Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 208: Wukong’s performance, fearless!

Chapter 209 Wukong’s performance, fearless!

Time goes back to half an hour ago.

Taiping Peak.

When the black storm subsides;

When the rumble is far away;

When the darkness returns to light.

On Fengding Square.

The expressions of each demon king suddenly changed.

This is...?

Ancestor Bai has collected his magical powers? Is the battle over?

I feel less dangerous!

Congratulations to the Yellow Lion on his triumphant return!

The protection can be withdrawn...

How can I challenge the power of the yellow lion...

Junior brother is really bad!

Everyone, you go up first...

I'm just worried. With Wen Hong's strength, who can defeat me? Have they forgotten these eight little kings?

Not to mention that he has been promoted to the realm of immortals. If Teacher Yinmu really dares to find someone, I really want to measure his strength and see how good the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom is.

After all, there is nothing wrong with him. What could be more satisfying than watching his little enemy die misfortune?

When the sound of the giant white jade pillar falling to the ground could not be heard from the distance in time.

But Huang Shi's action undoubtedly showed that he won that time.

The senior brother continued to ask: How about taking advantage of this good opportunity, junior brother, to give you a try and give it a try?

Yeah, who would have thought that Wen Hongjun could take care of these eight people alone...

The steel-toothed horseman of Huoguang Cave smiled and said, Fellow Daoist Bai, just go up there. Your brother and Ancestor brother are not there to welcome Wen Hong...

If we demon kings saw it with our own eyes, they would definitely think that the earth dragon had turned over.

You are on the Yellow Lion's side...

But Lu Youfei was also from a related household, he was from Qizhuangguan, and he had a super calf like Zhenyuan Xiaoxian, so how could he care about a wild monster like Yinmu.

You're the one to go, they two old guys have bad intentions...

Less than half a year later.

Lu Youfei was flying at low altitude.

Wen Hong's strength is so weak that we can't resist it.

I don't know if my ancestor won or not?

At that time, his expression could be regretful or simple, and he was discussing quietly.

There are eight little demon trophies in the world outside my sleeves. I am really happy today.


But now, it seems to be very unusual for Tai Wen Hong, who is not in charge of Wen Hongjun, to swallow up Eagle Cliff.

What's more, when Lu Youfei was still a human immortal, he was afraid of all the demon ancestors.

How could they dare to go up when so many kings were present.

Even if he ran away before being agreed, that guy actually paid a small price to find helpers to deal with me, with the intention of robbing me of Taishui Mansion. Such behavior, today is not my temporary teacher, Shituo Guocheng is very respectable, I want to kill him That guy Ginme!

At that time, the silver eyes turned to look at the demon kings beside him and said: Wen Hong Xiaosheng, that is a small matter worthy of celebration, we have to make arrangements...


Because the silver eyes trapped in the universe outside the sleeves were struggling with their thoughts, they were extremely weak and strong, which made my heart unable to respond.

Of course, this golden-winged Xiaopeng must have really come, and Lu Youfei would dare to try the strength of the Little Saint-level monster.

It's less convenient now...

Ancestor Li Qinglin immediately smiled and said: That's right. Without you waiting outside, Fellow Daoist Bai will have less trouble to deal with...

Eagle Cliff's territory is huge.

Just go up and take a look and you'll find out!

Because of cultivation.

Little King Pingshan's words are deeply meaningful to you...

Although deep down in our hearts, we inevitably don’t feel any sadness at the death of the rabbit or the fox.

I saw in the northern sky at the time of the meeting, the white-lang yellow lion transformed into a sky-holding giant, holding a terrifying white jade giant pillar that was like a sky pillar, and was struggling to swing towards the north.

The silver-eyed person on the side nodded and said, Huang Shi will let you clean up after that. It's just that those days were too busy and I haven't had time to get over...

Promise or promise?

Everyone looked at the meeting with shocked and unhappy eyes as their own yellow lion raised the sky pillar to smash the demon.

It's wrong. It's better to be drunk or to go home. You have to drink to your heart's content...

Although I don’t know what will happen after that.

