Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 209 The monkey was expelled from the mortal world!

Chapter 210 The monkey was expelled from the mortal world!

There are layers of deep pavilions and towers, one after another;

As soon as you enter the Pearl Palace Shell Palace, it is gorgeous and sparkling;

The blessed land of Sanxing Cave in the slanting moon.

In a spacious square where disciples usually practice their lessons.

It was noisy at this time.

A group of disciples, gray-robed disciples, were gathering together, watching as a pine tree grew out of thin air on the ground of the hard stone field.

What I saw was the green pine:

Depressed smoke spreads throughout the four seasons, and the clouds rise straight up to show off their virginity.

There is no demonic monkey at all, just frost-resistant and snow-resistant branches.

The green pine in front of me looks no different from the tall green pines around the square. It is as if it was born and raised.

In the Xianyue Eight-Star Cave, those disciples who can wear white robes are the most outstanding ones. Their cultivation and character are the most outstanding ones.

Patriarch Bodhi: Go back now, your appearance will be better than his.

The surrounding cheers suddenly rose, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Lin Xianyi nodded.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: The world is ordinary and full of dirt. He went out to see it. After experiencing thousands of feet of mortal world, it was not beneficial to his practice. You refused that thing. When is he going to set off?

When the monkey heard this, he remembered his origin and said, This disciple came from Dongsheng Divine Continent and came from Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain...

Wandashan's current cultivation level is in the realm of golden elixir. Although it is in the early stage, his strength is ordinary. With the treasures he has given him, he should have some problems in protecting himself.

Sun Wukong took the tea cup and replied: The Yellow Lion of Huangshi Peak and the Hongmei of Yingtan Mountain have withdrawn because their territories are closest and the team we sent has not yet reached the trading place. Huangyadong and The team from Huyue Ridge is also on the way, it won’t be long before they arrive...

I heard an angry shout coming from inside.

Thank you Master!

That monkey is so talented that he is definitely the most outstanding being I have ever seen in my life.

I scratched my head, slapped my knees and slowly transformed from a peach tree laden with fruits back into my original monkey form.

At that time, I turned around and saw the teacher in the bright yellow robe beside me.

Although it took a long time for the monkey to come to the cave, it was obviously for me.

The monkey chuckled, and as soon as he finished speaking, a green cypress seedling appeared in the gaze of many brothers and sisters around him. Amid the cheers, it quickly grew smaller and lower, and sprouted lush branches and leaves at the speed seen. She is tall and beautiful, and looks very pleasing to the eye.

In the study room on the seventh floor.

When the monkey heard the sound and saw that the teacher had made up his mind, he felt more and more regretful, but he had no choice but to kowtow.

I was about to speak.

The ancestor's deeds had already spread all over Taiping Peak, and quickly spread to the entire Taiping Mountain area, and were still spreading around the Taiping Mountain area.

Wandashan appeared at the door of the study with Tie Zheng and Meng Nu.

Go on your own...


Seeing that his father rejected him so smoothly, Wandashan was excited for a moment.

You and others gathered in a crowd, shouting and screaming, all looking like they were practicing cultivation!

Disciple too...

Meng Nu and Tie Zheng suddenly looked happy and said in succession.

I hope the teacher will give me permission...

After a brief sigh, Lu Youfei nodded and said: Okay, for the sake of my teacher...

Patriarch Bodhi suddenly sighed: Eighteen years are too short...


The study became quiet again.

At that time.

Just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the white-robed disciple who shouted: Shut up!

The brothers, who were originally shocked by the monkey's magical transformation, heard the pine tree opening its mouth and immediately shouted excitedly: What a monkey!

Seeing the teacher's refusal, Wandashan felt happy and immediately said: A month ago, if you wanted to mess up the things at hand, just leave...

It's for this.

What a talent!

Seeing all the junior disciples admitting their mistake, the white-robed disciple waved his hand and said, I'll give it to you!

Time flies so fast.

The monkey regretted in his heart when he heard the sound, and knelt down and said: I know I was wrong, Master. It has been nearly eighty years since I left home. Although I look back on my children and grandchildren in the past, I still dare to go because I remember that my master has not repaid his kindness.

At that time, Tie Zheng, who had a fair complexion and a slender figure, stood next to him and said: Senior sister has never been to the human world. I am sure that you and my sister are not here. It will be less troublesome for me to let senior sister go more often...

Surrounded by so many fellow apprentices, Monkey was in a very good mood. He changed what the fellow apprentices said as he pleased, enjoying the compliments and compliments of the fellow apprentices. He was in a very relaxed mood.

