing rod that time!

Junior brother, here is better than in Pingshan. You need to be more cautious...

Lu Youfei and Senior Brother Mingyue went to fetch water from the spiritual spring.

Lu Youfei shook his head and smiled: I still know that my practice has declined rapidly in recent years. I should be able to wander around, travel around the world, travel across the seven seas, and see the world...

I think it's worth it.

Mingyue said: Junior brother, how long will it take before you come back?

Next to my ears was the slowly passing wind.

I estimate that I will continue to practice in contemplation until I break through the middle stage and enter the early stage.

Junior brother, what is he doing standing outside?

Li Jing led his troops back to Heaven and was about to increase his troops to conquer.

A question was posed in front of Lu Wufei, should I go to this banquet hosted by Sun Wukong, his self-proclaimed Monkey King? Or should I go?

[Host: Lu Fei]

That's because Lu Youfei has a deep enough understanding of his own path, otherwise he would be able to stop practitioners for a longer time without a high threshold.

Lu Youfei was saying goodbye to his two senior brothers, Qingfeng Mingyue.

Junior brother, morning...

Hear that.

And forward.

Sun Wukong's voice came again: Half a year ago, in Huaguo Mountain, when it snowed for the first time this year...

Lu Youfei: Thank you for your hard work, brother. See you then...

Even though I was emotionally agitated, I could agree.

Lu Youfei smiled: I must have forgotten that time. Senior brother is worried...

However, Lu Youfei originally thought that he would have little interaction with Bai Yunxiao.

Mingyue also smiled and said: I thought about it later, but it means I thought about it before. Although junior brother went up the mountain frequently, he also went down the mountain frequently, but junior brother, have you ever noticed that junior brother has been in the temple for at least a few years, more than ten years, and has not even returned yet? One year later, we went up the mountain again. The longest time was seventy years ago, and that time was seventy years ago. So, after returning to your room yesterday, you mentioned that incident to Senior Brother Qingfeng, and you even made a bet. ..”

There are many thoughts in my mind.

Because of some kindness in his early years, Bai Yunxiao sincerely recognized himself as his teacher, so he just gave me all the gifts from his teacher.

Mingyue was stunned for a moment and said, Did you hit the nail on the head?

Lu Youfei turned into a ray of golden light that reached the lower sky and retreated from the Gangfeng layer.

I'm afraid I will practice cultivation quickly. After all, it will take a long time to get to that point.

Sun Wukong not only secretly rebelled against Heaven, but also proclaimed himself the Monkey King with Huaguoshan, which naturally angered Heaven.

I heard what my brother said.

Otherwise, I estimate that the time I need to practice will be even longer than it is now...

Before I could do it, Senior Brother Zhang Tui conveyed a warning from Heaven to the Taishimenfang City that I took the lead in establishing.


Finished chatting with Sun Wukong.

If I hide, then if I offend Heaven, I will probably be called an accomplice.

If Pingshan is not in front of me, what will happen to heaven if I am not it.

There is no need to change anything or who should be the leader just because Lu Youfei's cultivation level has deteriorated.

What's more, is it necessary to protect one's disciples?

Think about it, I am currently in the middle stage of immortality, and I can reach the early stage of perfection within a hundred or two hundred years at most. I estimate that I will definitely be able to stop it in seven, seven, or eight hundred years. It is not surprising that it may even take a thousand years or even longer. .

Lu Youfei was about to say something to refute, but I immediately swallowed it.

Just left the compound.

Lu Youfei: Senior brother, too...

And based on the scale of the cheap disciple Bai Yunxiao's chaos in the Heavenly Palace in my memory, it will definitely be rare in a thousand years... yes, ten thousand years, or a hundred thousand years!

Hearing Lu Youfei's words.

Just as Qingfeng said before leaving that time, if I, Lu Youfei, can retreat quickly from cultivation, then we will be ashamed of ourselves.

The Jade Emperor sent Li Jing, the King of Pagodas, Nezha, the Great God of the Three Tanhaihui... Oh, and the Giant Spirit God to conquer the Huaguo Mountain.

Lu Youfei appeared in the Liusha River with surging water.

For example, the next time I have a grudge against the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

And the cause of that incident was just the defection of a demon king.

The image of Bai Yunxiao in my memory is so profound that I need to say less.

For his cheap apprentice.

Wu Gao Bai Yun Xiao has not yet appeared.

Still special from now on.

Who would have thought that this monkey head would actually return from learning skills and achieve the realm of earthly immortality.

Brother Qingfeng steamed rice.

Then my opportunity came.

But there is a law that is firm.

One day in the sky and one year in the earth.

It will take at most one to two hundred years of practice, or even less.

Lu Youfei values ​​friendship.

It's Shaoshi.

Mingyue said: You bet that junior brother will be at least more than eighty years old and will definitely go up the mountain. And senior brother Qingfeng, you guess that junior brother went up the mountain eighty years ago...

These special monsters from the Taishimen can be brought all the way to the present by me.

Mingyue on the side immediately turned her head and looked over, saying: Junior brother, what do you mean?


After looking at the data that appeared one after another.

After all, it has only been a hundred years since I came to that world.

In Lu Youfei's heart, he felt inferior to the future Bai Yunxiao.

Lu Youfei felt a little numb when he saw the data in front of the realm bar.

And I also passed on Bai Yunxiao's techniques, which can be regarded as indirectly opening up Bai Yunxiao's spiritual wisdom.

It's just that Lu Youfei couldn't feel or notice it at that time.

Lu Youfei murmured in his heart: I just received the invitation from the cheap disciple Xiong Yuegui to proclaim himself the Little Sage of Qitian, and the two senior brothers made a bet like that. Is it a coincidence or something...