Bai Xiaowang wants you to leave now, so you'd better leave!

In fact, I care more about the rabbit demon ancestor that took me a lot of effort to catch than that guy Ginme.

A place of majestic luxury.

Very slowly, no senior brother asked: Junior Brother Wukong, the teacher will whisper to him the method of avoiding the eight disasters and changes in the future. Has he learned it?

Ha ha...

Immediately, a shocking rumbling sound was heard coming from nearby.

Several demon kings immediately began to flatter and flatter him.

What did he say? Who can beat Huang Shi!?


Say it.

Gangya, the young master of the Huoguang Cave, said: In this storm, you can feel the terrifying power just on the edge. If you are like Yinmu, you are in it, there is no way to survive...

All the senior brothers became more and more angry when they heard the sound, and they all yelled.

The monkey transformed and immediately turned into a green pine.

Then he saw a thin monkey wearing a gray robe, with a solitary face, a thunderous mouth, and extremely lively eyes, standing under a cloud of white clouds with a proud look in his eyes.

Conquering Yingya is no longer a matter of course.

In Houxiaohuang Mountain, Yuan Zhang, the Eight Demon King, had not yet swallowed Fengyun Ridge.

It doesn't make sense, let him go down and take a look...

Yes, even though you were able to stand down immediately, but you still persisted to the front, Huang Shi would know...

In short, I am determined to take over the Rabbit Demon Ancestor, and it will be useful to anyone who comes.

The other four demon kings were divided into two groups, each standing in mid-air, looking to the north and waiting patiently.

After thinking about it, Ginme made the youkai fear me just because of his relationship with the former Shitama Kingdom.

You are leaving today. You have to meet Huang Shi outside. Xiao Wang Bai goes up and works first. You will have to drink less in a while...

The ancestor of Li Qinglin smiled again and said: There is still nothing wrong to do.

If Wen Hongjun didn't have such a vast territory after his breakthrough, we would just think it was too small.

Looking at the messy mountain forest nearby, Wen Hongjun said lightly.

The expressions of the seven demon kings with silver eyes and green scales in the fire cave became less evil.

Only a few monsters, or a few feathered hawk monsters with special silver eyes, still firmly believe that their little king will come back.

I was also concerned and said casually: Escape, where can we escape to?

Let's go up and have a look!

Amidst the compliments, Lu Youfei glanced at the demon kings behind him and found that the demon kings were all there. He said in a bad mood: Good or bad, I couldn't drink enough to enjoy myself after that. Now you continue, whether you are drunk or not today!

Moreover, because there is no wise brother here, there is no name of Tai Shui Mansion, as the Seven Little Kings of Tai Wen Hong.

It's close.

The battle is over?

Naturally, there is no reason to gather in groups.

With such a shocking blow from Ancestor Zhiwei, whoever was killed would be instantly killed. No one could be an exception.

The monkey said with a proud smile: Of course, that's hard to defeat you.

At this moment, they also wanted to go up and see how the situation was?

After a simple conversation, the light curtain shields covering the sky above Taiping Peak were removed one after another, and then, the five demon kings from Bai Yunxiao also flew into the air for the first time.

Silver eyes...

At that moment, all the demon kings immediately became excited, and then flew back one by one, rushing to greet them.

That just suits my heart and my personality, because I am a strong person.

Now that there is no such battle, Xiandi's reputation is even greater, and it is clear that Silver Eyes will be on the field.

Scared after all!

The silver-eyed man who is still at the level of a handsome general will feel a little shorter behind those faces.

How is it, ancestor?

Because of Yinmu's outstanding strength and the fact that he was backed by Shituoling, no one dared to touch him in the past.

But just like before.

What I was thinking about was how to make things right that time.

The demon kings below, especially the demon kings from Huyue Ridge in Yingtan Mountain who came to visit today, were all silent.

There's nothing to argue about. It's just a guess. The Yellow Lion must have won. Otherwise, how could you still be standing there?

What can you do to...

Now that Lu Youfei has captured the rabbit demon and offended the lion and camel country, the only thing I don't care about is that the leader of the country, Jin-winged Xiaopeng, will come over in person.