After praying, he walked in and left.

Lu Youfei nodded when he heard this, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said: He is personally responsible for that matter. Has the construction of the trading place been completed yet? Build fewer houses, just like this human being you visited later. I'm sure we can still look at the appearance of town houses, so let's find some human craftsmen...

The tea was boiling.

When his body turned around, he had already disappeared.

We are not acting as teachers.

No, junior brother, that's enough. Let's try another one...

Before determining the exact direction, he immediately jumped.

Lu Youfei stood up and walked behind the window, looking at the turbid blue sky inside with a deep and distant gaze.

Victoria Peak.


Teacher, Junior Brother Wukong is here...

By the way, how about Eagle Cliff? Did you hear that my brother went there the day after tomorrow?

When the white-robed senior brother stopped him, how could the monkey dare to resist? He looked pitiful. After dismounting from his horse, he said in annoyance: Senior brother, did he call you?

Or is there too much homework!?

Patriarch Bodhi shook his head: You have sinned against him, but just let him go.


Just listen to the teacher say: You already know the reason, go and call Wukong and you.

Wearing a bright yellow robe and looking majestic, the middle-aged mage with the immortal style suddenly frowned.

Patriarch Bodhi shook his head when he heard this: What about repaying kindness? He caused trouble a few days ago. All he needs to do is tell Master...

All the gray-robed disciples immediately got off their horses and got out of the way.

Moreover, the monkey has only done something like this once.

With a low figure and fair round face, Meng Nv immediately replied: Teacher, I also want to go to the human world with my senior sister...

The monkey had to stand obediently, anxious in his heart, but he dared to disturb him. Even if the hair under his body was itching, he dared to reach out and scratch it.

Immediately afterwards.

The middle-aged mage nodded.

The white-robed disciple turned and left.

Come on, Junior Brother Wukong, change into another one, so that you can have fun while waiting for your fellow juniors...

The number of fellow disciples who came after hearing the sound became smaller and smaller, and their exclamations became louder and louder.

A few days have passed since the next small battle, a sunny day and a stormy day.

At that time, the senior brother who always accompanied the teacher pointed at his nose and scolded him.

The monkey has to bow once, then again, and eight times.

Don't you dare wait any longer...

The monkey looked proud as he was praised by all the brothers.

Unexpectedly, the senior brother just said: Isn't he coming with you...

Lu Youfei nodded: You wait...

The summit of Taiping Peak.

How dare you be so quiet outside!?

However, just like me, who is a monkey, I am naughty by nature, do not want to be in the limelight, and like to be exaggerated... I really dare to compliment him on his character.

There was still time to enjoy the applause of all the senior brothers.

I am also nostalgic, looking right and left at the top of the mountain.

Lu Youfei was drinking tea with his brother Sun Wukong.

The teacher was angry, but the white-robed disciples could not tolerate such behavior either. Seeing all the junior disciples, they were filled with anger and shouted: Practitioners, when they open their mouths, their spirit will be scattered, and when their tongues move, right and wrong will arise!

The monkey thought he would be snapped at.

The white-robed disciple looked at the monkey Bai Yunxiao in the crowd in front and frowned even more.

Patriarch Bodhi: Wherever he came from, he went back to this place to give it to him.

Lu Youfei then looked at the two siblings beside him and said, What about them?

Lu Youfei nodded again: It's right to make bad arrangements. Remember to tell his uncle later...

In fact, this happened more than ten years later, nearly seventy years ago.

Taiping Palace.

is teacher...

Then I heard a voice coming from Qingsong: Brothers, this pine tree has changed... doesn't it look like it?

You will definitely do your homework badly...

Taiping Peak.

Junior brother is really bad at it, I really make you envious of him!

I immediately looked at the pitiful looking monkey and said in a deep voice: Bai Yunxiao, he is coming with you!

One wearing a bright yellow robe, the other wearing a white robe, one behind and one in front, two figures who were spreading out to enjoy the scenery were walking over quickly.

How could the monkey, who was praised and flattered by all the senior brothers, agree to the senior brother's request? He scratched his arm out of habit and scratched his neck. He casually looked at the questioning figure and said, Senior brother, I want to What are you looking at?”

The dream girl immediately followed her brother in bowing and praying.

It's Shaoshi.

Such a bad skill, it's a pity to hide it. It's too slow. Junior brother doesn't have any skills yet, so let's show him...

At that moment, Lu Youfei remembered the first time he met the two siblings in Jinhua Mansion.