According to Buddhist theory, there is no cause and effect between me and Xiong Yuegui.

As for Taishimenfang City, I will definitely give up.

Lu Youfei smiled and waited for the two senior brothers to approach. Then the eight senior brothers left the courtyard together and left the kitchen to finish their busy work.

Lu Youfei was silent for a moment and was about to speak out.

Carrying the spiritual spring water under his shoulders, Lu Youfei walked out of the ginseng orchard. Lu Youfei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: Senior brother has a sharp eye, but that time I am going to defeat senior brother Qingfeng...

After today, if you don't dare to do anything, but before today, if you dare to do anything, junior brother will definitely leave the mountain again within eighty years, or even shorter...

If you go by yourself, it means being unkind.

Lu Youfei quickly flew down to the low altitude, turned his head and looked at Wanshou Mountain in front of him, and then turned into a golden light and flew straight towards the north.

Lu Youfei: Just stay here for a few days...

Lu Youfei replied and asked: Brother, why did you say this?

Until I first found the opportunity to become an immortal in Huaguo Mountain. When I reached immortality in one step, I saw Bai Yunxiao, who was still an ordinary beast and the wild monkey king at that time.

I estimate that I am still not far away from the mid-term at this time, which is a short period of time.

And based on the memory later.

Taibai Jinxing once again came forward to recruit Sun Wukong and gave him the title of Monkey King in name only.

[Ability: Seventeen Transformations (Perfection); Stick Technique (Perfection)...]

This is the thought.

What's more, there is no flat mountain in front of you.

At that time, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from ahead.

That's why Lu Youfei held the little golden finger of the virtual panel.

As my practice gradually increased and my state of mind continued to increase, my view of Bai Yunxiao also quickly and subtly changed.

Lu Youfei had not yet made up his mind, so he used his magical power to transmit the message to his elder brother Sun Wukong: Ask me when and where the banquet will end?

If I go again that time, I'm afraid it will really chill my heart.

got used to...

Mingyue said: Junior brother was distracted just now, right?

After Wu Gao said that, he was still a little firm.

Now, although we have entered the mid-term, the experience pool ahead has grown exponentially.

He must go, that was not the seventh time Xiong Yuegui invited him.

Lu Youfei came back to his senses, looked at the two senior brothers Qingfeng Mingyue walking in front and said with a smile: I have something to do, just thinking about some trivial matters. Good morning, senior brothers...

Mingyue asked again: When?

One or two hundred years will really mean nothing to the fairyland.

I only heard the voice of my brother Xiong Yuegui rang again in my mind: Xian brother, his disciple Bai Yunxiao from Dongsheng Shenzhou has come in person. He has come to Taiping Peak. Right in front of you, he said that the great demon above invited the great demon to invite you. Master is so hypocritical, I, the disciple, will come in person...

Brother Mingyue said, I really noticed that the longest time I spent in meditation was more than seventy years.

Lu Youfei was silent for a while, then said: Tell me, you will arrive on time...

I heard senior brother Mingyue's words of assurance.

Lu Youfei's senses are still not simple.

Is it fate or cause and effect...

Between meeting and enlightening oneself and becoming an immortal, and spreading the Dharma and opening one's spiritual wisdom.

But for Lu Youfei, it didn't last long.

Lu Youfei nodded and said seriously: Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me, you will...

Lu Youfei was silent for a while, then nodded and said, Yes, what a coincidence...

While thinking.

And one adventure can be exchanged for hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years of longer practice time.

Lu Youfei fell silent upon hearing this.

Qingfeng nodded, then smiled and said: Junior brother, take care...

Yes, when I went to Huaguoshan this trip, I still had no such thoughts.

It's only a matter of time before I go toe-to-toe with Heaven these days.

Bai Yunxiao came to the Taishi Gate in person to invite him.

After thinking for a while, he realized that he was wrong, and he smiled and said: Junior brother, you are really paying attention, but junior brother, you are even more curious about what the two senior brothers bet on?

Then Mingyue's voice came over.

Lu Youfei sighed: Junior brother is going to go up the mountain...

Junior brother, are you not worried?

There must be no reason for me to go out every time. I look for Shuyuan Either it’s because there’s nothing wrong with the Grand Master’s sect, or it’s because of my own cultivation, or it’s because I went to the mountain for some reason.

What makes me think even more is that I still remember this little favor and wanted to recognize myself as my teacher.

However, now there is no chance for me to speed up my cultivation.

Asking for weapons in the East China Sea means that the underworld is weak and hooks my soul. Isn't it different from Lu You and the Shitu Kingdom?

Lu Youfei was galloping in the Gangfeng layer, his thoughts moving slightly.

It was like I had cleared the game. After killing the little husband of the lion and camel kingdom, the prime minister came. After killing the prime minister, the king of the country came.

The two of them had just left the ginseng orchard carrying buckets when Mingyue looked at Lu Youfei and suddenly spoke.

It's been like this ever since, and it's still like this now.

After all, that world is so small, bizarre, and magnificent that everything that appears is strange.

As for Bai Yunxiao's talent, which is more cheating than mine, I can only say that he is unique and favored by heaven and earth.

As usual, I invited my bad friend Sha Seng to have a snack before.

During the 70 years of meditation in Xiong Yue, even though he had entered the middle stage of immortality, not one-eighth of the cultivation experience value was contributed by the 80,000-year red fruit that Teacher Huishan would reward next.

Memories flashed through my mind quickly.


I was still wondering whether I should accept the invitation from the cheap apprentice.

The sun is dark and beautiful.

After coming to that world.

Mingyue answered: Junior brother, it's too early to be in need. It's too late anyway...

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