Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 207: There is no escape, in the name of Qiankun!

Chapter 208 There is no escape, in the name of Qiankun!


The sky-supporting giant roared like thunder, holding the sky-supporting white jade pillar that soared hundreds of feet, and swung it down with all his strength!

This stick!

The strength is more than ten thousand jun or one hundred thousand jun!

Like a pillar of heaven collapsing, it roared down!

Northern sky.

The ancestor of the yellow-robed rabbit demon who had originally hidden his figure and fled quickly turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw behind him and above his head, a white jade pillar that was an unknown number of miles long and towering like a sky pillar, coming with the force of thunder!

At this moment, the ancestor of the yellow-robed rabbit demon who had just escaped from the tiger's mouth and was cursing in his heart was still rejoicing. Looking at the scene behind him, he felt that he had just come out of the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den.

His eyes widened for a moment, and his face looked horrified.


Rocks are flying and dust is rising.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon felt that the space around him instantly became tighter again.

Low above the ground.

The wailing sound of the white jade shield continued intermittently.

Lu Youfei smiled. It seemed that the old demon was determined to get out of the ground.

Any faster, and I'm afraid I will die of suffocation underground.

A small number of big demons ran away in panic.

Realizing that he might have been discovered.

The sense of sound in my ears suddenly became extremely sensitive, and all kinds of countless sounds began to ring in my ears.

Lu Youfei quickly shrank the body of the sky-stretching giant back into a white-robed body. The sky-holding white jade pillar also quickly shrank to a special appearance in an instant. Lu Youfei carried it in his hand and slowly headed towards the messy place behind.

The rabbit demon Lingbao, who was escaping deep underground, was chased down by Qingtian White Jade Pillar.

I'll update the day!

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Otherwise, if I were in mid-air or on the ground, I would probably have noticed the movement of this rabbit demon.

The white shield shadow, which was still only a thin layer of light curtain, finally dissipated at that moment.

very slow.

Behind him, Lu Youfei's eyes were clear and he was looking towards the mountains and forests above.

The screams of horror from the yellow-robed rabbit demon Lingbao were even greater now.

How do I get out?

The white jade shield made a happy sound of babbling.

Lu Youfei waved his long sleeves again.

Although the surrounding dirt space has not been smashed at this moment, it is as tight as rocks, making it more and more difficult for me to move forward.

But I haven't given it any thought yet.

Then it flew straight to low altitude.

Come out!?

Low in the air.

The critical moment.

Bang bang bang bang!!

I'm just in a bad mood!

Immediately afterwards.

Then he immediately turned around and moved sideways, trying to avoid the crushing range of the ancestor's white jade spear.

What a shame!

The sound of a small drink fell instantly.

Finally, I'm about to rush out.

The eyes of the Yellow-robed Rabbit Demon Ancestor were instantly dimmed, and white jade pillars as towering as sky pillars rapidly expanded in his pupils, covering the sky!

Lu Youfei rushed to the place where the old demon in yellow robe was hit.

The halo cracks wrapped under the white shield around the yellow-robed rabbit demon became more and more ferocious and continued to shrink.


I saw that move only after a long time. The impression is unforgettable and will never be forgotten!

I immediately accelerated and headed deeper.

The figure of the yellow-robed old demon who was slowly escaping appeared in my eyes.

When flying low enough.

Another terrifying force of oppression suddenly struck from the sand and gravel below.

Very slowly, I determined the source and direction of the sound.

Pang Ran, who had been guarding me just now and kept moaning in pain and wailing, seemed to realize that his master was out of trouble, and finally he could no longer hold on, and his wailing suddenly stopped.

Divine thoughts moved slightly.

Not wanting to continue escaping upwards, the yellow-robed rabbit demon held a short blade to clear the way, and quickly walked towards the land diagonally below.

When he heard a small drink coming from mid-air below, the yellow-robed rabbit demon immediately raised his head and saw the white-robed figure waving its sleeves again.

Immediately afterwards.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon looked horrified.

This is compared to the terrifying giants holding up the sky nearby, and the majestic white jade pillars that are as tall as the sky pillars rumbling upwards.

The Yellow Robe Rabbit Demon Ancestor did not dare to hesitate any further. In just a short moment, the decision was made in his mind that was running wildly!

If I continued to stay outside, I would not die.

When it is so safe, every sip of my blood is extremely precious and cannot be wasted.

A frightening crack that was several feet narrow was centered on the smashed mountain top and instantly extended toward the peaks and valleys behind it.

After being reminded by Lu Youfei, Qingtian Dai Yunwei immediately stopped burrowing into the ground, quickly shrank and flew towards the direction of his master.

Lu Youfei stood in mid-air and glanced at the vast forest above him that was in a state of chaos.

at that time.

Without the protection of the white jade shield, the yellow-robed rabbit demon could still bear the sharp edge of the white jade pillar and try its best to escape sideways.


The yellow-robed rabbit demon who was running wildly felt heartbroken.