Xiniu Hezhou.

The monkey nodded and said without any trace of concealment: I'm hiding it from you fellow apprentices. Firstly, it's because the teacher's teachings were bad. For the seventh time, junior fellow apprentice, you have been practicing diligently day and night, and you have learned it in a short time.

There was no silence in the atmosphere.

Deep in the continuous low and beautiful hills.

You also know how this silver eye is doing now?

When the demon kings heard the sound, they glanced at each other from above.

Although he asked about the thoughts of all the demon kings present, the question was very incompetent, and the hearts of all the demon kings who were asked jumped in unison.

What should we do if one day the yellow lion wants our territory?

After all, in my memory, this guy was not very courageous.

Hey, General Hu is already going down. If he lets you go down, does he think you are stupid?

In the early stage of the Demon Ancestor, the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom had no problem with which identity was really troublesome for a particular monster.

The Pingshan Demon King from Pingshan Mountain immediately answered the question and said with a smile: What the little white-headed king said is true. The power of the yellow lion has really opened your eyes. You should go too. Today I can offer you a glass of wine to the yellow lion. In the future, behind my demonic face, I will be able to say a few less words!

Shh, old guy, make your voice louder!

I wonder how my ancestor is doing?

Today, Xiaohuangshan has not turned too warm red.


Because at that time, there was no excitement under the Taiping Peak above.

The monkey smiled and said: It's not difficult, let's see how you change...

What Huang Shi said is true!


Why are you shushing? That is Huang Shi's famous record. These eight people have already gone to the underworld. What are you afraid of!

Bai Yunxiao led the five demon kings of Lishui Mansion in Huoguang Cave, and their expressions also changed at this time.

not far away.

The ten demon kings ascended to the sky one after another, and the demon commanders and generals below who were squeezed into a corner looked sideways.

The mountains above were violently trembling, and the entire Taiping Peak was shaking and trembling.

Is this...the battle over?

I'm lucky enough to see the yellow lion show its power today. I must be drunk or go home!

The silver eyes turned and flew towards Taiping Peak above.

It's all in your sleeves...

At that time, Pingshan Demon King of Pingshan Mountain suddenly asked: Have you ever escaped?

The Yellow Lion knows these eight monsters who dare to be enemies with the Yellow Lion...

Lu Youfei glanced at the demon king of Pingshan who was asking questions, and the stupid lion who could talk.

I can't be strong in any way.

Hearing what the green-skinned Hongjia said just now, Wen Hongjun could probably guess what the demon kings around him were thinking: maybe the Taishui Mansion that had swallowed the Eagle Cliff was getting smaller and smaller.

The shield has been removed!

Lu Youfei laughed, flicked his sleeves, turned around and flew towards Taiping Peak.

That really didn't make sense to me.

You should stand with the power of your ancestors from now on!

The mountains and rivers on the ground shook violently, adding a special rumbling sound like the collapse of a sky pillar.

Lu Youfei finished speaking.

At that time, the seventh leader of Huoguang Cave, Sharp Claw, suddenly said something.

You are truly lucky to be able to drink with Wen Hong!

If you are caught, you will die!

Before Yuan Zhang's eight brothers conquered Fengyun Ridge, their combined territory only exceeded Eagle Cliff.

Within the deep and beautiful cave heaven and blessed land.

With one against eight, the strength of Wenhong's own family is still so terrifyingly weak, and there is no way they can match it.

Gangya and the ancestors were talking about it, but they were already confused.

The power of the low-hanging light group in the sky weakened.

That's true...

You must know that in the Lion-Tul Kingdom, except for the Golden-winged Xiaopeng, the leader of the Little Saint Realm, there are only seven demon ancestors in total. The rabbit demon is in the middle stage of the demon ancestors, ranking eighth, second only to Lu Youfei, who has no Taoist heart. Hu Yue, the little general who swears oath, is a real nobody in Shituo country.

Lu Youfei had rarely seen similar scenes before, so he didn't care at all and laughed.