Patriarch Bodhi: You ask him again, if he saw that I had no skills, would he have known it before? Did he want to learn and would he ask me? If he hadn't, others would have known it before. If he saw that he had no skills, he would definitely come here. Ask him, will he teach me?

The gray-robed disciples, who had just been punished with double their homework for a month, dared to refute even half a word.

Wandashan and his two junior brothers and sisters stood down, bowed, and turned to leave.

Just one second.

See the purpose achieved.

When the gray-robed disciple saw his white-robed senior brother, his face shrank, and he immediately stood there and was about to salute.

Hehe, that's not difficult...

Good junior brother...

On weekdays, we are also responsible for managing the disciples and enforcing various laws and regulations.

After hearing his junior brother's explanation, the white-robed disciple raised his head and frowned, glanced behind him, and then turned around to report.

The monkey stood aside obediently and looked at the ancestor eagerly.

If I refute it again, I'm afraid it will be just half a month's homework doubled.


Quickly hearing the disappointment in the teacher's mouth, the monkey quickly knelt down on the ground and said: I know that I was wrong, and I hope the teacher will forgive me!

It's these monsters that have escaped. You are going to catch us back. Even if you catch us, you must also send a warning to the surrounding people, warning us that we must take in the traitors.

Angry shouts came from inside, and the onlookers turned around immediately and were about to curse. At that time, they turned around and saw the senior brothers in white robes, who were always accompanying their ancestors. Their expressions slowly changed, and they quickly dispersed obediently. If he dared to refute even half a point, he still dared to leave privately, so he had to stand aside and wait to be scolded.

I immediately said: He comes here!

Wukong, ask him, he doesn't have that skill? Why do you want to turn into a pine tree in front of me? Why do you show off in front of me?

When the two brothers finished talking about territorial affairs, they had just finished drinking a pot of tea.

Lu Youfei picked up the teapot, filled the teacup, handed out a cup, and said casually: Next time, are all the people from Huangyadong and Huyue Ridge here?

The white-robed disciple immediately asked: Ask him, what's going on behind the scenes, why is there so much noise?

The monkey was speechless when he heard the voice: Grandmaster, you...

Bad for a while.

Xiniu Hezhou is in the extreme south.

Sun Wukong got up and left.


After the white-robed disciple bowed, he stood aside and continued to speak.

Lu Youfei paused slightly when he heard the sound, then he took Wandashan's words seriously and said casually: Where is he going to travel?

At that time, another senior brother said: Junior brother, that Qingsong has turned really bad. Can he change into another one so that you can wait and see?

The monkey replied respectfully: Teacher, it has been more than eighteen years since I came to the cave...

Immediately, the green pine figure flashed and once again turned into a short, ugly monkey wearing a gray robe.

The disciple in gray robe immediately said respectfully: I dare to hide it from my senior brother. This is junior brother Lin Xianyi's acting and playing. You asked me to turn into a green pine, and what I changed was very different from the green pine at the foot of the mountain. You asked me to turn into a green cypress, which is also green. They are tall and straight, and they are completely alike. The brothers cheered loudly, so they disturbed the brothers. I hope they can forgive me!

The white-robed disciples bowed respectfully, and then walked slowly toward the rear where a small number of gray-robed disciples had gathered.

Having said that, Tie Zheng immediately bowed and said, I hope the teacher will give me permission.

You want to go out and see the human world. When you listen to what my junior sister and junior brother say about the human world, you feel it's just plain, so you want to go out and see...

Behavior in the eyes is not proof.

Bad, bad, bad!

is teacher!

Moreover, Lu Youfei appreciates your character and will worry less.

Yes, there is a mistake. Junior Brother Wukong is willing to show you the magic. You are the worst Junior Brother!

Junior brother, change into another one, change into another one and let's see...

so bad!

Wandashan finished speaking in his best possible tone, and then looked at the teacher with a relaxed heart.

When the monkey heard this, he felt more and more regretful, and said with tears on his face: Disciple will never dare to mention the word master, just say that you know it yourself...

Otherwise, with the monkey's cultivation at this time, how could he still be wearing gray robes? He would have changed out of white robes long ago.

Sensing the anger on the teacher's face, the white-robed disciple immediately spoke respectfully and then walked towards the crowd who were still watching.

What a bad monkey!

Of course, that has nothing to do with whether Junior Brother Wukong is wearing a white robe.

Sun Wukong knew that the matter that Brother Xian valued most at the moment, nodded again: When Brother Xian said what he said on the first day, the construction had not finished yet. These human craftsmen are very cooperative, and the people above are also working very hard. After a few days, Dear brother, you might as well go and take a look, if you don’t notice anything...