I looked up again, and I still saw the figure. Then I looked towards the seven weeks. Apart from the sand and dust rising all over the sky in the seven weeks, I still saw the figure of the old demon.

Lu Youfei shook his sleeves, feeling that these bastards were trapped in the world of heaven and earth, and he could decide our life or death with just a thought.

Seeing the ancestor's sharp white jade spear coming quickly from the front, it was slowly crushing him.

Lu Youfei's eyes flashed with green light again.

Last second.

Deep in the ground.

If you pay even a little attention, your opponent will escape.

at that time.

At that moment, Lu Youfei, who discovered that the old demon had penetrated the ground, did not immediately take action. Instead, he blocked his voice and listened to the sounds coming from the ground.

After finding the rightful owner, Lu Youfei immediately soared to the sky above the head of the yellow-robed old demon and shouted: Old demon, where are you escaping!

Now my only giant is wailing.

He looked at the small mountain forest land that he had smashed into a mess full of ravines and cracks.

On top of a blow filled with immense power!

Still trying to run!

The yellow-robed rabbit demon quickly walked downwards.

that moment.

Seeing the yellow-robed rabbit demon ancestor hit with a stick, he knew whether he would live or die.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon Dai Yun, with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, shiny robes, and a miserable appearance, was originally walking through the muddy water at a slower and smoother pace.

I thought I was out on my own, but it was me, right?

Lu Youfei, who was holding the white jade pillar holding the sky, was still digging into the ground.

The level of attack just now was nothing but me!

Just a breath or two.

And I see darkness again!

The sound of a small amount of protective treasures breaking apart was so insignificant.

In the despair of the yellow-robed rabbit demon Lingbao, the white jade sky pillar rumbled up.

Blocking out the sky and the sun, flying sand and rocks.

But when I looked up, I saw the smashed mountain top collapsed and the river cut off, but I saw the figure of this old demon.

The Optimus White Jade Pillar, which rapidly expanded in his hand, usually with its rear end transformed into a sharp shape, was thrown towards the ground above where the old demon was hiding.

I saw the towering sky pillar suddenly smashing down.

Just between a breath or two.


If it weren't for that majesty, I don't think I would have been able to withstand this blow, which was like a pillar of heaven collapsing.

As long as I can survive that time, as long as this big brat like Ginme can survive, I will definitely bypass me!

In the mountains and forests above.

Before thinking slowly in his mind.

This white jade sky pillar is countless miles long and wide. It covers the sky and the sun. It roars in in an instant and is about to reach the top of the head and crush itself into pieces.

If I continue to go up like that, as long as I come down a few more times, I will either be squeezed and crushed to death by the tight and compressed ground, or I will be broken by the shocking rumbling sound inside my body, and I will be seriously injured and die!

Only then did I realize that the power of the universe outside the sleeves of the Immortal Realm is really worthy of the name of small magical powers.

this moment.

I am well versed in the magical power of escaping from the earth. Do I believe that this wolf demon can chase me?


Just like now, if I was at a low altitude, fully alert to prevent this old rabbit demon from escaping, then I would notice this rabbit demon that was as slippery as a mouse.

Immediately afterwards.

But I didn't have any time to linger there, and I picked up the broken pieces.

With a small roar, Lu Youfei pushed the Qingtian White Jade Pillar toward the ground in a roundabout way.


It wasn't just that huge shield that protected me, but it was also slightly injured.

There is no way to hide!

In an instant.

But getting out?

at the same time.

A crisp sound came into my ears.

The sound of rushing through muddy water, the sound of breathing...

At that time, Qingtian Dai Yunwei flew slowly from the front, turned around and retreated into his master's sleeves before turning around in the air.

Lu Youfei knew how strong this yellow-robed rabbit demon was in frontal combat.

Lu Youfei frowned slightly, and the green light in his eyes became more and more intense. I looked at the messy mountain forest above again, looked at Qi Zhou, and looked at the nearby sky, but I still saw the figure of the old monster.

But it is still within understanding.

The towering white jade pillar that once again surged like a pillar of heaven suddenly plunged into the broken ground.

But when it comes to the ability to escape, this is definitely the weakest opponent Lu Youfei has ever encountered.

That time, Lu Youfei delayed again and flew slowly toward his ear.

A yellow figure emerged from the ground of a nearby mountain forest. Before peeking around, it quickly disappeared and rushed towards the dense forest, disappearing.

A moment.

It's Shaoshi.

Just for a short time.

Lu Youfei reached out and patted the Qingtian White Jade Pillar, and then he shot straight in the direction of the old demon's escape.

Deep in the ground.

Suddenly, I felt that there was a lot of sand, stone and soil below my head, and it was suddenly coming and falling with a terrifying and oppressive force.

But Qingtian Dai Yunwei, who was following me in the form of a drilling machine, was even slower.

Now, it’s time to put your skills to the test.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon immediately lost his decision, and a white jade treasure emitting a rich white halo and resembling a shield flew out from under him, protecting his whole body.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon immediately turned around and walked deeper into the ground.

Fight hard!


The big white shield was shaking violently.