That's wrong. You just saw the Yellow Lion for the first time today. It's like the Huoguang Cave and Li Qinglin. It's not that difficult to enter...

With Brother Xian sitting in front of the curtain, he will be the representative of Taishui Mansion in the future.

In front of the Taiping Palace gate.

At that time, the red armor of the seven demon kings with green scales suddenly said something.

All of a sudden.

In front of you.

At that moment, the ancestor who had a grudge against this silver-eyed man felt relieved and cried out in joy.

The terrifying storm stopped.

In Huangya Cave, the white-headed demon king who became a skunk was the first to speak: Bai Xiaowang, you are so polite. You have not heard of the yellow lion's reputation for a long time. You are lucky to see the yellow lion's power today. How can I leave? I must have a few toasts to satisfy your admiration!

After some pleasantries.

Although now, we are vassal to the Yellow Lion and are considered by the outside world to be on the same side as the Yellow Lion.

Have you seen Bai Xiaowang and our faces look normal?

Near the sight of the four demon kings, a figure in white robes suddenly appeared.

Apart from this, I am afraid of anyone who comes to the lion and camel country.

Now, Tai Wenhong, who is about to swallow up Yingya again, has a small territory that is not very shocking, far surpassing the surrounding demon kings.

Because I represent Taishui Mansion and am a worthy brother.

I'm afraid that's the case...

Everyone's eyes narrowed for a moment, dumbfounded.

They all looked at each other, then their expressions became more respectful, and they hurriedly chased after him.

.You still have time to go...?

So my thoughts just retreated.

In mid-air below, a group of demon kings flew down and then downwards.

Yingya's territory is the largest and smallest among the surrounding demon kings.

Farewell to Huoguangdong and Li Wenhong.

Since I stepped into the realm of immortals, my strength with several small magical powers is completely the same as that after my breakthrough.

But paying protection fees to become dependent is the same as complete surrender.

The wind blew past my ears.

Time passed quickly.

What's more, that guy promised to rely on me first, broke his promise when he left home, and even wanted to drag the two brothers Huoguangdong Gangya and betray me together.

Indeed, this Yingya was originally infiltrated into a sieve by the monsters sent by the family in the past six months, and a wise brother of the family was added to become the Yellow Lion.

The five demon kings from Huangya Cave, Yingtan Mountain, Huyue Ridge and Huangshi Peak looked at each other and then flew into the air one after another.

Between thoughts.

But now, looking for book garden I only have the slightest sense of self-importance.

The name of the Yellow Lion, I'm afraid it will become even more prestigious after today!

You are so timid. If you don't have the guts to go down and take a look, you will know!

Because our group of seven monsters all arrived today, and on the same day, they were given equal treatment to join the Taishui Mansion trading place plan.

Under the summit square, a group of handsome generals were talking about it.


Anyway, we are not mortal enemies with this Shituoling yet, so what if we add the next Shituo Kingdom?

At that time, a group of demon kings who had been waiting for a long time came slowly to greet him, with cold eyes and respectful expressions.

This Eagle Cliff, the yellow lion statue is still moving?

Before noon.

Suddenly there was a flash of white light.

That's how it should be!

Not to mention his current status.

In addition to coercion, inducement and provocation, Yinmu dared to show up for half a year, and the few monsters in Yingya basically had not yet set their sights on Taishui Mansion.

From Yin Mu's thoughts, I learned that this guy actually spent less than half a year to successfully become the Prime Minister of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, Yang (sheep) swallowing the leopard and Yang Huang Shi in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor.

Seeing this, all the gray-robed brothers hurriedly gathered behind them and yelled in a low voice: Junior brother is really a genius. The teacher only taught him somersault clouds later. How can he learn it like that?

Of course, all the monsters who can step into the realm of the Monster Ancestor are at the bottom of the Monster Clan, and some of them are little people.

Wen Hongjun turned around and flew towards the place where the other seven demon kings gathered during the meeting. When he approached, he smiled and said: The Yellow Lion won a small victory today. This matter is important and needs to be celebrated. You can leave now. !”

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