Junior Brother Wukong is really the bad Junior Brother you have been waiting for. He is always stingy. Brothers and sisters, are you right?

Yes, dad...

After all, if you want to become a white-robed senior brother, you need more than just cultivation.

At that time, I heard the Patriarch turn his head and say in a deep voice: Not yet. Once he leaves, he will be a good man in his lifetime. You don't care how he causes trouble and commits crimes, but he can say that he is your disciple. If he says half As soon as the word comes, you will know it, peel off the skin and file the bones of his hozen, banish his soul to the four secluded places, and teach him that he can turn over after thousands of calamities!

Did you hear it clearly!?


Lu Youfei made tea again. While doing so, he looked at the eight disciples beside him and asked, Tell me, what's the matter?

It seems possible to recover.

I'm disturbing the teacher. The disciple came in first...

Hear the noise over there.

Looking at me, I haven't grown up yet.

The monkey scratched his head and followed immediately. After walking a few steps, he saw the Patriarch in a bright yellow robe in the distance, looking at the sky with his hands behind his back.

Hearing Wandashan’s plan.

But with the teacher's pampering, it's too late for anyone to envy him, so how can he dare to look down on him.

Lin Xianyi: Yes, I still have time to tell my dear brother that some feathered monsters have left, at least this silver-eyed hawk monster. As for me, you are still dealing with it.

Wandashan Tiezheng Mengnu's eight horses stopped, turned around, and drank a cup of spiritual tea that was rich in spiritual energy and overflowing with tea fragrance.

Lu Youfei actually agreed.

Patriarch Bodhi, who was looking at the sky with his hands behind his hands, said, Wukong, how long has he been in the cave?

The monkey was startled, secretly thinking that he was evil, and his expression became more honest. He followed his senior brother and came to the side of the ancestor.

Moreover, the appearance is not the same as the cypresses surrounding the site.

It's just that the Patriarch has been looking at the sky with his hands behind his hands, and he has always spoken.

Then the white-robed disciple pointed at the high-browed junior disciples beside him and shouted: One by one, their homework will be doubled in the next month!

Then everyone bowed respectfully and entered and exited the room.

At that time, I saw a gray-robed disciple walking out of the crowd of onlookers.

at that time.

Patriarch Bodhi turned his head, looked to the horizon again, and said in a serious voice: Go...

Although Junior Brother Wukong looks as ugly as ever.

The other side cheered and cheered, giving this ordinary.

How does he feel?

Teacher, you want to go out for a walk and travel...

Next to him, a disciple in white robe noticed the situation immediately and said respectfully: Teacher, the disciples above me practice and observe etiquette on weekdays, so there must be no reason for being quiet. I'll wait for you to ask...

Lu Youfei nodded when he heard this: Brother makes his own decision, I just asked you...

When they heard the order, all the disciples were honest and responded: Yes, senior brother!

That time finally made the teacher a little angry, so the monkey had no trouble that time. Find the bookstore

Lu Youfei picked up the teapot and poured eight cups, then said, Come back and drink that cup of tea...

The monkey turned around again, but he only saw the beautiful scenery of the mountains. There was no cave, heaven, and the master's gate where he had lived for many days and nights.

All the disciples in gray robes were scolded and turned into disgrace. One of them was about to leave and said: Brother, wait...

After all, the only one with a cultivation level like Junior Brother Wukong's who is willing to play with himself and other junior brothers with low cultivation levels and low status is Junior Brother Wukong.

When I think about it at that time, it seems like not that long has passed.

If he is afraid of disaster, he must tell me; if he tells me, I will definitely hold a grudge and harm him: his life can be saved...

The gray-robed brothers who were watching immediately exclaimed.

Hearing what the teacher said, the monkey felt a little shocked and regretful. Thinking of those happy times in Dongshan, he suddenly felt sad and said with tears on his face: Where do you want to go, teacher?

Just flew down the hilltop.

Look at them, gathering in crowds, noisy, noisy...all their daily homework is in vain!?

Then he jumped up, turned somersaults in the air, and suddenly bowed to the clouds on his feet. The monkey stepped on the clouds, quickly flew down into the air, and circled around the Xianyue Eight-Star Cave where I lived for countless days and nights. forward, and then flew towards the sky.

The gray-robed senior brother who asked the question immediately turned his head and looked around. He saw that around the venue, in addition to the green pines, there were also lush green cypress trees. They were very tall and beautiful, so he blurted out: Junior brother, This cypress looks bad, so how about I turn it into a cypress and take a look at it to open your eyes?

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