Swinging his sleeves, he turned around and flew towards Taiping Peak.

Before Sloppy made the distinction, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

In front of you.

Lu Youfei immediately realized that this old demon was on the ground, and I got into the ground!

This unfamiliar and terrifying scene reappeared again.

This is the thought!

Lu Youfei listened carefully again and confirmed the old demon's specific location.

Just the sound on the ground that I heard in my ears made me stop very slowly.

Do I have any confidence that I can defeat this silver-eyed wolf demon who has just entered the realm of demon ancestors?

Harvesting everything but the inside makes me feel that the smallest surprise is not the power of the world outside my sleeves.

Something suddenly occurred to me.

The treasures instantly collapsed and exploded on the spot.

His complexion instantly turned hot.

Then he took the opportunity to escape, but there was still no way out.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon looked horrified and despaired in his heart.


It's like a natural disaster.

But now that I saw it, it made me run away.

Two monsters in the early stage of the Demon King!

Even if I can escape from the opponent's hands, I am not sure enough.

The terrifying force came forward, and the loud and piercing roaring noises immediately sounded from all directions.

If so, just go out and fight with this wolf monster!

Lu Youfei immediately followed him, rushed down quickly, reached out and grabbed the Qingtian White Jade Pillar and pushed upwards.

that moment.

A little demon in the middle stage of Demon Ancestor!


It's possible!

It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to maintain my magical powers.

But when the blood reached my mouth, I swallowed it down immediately.

But I have a solution.

That battle was quite laborious, but the result was an unprecedented small harvest.

With Lu Youfei's strength, the white jade pillar held up to the sky was as strong as a bamboo, and it made a roundabout way towards the ground.

at that time.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon Lingbao, who was struggling to retreat into the solid world, felt the huge rumbling sound coming from in front of him.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon immediately showed a bright expression, and his face became paler.

The further down I go the looser the ground and the slower I go.

Come to the place where the sound comes from.

Let this wolf demon know that he is also bloodless and has no temper.

A series of rich, smooth and shining treasures that shimmered with red light, white light, golden light, black energy, etc. surrounded the ancestor of the yellow-robed rabbit demon.

When you encounter rocks and fossils, everything you encounter turns into mud and water.

What kind of monster did I encounter?

Even the yellow-robed rabbit demon knew through inspection that I was the only one who had a giant.

Without my protective treasure, I will definitely resist if I encounter this ancestor's spear again.

Really, the mountains collapsed and the ground shook.

After that battle.

A violent tremor like an earthquake immediately rumbled out, spreading slowly in all directions along the center of the landing point of the Optical White Jade Pillar.


The Rabbit Demon Lingbao made a decision very slowly, and I could only continue to escape upward.

Your life is at risk!

In an instant, the ground was pierced, and it was clear that there was less and more outside.

The storm raged across the sky and earth.

Watching the yellow-robed rabbit demon ancestor struggling to be withdrawn into the universe outside the sleeves.

The yellow-robed rabbit demon's heart was bleeding, but he could only resist the sharpness of the white jade pillar and try his best to escape.

And this wolf demon obviously vowed to give up after finding him!

In an instant, it was smashed onto the top of the mountain and suddenly cracked and exploded.

I haven't considered that rabbit demon as the one in my belly yet.


I suddenly felt that the seven-week space had become extremely tight, and my magical powers were immediately blocked, making it difficult to move forward.

Countless birds and beasts fled for their lives. Find Shuyuan

The next second.

But he can only resist forcefully!

The Rabbit Demon Lingbao was determined and immediately continued upward.

In the past, Xiuwai Qiankun was powerful.

Feeling the wail of his only huge shield.

Finally, the edge of the ancestor's giant spear was right behind his eyes.

The Ancestor White Jade Spear transformed from Qingtian White Jade Pillar chased down the yellow-robed rabbit demon.

The ancestor of the yellow-robed rabbit demon extremely regretted agreeing to the invitation of the bastard Yinmu, the hawk demon!

This giant has saved me too many times.

As long as I run slower, deeper, further!

A deafening roar arrived immediately.

This is the sound of the powerful wind, raising the sound of sand and dust falling slightly, the slow and panicked sound of insects on the ground, the sound of digging into the ground, the rushing sound of walking through muddy water, and the sound of not breathing... .

That's just the day!

The reward is worth it no matter how hard I work.

The explosion hit Huangpao Lingbao's ears and all over his body, making me, who was already seriously injured, immediately feel a sweet sensation in my throat, and I was about to blurt out a mouthful of warm and cold blood.

I rushed out...

Lu Youfei picked up the sky-high white jade pillar in his hand and smashed it towards the top of the mountain!

White darkness covers the world.

A short blade with rich brilliance appeared in the hand of the yellow-robed rabbit demon.

All the treasures under my body that had no protection ability were completely destroyed before blocking this shocking blow from behind.

Can't escape!

He doesn't want to resist!

There was a shocking explosion and roar, instantly sending countless flowers, trees, and dust and sand flying tens to hundreds of feet high.

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